Many times people see things from the outside looking in, not knowing the full story. They see all the material things that have manifested but don’t see all the shifts, failures, and work behind the scenes.
Why, in this episode, Anita understands the importance of vulnerability and shares a recent podcast where she is the one being interviewed!
Tune in as Adella, a spiritual coach and podcast host, asks Anita to tell her story from day one - from where it all started to how things shifted to how you can apply the lessons she learned in your everyday life.Join this uplifting and inspiring conversation about gratitude, living in purpose, and why manifestation work never stops. It just gets deeper.
“My biggest thing is to set the example that everything and anything is possible if your subconscious mind believes it to be true.”
“Our purpose will always come to light if we let it.”
Learn more about Adella and her work
Listen to Manifesting Magic with Adella on all major platforms!
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0:00[Music]0:08hmm [Music]0:22hi friends welcome back to the manifesting money podcast i am super happy and grateful for my consciousness0:31i'm also happy and grateful for all of my listeners everyone that's listening to this today whether you're old-time listener a new listener welcome welcome0:38welcome but again guys i am so unbelievably happy and grateful for my consciousness and my awareness of my0:46reality and the reason why i say that is because i've been reflecting if you guys haven't already been doing so make sure0:51you're reflecting from the year 2021 i feel like it went by so fast but it's times like this where i really sit0:59still and just listen and just look around and see all of the things that have truly manifested to my reality1:05that i just get so unbelievably grateful that i am aware1:11that i get to co-create that i am aware of my thoughts1:17and aware of the fact that i am not my thoughts and so i'm listening to the book the power of now right now if you1:24haven't already heard it it is so good i'll put a link in the show notes for you guys um i'm a really big audio1:30person in this book you really do have to be present and sit still to listen to it because uh just the tone that it is1:37but i'm telling you it's really really again just brought me back to this place of wow i can't believe four years ago i1:44had no idea that my thoughts created my reality i had no idea that i was a co-creator and i had no idea that i1:51could detach from my mind so a lot of times when people hear about manifestation and mindset they actually1:57want to know how do i stop thinking negatively how do i control my thoughts and in this podcast episode where i am2:04actually getting interviewed i talk about how it's not about controlling your thoughts it's really being2:10conscious and aware that you are not your mind so again this podcast episode is2:17actually something fun that i wanted to share on the podcast where i am actually getting interviewed by beautiful soul2:22who is a spiritual coach based out of new york city which is so amazing so adela i want2:28to thank you for allowing me to share this on my platform as well so again i'm going to be sharing the episode that we2:34did on her podcast but again guys please please please tune in to her podcast i'm gonna actually send or put all of her2:40information in the show notes so you can follow up with her i really appreciate when you send our guest um a dm on2:46instagram so i'll be leaving all of her information down below but again i thought this would be a really fun2:51episode because a lot of times people see things from the outside looking in and they don't know the full story they2:57see all the material things that have manifested but they don't know all of the things that had to shift and all of3:04the hard quote and quote hard because things being hard is just a belief um that had to happen in order3:11for the material things to manifest so i'm really excited that you guys get to hear about my story from day one where3:19it all started how things all shifted and adella did a great job at asking all these questions of how it really applies3:26to your everyday life and how it can apply to your life too so a couple quick announcements before we get to the actual episode is if you are listening3:33to this before december 18th you are listening to this for a reason especially if you are on the west coast3:41so we're actually doing our first live event here in san diego i've been talking about it all over the podcast3:46guys but we are doing a christmas gala and this is going to be an annual thing starting this year so this is again our3:53first live annual christmas gala and the reason why i'm putting this together is because i really just want to connect3:59and collaborate all of the people who've been tuning in to the podcast watching us on tiktok who've supported us via4:05instagram or in our facebook group and when i tell you guys that i get dms where people are just telling me all of4:10these amazing things that have shifted in their life it's amazing but i'm also like ah i want4:16to put you in a community where other people are just having these conversations i truly believe that my first quantum leap happened when i got4:22in a room of people who actually understood the things that i was talking about so it's one thing when you go4:27through the phase of like oh okay so i'm not crazy but it's a whole nother level when you start to again connect and4:33collaborate with people who are like oh so this is how i get to the next level and you start to understand that4:40everybody in your physical reality are people that you've attracted and so again the live energy is unreal and4:46there's somebody that you are supposed to meet at this party there's something that you're supposed to hear and4:52something you're supposed to see that's really really going to shift everything for you so i always always go4:58in with that mentality i'm telling you source meets me halfway so a couple more details about the christmas party we're5:03going to have some giveaways for you guys you guys know that i love giving back to the community we're having some5:09amazing sponsors who are going to be throwing some things in for the people who are there live but also for the virtual too so if you're listening to5:15this right now and you're like oh my gosh that sounds amazing but it's this upcoming saturday and there's no way i'm5:20going to be able to get there then tune into our virtual event so we're doing an hour of the actual christmas gala5:27that's going to be virtual that you guys can tune in live stream and we're going to be doing giveaways specifically for5:33those who are virtual and then there will be specific giveaways for those who are here live so again if you're here5:40live ricardo my last podcast guess i'm so freaking excited he's actually going to be there he's going to be speaking i5:47have donated speaking about law of assumption i have some other surprise guests that i want to bring up to the stage as well but overall guys it's just5:53going to be really fun and i'm just so excited and this is like my end of the year she bank where i'm like thank you5:59universe thank you source like i can't believe what my reality is right now and celebrating and live energy is just such6:05a huge thing so that was the intro that i wanted to give you guys and now let's get into this podcast episode and again6:11i'd really really love to hear what you get out of this please please please tag me and adela um on instagram after you6:18listen and i hope you all enjoy hi anita it is such a pleasure to have you here6:26with us um just for everyone listening my voice is destroyed out of nowhere i don't know6:33why i got this like tiny cold and i like can barely speak but6:39i will tell you that anita and me have been going like back and forward and trying to do this um episode so i just6:46didn't want to make it any longer and we just had to have her here6:51um have her here and so welcome anita how are you i'm awesome and i'm so happy and6:57grateful that you've been that you've been so patient with me i know like we've been like trying to plan no you've7:03been with me as well but honestly i feel like divine timing like yeah we can get upset about those7:09things all day long but it's like everybody was meant to hear this like this exact moment so here we are yeah of7:16course and so um well i was just telling you that i've been listening to some of your7:22uh some of your podcast episodes are really good and i've been you know following you7:28and so you are an expert in manifestation so i know a lot of our7:34listeners will be so happy to hear that from you but um7:39before going there i would can you talk a little bit about yourself who are you7:46why are you here and what is it that you do ah so beautiful yes i mean i say that in7:52my bio i say that in like my intro for my podcast is that i'm an expert at manifesting but so is everybody7:58listening to this right now it's just a belief and i'd like to ingrain that in everybody's head because a lot of times8:04we put other people on the pedestal it's like oh they can do that and it's possible for them but honestly my biggest thing is to set the example that8:11everything and anything is possible if your subconscious mind believes it to be true8:16so a little bit about me my name is anita aguilar i am the host of the manifesting money podcast and it was not8:24originally that podcast that actually started as makeup mentor podcasts so to rewind like way back um8:33i'd say about i like to start when i just started learning about law of attraction and manifestation because i8:40never not believed in manifestation i just simply literally just had no idea what it was i was like what is it how8:46does it work and when i became conscious of it that's when my life changed so there's a lot of8:52people who are listening right now uh who are either just now waking up to it you're like holy crap i had no idea8:59this was even a thing now they're hearing podcasts like this um and then there's people who do know about9:05manifesting and law of attraction your thoughts create your reality and we can create our reality9:11so i like to speak to both audiences so that's why i like to go back so uh it started when i was working five9:18different jobs all at one side five how bad how did you have the energy to do9:26that i did it that's the thing i literally had no way like i look back at it now and i tell people and i'm like9:32seriously how did i do that oh my god so my twin sister i'd like to point this9:37out is that she's like my um she's my rock she's the one that always kept me on track with my bills9:43finances like and just like you know hold me accountable um9:48a lot of times people have that person in their life whether it's a partner maybe it's um9:54a business partner or stuff like that but usually it's like super crazy outgoing and then there's a person who's10:00quote unquote practical brings you down um and then it's the balance of both that really helps but10:06long story short my sister left a deployment and i was by myself and so i just got10:11really into the masculine energy all right i'm gonna work and i'm gonna pay off all my debt and i'm gonna um get my10:18credit score up and i'm gonna you know do all these the things that i want to do start my business10:24and so when my sister left like my idea of being really rich and having a lot of money was just working a lot right10:30because that's like what we've been programmed to believe so monday through friday i would go to my10:37office job which i hated it was so sexist it was like10:42it was so bad um and then i would leave there and i would go home10:49eat really fast uh change my ready for the second one yeah go to my next job and then i would10:56um bartend so i was bartending too so i bartended on the weekends sometimes11:02during the week and if i wasn't doing that i was driving for postmates and then i um11:08once a month i would uh do the army national guard i was military wow11:14and then if i had any other time that's when i did makeup because oh that was what i missed i was going to11:20school for makeup so i would go home i would change go to makeup school for like four hours get done drive for11:27postmates i'm like i'm already out here so might as well do a drive yeah so you were embodying the hustle11:35yeah so mentality well you were just like in the hustle11:40yeah it was it was so bad honestly because i mean like physical energy was one thing you know like11:46getting tired but it was mostly like i got to this point where my my twin sister got back11:53from deployment she had been gone for three months they actually let her come back a little bit early um11:59and i realized that i was in more debt none of my bills were paid on time still12:06i was still late on everything um i obviously was tired i mean exhausted12:13wasn't even the word but like it was mostly because i hadn't been eating like the whole entire time12:18i would just like be so busy that i couldn't eat so i would just eat at work and then i would eat fast food because i12:24didn't have time and then i didn't work out um and12:29you know as soon as i woke up in the morning it was work work work work work look at my phone all this different stuff and so12:36when i got to that breaking point and i realized that one financially i wasn't anywhere i was12:43completely burnt out exhausted which i know there's a lot of people listening to this right now they're like at that point we're like12:50everything else matters except for you which is like the opposite of money12:55of what attracts money so i listen my sister wanted me to listen13:01to a book you are a badass at making money i've13:06heard of it i've never read it oh i even heard that you recommend it13:11oh yes yeah so good so um i listened to the book and in the book13:18there's a story about a girl named anita um13:23i know no way and anita was crazy i love your name by the way oh thank you i love your name13:31like i feel like our names are very similar yeah so13:37in the book um anita was manifesting 60 00013:42to pay off her mortgage so that she could start her own business which is what i wanted to do13:49and so in order to feel comfortable she wanted to quit her job have that paid off and start her business so she's like13:55visualizing the sixty thousand dollars she's putting it everywhere she's getting into the frequency you know14:01learning about law of attraction this is the first time i even heard the words law of attraction and she was laying in her bed14:08and nothing happened and all of a sudden right before she was about to give up14:14she remembered that her grandfather gave her a stock when she was in college i think something like that14:21and she goes to her closet and she goes to go pick it out out of14:26the closet and it's the first box that she picks up and she looks and it's the14:33first paper that's right on top she didn't even have to look for it it was right there so she called the people she didn't know14:39anything about trading stocks how much do i have so how much do i own yeah she's like how do i even do this stuff i14:46don't even know who to call or what to call so she calls the people and the stock sold for 60 thousand dollars to14:53fatigue yeah so that's when everything changed14:58that is that i feel like that's exactly how it feels when you're manifesting on purpose15:05um yeah like it totally feels like that um and and so from that book15:14was was that the first time that you had like a light on the manifestation world15:19and that you were inspired to change the way that you were doing things15:24oh yeah i was obsessed i i couldn't stop listening to that book i obviously listened to the rest of the audible yeah15:30and then i listened to it again i'm the type of person where i listen music wait was that a story like a true story or15:37was that like uh or oh yeah it was a true story yeah it was one of her testimonies but they just15:43changed the names in the book oh that's amazing okay i know right15:48what are the odds for that specific story that it would be yeah yeah and then it was something talking to you it was a15:55message yeah and i and i like i've16:01at the time like i obviously didn't like not believe in god like i was i'm like christian16:07and i'm like going to church no way how long ago was this because that's like a big shift16:13i know chills when you said that um that was like three no maybe like four16:19years ago now that is fast i know yeah so16:25thank you for following that path and you know given such a good example to16:30inspire so many of us to be honest it's so scary there's so many things that i was so scared of and16:36still scared of now and i think that it's very important for me to be vulnerable about my fears and the things16:41that i'm going through because one yes the material things are just material16:46things and it's like the more material things that manifest the deeper the subconscious roots their beliefs go16:53and so um i'll get into that later but it was just like so much that had i had to work on and17:00yeah but the consciousness was the first part was just really like it is tough work17:06like some people think that we're playing or something or or that yeah you know17:12it's like fun but it is it is hard work and i don't mean it like hard work it's just a lot of energy that goes through17:19the process of really of of reprogramming and really changing those beliefs17:25um um i don't even know where to go from here17:30but yes i do okay so you were in that part of your life so you basically had like a 180 shift17:37did you know before that what type of business you wanted to open yeah so i actually wanted to do makeup17:44oh yeah because you were going to school for that yeah and it's kind of one of those things where you say17:50i want to do makeup full time and then universe is like okay you want to quit all these jobs and then some of them i17:56quit on my own i will i will say that but i'm telling you as soon as i said that the18:02universe universe was like this is what you wanted it's so scary at first because like i18:09said i was driving for postmates my car broke down four times one month thank18:14god that you say this because in one of your episodes you were mentioning how it18:19is actually something good when things that we perceive as not good happen18:25can you and i imagine this is an ex like an example of that18:31yeah so you know really like when i first started seeing it was18:36like again the specific part of the story where i'm talking about like all of those jobs18:41just started like one after another like fell off so one of the first one i quit was actually18:47the office job which guys i was making 300 a week and i was so scared to leave there i was working18:5325 hours 300 a week and i like to say numbers because it's like yeah18:59it's real yeah and i can really identify with it19:05so i quit the office job um and then i was like okay i can bartend19:11and i can drive if you have a backup plan like did you know where you were going to you thought you were going to19:16complement that uh income with your other jobs with the uh yeah attending yeah yeah cause i still had bartending19:22and i still had postmates and i was still building my makeup like i didn't need a certification to do makeup either19:28mind you um i just didn't have any clients so i was like okay i can still do these19:34two and then my bartending job i'm working like one of the biggest bars that they had19:40um most money i've ever made in one day i was about like 800 i made19:46i've never made that much in one day and all of my money from my drawer19:52got stolen what so what happened is that we we have to like put the money in a bag19:59and then we take it up to the office and we count it so that way you know they take their money i take mine20:04and i dropped the bag and somebody that worked there took it20:09no way you didn't and i like upset from this story yeah i was working from like20:16i opened so 10 a.m and now it's like i would have got off at like two but now20:22it's like 4 00 a.m because we're still looking around for this bag everybody feels so bad for me and so the next day20:28they're pretty much like look anita you can either pay it back or you can quit there was no cameras20:35which is so dumb but whatever you know you can get mad in the situation pay the money that you were stolen yeah oh20:41my god and honestly if it wasn't like if like nobody else was there besides20:47employees like if it wasn't if it was a different situation like a customer would have took in it would have been20:52different but i was like right i can't trust anybody that works here you know what i mean yeah and so then i20:58was like obviously i quit and that's when things started to take off for me like makeup21:04wise um but notice how i had to physically release those things in order to have this new21:11manifestation is that is that like a part of the process of manifestation21:17like do you have to because some people are like do i have to like why why can't i just carry all the world on my troll21:24on my shoulders and add an extra thing yeah well that's the thing is that you're you you can say21:31um i want more i want more makeup jobs i want more makeup jobs i want my makeup jumps but what i was actually saying21:38at the time because i was working weekends right if everybody's booking makeup on the weekends and i'm picking21:44up a bartending shift because i'm not booked yet what i'm telling the universe is21:50that i don't believe that i'm going to get booked so that's why i'm picking up a bartending shift like if i believed i21:56was going to get booked i want to be working and so a lot of people they can't see that before it actually happens and they22:03think oh when i get booked that's when i'll stop working nope nope nope it's the other way around22:09and so then my car started to break down and when i wasn't driving for postmates i was working on myself and i was22:15working on my makeup business so it's just the same thing over and over again like work it's like it's like universe is22:22giving you little hints of like we're showing you what to work on you just gotta do it you know yeah yeah and you22:28were inspired by it also yeah it was i mean it was so hard22:33honestly i think it was so hard because nobody in my energy22:39knew what i was talking about yeah that must be so hard like for me from your story one of the hardest things is going22:46so fast from you um we're christian and like christianity22:52has nothing wrong with it like no religion does it's just that usually22:57like you know it manifestation is not a topic there so that means like all of the23:02people that you were surrounded with like it's like a lot of changing so how like did you ended up doing23:09makeup did you do the transition how did you get to this manifestation world um of course like you were23:16starting to know more about it and get more um inspired from it but how did you find23:23you know basically your passion for this and decided that this is what we were going23:28to do honestly the biggest shift started to happen23:34like when i was still in virginia that's where i was living at the time when i first became woke i like to like23:39is that when i woke up at the time that you grew up um no i'm actually from nebraska oh okay yep so i23:46moved there and i was 18 maybe 19 i can't remember and yeah i23:53was planning to move to california so my twin was in the navy she was going to get stationed there and i was like okay i'm just going to go23:59with her here's my opportunity and that's when things got really hard like again my car kept breaking down i24:05physically couldn't get another job why do cars break down i swear i went through that same stage like in college24:13and went out in the you know at the beginning when i graduated it was like two years of my car literally just24:19breaking down all the time and you just can't control it and i know so many other people that have gone24:25through the same thing like why this why do you think that your energy i always wanted to know like why does your energy24:31like why why are you attracting that like what is it representing i honestly think it's a test um24:39you know because especially when it comes to money and i understand this a lot more now than i did then24:44but um like if you're not in the state of gratitude for what you24:51have now then you physically can't attract more like there's there's no way like think24:57of it as this like it's christmas right now and i'm like hey adella i have a really really nice25:03beautiful christmas present that you've been thinking about that you've been asking for i've been seeing you post about it and then i give it to you25:11and then you just don't say anything you're just like okay no thank you no excitement no joy like25:18you don't even acknowledge it and so this wasn't what i was thinking about25:25and then or maybe it came like a different way that we wanted it to right25:30and it's like well why would you want to give that person more gifts if they weren't25:36grateful and gratitude you know in this place of receiving and so when you think25:41of every single thing especially when it comes to money as that that specific search25:47um scenario that is when you'll start to operate at a higher frequency25:53and so again if you're in a place where like your car breaking down is the end of the world right so you really have to26:00think about even thinking people who are in like third world countries right now like you wouldn't be complaining about a26:05car problem if you didn't have a car you know you paying the deductible like i didn't26:12physically have the money for my deductible when i got a car in accident26:18but i was very grateful that i had people who physically had the money because think about that that's even a26:23manifestation like can you call somebody who has that money to help you26:29because it's it's one thing when people say yes or no that's a that's a manifestation on its26:34own but like actually having the resources is like you know whether it's you your credit26:41card somebody who's helping you grandparents like i've always always just seen stuff in that light and26:48showed gratitude and be like wow money really is always here for me when i need it yeah um26:54so yeah it was a test because what would happen is that i would27:00manifest money and then it would be the exact amount that i needed for that car problem27:06and then i'd go back to where i started and i would get so mad and i was getting in the same situation over and over27:12again because i wasn't using gratitude that i even had the money but then i realized um this is after like a month after i27:20invested into my first course the manifestation babe that i realized that that's why that27:27money showed up like that money wouldn't have showed up in my life if that car like that's the reason why the27:33money showed up and i didn't know it at the time and i just also wasn't operating at the27:39same frequency as the money right because like to me i was still somebody who only made27:45two thousand dollars a month and me trying to operate as someone who made five thousand or ten thousand dollars a27:51month like i was still stingy with my money i was still scared to spend it you know it27:57was just so many things i didn't realize how i was blocking my own blessings mm-hmm yes28:03wow so that makes a lot of sense i feel like a lot of28:08people like in general us we go through all of those stages and28:15i know it takes a lot of time to identify them you know and like of28:21course this is this is your work you know this is what you do um and so28:27and so for a lot of people i know i've been there myself where you get stuck in a level for28:34five years you know more years so why is that like when is that when is it28:40that we can actually make like that breakthrough and i guess like in that time in your life you were being tested28:48um the universe was like anita so you're saying you want something more right you28:53want it so here it is so let's see and and but at the time you probably like did not know what was going on and29:01through that experience you were figuring it out and so what was the like which was like29:08could you identify a moment or do you feel it was just a lot of moments um that took you to a29:15place where you feel like you could actually like break from that anita that earned two thousand29:23dollars and wasn't that into like really operating from another level and just29:30embodying a different version of yourself yeah oh my gosh that's a good question29:36um so there's definitely a lot of little ones but i like kind of piece together like the big pivotal moments so if29:43you're ever in a place where you feel like oh my gosh this is rock29:48bottom i have no money i have nobody that supports me i hate where i live i29:54don't know where to start yeah like i don't know what to do yes you do you're the only person29:59um then it's just a sign that you are playing too small so i have a podcast episode it's called burnt30:06out or what to do when you're burnt out and this is what i talk about on it but it's like the reason why you feel like30:11that and the reason why your whole reality is like that is because those things in your reality are30:16no longer serving you so people places and things so uh so again i've learned this from my30:22own experience but also like when i look back at every single person i've interviewed interviews i've watched30:29breaking down like books and stories so when i moved like physically moved to30:35san diego which is where i'm at now right um beautiful cindy was so beautiful it's so beautiful and i really30:42wanted to move here and i wrote about it forever i would journal about it visualize it30:48every single thing that i wanted manifested in one week30:54one week one week but it i was so scared of moving here i31:00was so scared of all these different things but i was like i just gotta [ __ ] do it i literally don't even31:06have a choice like i just gotta do it yeah like even the money to physically get here31:11manifested one week before i left um so31:17what i've learned throughout that process like what happened is i wanted to i said i wanted to do makeup full-time i wanted to be around people31:23who understood like what i was talking about um and then31:29our house we didn't physically have anywhere to live yet either literally why do you say our31:35oh my my twin sister and i oh okay yeah31:40um so when we came out here uh wait you have a twin sister yeah all31:46right just now i don't know if you mentioned that before but wow she's your twin that's amazing yeah she's my we're31:54two peds in a pod we're i mean we're separating this year which is gonna be super hard but it's very essential for32:00the twin process i believe yeah we're 26 i think32:05it's time it's time it's not but it is everybody's like are you guys gonna live32:10together when you're married and i'm like yes but um32:16anyway so i moved here uh as i was physically driving to california i got hired to do full-time32:24freelancing for makeup and32:29what else happened oh my sister got the place because she went to came here before i did32:34my sister physically got a location which was it was a crazy story how it's like one of those things of like holy32:42crap we're so lucky because the people who lived at our apartment they had to get out of their lease early so we32:48didn't have to pay the deposit we just got to move in right away which is also crazy32:54um and then my neighbor just so happened to run all of the fashion shows in san33:00diego and then the first week that i was um here33:05i was doing makeup for tv and i get there i said something like i said something33:12about law of attraction yeah and i just specifically remember someone saying yeah law of attraction your thoughts33:19create your reality duh and i was like everybody knows about these fears33:26that's why i say california is a different energy because like people are very conscious and aware here33:33but yeah so what i've learned throughout that process is that i released a place33:38that was no longer serving me virginia wasn't bad i actually really loved my house it was like my first time having33:44like a like an actual house um so i had to let go of that the physical33:50place a lot of friends that weren't serving me anymore you know again they weren't bad33:55they just weren't on the same track that i was on yeah um34:00and physical things too like i got rid of like all my stuff right i'm moving across the country34:07and so that's that's what i've really pulled together with my story and then when i got into the34:12manifestation babe academy because like before i came here i was like [ __ ] it i'm going all in i don't care how much34:17money i got to spend i don't care what i gotta do i don't care how far i gotta drive i'm gonna do whatever it takes and so that's when i34:24invested into my first course and so when i was here you know i didn't have any distractions34:30it was like me work celebrating it was like vacation the first three months i was here34:36and it was just like this this time where i really got to learn about myself34:41and saying what is the need which i feel like it's so important yeah so so important and it's like so34:48important because it's like if you're saying okay well my sister's like or like let34:54me use a spouse like i i like to use this as an example like you have a spouse and you're like okay it's their day off35:00work yeah so it's not necessarily your day off work it's like hour day off work what do they want to do and all this35:06different stuff so even little stuff like that you're asking someone where they want to go eat or what you know what do you want to do35:12you're you're like picking and pulling all of these little things from your like soul35:17and that's when you start to get mad over the remote because honestly your soul is like i need to be alone i need35:24to recharge i need to find out who i am yeah and i just get so sad because so many people they don't when they're not35:29conscious of it and then they don't know how to like you know come back to themselves35:35no and i even and i even feel that for people that want to connect to their intuition it's essential like of course35:42i need my alone time but it is in those times it's like a i35:48feel like it's another type of meditation so when you're by yourself and you're35:53just doing things that they're very automatic and if for you for example35:58driving walking you know washing the dishes i feel it's a moment36:05um where you're not really controlling from your mind and you're you're in touch with that36:11awareness with that divine power and it's in those moments that you're really36:16being guided because you're open um to those messages you know you don't36:22you don't really have all those blocks and so i feel that it's in those moments when you're like36:28ah i want this i need this like this is my next step or36:33i i haven't even realized it i realized that i've been so upset about this so36:38it's it's something very essential for us to get in touch with ourselves so you were in basically a retreat of36:46immersion with with yourself for three months right yes oh my gosh i love what you just said36:54i like how you said that it's a form of meditation because it is because everybody thinks meditation is always like you know yeah silence is one thing37:03but guided meditations are another thing but i think what you just said is the most important like37:09when you're like disconnected from your mind and really in tune with your body you know yeah37:14you're just like not even not even thinking like you're just being like37:21we all feel it yeah and that's what i've noticed lately because like especially when you37:27manifest a lot of material things and then you're like you don't feel anything have you ever felt like that where you manifested37:33material and then you found them yes when i manifested like a lot of the things that i had been wanting to all at37:39once after that it came like an emptiness i was like wait wait so so what was all37:47this about and then you start realizing oh so it's not about the material things like those are nice37:53but after that i feel like i started um value and so much more38:00living in purpose so i was like so this is just like something extra it's something nice to have38:07but you know like what really makes me happy it's basically like38:13experiencing myself and having a purpose of being of service like okay that's what really fills me up38:19and yeah it's scary i feel like those moments are scary and it's also something that i have38:25that i had to reprogram because i know that sometimes i block38:31um certain material things because i i like i remember the emptiness that i felt38:38oh that's so good this never ends this work never ends it38:43just gets deeper and deeper yeah yeah yeah i think jim carrey says that he's38:49like i want everybody to manifest the money and the material things so that they realize that they don't matter38:54yeah like it's it's nice to have of course it's nice to have but then you39:00understand that it is not about that and i know i know because i know people that have it all39:06materially and you know that doesn't um39:12i was listening to a podcast the other day about oprah like it was very i think i shared it even in instagram it's very39:20intuitively i was like what i i haven't heard this podcast in years because it's just like the same amount of episodes39:26and i heard um paulo coelho talking i don't know if you've ever heard that39:32episode or that podcast but it was really inspiring it was just saying how39:37we all have dreams um you know and we come with those dreams and i was like do you think you39:43know that some people forget about them and it's like no no one forgets about them it's just that we like shut them up and those dreams39:50are our potential of what we can you know be in this in this lifetime39:57and we shot that part of us down with different things and one of those things40:04can be with material things so it's when we experience that void when we're like40:09i need something and then you just like fill it up with material to kind of like forget about it but then that part of40:16you like knocks again because it is not about that so of course like material things are really nice um it is like a40:24big blessing it is a vehicle for sure but we are here for something much much40:31much deeper than that and like our purpose will always come to light if we40:36let it oh so good i love this topic and i like how40:41you said the work never stuff because it really doesn't yeah yeah so40:46so going back because i feel like we're gonna end up talking about everything here so we were just talking about so you40:53were in this stage in your life when you were you know you had the opportunity which is beautiful40:59to have three months for yourself you never value that as much as when41:05you're a mom so i have a daughter she's 19 months old and i had never valued so much like41:12being able to eat a meal by yourself it's like those 30 minutes are41:18sacred and so you know that's the beauty of duality of course that we get to experience all41:25these differences uh and and in that experience we get to appreciate them41:30but you had that that opportunity that not a lot of people have and it's not because41:36they can't have it we can all have it but sometimes it's because we don't we don't open ourselves41:41you know to to to to those experiences you have three months for yourself to41:48figure out what you wanted to do or to like start developing new dreams within yourself41:55and what did you discover in those three months oh my gosh um honestly i tapped more42:01into what we're talking about now and it's like the more that i tapped into it myself the more people i started to42:07attract who are operating at the same frequency and then you just start to meet like wow like i just met the most amazing people42:14and that's what led me to start in my podcast is because i was like having conversations like this guys like in a42:20coffee shop like i would literally be in coffee shops with people for like five hours42:25oh my god i know what else time stops it doesn't even exist right42:31like nothing else mattered and honestly what i've been realizing because i'm i was also really known and42:37i still am like the party person like hey let's go out let's have a look good time with celery i love your energy like42:42your energy is like super um like you're just like a happy person42:48and so it's interesting having that mix um with like your spirituality being open42:53yeah and that was the thing too it's like i realized every time i would go out because some friends i would go out42:59with and they're like let's go find the coolest bar or whatever you know yeah the most good looking guy in the43:05bar but i realized that i'm that person that always like wanders off and like has43:10conversations with the random people that everyone's like where's i need him because i was always looking for that43:16connection that i was getting in the coffee shops and so we were talking about that void that you feel when you get the material things and again guys43:22we're not saying don't get the material things we're saying like you have to go through that process of like okay43:29have a goal hit the goal realize nothing's internally changed and then that's when you go through the new shift43:36and i think when i went through that shift that's why i felt so lonely again because again a lot of43:41people knew about manifestation that like it wasn't that part anymore i just didn't have a43:48lot of people who were like following through manifesting the things that they want43:53and then oh it's 11 11 right now well not for me it's 2 11.44:00so then i went through a new shift where i was like okay and then the people people in44:06my life start to drop off again or if there's resistance and now i'm getting resistance like i44:13think this is when covet hit when everything starts shifting again yeah with um like with with um each up44:19leveling it comes new challenges right and yeah and with what anita was saying i44:26just want to say yes 100 like with what we were talking about please44:31don't think like oh then i don't need money no believe me like you want to go in and have that and get that um44:37because that is you know part of you being able to really get into your purpose so so yes let's not block that44:45because i am a big believer that money is important it um44:50when you're blocking it you don't want to do that so so44:56um we were just in the part of i like lost my my thought for a second yeah no so i45:03um again the universe put something in my mind oh yeah about the challenges45:08yeah this is how i feel like a lot of the process of conscious manifestation looks like45:14so you you know do your inner work you have that um45:19you have you do that guided uh take like take action basically45:26divine action from god so you take action from basically divine45:33guidance and so you end up in a new place in the unknown and then you have to again45:40see other sets of challenges but each time that you up level it's like this new you45:48and it feels amazing and it's just like you're expanding so this is was this where you were45:55um in that moment so you're like finally you know like you've wanted to be in san diego for so long and then you're there46:03and you're seeing a new you and you're like okay this doesn't fit in46:08my life anymore and this does and so you were still doing makeup at that time right46:14yep so i was still doing makeup i had makeup mentor podcasts when covet hit i started teaching about makeup which was46:20a whole new shift for me right because i physically couldn't do makeup anymore and so that's when again46:27universe was like you said you want to do this such um and then so when i started receiving46:33money for coaching and mentoring that was a whole nother shift because i was like46:38i didn't feel worthy of receiving it and i was like well if they don't manifest money because i didn't46:44understand why people weren't getting the results that i got when i manifest when i invested in courses46:50and what was that it's because of their beliefs and their subconscious mind right and honestly what is money46:59has to do with worthiness it has to do with everything47:04right that's the right answer it has to do everything with worthiness yeah it really does like a lot of people47:10don't understand that like like if you not having enough money for rent47:16has nothing to do with rent you not having enough money for you to go out on the weekends or go on vacation or all47:23this stuff it has nothing to do with money it has absolutely nothing to do with money and that's why i work with47:28people who are struggling to get money but i also work with people who have money and are scared to spend it47:35because again um it all boils down to worthiness and all of the beliefs that47:40you have about the world yourself love and money have developed ever since47:46you are a baby up until you're seven years old and so the work again is to go back to those47:52times okay what was said that made me believe that i don't have enough money so i talk47:58about this story a lot is that um i did a hypnosis session48:03and it took me back to a time when i was five years old and i48:09actually let me tell this other story because i like this other one better because i've always known i want to be a millionaire and i always know that i48:15want to have a lot of money but i didn't know why until i went back to this hypnosis session so she actually took me48:21back when i was a baby i was a baby in a baby carriage and i had my dad had us48:26my twin sister and i and we were at the horse races and like all the tvs you know48:32like in this vision i can see all the tvs and i can see my dad like watching the horse races48:39and he was betting money and he was losing and he was very mad and you know how48:45people have mad vibrations you can physically feel it and i was crying and he didn't attend to me48:51because he was losing and so i developed the belief that money48:57was more important than me and if money was more important than me then i wasn't worthy49:04oh and so that's where that deep rooted subconscious belief about money actually came like why i was like okay i want to49:10be rich i want to be rich i'm surprised you could you could see that deep into a hypnosis49:17it is crazy how old were you like you were a baby a baby yeah that's insane49:23and a lot of people like some people have like when they do this session so i actually have this for all my one-on-one49:28coaching like it's like essential but just because of how much it changed my life yeah um49:34so yeah that's like deep rooted into your subconscious mind and so usually she takes you back either to49:41those times sometimes it's times when you're in the womb like let's say that you are like your mom was49:47struggling and you had no idea like those beliefs are still getting developed right49:53and sometimes they even take you back to past lives and like one of my 101 coaching clients49:58um last week told us how they took her to a past life and yeah they're so deep-rooted you50:06don't understand how much us doing the work now is like changing generations and generations50:11yep totally totally totally wow so so it was like during this moment that50:18you know like after covet and everything um that you basically50:23went fully in um into into50:28the world of manifestation and and i saw that you're big on tick50:34tock by the way how did that happen how did you manifest that was that was it on purpose or no50:41well i will say that um like50:46when i started coaching and like coaching makeup artists like i didn't go all in on that because honestly there's50:52still so much resistance not only believing in myself but it was hard it was just me i was50:57learning email marketing i was learning social media my own launches and51:04it's actually when i actually went back to work i started working an office job again51:11um which i did manifest that job and i needed to see to not only learn about51:16physically running an office but i needed to learn the essentials of51:23building a team and that's what i like universe was like you this is why we're placing you here and i'm like okay51:29um so anyway i got in i got connected with a beautiful soul her name is kathleen51:36cameron and i found her own tick tock after one of my videos blew up about manifesting money this is before i was51:42talking about manifesting money on my tick tock i was actually just talking more about you know for a makeup artist51:47attracting makeup artist yeah and even though my podcast was only talking about manifestation51:53yeah um so obviously your interest and that's another thing that i always um52:02say in this in this podcast and just to the people that i know in general it is like why is it so hard to follow52:10the things that interest us we have like a a lot of times when it's things that are not52:16you know valued by society it is hard for us sometimes to accept them and follow them and if we only knew that in52:23following or literally natural interests whatever sparks us joy52:29it's like um where we will find the things that we're looking for so like for you of52:34course of course you liked makeup and i'm sure you still like it and your makeup is beautiful52:42but your biggest passion was like in manifestation and52:50and reprogramming and healing and the energy world so um52:56of course it probably took a little message from the universe to like guide you towards it53:02lots of messages oh my gosh yes because when i interviewed kathleen i realized that i was trying to prove to53:08her that i knew what she was talking about like she went from 3 000 a month to over three hundred thousand dollars a53:14month teaching exactly what i was teaching everybody the only difference was that she was living it uh-huh53:22and so i ended up quitting my office job i put my six weeks in um53:28so i quit the office job i launched a new program the 31 days of abundance and i went to go visit my sister right53:35everything that i would be doing if i was living my most abundant life you know and i always follow through even53:41though when things get rocky and you're like holy [ __ ] i don't even know how i'm gonna make this happen anymore53:46so i launched the program i went to go visit my sister i like stopped making sales like because53:54i had a three-day workshop and then the 31 days of abundance um so the three day was 30 dollars and54:00the 31 day was 300 so i was like okay well all i need to do is sell at least 130 days a month or a54:07week um to replace this office job but i didn't make any sales and i was54:13like oh you know it's kind of freaking out and i was like okay gotta pay rent i54:18gotta pay insta podcast my podcasting you're right i gotta pay my virtual assistant who i had for fifteen dollars54:24an hour um and like all the fears are coming up and54:29then kathleen comes along and i did her workshop54:34and that's when i was like oh i'm playing too small i'm not going big54:40enough and so i actually um i actually invested into her diamond54:46academy to be a certified coach with her um and mind you guys like again i54:52physically didn't have like my credit score wasn't high enough to get approved for a loan to to join kathleen's program54:57because i think it was like i don't know if i can give exact numbers but it was like 15 000 and i was like55:03okay i don't care how i get i don't care how i get the money i just need to get it and get in you know55:09and so i actually asked my mom to get the loan for me55:14um and i could pay off the loans you feel scared doing that i did55:20but i also knew she would say yes and it was so crazy because it was like55:26i knew exactly what i needed to do and this is another part where you guys get to and you're like i don't know what to55:32do imagine knowing what you need to do you just got to do it you're like [ __ ] i don't want to do it so how do you know55:38what you want to do do you think it's like a something that intuitively like you're pulled towards55:46to and you know sometimes like your mind just doesn't want to accept it or because yeah a lot of people are like i55:52don't know i'm stuck what's the next step i don't know so if you don't know what to do what i55:58always do i mean i was just teaching the same technique that i tell everybody which was how much money56:05when do you need to buy what are all the possible ways that you can get it and you do the ways that the money can56:11come to you like on a physical level like asking my mom came like56:18was on that list selling when i went coaching for ten thousand dollars was on that list56:23um what else was on there i had a couple other things too but56:30and then i exhausted that list all the things that were on that list i was like okay i gotta go through all these things and universe is gonna meet me halfway56:37but i gotta i gotta like do my part right yeah yeah and so56:43long story short even when i got my mom said yes we got approved for the loan i had to like56:48there was still so much physical resistance of like now my problem wasn't having the money i was like physically56:54trying to transfer the money from her account to my account like there's fees and like these are problems you don't56:59even think about when it comes like this time out of money yeah so long story short i finally paid for the course57:07and mind you i still don't know how i'm gonna pay rent i don't know how i'm to pay my team everything's due by the end57:13of the week and i was going to vegas to talk about manifestation57:18and so i just paid it and i was like okay relax watch tv57:25just chill out anita yeah and then the next day i was running around doing errands57:31and there was a girl who i never even met before who made a video about how she manifested57:40a new job a scholarship all these opportunities and i do edit it57:47in the video got a million views no way and for the first time ever my57:54sales were like like i was making sales with my58:00three-day workshop but it wasn't like this and i was like and i manifested i think58:06two thousand dollars in this one day yeah and i was like oh58:12okay this is kind of this is the right path so long story short i still go to vegas58:18yeah and i'm speaking on stage and i'm like calling people out i'm like acting58:24like i'm the shoes it was so fun for me um yeah it just really really helped me58:30embody like i'm doing this i'm doing this and then i got off stage58:36and my 31 days of abundance was like taking all the time58:42no but i was just like crying overwhelming because the sales were one thing the money is58:49one thing but like the amount of testimonies that i had in my dms like58:54this changed my life this changed my life just changed like i literally had someone and i don't talk about this59:00like on any of my platforms because i don't want people to think they can join my courses and like i don't want people59:05to join for the money like i'm gonna manifest what they manifest right um she manifested twenty thousand dollars59:12in three days and i was like ah and she was my first client that i had that was like okay i59:20got the money but i don't feel worthy of receiving it i don't feel like59:25i don't feel like i can spend it i'm scared to spend it and that's why i made the 31 days of abundance and so she was59:32really like a really good testimony for like oh okay so now this is the new level59:39so honestly that's when everything changed and the one thing i want to point out that i realized59:44is that i was already living like i would go through that process and that's why i would like59:50manifest the things that i wanted then i would go back to where i started like i'd release people places and things59:55every time i wanted more money or every time i launched and then i would have some big goals1:00:00finish the goals but then there's still things that i didn't follow through with1:00:06and i noticed with kathleen's course because the first time i heard about it i was excited i was motivated but i1:00:12didn't make the decision i didn't i wasn't willing to do whatever it took you know yeah1:00:17and i realized it had nothing to do with the course the course is amazing yeah her material is amazing the energy is1:00:22amazing but it was mostly me it was me getting really excited motivated but not1:00:28following through and it was just this vicious cycle that i was in over and over and over and over1:00:34again and so when i broke that cycle i attracted other people who were also1:00:41breaking that cycle and that's why my sales went viral wow i love your story on so many levels1:00:49because one i feel it is so relatable two1:00:54i feel like it just like explains to so many of us1:00:59the same cycles that we go through and that you know all the lies that we1:01:05tell ourselves because maybe we don't we don't want to show that courage that1:01:12we do have inside of us to get to that next level and1:01:17we're scared that's that's the reason like we're scared and what you did it1:01:23took so much courage not once not twice many times doing it over again over1:01:29again and over again and i know that a lot of people are so afraid of failing you know like failing and having1:01:36really bad results and doing something um that can change their lives not for the1:01:43good but for the bad and i always feel that when you're on your right path like the1:01:50universe god will never ever ever drop you ever and1:01:57if you are in the first place acting from fear which it would be let's say1:02:02that you're really attracted to this world but you're like no i said that i was going to succeed in1:02:09makeup and you know because of another belief you have that1:02:14you're not worthy of doing something that makes you happy and that you have to stay with your first choice i don't1:02:20know we're so full of them yeah that's when you encounter in the1:02:25future a result that you didn't want to but when you're in your purpose you're doing what lights you up1:02:31there's no way like simply as simple as that there's no way that the universe will will um you know1:02:38like drop you and you will always get what you asked or something better1:02:45so i am so excited that you have shared with the with us your story i feel it is1:02:52very uplifting and inspiring and so what would you tell1:02:59um you know people that are on the journey that you were and1:03:04and um you know what can they start doing like what what would you tell them like where can they start1:03:11to really change their lives and finally connect to those goals that they want and deserve1:03:20so good everything that you just said is so good um i'm a really big step-by-step process1:03:26type of person so i like to give step-by-step process i'm like if i could look back and be like oh my gosh i wish1:03:32someone would have told me just do those things so the first thing is to1:03:40get super clear on what you want right and the fastest way to get clear on what you want1:03:45is to get clear on what you don't want like everything in your life right now even if it's not bad guys this is the1:03:52hardest part where a lot of people get stuck because it's like like for example my apartment i love my apartment i'd1:03:57like really i just wrote a review about this place the other day and i was like man i'm really sad that i'm leaving here1:04:03but like i can tell it's no longer serving me because of it the way that i physically feel when i get here i'm like1:04:09darn it now's the time i gotta move and so it may be like a physical place it may be1:04:16like a workplace it may be people in your life um get super clear on what's no longer1:04:22serving you about that job how much money like like get specific on numbers too1:04:28and then so write all the little things that you don't want and then on the opposite side write all1:04:33the things just the complete opposite of what you do want right like i don't want a job that pays1:04:39me every week i want a job that pays me every single day this amount of money you know1:04:44and so then the second step is to release so it's all about1:04:50especially when it comes to quantum leaping and you're like holy [ __ ] i just went from this to that in a matter of months1:04:55it's like always a process of how fast can you release how fast can you release so again people places and things now1:05:01you're conscious of the things that are blocking you right yeah so1:05:07releasing those things and then the third step1:05:12is to um just follow through so like get clear1:05:19make a plan yes you are gonna make a plan of how it's possible and i know a lot of people say don't worry about the1:05:25house we've been programmed to believe like and worry about the how for so long1:05:30so it's a process when your brain can physically see okay i could do that i could sell this i1:05:37could make this course and i could make this amount of money yeah like your plan is never going to go the way that you1:05:43think it is just like how mine never went the way that i thought it was but when you follow through and you do the1:05:49things and you meet the manifestation halfway it will always manifest and things will1:05:56physically shift that's why they call it shifting guys because things are shifting and they're moving and it looks1:06:02like adversity but really those things are so essential to happen and fall out1:06:08of place just like how all my money got stolen from my drawer my car broke down1:06:14so once you're conscious of that and you're like oh this is a good sign nice try testing me1:06:20um that's when things really really start to again shift in1:06:26your reality so think from that abundant mindset of what you'd be doing if you already had the money and don't manifest1:06:33the money manifest the things that you'd be doing with the money and that's when the money comes oh1:06:39i love it anita how can people connect with you and work with you1:06:45yay so wait when is this coming out i'm trying to think of what we got going on right now uh1:06:51probably next week next week okay1:06:56so i don't know maybe even today well if any well if anyone's listening1:07:02to this before december 18th um we're having a christmas party encounter i'll release it today i'll release it today1:07:09oh my gosh yeah we're having a christmas party in california this is my biggest manifestation and it's so hard for me1:07:16because it has nothing to do with courses and i'm like again shifting my mindset all over again i'm like are people gonna come1:07:23but yeah we're having this really huge christmas party and it's like kind of like1:07:28for people who've just blown up on tick-tock i mean not necessarily just tick-tock people but like getting out1:07:35there sharing their manifestations some giveaways fun stuff1:07:40there yeah so if anybody's like listening to this before then you're in california guys please please please1:07:46message me on instagram i'll give you a specific code so that you guys can have some money off your tickets but1:07:52we just really want to see you there um and then other than that you can find me on again instagram1:07:58manifestingmoneypodcast ticktalk is where i post the most and i'm live the most1:08:03and then you can also um find us on youtube we just barely started posting on youtube manifesting1:08:10money podcast perfect anita it was like a big big big pleasure having you1:08:18here um it's been so much fun this conversation i feel like we could talk1:08:24for a couple more hours no problem thank you thank you so much for taking the time i'm sure everyone is going to1:08:32love this episode because truly there's a lot of gold in here1:08:37thank you so much for sharing with us your knowledge your story um i will be following you and1:08:46i i'm just wishing for you you know so much success with everything that you're doing thank you for lighting up the1:08:53world and inspiring us so and for everyone thank you for listening1:08:58and we'll see you guys on the next episode i love bye1:09:09youEnglish (auto-generated)
I am so grateful for Anita ! She came into my life when the universe knew I needed it the most . I did the 3 day workshop and manifested 15k within a month. This podcast will continue to help you realign your frequency and energy when you feel like no one will understand how you feel etc. Please do yourself a favor and invest in the workshop and 31 Days of abundance.
I’m a believer of manifestation. But when I came to money I didn’t understand why it just wasn’t happening for me. Then I took Anitas Money manifestations workshop and by the end of the third day I had $1994 in my bank account that only had $5 in it. Yes I cried because I had to pay my car and insurance. I began to listen to Anitas podcast and kept breaking down beliefs I had about money! Being aware of them and changing how I think and talk about money has made a hug change in my life! Thank you Anita! ❤️
This is my 2nd episode I am listening too and I just want to say that you give some much useful and practical information. I too listened to the Russ Jay Shetty podcast and I resonated with it soo much! I also finished reading his book. It goes to show how much you can achieve when you believe! ✨✨ I’m excited to continue listening to all you episodes
Anita’s energy and teachings are incredible!! So much good information about manifestation. It is more than manifesting money, it is manifesting your dream life. Her guests all bring interesting perspectives. I highly recommend!!
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