The Manifesting Money Podcast aims to help the 2% of the world rise up to their highest potential and set an example for others by showing that anything and everything is truly possible when you reprogram your subconscious mind.
With each episode, your host Anita Mae Aguilar will bring you closer to achieving limitless abundance, love, and joy by teaching you how to master the science behind Manifestation and co-creating your reality. It’s time to reprogram your Money Mindset and start attracting financial abundance with ease and flow!
Helloooo Anita! I am starting at square one with your podcast! I didn’t want to skip around I thought it would be important to see the background on how you got to where you are now with speaking on money manifestation! I saw your TickTock at the perfect time for trying to get into this mindset of attracting what I want in my life. spinning on the hamster wheel of a lack This particular episode absolutely made me cry with how all of the pieces came together simply from you thinking it and then being it! I was listening to this episode in the car on the way to work and I look up and the license plate in front of me in the left lane started with 111! I am a firm believer in angel #s and truly feel that I am listening to your experiences with attracting what you want into your life at the absolute perfect time for my life! Thank you for sharing this!!!
I swear I mostly listen to you for your beautiful, bright, and uplifting energy. I am leaning more into action towards your insights but you are my go-to for when I want a feel-good podcast. Thank you for your service and contribution to us all! 🙏💜 Blessing upon blessings to you!!!
This episode was amazing so raw & real. The energy was on fire!
I love having access to all this amazing information so I can grow in many areas, especially financially! Thank you Anita! This is great 🥺✨
This is my 2nd episode I am listening too and I just want to say that you give some much useful and practical information. I too listened to the Russ Jay Shetty podcast and I resonated with it soo much! I also finished reading his book. It goes to show how much you can achieve when you believe! ✨✨ I’m excited to continue listening to all you episodes
Love the ease and flow that Anita projects! Love listening to this podcast for a raise in my vibration!
I love this podcast so SO much !! It is helpful and so is Anita’s social media so if you don’t follow her yet … please do! When I feel like my vibration is off I refer to this show and I refer to her social media as well. She is amazing and so is this show !
This podcast was my life-changing click. And I am ready to continue to shift my energy and be who I want to be. Gratitude Anita ✨
I am so grateful for Anita ! She came into my life when the universe knew I needed it the most . I did the 3 day workshop and manifested 15k within a month. This podcast will continue to help you realign your frequency and energy when you feel like no one will understand how you feel etc. Please do yourself a favor and invest in the workshop and 31 Days of abundance.
Hiii! I’m new here and so far I love this podcast, I love the energy, I love the topics ❤️
Soooo grateful I found this podcast because I definitely needed it lol thank you for being so amazing 🤩🥰
This episode resonated most, especially the part about family not really supporting your perspective/way of being. Your content has enlightened and expanded me in more ways than one. Sending you my highest intentions 💫
Love this !
Anita’s energy and teachings are incredible!! So much good information about manifestation. It is more than manifesting money, it is manifesting your dream life. Her guests all bring interesting perspectives. I highly recommend!!
I just love Anita’s vibe and energy. She has changed my life in so many ways. Highly recommend.
I am not even sure how I came upon this podcast but I’ve been listening for the last year and it’s helped me with so many shifts! I have manifested connections, money and even a big move that I am about to make,l. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and I can’t wait to hear more!
So happy I found your podcast a few weeks ago. Or should I say, your podcast found me! 😉 I have already started to notice so many synchronicities! So far I’ve manifested $15 here $13 there, then $400 then $1000 and I can feel so much more coming! You’ve also helped me release a career that was no longer serving me. And I can already see little signs that the universe is aligning me with my true life path as a light worker/energy healer! “Sooo good!” Thank you Anita!
This episode spoke volumes to me. Healing my relationship with me is priority for growth. I can’t wait to grow LEAP into the new version of me. Thank you for all you do and how much you give of yourself.
I’m a believer of manifestation. But when I came to money I didn’t understand why it just wasn’t happening for me. Then I took Anitas Money manifestations workshop and by the end of the third day I had $1994 in my bank account that only had $5 in it. Yes I cried because I had to pay my car and insurance. I began to listen to Anitas podcast and kept breaking down beliefs I had about money! Being aware of them and changing how I think and talk about money has made a hug change in my life! Thank you Anita! ❤️
I’ve been listening to this podcast almost all day everyday this week (just found it) and i’m already seeing such a huge change in my life! I’ve been making more money, and i even feel so much better physically and mentally. I have so much energy and motivation for myself and my OWN life! Thank you thank you thank you!
Amazing podcast, your giving great value. I want to be just like you when I grow up lol @manifestinpeace
For real, it is. I have notice positive shifts in my life and is thanks to this podcast. Also she gives you prompts to work on your money mindset, find the bottom of where the block is and more. Since listening to it I am more aware of the patterns that used to affect my belief of money. Thank you Anita!
woke up this morning and decided to start my day off with affirmations/manifestations. i ended up writing a whole page of mainly money manifestations. literally 10 min later i came across the “how to manifest money without working” episode. i had never heard of this podcast prior to listening to the episode but as an aspiring life coach and someone who is always looking for opportunities to expand, im super grateful to have this placed in my path 🙏🏼 the podcast is organized in a very digestible manner, the hosts energy is so enthusiastic and bubbly, and the content was relatable. chefs kisses 😚 🤌🏼
I am currently on the 31 days of abundance and this podcast is beautiful!!! Can’t wait for more! ❤️❤️❤️
Loving the podcast! Found Anita on Tik Tok and have loved her content. Can’t wait to manifest so much money with her tips!
I was inspired by the law of attraction around 10 years ago. I feel strongly that I manifested my daughter, jobs, homes & money by practicing what I’ve learned. That said, I have Never done any tests to see if it worked or if it was all coincidence. Until a few months ago, when I was becoming unsettled in my job @ bringing that disconcerted unhappiness home. Long story, but I decided to manifest a pink car. I just wanted to see it, not own it. It took around 2 months. I had forgotten about it, had a really emotional day at work (the kind where you sneak out crying). On my drive home, I saw it. The exact shade of pink I had described and pictured. I felt a calm come over me.
I then decided to manifest a $100 bill. Not a check or an item worth that much, but the actual bill. Just a side note that I see one of those once every 2 years (besides on TV or online) so this seemed like another solid test.
Again, after meditating and doing the things I was taught in the secret, in addition to listening to this podcast to keep my energy vibrating high, my grandfather’s wife came to Colorado to visit myself & my sister & cousin. She brought with her a card for me. I opened it after we met for dinner and there was a crisp $100 bill. I told my daughter about what i was doing and we decided I’d increase the test to include manifesting $5,000 in check form. I did the work for a couple weeks and then let it go a little, lightly coming back to it here or there when I felt more or less connected to a higher power (for example, when I took a solo hike here in CO).
I’m writing this review because I was in a car accident on the 4th of July. I had been in a very grateful state all weekend because we were camping, but that accident threw me off. We weren’t seriously hurt, but my car is going to need some work. I did get a stiff neck & the whole thing was a bit inconvenient. I haven’t had a car for a week, but I’m so grateful my dog & daughter aren’t hurt. The entire payout for pain & suffering was $4200. I thought about what I’ve learned and struggled with asking for more because I wasn’t trying to be greedy or commit insurance fraud by saying things are worse than they are. But I decided to be honest and simply ask. They agreed to give me another $1k. My check will be for $5200. Next manifestation test is $15K.
I’ll follow up once I’ve manifested, but my point is that this works and it’s not about the money. It’s about the habits, attitude and freedom. I want to add so much more, but this is so long! Thank you Anita! I did the work but your guests/podcast have really inspired me. I’m still shocked, but I swear on the life of my family that this is all 100% true! It’s crazy, amazing & beautiful. What a gift. Ahhhh! So grateful. 🙏🧡🤯👏💵
Grateful to have found this podcast as I'm convinced that the job I was in and hated was eliminated so I could find what's right for me and learn how to make money in a fulfilling waywhere I'm serving others using my greatest strengths!
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