Take the Leap with Confidence Queen Kaleah JonesSix Figure Certified Coach

Take the Leap with Confidence Queen Kaleah Jones


How can you react differently to your thoughts and your emotions? How can you adapt your communication style to any situation? How can you really change your mindset so that life is happening for you in that to you? This is where success and mindset coach and NLP practitioner, Kaleah Jones, comes in!

Tune in as Katie and Liv sit down with Kaleah to discuss her journey to entrepreneurship, from overcoming imposter syndrome to letting go of fear and implementing her vision to the importance of continual growth and investment in yourself. Join the conversation as Kaleah shares her mission to help women uncover unconscious patterns and turn their passion into profits!


  • Who is Kaleah Jones, the certification queen?
  • Making a commitment to learning and development
  • What is NLP? And how does Kaleah incorporate it in her practice?
  • NLP focuses on the how rather than the why
  • When Kaleah started seeing quantum leaps in her business
  • Practice, practice, practice!
  • How to create offers that align with your values
  • “Do it scared.”


“I'm an advocate for self-coaching and always being your own biggest cheerleader, and just taking the small action steps toward the desired goal.”

“Your external success and your business growth, it cannot exceed your inner growth.”

“If you have a vision, and you have a dream, and you see yourself doing this kind of work, then do it scared. Take the leap even when you're fearful, even when you're scared, even when your inner critic is telling you all the reasons why you can't.”


Learn more about Kaleah Jones and her coaching at kaleahnicole.com/

Follow her on social media!

IG | @Kaleah_Nicole

Enroll in Kaleah’s Awakened Entrepreneur Accelerator Program: app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=20251497&appointmentType=15868155


Sign up for our FREE workshop to learn how to become a certified coach and if it's right for you at: innerglowcircle.com/becomeacoach

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Want to learn more? Text 'become a coach' to 813-212-8869!

And if you like what you’re hearing, connect with us on social media!

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Love all of the relatable stories and actionable tips on building a six figure coaching business’

Six Figure Certified Coach

In a world where everyone talks about how far they’ve come without disclosing how they got there, this podcast is a breath of fresh air. The stories are real and the takeaways are even realer. I have wasted a lot of time listening to podcasts that I got nothing from. This was the complete opposite. Every time a new episode drops, I’m ready! I love listening to Katie and Liv. Give them a listen, I think you’ll love them too!?

Deven Lee
Six Figure Certified Coach

I LOVE each and every episode! Season 2 has been a favorite, listen to other’s back story on how they got to where they are today! Inspiring and relatable! Celebrating women of all journeys and so many successes! Always feel like I’m right there at the table with Katie and Liv chatting it up!

Six Figure Certified Coach

I love all of the episodes! I really appreciate the way we get to hear how each guest started their coaching journey and how their business grows and changes as they do. The questions Katie & Liv ask evoke great answers that are insightful, informative and inspiring! IGC continues to deliver excellence!

Mary Addison Y
Six Figure Certified Coach
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