Navigating Conflict & Leaning into Femininity with Jackie V.Deeply Connected

Navigating Conflict & Leaning into Femininity with Jackie V.

Preparing herself to be a mother of a baby boy, former client Jackie reached out for guidance, realizing she needed to change the narrative she held around men. And who better to motivate and push you out of your comfort zone than Ludmila?!

From embracing her femininity to processing the internal challenges from childhood stuck in our subconscious, tune in as Jackie shares her journey of letting go, getting out of her own way, and allowing herself to receive.


  • Letting go of control, especially in uncertain times
  • Why did Jackie seek out Ludmila’s guidance?
  • The relationship blueprint we receive from our parents
  • How to self-regulate and navigate conflict safely
  • Removing masculine energy and learning to receive
  • Is a life coach for everyone?


“What I found through our sessions was that I was moving way too in my masculine and not allowing my partners to do and be who they wanted.”

“It's a lot of behaviors that as a child I picked up on subconsciously and didn't realize that I was then translating to my relationships as I grew older.”

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Ludmilla, I cannot express enough how listening to your podcast has opened my eyes, my heart, and my brain. You are straight forward and to the point about how to be a strong, powerful, woman in her feminine. Listening to you would help any woman looking to unpack some of the conscious and subconscious issues we women struggle with silently. You are meant to do this work. Thank you!

Deeply Connected

Ludmila is amazing and changed my life! I’m so happy that I can now tune in weekly to hear all the gems she has to offer and continue implementing everything she teaches in my life.

Ashley H.
Deeply Connected

Ludmila has taught me SOOOOOO much about being a high performing woman! She’s helped me get in tune with my feminine side & learn to trust myself! ❤️🥹 You have to listen!!!!

Deeply Connected

Some of the best relationship guidance and support you’ll ever get from a podcast! 🔥🔥🔥

Kristina Aguilera
Deeply Connected
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