It can be hard to imagine a world where young girls are isolated and forced to sit on cardboard throughout their menstrual cycles because of ancient taboos and a lack of hygiene necessities, but this is exactly what Celeste Mergens stumbled across on a sustainability trip to Kenya. Fast forward a few years later, Celeste has reached 2.8 million women in 145 countries, providing menstrual kits and policy-changing education through her non-profit Days for Girls.
Listen in to learn more about Celeste’s global community of equity change makers, the power of we, and how healing her own poverty story helped her create a movement changing the culture of being female around the world.
“We are not our circumstances. Understanding that we are not the things we go through but the strength that comes from the journey.” - Dr. Gayle Myers
“It’s not just about menstrual equity. It is really a metaphor, in addition to a truth, that we can make a difference by being who we are authentically. And that we really can come together over enormous divides and create tremendous impact with the smallest of things.” - Dr. Gayle Myers
Celeste Mergens
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Pre-Order:The Power of Days: A Story of Resilience, Dignity, and the Fight for Women’s Equity by Celeste Mergen
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I found the podcasts very refreshing and well prepared
Dr Myers has a gentle and healing presence that comes through her podcast! She has brought the importance of compassion, inner wisdom and self-care to listeners in a way that is easily integrated. Thanks Dr. Myers!
This is an extraordinary podcast that I believe will be exceptionally sought after by all types of individuals in the days ahead for guidance and inspiration.Dr. Gayle is top in her field with a deep, long term spiritual practice to bridge with the gap between practical skills with the spiritual world.
Well worth it. Dr. Gayle Myers offers practical and inspiring insights for our individual healing journeys. A rare podcast where I listen to episodes again. So start or swing back to the beginning as content builds week to week. She has a welcome interview style as she lets her guests speak and her voice is soothing, gentle yet firm. You can heal and be patient!
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