Uncovering Your True DesiresClarity To Launch

Uncovering Your True Desires

When we are trying to gain clarity, many of us often say “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure,” doubting ourselves and imposing self-limitations on what’s possible for our lives. We even convince ourselves to set safe goals, the second or third best option when what we really want feels too big or scary. But if you’re truly honest with yourself, are the goals you are setting really what you desire?

Going through her own evolution and thinking about what she wants next, tune in as Natanya discusses learning to trust your inner guidance system and stop playing small. Ask yourself, what if there were no limits? What if you could have anything you desire? How would your wish list change then? And who is the person you need to become to make that happen?


  • Are you playing small?
  • What do you authentically want?
  • Why it’s easy to hide in “I don’t know”
  • You’re not meant to stay in what’s comfortable!
  • How to step into who you need to be to achieve anything you desire


“This podcast is called Clarity to Launch because I think so many of us are searching for clarity on what to do next. And I think the clarity really is in: who do I need to become? What is the version of myself that already embodies this thing, this way of being, this lifestyle that I'm reaching for?”


Join Natanya in Tuscany, Italy: https://natanyabravo.lpages.co/tbltuscany2022/

And if you like what you’re hearing and want more, follow Natanya on social media!

IG | @thebravolife - instagram.com/thebravolife

FB | @thebravolife - facebook.com/thebravolife

Linkedin | linkedin.com/in/natanyabravo

Clarity to Launch is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)

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Thank you Natanya for all your wisdom and for helping me get more clear on who I want to serve. I’m so happy I found you!

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Clarity To Launch

This chic has figured out what works !! Raw and honest - motivating and inspiring.

Clarity To Launch

As someone who both helps ppl on their journeys and struggles to keep going on my own journey, it’s encouraging to hear someone talk about feeling stuck and continuing on. Instead of just more success stories that skip over the hard parts or only talk about the hard parts in a way that downplays them to focus on the current success.

Clarity To Launch

Natanya provides SO many gems! Clarity to Launch creates a safe space to dream and work towards that dream with confidence in the midst of the unknown. Listen in and give yourself the gift of taking the first step towards a life you love!

Clarity To Launch
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