We all left corporate and started our businesses to have more control over our finances and schedule, not check our bank account to be able to grab coffee with a friend on a Tuesday afternoon or take our child to a swim class. So how can we scale our business to create income through our own gifts and set a schedule that aligns with our life?
In this episode, your host shares why there is no bad strategy to scaling one offer into multiple. The real change-maker is you. Tune in as Natanya shares how she scaled her coaching programs and why mindset is far more important than any strategy. From making friends with fear to shiny object syndrome to leaning into failure, listen in as she guides you to get out of your own way, make a decision, and go all in!
“There were sacrifices I had to make to be able to make big shifts. If I wanted to have quantum leaps in my business and in my life, I had to make decisions like I was already there.”
“I became best friends with fear because she's not going anywhere. But you got to get in the car girl, we have places to go. And I'm driving.”
Apply for Clarity to Scale: https://natanyabravo.lpages.co/cts/
Use Your Passions, Discover Your Purpose, and Create Profit with Natanya Bravo at: natanyabravo.com
And if you like what you’re hearing and want more, follow Natanya on social media!
IG | @thebravolife - instagram.com/thebravolife
FB | @thebravolife - facebook.com/thebravolife
Linkedin | linkedin.com/in/natanyabravo
Clarity to Launch is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)
As someone who both helps ppl on their journeys and struggles to keep going on my own journey, it’s encouraging to hear someone talk about feeling stuck and continuing on. Instead of just more success stories that skip over the hard parts or only talk about the hard parts in a way that downplays them to focus on the current success.
Natanya is not just about the success. She takes us through her journey to the next level as an already very successful entrepreneur. She’s real, authentic, relatable , and because of that, she’s inspiring! As I embark on a new business myself as an existing 7-figure earner, I look to her because I know success leaves clues & and I want to learn from someone I respect and like as a human. Keep delivering great content with heart!!
I’m a follower of Natanya’s online content and attended one of her trainings/webinars for Clarity to Scale, and now I’m sooo happy to get to hear even more from her through this podcast. I’ve listened to three episodes so far and can’t wait to keep going with the others. She answers questions that she knows will be on her clients’ minds— the ones you wish people would (actually) answer but they never do. She doesn’t put money before impact, but also encourages you to truly reflect on your money goals, with full permission for them to be less or more than those of others. Thank you for the episodes, Natanya!
This podcast has definitely shifted my perspective on overthinking and gaining clarity. The way Natanya delivers her messages, she helps you believe that everything is attainable. I was losing sleep over “niching down.” In the most simple, yet eloquent way she let me know that there aren’t enough characters in my bio to describe the value I have to add. Talk about freeing. Whew!
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