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Podcast Services

Launch Your Top-Performing Podcast with EPYC Production

Without a premium podcast, your audience won’t engage with your message. When you launch and grow your podcast using EPYC Production, audience and income increase.

Reach Millions of New Clients Across The Globe Without Having To Think About Marketing, Production & Algorithms...

...With The Power Of 'Run-For-You' Podcasting! All The Pros Of A Podcast Without Having To Deal With The Time-Consuming Production & Management Process!

Get Started

So, Why Start A Podcast?

The questions isn't why start a podcast, it is WHEN should I start my podcast!

Podcasts Are The Easiest, Quickest, And Most Efficient Way To Reach And Connect With Your Target Audience!

People who listen to podcasts WANT to hear what you have to say. They're just waiting for you to share your knowledge with them, and effectively, sell them on what you have to offer as a business or influencer.

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63% of made a purchase from a product a host promoted on their show


71% visited a sponsor's website


Nielsen Media Research discovered average consumers engage with podcasts 4x longer than blogs, videos, and social media posts

So, If Podcasts Are So Perfect Why Don’t More Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Have One?

You’d think entrepreneurs and business owners would be jumping on the Podcast Bandwagon.

But, another problem is: Podcasts demand a lot of time and work behind the scenes to set up, run, and maintain on your own.

Unlike a blog or social media page, you can’t just start podcasting.It’s an entire logistical operation from creating a catchy stand-out intro jingle to editing out the um’s, ah’s, and distractions from every episode.

There’s no getting away from the time it would still take to make it come all together and hit the right notes with your audience.

Then, there’s all the planning involved too.Launching a podcast solo is often around a 6-12 month learning curve before you can even start to see the benefits...

For many, the time and effort a podcast takes on top of the daily running of their businesses and brands are too much to handle.
Have you been wondering how we do it all?

The Secret Behind How We Make Magic

Shows We Produce

Entrepreneurs and businesses we’ve successfully launched and run podcasts for...

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You Can Build A Tribe Of Loyal Followers, By Simply Recording Conversations... We’ll do the rest!

Podcasting Is A Refreshingly Unsaturated Market That’s Got Everything Perfectly Lined Up To:

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    Build a truly engaged audience

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    Scale intimacy

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    Build a global audience

  • Update design of CTA components Login Page: “I’m a Creator”, “I’m a Sponsor” Home: add CTA quiz more Tracker numbers: numbers move as you scroll Add Search Filter to Episode, Show, and Creator Pages (Tutorial Here, Tutorial 2 Here) — https://www.ted.com/talks  Add Quiz page tool and feature: Answer questions to provide results via a categories page on EPYC website. (Typeform, Paperform, Outgrow, Bucket.io), https://www.acquisition.com/, https://vidico.com/quiz/  Form Integration, Payments, and Contact Form CATEGORIES: Add descriptions, photos CREATORS: Add photos, bios, etc. DESIGN: Update logo, colors, and brand photos Fix alt text, broken links and page issues

    Sell ‘without’ selling

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    Earn credibility

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    Generate more income with advertisers

What's Included

creative titles

Episodes Scripts

Writing podcast episode scripts involves crafting engaging and informative content for the spoken-word format, including outlining topics, researching and fact-checking, and including cues for music or sound effects.

monthly charts

Content Planning

Podcast content planning involves brainstorming and organizing ideas, creating a content calendar, and outlining episode topics and themes to ensure a consistent and engaging listening experience.

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Launch Schedule

A podcast launch schedule outlines the timeline for creating, recording, editing, and publishing podcast episodes, as well as promoting the podcast to potential listeners.

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Guest Invitation Concierge

Guest Invitation Concierge is a service that assists podcasters in identifying and contacting potential guests for their show, helping to streamline the guest booking process.

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Media Kit

A podcast media kit is a document that provides potential sponsors with information about the podcast's audience demographics, download statistics, and advertising opportunities, among other relevant details.

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Reels Per Episode

We create Instagram Reels for each podcast episode by taking the highlights of each episode and turns them into short video clips for sharing on Instagram to attract new listeners.

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YouTube Videos Per Episode

Our team professionally edits and produces a full YouTube video for every podcast episode.

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Graphics Per Episode

We create graphics for each podcast episode such as episode artwork, social media images, and promotional materials to help build brand recognition and attract new listeners.

EPYC Production Services

At EPYC Production, we understand that every creator and company is unique and requires customized plan. Select your service package below.


Contact Us

Custom pricing available on a call.


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    Full Podcast Branding (Podcast Cover, Graphics, Video Assets, etc)

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    Copywriting, scriptwriting, and show notes writing for Podcast Material (Titles, show notes, etc) 

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    Full audio & video editing for podcast episodes, 2 promotional clips (IG reel + YT short), 2 reel covers, 1 YouTube thumbnail for every episode.

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    Uploading and scheduling of audio episodes on all podcast platforms

    *Uploading & Scheduling of video episodes, segments, and shorts on YouTube optional with an additional fee

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    4 one-on-one calls with Podcast Producer & Creative Director Jessica Hurley (Including launch strategy call, podcast branding & messaging, and general content strategy)

    *Optional monthly check in calls after podcast launch

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    Dynamic audio ad insertion for internal promos and external sponsors/ads


Contact Us

Custom pricing available on a call.


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    Full Podcast Branding (Podcast Cover, Graphics, Video Assets, etc.)

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    Copywriting and scriptwriting for Podcast Material (Titles, show notes, copy for graphics, etc)

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    Full audio & video editing for podcast episodes, 3 promotional clips (2 IG reel + 1 YT short), 2 segments, 2 reel covers, 1 YouTube thumbnail for every episode

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    Uploading and scheduling of audio episodes on all podcast platforms, as well as video episodes, segments, and shorts on YouTube 

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    8 one-on-one calls with Podcast Producer & Creative Director Jessica Hurley (Including launch strategy call, podcast branding & messaging, in-depth content planning & strategy, and deliverables review)

    *Optional monthly check in calls after podcast launch

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    Episode scripting for solo episodes and guest interview episodes

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    Full LIVE podcast video & audio production with an on-site videographer and creative direction from podcast producer Jessica Hurley

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    Dynamic audio ad insertion for internal promos and external sponsors/ads
    Video ad editing & insertion for internal promos and external sponsors/ads

Are You Not Ready For A Podcast?

We have services to get you featured on podcast. PITCH ME is your gateway to elevating your visibility as a sought-after guest in the podcasting realm. Our unique approach revolves around tailoring your pitch to be the perfect fit for a range of shows, maximizing your exposure and authority.

We offer flexible contracts based on the number of interviews you aim to secure, whether you're targeting a dynamic set of six or aiming for a more extensive exposure with ten interviews.

pitch me

Contact Us

Custom pricing available on a call.


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    Tailored Pitching: Craft personalized pitches to make you the ideal guest for a variety of podcasts.

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    Flexible Contracts: Choose between contracts based on the number of interviews, with options for 6 - 10 interviews.

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    Dedicated Support: Access to our team for a scheduled call, ensuring we understand your goals and preferences.

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    Questionnaire: Receive a detailed questionnaire to help us create the ideal pitch deck for your media outreach.

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    Enhanced Visibility: Elevate your presence and authority by being featured on podcasts relevant to your expertise and interests.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is EPYC Production for?

Absolutely ANYONE, including you.

It’s for ANY smart business owner or entrepreneur who knows about and wants to harness the power of podcasts, but up until now has not had the time.

Our service can help you expand your message, share your stories, cement your expertise, and truly help people…

...in as little time as humanly possible!

Podcasting with EPYC Media is about getting all of the rewards without any of the work!

That includes the launch which we can successfully pull off in 30-days!

You can continue focusing on growing and scaling your existing business, rather than worrying about things like editing, production, and algorithms!

Then, when you feel like asserting yourself as an authoritative figure in the market, connecting your audiences, and driving eyes to your newest project - all you need to do is record some content.

We’ll take that content and turn it into a clean, polished podcast episode that people will consume like crazy - and want to come back for more!

We can even help you turn it into an income stream of its own.

So, why start a podcast?

The question isn’t why start a podcast... it’s why NOT start a podcast!

Podcasts are the easiest, quickest, and most efficient way to reach and connect with your target audience!

People who listen to podcasts WANT to hear what you have to say. They're just waiting for you to share your knowledge with them, and effectively, sell them on what you have to offer as a business or influencer.

How fast can someone monetize or build an audience?

The speed at which someone can monetize or build an audience depends on several factors, including the type of content they produce, the platform they use, their marketing strategy, and the quality of their content. Here are a few general guidelines:

  1. Content type: Some types of content, such as viral videos or popular blog posts, can gain a large audience quickly. However, other types of content, such as educational courses or niche blogs, may take longer to build an audience.
  2. Platform: Different platforms have different levels of competition and audience engagement. For example, it may be easier to gain a large following on a new social media platform with fewer users, compared to an established platform like YouTube or Instagram.
  3. Marketing strategy: Successful marketing can help build an audience more quickly. This can include promoting content on social media, collaborating with other creators, or utilizing paid advertising.
  4. Content quality: High-quality content is more likely to attract and retain an audience, as well as gain positive word-of-mouth promotion.

Overall, there is no guaranteed timeline for monetizing or building an audience, and it may take anywhere from a few months to several years. However, consistent effort, a focus on producing high-quality content, and a well-planned marketing strategy can help increase the chances of success.

How quickly can I see results?

Podcasting is a long-term, relationship building form of content creation.

Your audience will feel like they are your friend sitting on the couch with you - therefore it is based on your ability to connect.

We do not promise any results, but your tribe will find you through consistency & content that people want to share with others!

Are you wondering if your podcast idea is viral worthy?

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is this something your audience is asking for or nosey about?
  2. Is this something you have already experience when shared will help other people?
  3. Is there substantial growth for you and/or your business?

Write out 20 podcast title ideas! This is marathon content people want to talk about with you for 25+ minutes.

Want to test it out?

Get on other people's podcasts & see if it goes well.

The next 4 weeks, talk about the podcast on your social medias & see if people reach out & share how it is impacting them!

How much does it cost per episode?

A high-quality podcast runs about $3,000 per episode per the industry standard.

Don't worry EPYC Production has you covered!

If this is something you are ready to invest in, you will not have to pay $3,000 per episode, but you will have over 3 months worth of viral worthy content.

Not ready for a highly-produced podcast, yet... That is OK!

Learn how we are using podcasting as a top-of-funnel authority building & relationship building tool to avoid annoying algorithms & being on a content hamster wheel...

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