We’ve all been there: single, scrolling through social media, pausing on someone attractive, and hesitating to reach out to avoid looking thirsty. Or creating profiles on dating apps to only delete them a week later. With so many misconceptions around online dating, your Triggered AF hosts welcome entrepreneur, inventor, light-worker, and overall powerhouse, Dawn Dickson-Akpoghene, to discuss finding love online and what it looks like to be a powerful woman in a relationship.
Don’t miss this empowering conversation on the do's and don'ts of online dating, converting an online connection offline, and why it’s okay to step into the version of yourself that attracts the things you want on your own terms.
”It's no longer that you can date who's in your town, social media and dating apps has widened your pool. So there's nothing wrong with doing that. But there is a way to do it intentionally and get what you're looking for.”
“Lead with yourself. Lead with who you are at all times.”
Learn more about Dawn Dickson-Akpoghene at dawndickson.me
Started in the DM: Using Social Media to Find the One: Startedinthedm.com
IG | @dawnwdickson - instagram.com/dawnwdickson
Twitter | @THEDawnDickson - twitter.com/THEDawnDickson
For more info, visit their website: triggeredafpodcast.com
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Stay connected with your hosts!
Alechia Reese | instagram.com/alechiareese/
Dani Foster | instagram.com/danifostercoaching/
Triggered AF is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)
Two beautiful and uber intelligent young women discussing various topics that are extremely relevant for today? I’m in!!! I was not disappointed and I’m sure you won’t be either.
I think 🤔 we need to listen to what these women have to say. I was very impressed with the episodes and hope to hear many more.
Just wow! I’ve listened to every episode and each one has helped me in some way. I’m really clear on what it is I want and what it is I need now.
I absolutely love this show. The topics are very thought provoking and inspiring. After each episode I walked away with a deep question to self-examine and make an effort to do the work. Keep shining ladies. I am so proud 😌👑❤️
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