How Stress Kills Your RelationshipsDeeply Connected

How Stress Kills Your Relationships

It’s not all rainbows and butterflies when you are in a relationship, and it takes two to tango to make a relationship work together! In this episode, Ludmila sheds light on how stress can detrimentally affect your relationships. She explains that one’s capacity to navigate stress in life will inevitably determine the relationship dynamic, and whether it will be successful or not in the long run.

This is why, it is important to know how to deal with stress as early as possible as it could lead to a either codependent or interdependent approach with your partner. The way you manage and cope with stress could make or break your relationship – So tune in to this episode with Ludmila, and learn how to recognize which situations cause more stress within you and combat these stressors that kill your relationship!


• How stress impacts you and your relationship
• Ways to assess and manage your stress
• Identifying your sources of stress
• When do you need to take a break from being overwhelmed
• How stress damages your relationships
• Understanding patterns and learning how to relate to stress
• Staying deeply connected with yourself and the people you love

“Now, if you're stressed out — it means you need to step back a little bit, slow down, regulate, and then figure out what is the next step. ”

“It's not the amount of stress that is making your life more fulfilling or more connected. It's how you navigate stress, how you are proactive in strategies, and how you communicate with your significant other.”

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I’m so happy that you are diving in hyper independence and slowing down. Some women are even since you to operate on a flight mode and they don’t know any better cause that’s their norm. I’m glad your describing episodes that we don’t have to work that way that it’s not healthy to work that way.

Thank you so much! the title of your July 3, 2023 episode Uber hyper independence!

Deeply Connected

Ludmila just has a natural way of speaking to the soul! I’m always so baffled by how much I resonate with what she talks about. Would definitely recommend!!

Deeply Connected

Your podcast was so helpful! Especially because as a single woman it’s been challenging to date, I’ve been stuck in my old beliefs, you made me realize that there’s nothing wrong with me and I just have to change the way I see dating. You rock!! ❤️❤️

Ceci pichardoz
Deeply Connected

Ludmilla, I cannot express enough how listening to your podcast has opened my eyes, my heart, and my brain. You are straight forward and to the point about how to be a strong, powerful, woman in her feminine. Listening to you would help any woman looking to unpack some of the conscious and subconscious issues we women struggle with silently. You are meant to do this work. Thank you!

Deeply Connected
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