Pursuing Research Excellence: Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young's Vision for HBCUs in STEMIn The Margins

Pursuing Research Excellence: Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young's Vision for HBCUs in STEM

In this episode, Diverse host David Pluviose sits down with Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young, the president of Texas Southern University and one of Diverse’s 2023 top 25 leading women to be recognized during Women’s History Month.

Tune in as Crumpton-Young speaks to her storied journey through higher education, from being the first African American woman to earn a doctorate from Texas A&M University College of Engineering to answering the call to help transform lives in higher education.

Crumpton-Young also discusses her comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to getting underrepresented students successfully through post-secondary education, promoting and supporting diverse students in STEM fields, and competing for Research-1 status at HBCUs.


  • Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young’s journey through higher education
  • How to boost the number of minorities achieving STEM doctorates
  • What is the role of HBCUs in preparing students for STEM field careers?
  • The potential impact of HBCUs reaching Research-1 classification
  • Texas Southern University’s growth initiatives for the future


“I believe being a president in higher education is all about transforming the lives of others.”

“It's clear that without HBCUs, there would be no diverse STEM workforce.”

“We need our HBCUs and our Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs). We need them to be engaged in research because they will produce good solutions to many of the grand challenges that are plaguing our nation.”


President’s bio: tsu.edu/about/office-of-the-president/presidents-bio.html

Texas Southern University to Launch College for People to Finish Incomplete Degree Programs | Diverse: Issues In Higher Education (diverseeducation.com)


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In The Margins is produced by Diverse: Issues In Higher Education and edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)

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What an amazing podcast! I’ve received so much value from these conversations and experiences. This podcast is shedding light on some very important topics, especially in todays climate. I have been loving every moment! Diverse In The Margins is most definitely worth the listen!

Hannah Momtana
In The Margins

Such an amazing platform. So many milestones have been made and so many more to come.

Abigail Santiago
In The Margins

I like that the episodes aren’t too long but are still very informative

GMU 2009
In The Margins

This is an amazing podcast. I am glad you are stepping up and talking about a sensitive topic that is not talked about enough. Thank you for sharing this information. It effects students in higher education and the effects carry over into the workforce when the students graduate. Some students are tainted because there was not enough taught on diversity and the students perspective are skewed.

Precious Rutlin
In The Margins
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