Seeing so much online about hitting goals like 10 or even 50 thousand dollar months, Natanya takes this episode to share what it really looks like to have and run a multiple six-figure or seven-figure business, and why that may not be what you actually want. And that's okay!
Having gone through the transition herself as well as supporting other people through it, tune in as Natanya shares the lessons she learned at each level and the different decisions you will likely have to make as you progress. From the expense behind scaling to getting clear on the implications of your profit goal, listen in as your host takes some pressure off the profit numbers we are sold and guides you to create a business that supports the life you actually want.
“The most challenging thing for people to start to do is to delegate and get out of the weeds. Because being in the weeds is not going to get you to that next level of six figures and up.”
“I personally have had my own experiences and thoughts on what it looks like to run a business as a $100,000 a year business versus what it looks like to run a business at a $2 million a year business. And what is and isn't aligned with me within that. And I think we can all adapt the type of business we want to ourselves.”
Use Your Passions, Discover Your Purpose, and Create Profit with Natanya Bravo at:
And if you like what you’re hearing and want more, follow Natanya on social media!
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Clarity to Launch is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at
I’m a follower of Natanya’s online content and attended one of her trainings/webinars for Clarity to Scale, and now I’m sooo happy to get to hear even more from her through this podcast. I’ve listened to three episodes so far and can’t wait to keep going with the others. She answers questions that she knows will be on her clients’ minds— the ones you wish people would (actually) answer but they never do. She doesn’t put money before impact, but also encourages you to truly reflect on your money goals, with full permission for them to be less or more than those of others. Thank you for the episodes, Natanya!
Natanya is the friend you didn’t know you needed. She shares a wealth of knowledge inspiring you to get out your own way and live the life you’re craving to live!
So much about how we can grow as entrepreneurs has to do with our mindset and this series is a beautiful reminder that we can all learn from and share. Thank you Natanya!
Thank you Natanya for all your wisdom and for helping me get more clear on who I want to serve. I’m so happy I found you!
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