Step by Step Process of Getting Through a Financial HardshipManifesting Money

Step by Step Process of Getting Through a Financial Hardship

Today's episode is short, sweet, and to the point - giving you a step-by-step process of how to go through financial hardship when it comes to mindset, balancing the energetics of money, and the psychology behind it.

From shifting the narrative to building trust in your relationship with money to actionable tools such as “anchoring”, tune in as Anita shares her 5-steps to getting through a financial hardship.

Whether you are going through a shift, repeating a cycle over and over, or just finding yourself stagnant, there is no reason to wonder and feel alone!Don’t miss this episode and be sure to listen in to learn how you can connect with people operating at just the same frequency!


  • Become aware - what story are you telling yourself?
  • How to create safety in your body
  • Know your numbers!
  • Why communication is key
  • Give yourself permission to dream BIG!


”When it comes to creating, you're co-creating your reality. We're the ones that make it hard.”

“One of the biggest misconceptions about manifestation is that you have to be happy and positive all the time. But the truth is, it's actually feeling the emotions that you are trying to avoid that's going to help you raise your vibration and have sustainable long-term results.”


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Grateful to have found this podcast as I'm convinced that the job I was in and hated was eliminated so I could find what's right for me and learn how to make money in a fulfilling waywhere I'm serving others using my greatest strengths!

Manifesting Money

Helloooo Anita! I am starting at square one with your podcast! I didn’t want to skip around I thought it would be important to see the background on how you got to where you are now with speaking on money manifestation! I saw your TickTock at the perfect time for trying to get into this mindset of attracting what I want in my life. spinning on the hamster wheel of a lack This particular episode absolutely made me cry with how all of the pieces came together simply from you thinking it and then being it! I was listening to this episode in the car on the way to work and I look up and the license plate in front of me in the left lane started with 111! I am a firm believer in angel #s and truly feel that I am listening to your experiences with attracting what you want into your life at the absolute perfect time for my life! Thank you for sharing this!!!

ruby blush
Manifesting Money

Anita’s energy and teachings are incredible!! So much good information about manifestation. It is more than manifesting money, it is manifesting your dream life. Her guests all bring interesting perspectives. I highly recommend!!

Manifesting Money

So happy I found your podcast a few weeks ago. Or should I say, your podcast found me! 😉 I have already started to notice so many synchronicities! So far I’ve manifested $15 here $13 there, then $400 then $1000 and I can feel so much more coming! You’ve also helped me release a career that was no longer serving me. And I can already see little signs that the universe is aligning me with my true life path as a light worker/energy healer! “Sooo good!” Thank you Anita!

Manifesting Money
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