Dr. Peniel E. Joseph is one of the nation’s most prominent historians of race and democracy. In this episode, Joseph joins Dr. Jamal Watson to discuss the continuing battle between the supporters of multiracial democracy and the advocates of white supremacy and Black dehumanization.
Employing the power of storytelling and activism, don’t miss this conversation on why the civil rights movement is incomplete and understanding how critical the Black community has been to democratic renewal and transformation in the United States.
“What I want to share with people, including young people, is just the fact that the narratives that we've been taught about American history leave so much out.”
“If Black people succeed, everyone will succeed. We're not interested in leaving people behind and marginalizing people.”
“Our stories matter. And I think telling the unfiltered hard history of the United States actually makes us all stronger and not weaker. And it is the patriotic thing to do.”
About Dr. Peniel E. Joseph: Penielejoseph.wordpress.com
Barbara Jordan Chair in Ethics and Political Values lbj.utexas.edu/directory/faculty/peniel-joseph
Founding Director, Center for the Study of Race and Democracy Csrd.lbj.utexas.edu
Professor of History, College of Liberal Arts
University of Texas at Austin
LBJ School of Public Affairs liberalarts.utexas.edu/history/faculty/pej335
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In The Margins is produced by Diverse: Issues In Higher Education and edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)
Such an amazing platform. So many milestones have been made and so many more to come.
What an amazing podcast! I’ve received so much value from these conversations and experiences. This podcast is shedding light on some very important topics, especially in todays climate. I have been loving every moment! Diverse In The Margins is most definitely worth the listen!
This is an amazing podcast. I am glad you are stepping up and talking about a sensitive topic that is not talked about enough. Thank you for sharing this information. It effects students in higher education and the effects carry over into the workforce when the students graduate. Some students are tainted because there was not enough taught on diversity and the students perspective are skewed.
I like that the episodes aren’t too long but are still very informative
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