How To Become The Executive Producer of Your Life with Robert HartwellSINCE3000

How To Become The Executive Producer of Your Life with Robert Hartwell

Having starred in 5 Broadway musicals, Robert Hartwell is the founder of Strength on Stages - an elite speaker training program for entrepreneurs. When he isn’t on tour, performing at the Tony’s, or going viral for his upcoming renovation of a colonial home with OWN on Discovery+ TV, Robert lends his Broadway panache to help women of color express their own magic in business.

But how does he do it all?!

Tune in as Robert Hartwell shares a day in his life, along with his secret desires, advice to all up-and-coming entrepreneurs, and what he sees in the future as he time travels 10 years with your host Danielle Leslie.


  • Bringing Broadway to entrepreneurship (6:06)
  • Robert’s secret desire when creating his business (9:43)
  • Why we need to have conversations with every version of ourselves (13:15)
  • History is your future - meeting yourself back where you started (29:00)
  • How Robert became the executive producer of his own show and life (32:43)
  • Should we aspire to elevate out of our business? (45:56)


“You have an incredible idea, or you have a beautiful presence, but you're not able to marry your story to the marketing materials to be able to get the press and get on the stages that you so desperately want to get on.”

“It's so important for black and brown people to be in these positions of power because we then have the responsibility and the opportunity to open the door for the next line of storytellers.”


Robert Hartwell

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Thank you for reminding us what we already know deep within. We a creators! Looking forward to more. Peace


This is so powerful! Just a reminder that it is POSSIBLE! Can’t wait for the rest of the episodes! Go DL go! Go Robert go! Vibesssss

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I listened to all three in one sitting. I love how real and down to earth she is. She makes me feel like I too can fulfill my dreams and be my own person on my own terms and have fun doing it. Plus, she’s a Oaktown girl like I am so that makes it even more enjoyable to listen to her. Keep doing your thing Ms. Danielle!


Since3000 is 🔥🔥🔥Danielle’s playful, yet insightful reflection on her past, present and future self will elicit you to do the same, while time traveling on this new adventure w/ her and her guests. This is not just another podcast.

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