Your host Kimberly Brown has been a career coach for over a decade, helping women and people of color navigate the world of work, make more money, and position themselves as leaders. And in this episode, we get to see her in action!
Tune in as Your Next Move does something a little different with live career! Totally unscripted, don’t miss this sneak peek into what Kimberly does best and find out how you can be her next career coach client!
“Every interaction you have is an opportunity for you to realign yourself to where you want to go.”
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0:00foreign0:07[Music]0:18welcome to the your next Move podcast0:20y'all we are doing something different0:23today and I am wildly excited I have0:26been a career coach0:28sends0:292011 helping women and people of color0:32navigate the world of work make more0:34money and position themselves as Leaders0:36I've spent thousands of hours doing0:39career coaching and I want you all to0:42see me in action and I want to give0:45professionals like you the opportunity0:46to get career coaching so today we are0:50going to do some Live Career coaching on0:53camera and this is unplanned I have an0:55idea kind of what we're talking about0:57but just like with any career coaching0:59situation what comes up is going to come1:01up and I hope that you find something in1:04this episode that is going to help you1:06navigate the world of work with Eve so1:08with that I would ask you to introduce1:10yourself tell us a little bit about1:11yourself okay1:12hi my name well not hi my name is1:15chapalia Smith I'm affectionately known1:18as Pearl I'm from Jacksonville Florida I1:21currently live in Houston Texas uh my1:25project manager in the healthcare1:26industry I've been doing that for about1:28two years now1:31um so I'm so grateful to be on your show1:34I am a big fan of yours thank you so I1:37am really happy to be here I'm excited1:39so how long have you been in healthcare1:40so I've been in healthcare since1:442012. so this year was my 10 years in1:47healthcare1:48um I transitioned from like the patient1:51access registration area and then I1:53worked my way up to project management1:55okay so tell me about what's going on1:57right now in your career so right now2:00I'm at I feel like I'm at a pivotal2:02point where I'm trying to balance my2:04personal life with also my work life and2:07I'm trying to be more assertive with my2:09boundaries at work and navigating that2:12space ways to not come off as2:14too assertive but also stay in control2:17as a project manager you know you have2:20to lead your team so I want to be able2:23to exert affert my boundaries as well as2:28pivot even more in my career so I'm here2:31to see what's your advice2:34about how can I respect my boundaries in2:39the workplace and also pivot so tell me2:41a little bit more how large is your team2:43so my team right now is a hundred2:47um individuals I'm the project manager2:49for that department that's a lot of2:51folks yeah yeah that's a lot of people2:53okay2:54um and where do you feel like your2:55boundaries are being impacted like where2:56is it that you are feeling the most2:58distress3:00um so I feel like it's more with the3:02leadership team so it's five of us okay3:06um I'm I anticipate people needs very3:10well and I get attached to those that3:13are in higher authority because I just3:15want to make sure that they know that I3:18understand them that I have their back3:20I'm very loyal to default sometimes3:23right okay so I really want to know3:27like how do I navigate that without3:29crossing the line so you could tell me3:31if I'm wrong but what I hear you saying3:33is that you in the workplace because3:35you're a high achiever yeah and because3:37you see the leadership team and you can3:39see what their needs are you are3:41proactively solving problems proactively3:43doing all things and I'm assuming is3:46that becoming overwhelming like yeah3:48because you're working long hours like3:50what's going on yeah so I work long3:52hours from anticipating these going3:55higher than I'm even my role is supposed3:58to right I'm just trying to make sure4:01they're good but it's a business so they4:04only care if you're showing up doing4:06your job they're not really care about4:09the well-being so yeah are you clear on4:12what your trajectory is like do you feel4:13like the work you're doing now is4:15setting you up for your next move4:17so I think it it has set me up this far4:21but I'm ready to grow I can feel myself4:25itching towards like okay it's time for4:27the next step got it got it okay so have4:30you had a conversation about getting4:32help getting support4:34yes what has happened there uh so I'm4:37very vocal about my needs now since4:39reading a book good good4:43so I had that conversation4:46um4:47but it wasn't uh received in a way that4:49we wanted to and4:52um I was disappointed by that so what4:55happened what was the result4:57um it was more like okay so you want to5:00move up so now let me just throw this on5:03you let me throw these tasks on you I5:05know you can do that so let me just give5:07you more on your plate and it became to5:10I'm doing way more in my job now than5:14I'm supposed to and I feel like I'm just5:15doing busy work ex um5:18sorry um I feel like I'm doing more busy5:21work than I am doing my actual job now5:24so it sounds like when you went and said5:26like hey like I want a higher title I5:29want more responsibility did they give5:31you more money at least5:32yes okay okay I know that getting more5:35money getting more money does not make5:36it better it does not but it makes it a5:38little better yeah it's just a little5:41bit it doesn't always make it better but5:43it's even worse because sometimes I've5:44had situations where clients are they're5:47looking to get to the next place and5:48their boss like oh I really need to see5:50you show some more initiatives yeah so5:51they make them do more without more pay5:54so they gave you more pay but it sounds5:55like now like there's too much work have5:57you when in that conversation did you5:59ever talk about getting more team to6:01directly support you because if you're6:02project managing for 100 folks do you6:04have direct reports who are helping you6:06do that project management work so6:09that's the part I I left out so the the6:12team that I'm um the project manager for6:14I was their supervisor before I became6:17their project manager so they're used to6:20just reporting straight to me did they6:23backfill your old role they did uh six6:26months into my role okay yeah are you6:29properly re-navigating people back to6:32your backfill instead of helping them6:35in the last month I've been6:38so that's a no I feel like it's a no you6:41know again I'm very like loving loyal so6:46but yes no I have not okay so you're6:49letting that person have an easy job6:51yeah yeah okay so I think number one6:54with boundaries it's like figuring out6:57where is the pain point so one pain7:00point you talked about today is you had7:02a hundred people who you were with7:04before yeah and those hundred people are7:07still coming to you even though there's7:09someone in the middle yeah7:11do you feel like this person in the7:12middle is trained properly7:14so I think7:16um when I realized that like hey this is7:18getting too much for me like I've I took7:21time on my schedule to make sure like7:24okay this is what you need more help in7:26so they're getting better7:29um and they actually hire another person7:31to help that person7:33after I'm about to roll let's just put7:35that out there hold on7:37yeah okay okay7:40so um so it's getting better and they're7:43now able to rise to the occasion more7:45but still when you have those people7:47that are used to your way yes they they7:50keep coming7:53that I have to redirect yeah so I see7:55your coaching yourself I love it I love7:57it because so many times when we talk7:59about boundaries it's we know we know8:03what to do because we know it doesn't8:04feel good yeah what doesn't feel good is8:06you doing these two jobs at the same8:07time because you're letting these folks8:09still come around to you so it's kind of8:11pushing back now do you feel if these8:14folks were not still coming to you do8:16you feel like you'd have more bandwidth8:18you'd feel a little bit better or is8:19there still pressure coming from your8:20leadership too8:22still pressure coming from my leadership8:24too because they know that I can do the8:27job and that I'm gonna do everything I8:29can to make them happy so8:33here was they were my direct report8:35before so now we're on the same level so8:39it's still like8:40I still see you as that little person8:42but just more responsibilities and I8:44know you can handle it and so I'm gonna8:47just keep adding to your plate so am I8:49correct in thinking that like so let me8:52get your hierarchy correct so you were8:54in role a8:57listen let me do it yet now I'm gonna do8:58it that way so you were in roll a and9:01you got moved to the next position of B9:04Which is higher so now you and all your9:06leadership team are on the same yeah the9:08same area9:10are they still treating you like you're9:11in rule a9:15yes9:17and so they're not going to your9:19backfill9:22on both sides okay9:25we need to re-navigate on both sides9:27yeah yeah and I think even in your9:30language9:32so I had to ask for clarification9:33because that was the first time that you9:36said now you're on the same level as the9:38leadership team yeah and I think that's9:40also a mindset shift of you9:43you are the leadership team yeah they're9:47no longer above you and I think that's a9:49very difficult transition I think for9:51everyone involved but I think9:54a your mindset has to believe now that9:56you you're no longer9:58the person who they're coming down on10:00pushing back down on and the same way10:03you're re-navigating the hundred we need10:06to re-navigate your peers we're not10:08calling them leadership team anymore10:09yeah re-navigate your peers10:12to that other person to reroute the work10:15because you're gonna feel pressure on10:17both sides do you feel like what does10:20that how does that feel for you how does10:21that land when you think about like you10:23being on the leadership team and not10:25being10:27someone who's reporting to that team10:28anymore10:30um if conflicting feelings right because10:32sometimes I'm like okay should I had10:34took this role in the same Department10:36that I was at role a right I should like10:39should I had went to another department10:40where the team doesn't know me and so10:43they have like more respect10:45and then it's more like okay so I'm10:48proud of myself because I'm at your left10:51the same level as you and so yeah it's10:55conflicting feelings10:57is definitely really hard when you move11:00from different levels within some within11:02an organization especially in the same11:04like immediate chain of command11:07but I also just want to give you your11:09Kudos and that like that's what that's11:11what everybody wants right like11:13everybody wants to get promoted in their11:15area and just keep Rising do you like11:18your job yeah I like it11:20I like what it's supposed to be I'm like11:22I was like I like it I just I feel like11:25I'm I'm ready for growth and I'm a fast11:28grower so in the eyes of my peers they11:32think oh you're still new in this role11:34but I know I can do more so I'm ready to11:37grow11:38how long have you been one of the peers11:40now11:42um11:43almost two years almost two years yeah11:46and six months ago they hired her no11:48sorry I've been with this company for11:50two years almost one year now so almost11:52one year now and when did they hire11:54backfield six months ago yeah11:57yeah okay11:59you just you need to re-navigate these12:02folks because you're not going to feel12:04the difference12:05until you re-navigate people to the12:08appropriate chain of command I think12:11that is why it sounds like your12:14boundaries being broken it's just about12:15you doing work that is not at the level12:17because when you become when you work12:20into a come into a leadership role the12:23goal is that you are working on higher12:24level strategy higher level thinking12:26more big picture things you're able to12:29think about vision and one year planning12:31three-year planning five-year planning12:33but if you're still doing the day-to-day12:34nuances12:36it's not going to feel like you had that12:38jump and you had that growth yeah and12:41it's been a year12:42and so we get the first six months of12:44transition12:45I I also understand the six months of12:47transition when you get someone enrolled12:49because they had to get upskilled yeah12:51yeah but now they're upskilled12:55and you need to let them do their job13:00is there any other boundary issue that13:02you feel that's outside of that is it13:04really just like the sandwich that's13:06happening or is there something else13:07that you feel like you need more13:08assistance with13:10I think it's13:12another intern General thing like I feel13:15like13:16I should not be giving more tasks when I13:20tell you that I'm ready to13:22transition to something else I shouldn't13:25be13:27told that13:29I don't think you're ready or I don't13:32think let's do this for a little bit you13:34just got into this role when I showed13:37like that I've gotten certifications13:39I've you know did the work that I was13:42supposed to do so now I you know the13:44term well of course you know quietly13:46quitting yeah we don't do that over here13:48I don't like that term yeah13:50but yes yes I think I'm at that point13:54now like you know I I don't fought with13:57with you know my the people that was14:00over before14:01um I helped y'all I'm I trained the14:04backfield I'm dealing with my peers14:07still seeing me as role a and now14:10they're you know giving more to me so14:13it's just like now I'm in my head I'm14:16like you know I just need a fresh start14:18because I need to reset myself in order14:22to truly set my boundaries reset my14:26boundaries because y'all are breaking me14:29a cute Beyonce break my soul14:33when that song came out I felt it14:35released a job I'm like you were ready14:37for it so can I give you some tough love14:39yeah okay14:42so the issue that you're having you're14:43going to have in the next place too yeah14:45yeah it's going to follow you because14:46quiet quitting the reason why I hate it14:49so much because14:50advocating for yourself from what I hear14:52you saying14:54you have to you don't see yourself as14:56being on your leadership team14:58if you don't see yourself being on your15:00leadership team how are they supposed to15:01see you on the leadership team yeah15:03and you have to position yourself and15:06align yourself believe that you're a15:08leader in here act like you're a leader15:10and showcase that in order to continue15:12to climb15:14the past year it sounds like you've been15:16you've been doing all the things so I'm15:18very I'm very happy that they at the15:20minimum rewarded you with some money15:21with with a new title like they've moved15:25you appropriately so in essence they did15:28like part one but part two is now what15:31do you do with that15:33and you need to step into doing the job15:36as part of the leadership team15:38and once you set those boundaries and15:40you're operating and that way people are15:42going to continue to come to you and15:43continue to treat you in the way that15:45you allow them to treat you you're15:46allowing your your peers I'm not calling15:48them leadership team no more unless I'm15:49talking about you being on it yeah15:50you're allowing your peers to treat you15:51like you're not on the team15:53and when you're managers because we15:55didn't even talk about the relationship15:56with your manager but when your manager15:58sees that you're doing all these other15:59things that's not how16:02a leader would need to operate in order16:04to move forward because if I play16:06Devil's Advocate which I hate even16:08saying but if I play Devil's Advocate as16:10your boss you don't have room for16:12another upward Mobility because you're16:15still doing you won't let go of all16:16these things one of the hardest parts of16:18moving up is delegating and if you're16:20unable to delegate how can I give you16:21more work16:23I can't let you do higher level things16:25because you you just keep on taking like16:27you just adding everything to the Box16:28you're like all right I can just keep on16:29we have to kind of cut it and make sure16:32that you are aligning and positioning16:34yourself in the way that you know you16:37need to be positioned16:38and I think that takes day to day for16:41you it sounds like it's so much mindset16:43of setting these boundaries because16:45quiet quitting isn't gonna help you16:48quiet quitting16:50I'm gonna say this and I I don't16:51apologize actually I don't16:53um quiet quitting is for people who16:54really don't care about their careers16:56[Music]16:58because if you want to quite quick go16:59ahead17:00quiet quitting with people who don't17:01really want a job yeah you quite quit on17:03me I told my team before like I wish you17:05would try and quiet quit quiet quit17:06sounds like you need to be loudly fired17:08because like if you're not trying to do17:10your job17:12so I have a question yes so what if the17:15person you were when you started that17:17role you've grown you're not you're no17:20longer that person anymore that is how17:23are you re-educating people on who you17:26are every time you make a move in your17:29career it's17:31low-key like allow me to reintroduce17:33myself yeah it is who am I what am I17:37working on what is my mission what is my17:39vision and every interaction you have is17:43an opportunity for you to realign17:45yourself to where you want to go one of17:47my mentors always told me like if you17:50want to excel you can't be having water17:51cooler conversations when you want to17:54get up high you can't be at the water17:56cooler with all your direct reports17:58chilling you can't be doing the same18:00work having the same conversations at18:02the water cooler when you want to be18:03seen a deleted with me I'm not at the18:04water cooler she's like I'm over here18:06I'm talking to the leaders I'm building18:08mentors and sponsors I'm not at the18:10water cooler gossiping and I think when18:13we think about it from like a literal18:14perspective of like18:16just hanging out in that area but also18:18think about your tasks think about it18:19like how are people experiencing you so18:21how can we it part of the onus is on you18:24to18:26align that way18:28which is mindset and in your day-to-day18:30boundaries18:32I like that okay you like that okay I18:35was like I'm gonna get a little harder18:36I'm like y'all I just met her today uh18:39about I don't know how many minutes ago18:41so I was like I gotta I can't like some18:43of my friends one of my girlfriends18:44she's heard me give queer coaching18:45before and her man heard me talking he's18:47like you like can't talk to you like18:55that you are not in a position at least18:57in my opinion from what I've known about18:59you in this maybe 30 minutes what I know19:02to be true so far you are in a fantastic19:05position because you've been rewarded19:07for the great work that you are doing19:08now that you've been rewarded what are19:10you going to do with it so you can19:11continue to move19:14I feel like you can do it19:16thank you it's kind of like your book19:18says like every conversation that you19:20have with somebody that affects your19:22your career that's a career conversation19:25like I did say that19:29like sometimes I forget yeah yes exactly19:34and I think it's you aligning and having19:35more of those conversations19:36[Music]19:38to align you so you can continue to move19:40forward and once you do that I really19:42think that you're the boundaries like19:44it's really just speaking up yeah19:47and not feeling bad about it and not19:50feeling bad about it you are doing what19:52you're supposed to be doing yeah19:54yeah and there's people it's not there's19:55not people to do the work you're not19:57you're giving people the work they're19:58supposed to be doing so you can continue20:00to work on the higher level things20:04any other questions for today20:06no no20:09I really20:10hope you all enjoyed this episode I20:12enjoyed it it's fun this is my first one20:14y'all20:15um I enjoyed it so if you are interested20:18in appearing on a future episode of the20:21your next Move podcast I invite you to20:23email podcasts at manifestyourself.com20:25and let us know that you would like to20:27be a Live Career coaching guest on20:29season five we would love to have you20:33and with that may your next move be your20:35very best move talk soon y'all20:38foreignEnglish (auto-generated)AllFrom your searchFrom Kimberly BrownConversationListenableRecently uploaded
This podcast came right on time! My fiancé attended a conference & met Kimberly. He immediately told me about her book and her story & I was hooked. I really feel like listening to this podcast and reading her book will truly propel me and many into the next career move. Often times I find podcast that speak solely to quitting your job, but what about us that really enjoy what we do and just want to elevate? Kimberly did THAT! & I’m appreciative.This isn’t a podcast that you listen to in the background, GRAB YOUR PEN & PAPER! 🙌🏾
I just listened to Episode 22, Being an Ambitious Woman with Tiffany Aliche and was so impressed. The time just flew by as I enjoyed the solid career advice Kimberly and Tiffany shared. Documenting your accomplishments was one of the ideas that I thought was especially good -- because if YOU don't know what you accomplished and what your big wins are, you cannot possibly expect others to remember. I look forward to tuning in again.
Kim gives practical, USEFUL career advice. I look forward to new episodes every week.
Short and easily ingestible coaching and informational knowledge. Kimberly tells relatable stories and gives great career advice!
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