In this episode, Diverse host Ralph Newell sits down with veteran counselor and counselor educator Dr. Frank Burtnett to discuss his latest book Career Challenges: Straight Talk about Achieving Success in the Technology-Driven, Post-COVID World of Work (Third Edition).
Tune in as Burtnett examines the career development encounters people experience across their work lifespan, the eight phases for career success, and the challenges one must confront and resolve as they navigate this process.
Learn how Career Challenges is the next best thing to having a professional career counselor in the room and about its value to not only the career-minded individual but to counselors, staffing professionals, educators, and more.
“I didn't know this at the beginning of my education career, but I think I learned it along the way, and it's more pronounced today than ever, it is that we don't do enough life skills education.”
“Along came this thing called lifelong learning. No one who prepared 20, 40, or 60 years ago is prepared for today's world of work. Technology has screwed all that up.”
“If you don't know where you're going, you will probably end up someplace else. And I think somewhere in this world up here we have to have a goal. We have to have a plan to reach that goal.”
Challenges: Straight Talk about Achieving Success in the Technology-Driven World (Third Edition):
Use PROMO Code: RLEGEN20 for a special discount! Dr. Frank Burtnett:
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In The Margins is produced by Diverse: Issues In Higher Education and edited by Instapodcasts (visit at
Such an amazing platform. So many milestones have been made and so many more to come.
I like that the episodes aren’t too long but are still very informative
Such a great approach on the different perspectives surrounding diversity and how it affects all communities! Enjoying each episode!
This is an amazing podcast. I am glad you are stepping up and talking about a sensitive topic that is not talked about enough. Thank you for sharing this information. It effects students in higher education and the effects carry over into the workforce when the students graduate. Some students are tainted because there was not enough taught on diversity and the students perspective are skewed.
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