The Seat That Scared Me... Redefining CEO into CIO with Danielle LeslieSINCE3000

The Seat That Scared Me... Redefining CEO into CIO with Danielle Leslie

In this episode, Danielle talks about the one seat that scares even the absolute best of us - the CEO role.

As Danielle redefines what it means to be a CEO and unravels her evolution to becoming a CIO - Chief Inspiration, Innovation, and Investment Officer, you will uncover the secrets to inspiring your team, finding the bigger big, and the power of investing in the right people.

Whether you’re just starting out or well into your journey as an entrepreneur, this episode will help guide you through finding your own inner authority and North Star as a leader. Tune in and learn how to lead from a place of inspiration that empowers your team, innovations that push boundaries, and investments that align with both your soul and your business.


“This inner authority that we have the ability to listen to because we come here to this planet knowing - all we have to do is pause, be still, be inspired, and listen.”

“If I'm inspired and I'm helping you be inspired, then you're gonna take it even further than I ever thought we could. That's how I've really empowered my team.”


  • Redefining what CEO means
  • Listening to your inner authority and leading from a place of inspiration as a Chief Inspiration Officer
  • What’s the bigger big? Stepping into the Chief Innovation Officer role
  • Getting the biggest ROI from your people and yourself as a Chief Investment Officer
  • Do your investments align with your business?
  • Shifting your North Star as a CIO
  • Creating WELLTH in the Quantum Age
  • Embodying and embracing the Culture Add Economy


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Listening to Danielle is so inspirational and inspiring. It has been great hearing all she has been learning and how this has shaped her. I love that she has had so many feed into her life, yet she recognizes that you do not want them to be the voice over yours. Love it!


I listened to all three in one sitting. I love how real and down to earth she is. She makes me feel like I too can fulfill my dreams and be my own person on my own terms and have fun doing it. Plus, she’s a Oaktown girl like I am so that makes it even more enjoyable to listen to her. Keep doing your thing Ms. Danielle!


I’ve been following Danielle for about 3 years have taken her course, and followed her rise to success. She continues to be an inspiration as I find confidence in my course work and content. I was always curious as to why she didn’t have a podcast documenting her experiences and expertise, considering she knew some amazing individuals. I know her podcast and interviews, will surround myself with like minded abundance oriented friends I haven’t met yet. And will be introduced to my future self and the legacy I was fated to manifest. I’m looking forward to her interactions weekly I know her and her guest will be dropping gems! Loved the Divine North Awareness talk about some bars in that introductory episode. As Danielle would say “Let’s Go!”


The authenticity of saying yes, I mean (Yeeeeeesssss!) as you listen and feel the vibration between Danielle and her guests is just the Best!! Truly great I’m about to listen in again ! Thank you Danielle!!

Erik Reptile Guy
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