Career Coaching: Overachieving, Workplace Boundaries, and Mindset Shifts with Shaperyla SmithYour Next Move

Career Coaching: Overachieving, Workplace Boundaries, and Mindset Shifts with Shaperyla Smith

Your host Kimberly Brown has been a career coach for over a decade, helping women and people of color navigate the world of work, make more money, and position themselves as leaders. And in this episode, we get to see her in action!

Tune in as Your Next Move does something a little different with live career! Totally unscripted, don’t miss this sneak peek into what Kimberly does best and find out how you can be her next career coach client!


  • Balancing personal life with work life
  • How to respect your own boundaries in the workplace
  • Does it always pay off to be an overachiever?
  • Where is your pain point?
  • Mindset shifts as you rise the ranks in your career


“Every interaction you have is an opportunity for you to realign yourself to where you want to go.”

Interested in joining to be a live career coaching client in a future episode? please go to:

Have career and leadership development questions? Email Kimberly at

Learn more about Kimberly Brown and download a free career strategy template at

Read the book “Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning Into a Career You’ll Love” at

Follow Kimberly on social media:

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This podcast came right on time! My fiancé attended a conference & met Kimberly. He immediately told me about her book and her story & I was hooked. I really feel like listening to this podcast and reading her book will truly propel me and many into the next career move. Often times I find podcast that speak solely to quitting your job, but what about us that really enjoy what we do and just want to elevate? Kimberly did THAT! & I’m appreciative.This isn’t a podcast that you listen to in the background, GRAB YOUR PEN & PAPER! 🙌🏾

Your Next Move

I just listened to Episode 22, Being an Ambitious Woman with Tiffany Aliche and was so impressed. The time just flew by as I enjoyed the solid career advice Kimberly and Tiffany shared. Documenting your accomplishments was one of the ideas that I thought was especially good -- because if YOU don't know what you accomplished and what your big wins are, you cannot possibly expect others to remember. I look forward to tuning in again.

Your Next Move

Kim gives practical, USEFUL career advice. I look forward to new episodes every week.

Carmen Blak
Your Next Move

Short and easily ingestible coaching and informational knowledge. Kimberly tells relatable stories and gives great career advice!

Your Next Move

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