Building a Makeup School with CEO of Glam SophisticatedManifesting Money

Building a Makeup School with CEO of Glam Sophisticated

Let's talk makeup AND business!

In this episode, Anita is joined a special guest, the CEO of Glam Sophisticated, and they chat about their makeup favorites, the journey to becoming a successful makeup artist, and the business side of being a makeup artist! She now has a school where she teaches other makeup artists all about artistry.

Listeners will learn the foundation of building your makeup artist career, how to build your social media as a makeup artist, and more!

Link for the website to check out all the classes and courses we offer


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Amazing podcast, your giving great value. I want to be just like you when I grow up lol @manifestinpeace

Manifesting Money

I’ve been listening to this podcast almost all day everyday this week (just found it) and i’m already seeing such a huge change in my life! I’ve been making more money, and i even feel so much better physically and mentally. I have so much energy and motivation for myself and my OWN life! Thank you thank you thank you!

brjixke buch e
Manifesting Money

Love the ease and flow that Anita projects! Love listening to this podcast for a raise in my vibration!

Manifesting Money

This episode resonated most, especially the part about family not really supporting your perspective/way of being. Your content has enlightened and expanded me in more ways than one. Sending you my highest intentions 💫

Manifesting Money
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