In this episode, Danielle talks about the one seat that scares even the absolute best of us - the CEO role.
As Danielle redefines what it means to be a CEO and unravels her evolution to becoming a CIO - Chief Inspiration, Innovation, and Investment Officer, you will uncover the secrets to inspiring your team, finding the bigger big, and the power of investing in the right people.
Whether you’re just starting out or well into your journey as an entrepreneur, this episode will help guide you through finding your own inner authority and North Star as a leader. Tune in and learn how to lead from a place of inspiration that empowers your team, innovations that push boundaries, and investments that align with both your soul and your business.
“This inner authority that we have the ability to listen to because we come here to this planet knowing - all we have to do is pause, be still, be inspired, and listen.”
“If I'm inspired and I'm helping you be inspired, then you're gonna take it even further than I ever thought we could. That's how I've really empowered my team.”
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0:00Welcome back to SINCE3000. I'm Danielle Leslie. And in this episode, I'm going to be talking about the seat that0:07scared the shit out of me. It is the seat I'm sitting in right now, which is the CEO seat. When I grew this business, I became0:15the CEO by default. And I found myself a little lost and intimidated by this chief executive officer, I've been fed0:22by others. And I want to share with you in this episode, how I redefined the role for myself as a CIO. So you'll hear what0:31exactly that means. And I can't wait to share more about my philosophy. Let's go.0:41I'm so excited to bring you today's episode. But before we do, I need to make sure you've heard about member up. So0:47community driven products are the future. But Facebook groups are a thing of the past. And after 10 plus years in the0:54online education space, I've taken all my learnings and I've built this incredible platform member up. It's a customizable,1:01easy to use all in one platform where you can build a premium course community or membership site without the tech headache,1:10gone are the days of having to duct tape together, your content, your community, your payments, all on different1:17platforms, I want you to do me a favor, do yourself a favor and head over right now to member Ford slash Danielle. And1:24you can get started for free today. I promise you, I can't wait for you to see this platform. It's beautiful. Okay,1:31the design is amazing your community is going to feel at home here and you are going to take pride in your online1:37business, it is the place to start, head over to member Ford slash Danielle. Now let's get into the episode. So I1:44think one of the biggest questions I get as you're growing your business is how do I become a CEO. And there's a1:51lot of questions about the CEO identity. And I've seen an evolution of what that means for me. And I hope this can be1:58helpful for you as you're navigating your identity. Because really like that's where it begins and ends is your2:04identity and who you see yourself as how you articulate that, because that translates to others around you. So in growing2:12and scaling my business, the first version of CEO was the chief executive officer. And it's this identity, this term2:22that is given to us fed to us that we accept as our truth. And2:27that's what I did for a long time. And what it looked like for me was this almost unachievable level of authority,2:37leadership, which that word still doesn't resonate with me, if you think about the masculine energy and feminine energy, it2:46was a very masculine energy, I thought of CEO, Chief Executive, as a structured, predictable data, you know, step one, step2:55two, step three, you lead in this way you set these things, it is a step by step by step by step. And I found myself in a3:03lot of resistance. I tried really hard to be this chief executive officer, what that looked like in the beginning was3:10the spreadsheets, it was setting the numbers, it was all those things, which are excellent. And then I kept running into these3:18things that weren't vibing with me, and I knew they weren't vibing because I wasn't excelling as myself. So most3:23recently, I redefined what SEO was. And I encourage you to do the same, you know, regardless of what size your businesses,3:32your empire, Your Freelancing business, whatever it is, even in your own life, I encourage you to define it for yourself.3:40And so how I have redefined it as I am not a CEO, I'm a CIO.3:45And for me, cio means I'm a chief inspiration officer. I'm a chief innovation officer and a chief investment officer. And3:54each of those identities play a different role. And each of those identities are me, naturally when I'm operating in4:02my design, and that's really enabled me to lead my team in a new way with less resistance. That's more by design. And it's4:10more of me embracing the feminine energy, which is freedom, liberation, creativity, passion, and it's where the4:19quantum leaps lie, it is collapsing time on itself. It's not telling yourself If This Then That, I've got to do this4:26in order to do this, this person before me did this. So I have to do this exact thing, that exact way. What it is, is embracing4:33who you are in your design in your essence. So when we talk about a chief inspiration officer, for me, that is my role4:41is to keep myself inspired. And when I'm inspired, I'm in the flow state and that's everything from what I put on in the4:49morning. I mean was last time you saw CEO like this, hello. You know, I'm saying we got the pearls we got the whatever we4:55ripped jeans. Okay, like all the hookah Well, hello.5:06But this is me being inspired. And this is me being inspired. And so for you, you know, what does that look like to keep5:12yourself inspired? For me, it's also a Saturday night watching King Richard, I most recently watched it for a second time,5:19and I picked up on something that has been key to my ability to lead. And I hope you think about how you can embody this.5:26So in King Richard, there's a moment where his daughter has Venus in this scene, and she's being interviewed. And she I5:32think she's about 13 or so 12 At the time, and the interviewer is a middle aged white man. And he's asking her, what do you5:40plan to do? And she said, Well, I plan to meet my competition and beat my competition. Well, what makes you think you can5:47beat everyone? Because I know I can. And then he starts to ask another question, to plant a seed of doubt. And he said, but5:54you haven't been playing juniors. So how will you? And before he can even finish the question out his mouth, Richard6:02comes over, I feel like I didn't put respect on his name, Mr. Richard, Mr. Williams, he comes out and he says, way, way, way, way away, he says, Excuse me, you're talking to a young black6:12girl. You got to watch what you say to her. She just told you what she's going to do. What makes you think you need to6:19plant a seed of doubt in her mind that tells her she can't do those things. And what I heard in that was we live in a world6:25where she was living in a world we're living in a world where all the media all the messages we're getting are saying you as6:32a little black girl are not enough. You can't do this. You can't do that. It's not in your design. It's not in the plan.6:37And King Richard came in he was like, nah, nah, she she's good, bro. Fam. She's good backup she good. So what I took from that6:45is this inner authority that we have the ability to listen to, because we come here to this planet knowing all we have to do6:53is pause, be still be inspired, and listen. And that lesson has6:59helped me lead from a place of inspiration. It's instead of looking outside, externally at well, what is the Chief7:05Executive Officer supposed to do? What am I supposed to look like as a CEO? What am i What is this person was home do doing over here was homegrown over here. But instead for me to look7:12inward and say what is my inner authority saying is my way of leading my way of inspiring. So in that Chief inspiration,7:19Officer role, I know that it's in my design to live in the future, visit the future, see the future, and then come back7:27and visit the president and tell my team what I saw. That's my role. That's me in my visionary seat,7:33that's where I live, so that when I am inspired, then I can pass that vision on whether it's articulated literally or just in7:40my being in in my essence, I can pass that energy on that inspiration onto my team and empower them to carry on my7:47vision, even without me. So that's us in our chief inspiration Officer role. And what that means is I now have a7:53team that's empowered to take the baton, I don't need to run the race with them. I'm just here to run the first and be8:00like, take the baton, you already know what the finish line is. And in fact, if you see a better finish line, recreate8:06that yourself. Because if I'm inspired, and I'm helping you be inspired, then you're gonna take it even further than I ever thought we could. So that's how I've really empowered my team.8:14And that gets into role clarity. So before I thought as a CEO, all right, we got to do our roll scorecards, we've got to like be8:21very specific. And now I'm taking into account well, who are the players who are taking the baton? Let's think about8:27when are they most inspired? What's the environment we can help create for them. And they are recreating redefining their8:34role. And guess what, when they are creating is way beyond what I thought we needed, or we could use, and therefore that lens to8:40the second piece of CIO, which is the chief innovation officer. So it's my role to live in that future and think about what is8:48next. And the what is next is not what is the B to the A, but it is what is the double A? What is the Double Z? What is the8:56123? What's pi 3.14? I don't know the rest of the digits, you know, pi as long but we're going for PI like that was what9:03innovation is it is that collapsing of time, the quantum leap? How can we take something from this dimension? Because9:09we're living in all the dimensions if we allow ourselves to access that? So in that innovation, see, you are able to9:15dream and create and think about what is not even next, but what is like beyond? As my friend puts it, what's the bigger big?9:23I think we were taught to think big and the thinking big sometimes can be limiting because we're like, Okay, well a9:29and b, so maybe we could get too deep. But I'm like now the bigger big is the quantum it's in the quantum field. It's the9:36unimaginable that we can make imaginable with our imagination when we're innovating. And that's where you borrow from9:43different industries. So me having a course business and now getting into web three and fts. I can now think about how can we9:50turn this into an NFT? How can we take this this idea of transparency and ownership and community from web three from NF9:58T's and how can we put that A couple that with our course business with web two, so you when you're in innovation borrow10:06from King Richard, the films you're watching at night, borrow from genius from Kanye watching him being flow, borrow from the10:15NF T's and the web three, borrow from the cannabis industry, whatever you're into, borrow from that and incorporate it. So10:24in our team meetings, for instance, we often open it with one word, what is one word for how you're feeling right now.10:30And that sets the energy tone that sets the frequency. And that's a reminder that it starts with our body, us being10:37connected, it starts here. And that's where innovation comes from when you're vibrating at a higher frequency, because you're10:43being connected with your body, your feelings, I'm feeling elated. I'm feeling elevated, I'm feeling excited, I'm feeling10:51enthusiastic, I'm feeling light and bright. That's where the innovation comes from. And then the last piece investment. So as10:59the chief investment officer, you are really looking at where you're putting your money, and what that is yielding you. And11:06that traverses everything. So a lot of times we start with the people, right, we've got people product profit. So with the11:13people, if you start there you're looking at, I'm bringing this person on, and a lot of times we'll get stuck on, okay,11:20they're going to be 3k a month, who, that's going to be a lot, here's what I invite you to look at when you bring in that11:27person. And let's say that they are a marketing person. When you bring in that person, you're asking yourself, okay, we're11:34going to be paying them 3k. So as the chief investment officer, you are asking yourself, How can we get the biggest return on11:40that investment? What are the key things and by the way, you don't have to create this, you're gonna empower your11:46people, your person, your marketing person to create this, how can we get you in a position where you can generate $50,00011:53this month? If you have a product that is 10,000 5000 2000? How can we put this marketing person in a11:59position where they can generate 50,000, so that 3000 a month that you're paying them? And let's back it up? Even 20,000 a12:06month, they can generate that that 3k You're paying them per month, you now know, oh, my gosh, all right, well, that's12:11worth the investment. Instead of getting caught up in Austin, I don't have the 3k How am I like can't afford this person, let me12:17find someone for $500 a month. But guess what, there is a cost to everything. So as the investment officer, you have to12:24ask yourself, when I bring on someone who's $500 A month versus $3,000 a month, the $500 month person is potentially less12:33skilled and less experienced, which is fine, you just got to do the calculation. So I had to ask myself, if I'm bringing on a12:40$500 person, instead of the $3,000 person a month, there's going to be a learning curve. And so that's going to be my12:46time in training them, or paying another mentor to train them,12:51that's going to be other team members time training them bringing them up to speed. And now instead of them being able12:57right out the gate to generate that 50k a month for you, it might be a few months till they get up to speed. And so in that13:03time, that $500 month investment that's actually turned into a cost of potentially 10s of 1000s of dollars, depending on how you13:12value your time. So that is your role as Chief Investment Officer is to evaluate these people, investments, people is a person13:22who you need to look at, and that first person I look at as myself, so I am the biggest and best investment I will ever be13:30in my business in my life, just as you will be. And I want you to see that from now. Like if you haven't been seeing yourself13:36that way. See yourself that way, like from yesterday, because you are the biggest invest investment in your business in13:42your life. So what that means is people ask me I so they're like Danielle, why haven't you bought a house yet? And I'm like,13:49because right now, if I think about buying a home the way I live, so I know myself. And in order for me to be inspired, my13:58environment needs to inspire me. So right now I'm living right here in Brooklyn Heights, I got the view of the bridge, I got14:05the exact view I wanted, which is trees, water city, I want to14:10know that the city is right there, I want to see the density, I want to feel the energy. But before I feel that I14:15want to feel grounded, and I want to know that I have the trees and I have the ancestors and all the generations right14:21there accessible. I got a front lawn I can go on to and then I can see the water I can see the sunset. And I know that fuels14:28me. And so I know that my standard of living at this point means if I want to home that's commensurate with where I am14:34now. That's probably gonna be and I want to be in a city that love that's probably going to be $2 million minimum, right? Maybe14:40three, maybe four villas a $2 $2 million minimum and my starting investment for that is going to be a lot of cash and we're14:47talking about a 20% investment. What is that? $400,000 in cash. Do I got it? Yeah, you know, I got it. However do I want to put14:56400 grand in cash on that one thing Nah. So because of that, I15:01say, you know, what I'll do instead is rent and I'm going to find a place where I'm living. And it might be 10k a month, it15:08might be 16k a month. But I'm living in a place where I know that this is a place that is my corporate headquarters. So one15:16thing you want to get smart about as the chief investment officer is how do these investments align with my15:22business? How am I setting up my business to support my lifestyle, and what I need to feel inspired. So in this space,15:29this is my corporate headquarters, when you are a CEO, a traditional CEO of a Fortune 500 company, there might15:36be corporate headquarters that our guests what covered by the company, the whole thing is written off. So if you're a CEO,15:41and you're living in corporate headquarters at a fortune 500, and your rent every month, is $10,000 a month, because they15:47know in order to retain you, they need to put you up in nice places. And they know that for you to be inspired and show up15:54every day as the boss you are as a CEO, they need to put you in a nice place. And they're like, alright, we can write that off on the business, you can do the same. That is the beautiful16:02thing about running your own business. That's why we get into it. This is the secrets of the wealthy. So now you have a16:08corporate headquarters, AKA your home, and also your corporate headquarters, where I do my SEO masterminds, I do my retreats, I16:17bring my team here, we film things like this, we in my living room, by the way, this is now a complete business write16:23off Nah, it's not about oh, I'm only using a third of my apartments, I can only write off a third of it, not the whole16:29space is being used, we got a photo booth upstairs, we got everything my office. So this is the corporate headquarters. This16:35is where our team comes to work. That is a business write off. And that is a worthwhile investment. Right? So these are16:43things you want to think about other things, I think about what is what does my team look like? Like what do I need to be in16:49proximity to to show up as the best version of me, because when I'm the best version of me, when I invest in myself as the16:55biggest invest investment, then I can 10x 100x our earnings this year. So what that looks like is me having a stylist who I can17:04collaborate with at the beginning of every month, and we can say this is my vibe this month, I want to feel like this.17:09And we collaborate and create outfits and create things that I can show up as. And that is a part of the business, it's17:16wardrobe for things like this. And then we have my personal trainer in order for me to show up as my best self that's17:22keeping my body alive, that's keeping me in connection with it that's keeping the adrenaline up and everything, the dopamine17:28rush all the all the technical terms, scientific terms, but that's what we're doing. That's another business investment,17:34right? Because you are the CIO, or CEO, or whatever you deem yourself, whatever identity you choose. So all of these things17:42are investments that you get to evaluate. So I want you to take the time to ask yourself, what are those investments that I may17:48have overlooked. So you may get a personal chef, because a personal chef is someone you can have on your staff, and that is17:56a write off, that is someone you're employing, that is a business expense. They're coming in and they're cooking, guess18:01what they could cook your vegan food, right, there's an opportunity for you to reimagine what your diet is like, because18:07your internal environment creates who you are. So maybe you want to have them do vegan meals, maybe they're more18:12healthy, maybe they are gluten free. Whatever you want to do less sugar, no processed foods, you can now have a personal chef18:20on your staff who creates that for you. So all of these things to an event planner, who's going to plan monthly dinner series18:27where you bring in luminaries and influencers, who you want to connect with. That's a part of your business that's fueling18:32you. That's business development, that's putting you in proximity with amazing people. These are all things you18:38get to evaluate in that Chief Investment Officer seat. So I want you to open your mind to all opportunities. Another thing18:45that happens when you invest in people I'm going to show you I got it in my pocket. So this right here is something that my18:53Chief of Staff Helen brought to me today. So it's a stone. And18:58before we started filming, she knew I had been I've been stressing about this week, okay. And she's amazing. She brings me19:06this stone and she says, I have been meditating with this stone for a long time. And I asked it to deliver the message to make19:16me a vessel have it pass through me. Give me the words when I don't have the words. And she gifted this to me today. And19:24this is not a stone she bought yesterday at the store, like it has her energy, her power her words, her as a vessel and she19:32gifted this to me. And this, to me was the embodiment of what it looks like when you make those investments to bring people19:39around you who see you who help you remain inspired. And this is exactly what I needed today. Thank you, Helen. She's sitting19:47right there. I see you. I love you. You know I never say that. So, air hug.19:53Hey, this is Danielle Leslie and I have a question for you. If you are a creative entrepreneur, and your business is unique Why20:00are you working with a generic accountant? One of the best decisions I made was who I would partner with on my taxes and my20:07accounting. So if you're creative entrepreneur, you are growing your business, you're scaling your business, I want to20:12introduce you to rebel. Rebel is a firm that can help you whether you're looking to prepare your taxes, or you're looking for20:19that year round support. They will tell you what's happening in your business and why so if you're tired of being ignored,20:27talked down to or feeling like you are chasing around your accountant and meeting to drive the relationship yourself. It's20:34time for change, head over to rebel REVL Head20:40on over fill out their interest form and make sure you look into working with them. Again, that is Rebel r e ve We all deserve the right firm to partner with. It's been proven that procrastination can be one of our biggest20:55enemies to success. Now contrary to belief, procrastination is not based on a lack of time management or organizational21:02skills. Procrastination is directly linked to to our emotions. Now, the reason I know this is because of Patti21:08Johnston. Patti Johnston is incredible. She's a course from scratch member. But even more importantly, she's built21:14multiple multimillion dollar businesses once she learned how to overcome procrastination, so she's created a program where21:21she shares her system on how to overcome procrastination. And it's based on emotional intelligence, neuroscience and21:27accountability, she's going to show you step by step how to overcome negative feelings. So you can start taking action and21:34start seeing a difference from day one. So text this number right now to schedule an appointment with Patti and her21:40team to see if this is right for you, and what steps for you to take to overcome your procrastination 813-789-1097.21:49And again, the number to text right now is 813-789-1097. Let's21:55all overcome procrastination together. Now let's get back to the episode. So in my evolution, from CEO to CIO, when I started22:04this business, I was in that CEO identity. And what I really focused on as my Northstar was top line revenue. So I came22:13blazing in and I was like, Alright, we got to get it. And the first level I wanted to achieve was that million dollar22:19mark, right? And it came fast. And I was like, boom, we hit a million. But that wasn't enough. They were like, Okay, let's hit22:2510 milli. Then a year later, we hit 10 Milli, and then we kept going. And then a year after that we hit 20 milli. And that22:34was my Northstar for a long time because I thought as a CEO, my Northstar needs to be top line revenue. And here's the thing.22:42There's the second evolution, which was me focusing on profit, and I said, Cool, that top line revenue is doing something but22:50what that profit, what that profit doing what that margin doing, right. And so then I started looking at the profit margin. And when I started looking at the profit of the22:58business, right, so this is at the end of the year, you subtract how much did we make in top line minus how much did we23:04spend, and then you get your bottom line, your net profit, the cash you have sitting in your account at the end of the23:10year. And I started looking around online, right, looking23:15outside of myself at what other people were saying around profit. And what I realized is there's a lot of profit shaming,23:21and it sounded great at first, right? We had a lot of people in the market saying, you know, will you make in Milly's? But23:29like, how much are you making a profit? Because if you're not making 50% in profit, then what are you doing? And then other23:34people were like, well, I'm making 40% in profit, and I'm better than you. And I realized, like, you know, I thought that23:40focusing on profit was the next Northstar. And that was the next big thing without asking myself, well, why? And do these people23:48who are raising the flag of I've got 50%, and profit all the power to and by the way, that's amazing. I know. For me, though,23:55I had to ask myself a lie. Like, why is the 50% profit margin?24:00Why is having $500,000 in cash, why is having $3 million in cash24:05at the end of the year in December sitting in my account important? And what I realized, I made that shift, and I'm like,24:12you know, my Northstar is different now. So when I think about the profit, I'm like, Well, what do I want to do with24:19that? I actually want to keep pouring back into the community that gave so much back to me. So for me in my CIO, see me24:27evaluating the investments. I'm asking myself, How can we take this and reinvest it? So instead of being so I want to encourage24:35you when you're thinking about profit, and you're seeing all these people, top line revenue, profit, I want you to just sit in your why, like, why is it important for you? What will you24:44do with that money? Will you start a foundation? Will you put you know, this curriculum in schools, will you bonus out your24:51team? Will you get into a new industry, right? And for me, what I found is as my new Northstar shifted it shifted24:59into so self expression. And the reason self expression is my new Northstar is that I know that as a being, I'm here to be, and I'm25:08here to create, and I'm here to self Express. And when I do that I'm feeding back into the community. And yeah, that can25:14look like organizing team retreats, it can look like doing,25:20doing new projects and new industries. But what I want you to do is ask yourself, what does that look like for me? What am I25:25going to use this for? Why is this important? So as I was going on my journey, and redefining myself at this, as25:31the CIO, I realized it was in alignment and in parallel with this shift that we're seeing at a macro level. And I was first25:39introduced to this concept from my spiritual adviser, rosemary, and this was back in 2019. So this was pre COVID. And she told25:47me Daniela shift is happening. We're going from the Newtonian age, where money is currency to the Quantum Age, where well25:54being is currency. And she said, we're going from this money as currency, structured, predictable, to measuring to26:04this winner lose mentality. You either have it or you don't you either got it or you went to this quantum which is26:11collaborative, there is no win or lose. We're all winning, how can we create a situation where we're all winning? How can we co26:17create co manifest coexist, then COVID hit, and that accelerated26:23this shift, and we saw people at home, and I remember myself, I was in my Midtown apartment, on the 52nd floor, looking out. And26:34I was like, I have all this money in the account. But like, I can't really do nothing with it. Because we inside right now,26:41what's important is how I feel. So how do I feel? That was a real wake up moment for me to say, Am I doing things that feel26:48good? Am I doing things that grow my well being? Because when you strip away all this other stuff, it's really about how do26:54you feel? And I think we all felt that it was really like, do I like where I live? Like do I like the people I'm in27:01relationship with? Do I like drag people I can call up on the phone and Kiki with and feel good. It became about more and27:08really by more it was what we came on to this planet to do, which is to be and to live and to express. So what I started27:14thinking about was this new definition of wealth when I think about wealth, w e a l th it is tied to money, you know,27:23how much do you have an assets. And what I thought about is not like the new wealth is W E ll T H, where it's about your well27:31being because well being is the new currency. It ain't about the money, assets, but it's the well being as a currency. And when I27:40think about wealth, that is my new Northstar is this feeding my well being is this enabling me to be my fully expressed self.27:48Because when we are truly in our being and feeling good, we can create things and the world feels the good behind it is not27:56just like another like cookie cutter thing that everybody else is doing. It has your energy signature on it. It's got you on28:04it, it has your essence it has your energy. So that has been the new driving force in our business and how we're teaching28:11our CEOs, our CIOs. We're asking them what is a wealth habit that28:16you can create? What is something that feeds your well being that is true to who you are. And I'll give you one28:22that's a technical example. But it truly fed my well being and my wealth, my my money being at the same time, but it started28:30with my well being. So it was a moment when I said what would it look like for me to keep my word to myself. And in that moment,28:38it was a weekly webinar. And the reason I love the Weekly Webinar is because I like performing, which I didn't realize. But when28:44I was little I remember auditioning for Annie and I was so nervous and so shy. According to my mom, the only reason I28:51didn't get the role was because I don't look like Annie. She's like, No, no, you were in second place. And she's like, you had an amazing voice you saying you acted you did everything right?29:00It was just they didn't think you had the look. And I think since then I've always known like in my unconscious and my29:08higher conscious that I'm a performer. I think in my next life won't be Josephine Baker, okay. And I'm gonna be like on29:14stage performing. So for me in this life, it is my webinar, like that is my stage. So I would show up every Wednesday29:21big money, Wednesday's shout out to Caleb he named it that and he would like celebrate me every Wednesday. And those were my29:28days to perform. I was like a method actor. Every Wednesday I would do the show for a brand new audience. And it was the29:33same show but I would I would show up with a new energy and give them the show and then I would invite them to join me.29:40And in those webinars, I would invite them to believe in me as their guide to believe in my methodology. In course from29:47scratch, you can turn your story into a course and educate others and believing in yourself. I was inviting everyone on that29:55performance on that webinar on that masterclass to believe in themselves. So me asking myself what is a wealth habit w e LLTH,30:06where I can be in while my well being, or I can be in alignment with keeping my word to myself, or I can be in alignment to what30:12makes me feel good, which is showing up and performing every Wednesday, how can I transfer my well being and help others find30:19theirs, help others find the power in their story, and know that it's enough to just be all you got to do is tell your story30:27that you've already lived and share it with others. And so that's how I translated my well being into this new wealth. And30:34what I hope for us is we start to see the shift and embody it, embody it now, we're already there, the world is shifting, if30:42you pay attention, the old ways aren't necessarily working the same. It's starting with us. I think what you're also seeing on30:50a macro level is this shift from the industrial age, and the industrial age was all about efficiency. It was about the30:56factory system. Step one, step two, step three is gonna get us to step 10. Faster. However, it's linear, we've got to do it31:04in order, and it is extracting the imagination, it's extracting31:09the room for creativity, extracting the room for being it is just about doing. And that worked for us when we were in31:15that age. But guess what we're moving into what I call the culture, an economy, where our cultural advantage is driving31:23this economy. That's where the innovation, the inspiration, the new ideas the origination comes from, it's when we can steep31:31into who we are our cultural advantage, how did you grow up? How did that feed you? How did that shape your identity? And31:37how can you now create a product, create something that you can share with the world, that's a reflection of that,31:42that makes you feel good in the process and therefore makes others feel good. So in this culture, at economy, it is about31:48embracing who you are? And guess what? Because you are one of one31:54if you think about economics, right, though, back to econ class, and you think about economics, you've got supply and32:00demand. And what that law says is that the lower the supply, the higher the demand. So when you have more supply, you got32:0810,000 of these things, you got a large supply of something that demand for it goes down, because you're like, Well, I got 10,000,32:16I'm gonna just pay $1, because I can get it anywhere, I could get it in any store any any corner. Now, when the supply goes down,32:22when there's only one of those things, the demand goes up, because they're like, I can only get that thing from this one32:29place. Guess what you are the new supply. Like you're hiring a32:35supplier, because you went, you are one of one. And when you embrace your culture and recognize that your supply is32:42low, meaning it's one, there's only one place to get you. And32:47that means the demand for you as long as you own, that you are one of one you own your culture and you own the fact that we're32:53in this economy that rewards you for being different rewards you for being you, your demand goes up, you can ask for a premium33:01price. More importantly, you can be selective about who you put in proximity with yourself, who you bring into your circle, who33:08you educate who you share your gifts with. But that is the reality of where we are. And I want to invite you to embrace33:14that like yesterday, because we already there. And the people will figure this out. They are building empires on being33:20themselves. Listen, sometimes life be life in and we do not know what's coming down that road next. Well, that's what33:29happened to me in 2016, when I was unexpectedly laid off from my job. And I was six figures in student loan debt, I had no33:36savings. And I didn't know what was going to happen next. Now luckily, I had this little voice inside of me at that time that I33:44couldn't ignore, and it was telling me to take the leap. It was saying use this as your opportunity to build your33:49business. Use this as your opportunity to create your dream life. And so I believe that life happens for us, not to us, and33:57that nudge in my spirit, I should listen to it. Luckily, I did. Fast forward to today, I have a business that's made over34:05$20 million. And I've helped over 10,000 people create their online businesses and their dream lives. So do you want to34:12learn how to turn your story into an online product and launch in 30 days, head on over to want you to join us on this journey so you can listen to that little voice inside of you too. So go now Do34:27yourself a favor Danielle LeslieRelatedListenableLiveRecently uploadedWatched
Listening to Danielle is so inspirational and inspiring. It has been great hearing all she has been learning and how this has shaped her. I love that she has had so many feed into her life, yet she recognizes that you do not want them to be the voice over yours. Love it!
I listened to all three in one sitting. I love how real and down to earth she is. She makes me feel like I too can fulfill my dreams and be my own person on my own terms and have fun doing it. Plus, she’s a Oaktown girl like I am so that makes it even more enjoyable to listen to her. Keep doing your thing Ms. Danielle!
I’ve been following Danielle for about 3 years have taken her course, and followed her rise to success. She continues to be an inspiration as I find confidence in my course work and content. I was always curious as to why she didn’t have a podcast documenting her experiences and expertise, considering she knew some amazing individuals. I know her podcast and interviews, will surround myself with like minded abundance oriented friends I haven’t met yet. And will be introduced to my future self and the legacy I was fated to manifest. I’m looking forward to her interactions weekly I know her and her guest will be dropping gems! Loved the Divine North Awareness talk about some bars in that introductory episode. As Danielle would say “Let’s Go!”
The authenticity of saying yes, I mean (Yeeeeeesssss!) as you listen and feel the vibration between Danielle and her guests is just the Best!! Truly great I’m about to listen in again ! Thank you Danielle!!
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