In this special episode, Anita goes live and answers all your burning questions from social media! Listen in as she talks about how to release your emotional attachment to money, knowing your numbers, and getting clear about the why behind your money manifestation. Question the beliefs handed down to you and break the cycle! All with a little help from your manifesting money queen, Anita!
“A lot of people think that abundance is having all the money in the world. But really, it's just reprogramming your mind to become conscious of these thoughts, flip them and understand that it has nothing to do with me, has nothing to do with my worth.”
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0:00[Music]0:08hmm [Music]0:22hello beautiful souls welcome back to the manifesting money podcast i am super happy and grateful that0:29you're tuning in today because i'm telling you that you are in for a treat so today we're actually gonna be0:34answering all things uh and questions about manifesting money so if you are listening on the podcast this is a0:40reminder that you can now find us on youtube so if you haven't already checked out the youtube make sure you do so i know0:46we also have some awesome money meditations on there as well so if you don't already incorporate uh the free0:52guided meditation i highly highly highly recommend that you do um and yeah we're just really excited to0:58have everyone listening today whether you're a new listener a long time listener another shout out that all of1:04the reviews that you leave us really really helps us get this podcast out to as many people as possible and we truly1:09appreciate every single time that you reach out to us after an episode or when you share with a friend we pay attention1:16to your dm so again thank you thank you thank you so first before i start getting um1:22answering a lot of the questions that i've been gathering in my dms what i would like to do is just share a1:28testimony okay so i got today's testimony so1:34this testimony is from cheryl who actually just joined 31 days of abundance so again this testimony starts1:41um hey girls setting a testimony from the three-day manifesto money challenge i have been inconsistently working on my1:48relationship with money for a year or so look how long a year um coming into three days i was it was1:55right when i found your podcast and i decided to give it a try really nothing to lose and so much to gain so i set an2:02intention for one thousand dollars uh manifestation goal and it started on a thursday i was both planting seeds for2:09future money to come in quotations clients payments reaching out to more clients uh went went to work2:17then had to take a short break due to a wedding that i attended over the weekend and i admit that i hadn't really put in2:24the work on saturday or sunday which were the last final days of the manifestation2:30i kind of put it off and but i came back on monday on the third and today is2:36wednesday it's all although it's been beyond the three days of the challenge i i've been paid from two clients payments2:44for my friends money earned earlier in the month from my side job for a total2:49of twelve thousand or twelve hundred and seventy four dollars and sixty five cents and a free coffee two free meals2:57and three hundred and seventy seven dollars for a future paycheck coming from my side job yay3:04so so good i love this testimony again i just get really excited when everybody is sharing their testimonies um in our3:11energy so i like to share them on the podcast it's 2 2 2 as i'm recording this right now so that's your sign your3:18confirmation from uh source that you're listening to this for a reason and yeah so i love this testimony but3:25the best thing about this is that cheryl actually joined the 31 days of abundance after this and i get really excited3:32about this because a lot of times when people manifest the money they stop doing the work right and so a lot of3:38times again um people get stuck in the cycle where they know how to obtain money or know how to manifest money but then for some reason3:45they go back to where they started or they get really scared of spending that money or some people just want to keep3:50the momentum going like cheryl here it seems like and i just again get so excited because i'm telling you it's3:56only up from here and if you can do that with twelve hundred dollars you can do that with uh4:02or a hundred thousand a million and again it's only up from here so i wanted to share that testimony i also have4:08another testimony in my facebook group that like brought me to tears this morning i was like bro how did i miss4:14this so facebook group if you're not already in it it's a free resource4:20um you can find it in the link in my bio if you're on tick tock watching this stream right now you can just message us4:26for it and we'll send it to you but yeah we have the facebook group for all the free resources4:35of course sorry mario likes to make an entrance hi4:47thank you love so the next testimony is from i'm just going to spell it out and4:53i really really hope that you know who i'm talking about so it's a j4:58e e how do i pronounce this if you're on uh tick tock or instagram like with me here please please please help me um5:04[Music] pronounce this but last name is gray so5:10first name a-j-e-e i hope i said that right okay so our first testimony um5:18this is actually yesterday on the facebook group so they write so guess who knocked on my door this5:24morning my leasing office about my past due rent and because of god and you anita5:32and believing in myself when they gave me the eviction notice i had a huge smile on my face as if i or as i5:40explained that i was just approved for over five thousand dollars in my back pay rent5:46my uh assistant quotations here my past balance was four thousand nine hundred5:52and twenty four dollars and i will be having future payments all paid off i explained that they will be5:59getting a payment by the end of this week and they were so shocked when i closed my door and i did6:05my happy dance because when i say i wasn't worried at all6:11oh and i took your advice anita and i picked up a call from a debt collector and told6:17her that the payment is on the way and she said how will it come and i said ma'am you have to trust the process but6:23the payment is on the way i've released it and i will find it uh we'll find you all in due time shook she was6:31i told her have a blessed day and have an amazing week yeah money problems release for me and6:38i give myself i give myself to financial freedom let's go thank you anita aguilar ah i just6:45love this testimony okay we're gonna start answering some questions about manifesting money again6:51if you're watching on instagram or tick tock go ahead and put your questions in here i'm gonna answer them on the podcast as we go but i'm making today6:58short and sweet difficult make sure that we get this episode answering all these questions out here because there's so7:04much more than what i put on instagram and so again i'm just going back to all the questions that came to the surface7:10so the first question that we have here is how do i release the attachment to7:17money um yeah how do i release the attachment when it comes to money so this is so so7:24so beautiful and i truly mean it when i say this is exactly why i created the 31 days of abundance7:30so the question again is how do i release my attachment to money so for those of you again who are new you don't7:35really know what i'm talking about you're kind of like just now getting in our energy again hello welcome7:41but the biggest thing that we're really getting asked right here right now is how do i stay happy and stay positive7:48and stay worthy in my mind even if i don't have any money so a lot of times a lot of or7:54people are blocking their blessings because they're they have an emotional attachment to money and what i mean by that is that when they have money8:00they're worthy and they're excited and they're motivated and they feel like free8:07but when they don't have money they feel restricted they feel like they're failing they feel like they're unworthy8:13your body is physically telling you that too that is why we physically feel stress worry and anxiety8:20because of the thoughts that are going on in your head and your thoughts are just really8:26controlling your emotions and so anytime that you're feeling that sticky8:31stress and anxiety when it comes to money it's because there are beliefs that are telling you that you cannot8:36have do or achieve something so the work is not to again obtain all the success8:42and get all the money because that's not actually what's going to make that feeling go away8:47what you want to do is actually get super clear on the stories that you're telling yourself so for example8:54if you are having this feeling that again when you have the money you're excited you're motivated a little bit9:00and when you don't you're feeling that stress and anxiety and worry is that you have to find things outside9:07of money that makes you still feel that emotion so first things first get super clear in the story that you're telling yourself right even you being conscious9:13of like oh i'm just telling myself that i'm unworthy because i can't go get a starbucks9:19yeah it's just little things like that um and once you be again become conscious of a story that what you're9:26telling yourself you cannot have do or achieve then you're able to become at peace with it so this is the second step9:33you want to become at peace and let yourself know oh so even if i couldn't get starbucks9:39today if i couldn't make a payment or if i my rent didn't get paid or whatever it is that i'm still worthy9:45that i'm still loved and that i'm still safe and again this is before we get into the9:52positive and what we're trying to flip because until you're at peace with this fear it's still going to keep coming9:58back back to the surface so again this is what we teach in 31 days of abundance is to really just reprogram your mind to10:04do this automatically so a lot of people think that having uh10:10a lot of people think that abundance is having all the money in the world but really it's just reprogramming your mind10:15to become conscious of these thoughts flip them and understand that oh that has nothing to do with me has nothing to10:20do with my work it has nothing to do with um how i feel about myself10:26and then we can think happy and positive and think oh yeah it's all gonna work out this is exactly what i want to10:32happen instead but again it's really really important become conscious and have your brain programmed to be10:39have that new habit and pattern to get clear on the story for you10:45so the second question that i'm bringing up to the surface is um how do i stop feeling like i'm living10:52paycheck to paycheck and i love this question because this is so key like even the way that it's10:59wording is that it's feeling right the fact that you physically feel like you're living paycheck to paycheck is11:05amplifying that so again if you're going back to the concept that money is just energy money11:11is a frequency right and wherever we are focusing the most we're actually attracting more of so again if you're11:17focused and your paradigm is on oh my gosh every single week i'm barely getting by barely getting by11:23one again you're you can't be in a state of gratitude and lack at the same time11:28right so it's very like just becoming conscious that this that you're in a state of lack11:33and just flipping it to gratitude is automatically gonna raise your vibration it's gonna raise your frequency which is11:39again your point of attraction and you're also going to start looking for proof that this is true so what11:46happens is that when you tell yourself this new story that i'm uh11:51you don't want to say that i'm not living paycheck to paycheck because again your subconscious mind doesn't hear the word not it doesn't hear the11:57word no it doesn't hear the word don't so you really just want to flip your mind and reprogram um the exact opposite12:05and sometimes that's the work right like i don't know what the exact opposite of not paying living paycheck to paycheck12:12is so what you want to do is um grab a pen and paper write it down12:17what does that look like to you so if not living paycheck to paycheck to you is having enough money for12:25everything that you need and everything that you desire then say that12:30so again this is why it's really important for each and every one of you to do the work because i can't tell you what the affirmation is to be i can't12:38tell you what the story that's getting replayed in your head over and over again so the work is for you to get clear in12:44the story and flip it in a way that feels most in alignment for you and then to start repeating that new story and12:51say okay i have enough money for everything that i need i have enough money left over12:56i have money for all of my crazy um adventures i want to go on13:02and the last part about this is just knowing your numbers so again this is also what we teach in 31 days of13:09abundance is for you to know exactly what's coming in and what's what exactly is coming out13:16so i love love love this concept because what we don't know scares us and if you really really pay attention to the13:22habits and actions that we have when we don't have money we hide and shelter and13:27we don't look about look at what's coming into our bank account we don't look how much money is going out13:33because we don't want to amplify that feeling so again a lot of times we're avoiding the debt collectors we're13:39avoiding all of these things because we don't want to amplify that feeling so what you want to do is get control13:46know your numbers i swear there is like a little like it's like a flip of a switch every single time13:52that i feel nervous or scared or that those limiting beliefs start to come back up it's13:58because i don't know my numbers so if you're living paycheck to paycheck right now get super clear on how much money14:05you would need every single week in order to not feel like that anymore right because a lot of times like people14:11are living in this paycheck to paycheck mentality because they're only making14:16um x amount of money a week and they still need an extra hundred dollars or14:22maybe even just 200 a week to live this most abundant life14:27right and it's so funny to like really put down on paper and it helps um14:32[Music] your subconscious mind build the belief okay you don't have to suffocate that14:38this money is the way the money is coming to you but again just getting super clear on what it is that you need14:44because a lot of times it's not manifesting because you have lack of clarity [Music]14:50so i'm still on the questions here on instagram that i'm going to get over to tick tock and instagram here14:55um and then or so the question that i'm answering right now or the number one15:01struggle that someone has with money right now is how can i manifest the exact amount of money and can i manifest15:07a huge amount like 2.3 million so i'm going to break this down15:13into two i did this on my instagram story too but again i want to do this on the podcast so that you all15:18are very conscious of what it is that i'm saying so first things first the first question was again15:25can i manifest an exact amount of money and the answer is yes yes yes yes yes yes but i'm telling you again what i15:32didn't know when i first heard using these concepts and even after i had proof that i could set an intention of15:39how much money i wanted to show up and it would show up but for some reason when i did it with ten thousand dollars15:46or twenty thousand dollars the money never showed up15:52and i just couldn't figure out i don't understand why is it not manifesting why is it not manifesting i believe it's15:58coming and the truth is i didn't believe that it was coming i had no actual desire for those money16:05for that money other than the fact that my ego wanted it16:10so a lot of times people get mixed up with this and this is actually what we talk about in week two of the manifesting money academy16:17um it's just really being conscious of how you're setting your goals right money likes to be told16:22where where to go so if you're setting your money goals and you're like i'm at ten thousand16:27dollars yes it's already manifesting from you putting it out there and speaking it into existence but when16:34you are intentionally consciously manifesting and co-creating and like speaking something through existence and16:41um expediting the process by moving towards the manifestation16:46that money has to have desire like there's times when i was manifesting ten thousand dollars just16:52because i wanted to pay off a credit card the truth is if i really wanted to pay off that credit card i could have done it16:58but i didn't really want to right the desire wasn't there but when i needed ten thousand dollars to join a17:03mastermind from somebody who had been listening to on a podcast for like the past two years and getting that energy17:10and go to la and i only had a couple days to find ten thousand dollars i found ten thousand dollars17:16so before you're manifesting this specific amount of money get super clear what is that money going to do for you17:22okay like do you need x amount of money for a closing cost on a house do you17:28need it for a car like a specific car that you already know what the car is you just need x amount of money17:35uh maybe it's a trip maybe you're you're manifesting money for a flight right you17:40have to get super clear on why this money is showing up for you and have that desire17:46there so this leads into the second part of this question is can i manifest a huge amount17:52of money like two million dollars so just even the way that this question is ordered17:59a huge amount of money of two million dollars so everybody on tick tock and instagram18:05right now i know everybody and the podcast is just kind of watching me do this right now but i really want to do18:10this live so i can kind of see where everybody's emotions are but right now wherever you're listening18:16you're watching i want you to say the affirmation i have two million dollars in my bank account i have two million dollars in my18:22bank account i have two million dollars in my bank account and i want you to tell me how that physically makes your18:28body feel when you say that how does your body feel when you say i18:33have two million dollars in my bank account18:41how does your body physically feel when you say this someone said relaxed18:49intimidated happy relieved happy joy relaxed18:54happy intimidated19:00body says why well your body doesn't say why your mind says why but your body is actually19:06having a reaction so that's why i'm saying right now just tune into your body someone else says19:11they feel safe anxious empty a little breathless19:17right so the reason why i just did that exercise is because if you don't believe19:22that it's possible for you your body will tell you your body will tell you i'm not in my19:28stomach i feel shocked i got chills i'm happy so again the reason why we're doing this exercise is because again if19:35you are saying these affirmations and all this stuff and your body has so much resistance to it your mind is telling19:42you that's not possible that's a lie two million dollars that's huge19:49and the other thing that i shared about this specific topic is that you're manifesting a huge amount19:55of money your mind is telling you because it's a bigger amount of money20:01because it's huge i'm doing quotation marks and finally you guys can actually see me doing this20:06that it's ten times harder for you to obtain nope20:12and again if you have that emotional attachment to money to what i was talking about earlier of happy when you20:18have it excited when you don't so even for the people who are saying like oh i'd be excited and i'd be motivated none20:23of them the truth is when you have when that is complete20:28alignment for you you won't feel anything you'll just feel oh that's nice oh20:34that's cool right i used to think that tapping into the emotion would be like yeah yeah i'm excited i'm motivated20:40but really people who are very very conscious of this and very like again like20:46i would say i don't want to say master it because that means that we would stop working but you're just really conscious like oh20:52yep i already knew that was going to happen i already knew that was pending in my account i already knew i was going to20:58make x amount of money or obtain that amount of money and so21:04the more that you can um again release that emotional attachment that you have towards money21:11and um just even break down the belief why do you think it's harder to manifest21:18a million dollars opposed to five dollars opposed to 5 00021:24opposed to 500 000 you know what i mean once you really start to build the21:30belief for your subconscious mind that when i needed five dollars it showed up for me when i needed ten thousand21:36dollars it showed up for me when i needed fifty thousand dollars it showed up for me21:43so again it's just the process right are you just manifesting the money because you think manny's the money's going to fix all21:50your problems or are you doing it because there's a desire and21:56that that money has purpose so the next question that we're going to go over22:02is how do i make money from my passion22:08i just get really excited because i know who submitted this question and i'm like you're already on the right path22:16um even on tick tock here i have a person kind of asking the same question22:21the question is any advice on how to attract clients in your business so this is actually something that we go over in22:27the manifesting money academy again that's an eight-week coaching certification we just closed the door22:33for this enrollment but we do have a waitlist for the next time that we launch it which we don't know when that22:38will be yet but again we do have the waitlist available22:43um but if you're wanting to attract money in your business through your passion22:48all these different things right if you feel like you're already on the right path you're already on your path of22:54least resistance i love doing this i get i'm so excited every day when i wake up and i get to do x y and z23:01sometimes the money's not showing up in your business because you're not charging enough [Music]23:06you're not charging enough and i want to give you an example from both like perspectives for all my practical people23:13out there and then i have people who are energetic but again we really want to be that balance of both23:18so if you really think about it um if i'm somebody who's operating like i um from somebody who's operating at23:25this really high frequency and you know i like the finer things in life i like the bougie things in life i23:31like quality over quantity right and i'm looking at prices of things and23:37i'm looking at different people and again i'm looking over quality over quantity23:43um my brain is going to go towards the things that cost more because like there's a subconscious23:49belief that's associated with this that it has better quality because it's more right if somebody's charging23:5715 for something you're you're thinking you already have subconscious beliefs of what's24:03associated with it and so it's not necessarily again um it really depends24:09on what what it is that you're putting out there but at the same time if if this person24:14is charging 15 and this part person is charging a hundred24:20and they're the same kind of like service and i'm looking for quality over24:26quantity which one do you think i'm gonna choose24:32and so i really want to give you that perspective so that you can see the type of people that you're24:37attracting and why and so the second part about that is that you have to release the people who24:42are not operating at the same frequency as you so a lot of times when people start their business um24:48when they start their business they you know are um24:53kind of just taking everybody right and i'm speaking from experience when i first started my makeup business i was24:58just taking whoever would um you know want their makeup done i would take anybody who wants x y and z25:06and then i got to a point where i was like ugh i don't want to do makeup for brides anymore i don't want to do makeup25:13for this anymore oh i don't want to do makeup for this i only want to do makeup for people who are doing photo shoots25:20right and so once i had that clarity and i released the clients who were no longer25:25serving me even though that the money was good i created space for my manifestations so25:31again this is like still speaking to people who will feel like you're already on your path of least resistance you25:37just have to do a little bit of adjusting so again this is what we teach in the 31 days of abundance really25:42really just follow your path of least resistance and find out the things that um are serving you25:49and really building this muscle of knowing how fast that you can release that's what i like to say like how fast25:55can you release to keep following this path of least resistance because sometimes it just26:01needs the smallest little adjustments26:09okay so the next question i have on instagram is someone said that they're always thinking about money like money is in my26:15mind all the time i love this comment because it is so26:23true and honestly until i was conscious of how much that i think about money26:29and how much other people don't think about the problems that i'm thinking about26:34it really really opened up a perspective for me so i can't remember what this tv show is called but it's so lame uh not26:41lame i i like it i like it but it's like it's so funny um because this helped me kind of break26:47down this belief but what is it called26:55girlfriend's guide to divorce okay there's this tv show on netflix girlfriend's guide to divorce anyway in27:02this tv show these ladies have money like money is not an issue for anybody27:08in the show but they have so many problems like relationship problems breakup problems27:14they have problems about like their kids school or whatever you know like all these little things that i really just27:21was not conscious of and i loved watching this tv show because it helped me again just shift my27:26focus to all of the problems that i have in my life that don't have to do with money27:32and what happens is that when we start to obtain more money your brain starts to go in survival mode and say oh my27:38gosh i need to survive i need to survive so your brain starts to think of all of these new scenarios and reasons why you27:44have to worry but it's not that you're not going to have uh problems anymore they're just not27:50going to be specifically of not having enough right and so a lot of times um when27:57you're shifting that paradigm and you're again you're just getting super clear and like what other problems do i have that have nothing to do with28:03money um you'll start to realize like little things like oh my gosh like i have the28:08money for this concert but the tickets are sold out right so now my28:14my problem is that i gotta find somebody who's not going to the concert and buy the ticket from them right so28:21now just those little things where you're focusing on things that have nothing to do with like28:27not having money and just more specifically on like28:33i don't know just other things that really really just helped me shift my paradigm28:38and yeah so i highly suggest that if you're someone who thinks about enough money i don't have money like shift your28:44your your paradigm to all of the problems that you have that have nothing to do with money28:50okay so the next question that i have is always wondering where money is going to come from so if you are somebody who is always28:56wondering where money's going to come from i don't have enough oh my gosh how many to pay my next bill29:03so this kind of goes back to what i was talking about in the beginning of just being conscious of you're the crea you're the co-creator29:10so look i am all about the feminine energy which is29:17getting to know your money and getting this relationship with money and trusting money and29:22knowing that money is always coming your way but i'm telling you that every single time29:28i didn't know my numbers again i would get so scared and i would lose trust in29:34my money and i would put so much pressure on the universe to just drop ten thousand dollars in my bank account29:42and then it wouldn't and then i would lose trust with money the universe god sourced29:48myself and i was just causing so much resistance and this is why i truly29:53believe that to be a balance of both right because there's a time in my life where i was hustle grind always working30:00always having all these different jobs and then i became conscious of the law of attraction manifestation30:06and then i just brought that masculine energy over to the feminine energy part and what i mean by that is that i was30:12like oh my gosh if i'm not meditating every day or journaling every day or i'm not you know believing enough30:18then it's not going to work right so you have to realize that one those are all tools and resources that are30:24going to help you um tap into that frequency so if you're30:29somebody who's getting frustrated because you didn't do x y and z you got to let that go okay30:35and we have our morning routines and our night routines um with the 31 days of abundance and the30:42manifesting money academy but again we really really just reiterate that like those are there to help you right30:49and you do notice the difference the days that you don't meditate post the days that you do meditate or you listen30:55to some audio suggestions um and you'll you'll notice the difference31:00right but again they're there to help not to stress you out and make you feel like you need to do those things and rely on an external source31:07to tap into the frequency of wealth and abundance so where i was going with this31:14question is that you knowing your numbers right going back to what i said beginning and i31:20believe this is day two actually i think it's day three yeah31:26it's day three of 31 days of abundance so if you guys are watching on tick tock or instagram right now so just go ahead31:31in the comments and tell me if you're in the 31 days of abundance because i'm just trying to see who31:37is in the program but yeah day three i have everybody get super clear what are your numbers what31:42are your numbers how much money manifested how much money came into your account how much money left your account31:48and i always track things um that are eat that are even not physical money so for31:55example if someone bought me a coffee today my goal was to manifest a hundred dollars that's five dollars that i'm32:00manifesting if i got a refund for something i'm i'm putting that down if somebody gave me32:07something for free that cost fifty dollars that's money manifested so again you32:12want to keep building this belief to your subconscious mind but you also want to get super clear on32:18your numbers how much you need and how you can make that happen and again i know a lot of people get confused with32:24this and they're like oh my gosh i thought we're supposed to let let go of the how and what most people mean when they're32:30saying that is that again you're building the belief and you're meeting that manifestation halfway32:35and you're thinking of all of the possibilities but you're just not getting stuck on one32:41so again when people are referring to that phrase of like don't worry about the how don't worry about the32:47it's like the how will come when you are again focused on the end result32:53so we download the inspired action all that stuff like you will get it so fast32:58once you get clear on what you need and why you need it and that passion and that desire is33:04there the how will come okay but if you're not moving on that33:10intuitive action and you have that or inspired thought and you're not taking action after you hear the download it's33:17like oh you just need to go do x y and z you're like that's a good idea but then you don't do it33:22we just get stuck in the same cycles over and over again so again it's really important for you to33:29help your subconscious mind build that belief please please please your mind is always telling you33:35meet me halfway please so this is why a lot of times in my programs we make a plan of how the money33:41can show up and we take action on how we believe that the money is going to show up but33:47when that plan doesn't work out notice how i said when not if because i know33:53that it's not that we still believe that that money is coming33:58because we took action on the plan that came up for us and even when it didn't turn out the way34:05that we thought it would something else manifested so that's why i always tell my clients34:11follow through with the plan follow through with the commitments that you said that you're gonna make because if you really think about it34:18like you taking those actions are what needed to happen for the other way that the money34:23manifested the other opportunity to happen where the money did manifest34:30okay so stay open and receptive but also meet the manifestation halfway34:36[Music] okey dokey okay so that was all my questions that i had specifically on34:42uh instagram so now i'm heading over to tick-tock and34:48then we're going to wrap up the podcast here in a couple minutes so i'm answering just a few more questions and then we're going to do a quick recap34:55um about manifesting money all the questions that we went over and yeah35:00so again i'm recapping on tick tock someone said i went to target today and i just picked up the things that i35:06needed without looking at the price tag and i used my credit cards my credit card to pay without worrying how much i35:13haven't have to pay back so good okay i loved this because again we think that when we have35:19more money that we're gonna start to go to the store and pull stuff off of the car and you're like oh i just need this oh i just need35:25these groceries oh let me pick something organic and not look at the price you know we think having more money is going35:31to make us act like that but the truth is if you're not doing those things right now nothing's going to change when you have35:37more money and so that's like really my mission and my purpose to get on here and tell everybody all the time because35:43i not only see it in myself but i see in other people and it's why you hear those testimonies of people who have35:49manifested money and they're not happy and they're not fulfilled right but then people blame35:55money for the reason for that but really has nothing to do with money right has has36:01everything to do with the way that person thinks about money feels about money the the void that they're trying36:07to fill with money no no no i promise there are so many good people36:13in this world with money um but they're just not um36:19[Music] being really like shown to the world right everybody wants to show all the36:24things that people are doing bad with money but nobody wants to really give credit to the people who are36:29healing those relationships and really again setting that example that everything and anything is possible36:38um let's see36:45someone wants to know the most that i've manifested so the reason why i don't answer this question36:51is because it's it's a question where you're comparing yourself36:56right and so a lot of times um when we're asking you know like37:02and not even just specifically that question but if you're asking somebody questions kind of based off of you know37:08what have you done what what we're actually trying to do37:13is um compare ourselves and the more that37:19you're in that comparing and just kind of like you know seeing x y and z the37:24more that we stay in that frequency and so that's why i don't put that stuff out there because i really really just want37:31to connect with people who are37:36um okay wait someone said is something good37:43coming if a car gets free for the rest so the answer is yes okay so i talked about this and uh37:51the 31 days of abundance but what goes up must come down so there's a lot of polarity so37:57law of polarity is a universal law that when something quote unquote bad happens that there's equally38:05positive uh i don't want to say energy but like38:10i'm just thinking think of this literally in a way of you saying38:16that there's negative and what are they called electrons38:22right there's negative energy and there's a positive energy right um so if there's stuff that's quote38:28unquote bad happening like by law by law38:34there is something on the other side of that to equally match38:39if not better and so that is why i not only know for a fact that if38:47something quote unquote bad is happening with money specifically that something good is coming but i've38:54also seen so much proof so for example i've seen i've heard this concept39:01a couple different times from couple different people so then it's already building the belief because i heard it there and i also heard it there and i39:08also seen it there but then i started to play with this new belief right okay well if that's true39:15and i get excited when i my car breaks down and i believe39:21that there's a lot of money coming my way then let's just kind of roll with that let's see you know what's the worst that39:27could happen right if i really believe this and i'm telling you ever since i've shifted that belief39:33and i've really looked for proof that this is the new story it is the number one reason why i get39:41excited when i get parking tickets i get excited when my car breaks down or39:48i have unexpected bills you guys heard me talk about that on my last podcast episode i think it was a39:54couple of episodes now where i manifested my home like it's not a coincidence that all of40:00those quote-unquote bad things happen when it came to money and unexpected things40:06and we just had our best month yet with our launch like it's not a coincidence40:11and um the more that you can stay in that frequency of oh this is a good sign this40:18is a good sign the more that you are going to attract that40:27so this is one of the last questions that i'm going to answer here and then we're going to hop off so your opinions on savings and not feeling guilty if you40:34want to pick it at all such a good question okay the reason why i love this question40:39is because this is actually again what we talked about in the 31 days of abundance so there are three things that we want40:44to be doing a consistent basis so saving money giving money away40:50and spending money on yourself so if you're watching this right now on tick tock or instagram or even if you're listening to this on the podcast or40:56youtube i want you to really just think about those things that i just said saving money41:02giving money and spending money on yourself and i want you to ask yourself which one is41:08hardest for you which one causes most resistance in your body when you're like oh my gosh i gotta do x ramsey41:16so which one is hardest for you when i say that you need to be saving money giving41:23money and spending money on yourself which one is hardest for you41:29spending money on myself someone said someone else said saving41:35spending on my money on myself saving spending money on myself a lot of spending money on myself and41:41saving someone else said giving41:48saving because there ain't no money to save yeah41:53but see even that it's just a belief okay and so42:00it's just so hard to just like skim over these things because there's just so much information so42:06um first things first i'll i'll start with spending money on myself right so if you're somebody who42:13it's hard for you to spend money on yourself right now again i'm saying right now because you are shifting this42:18belief right now um it's usually boils down42:24to self-worth nine times out of ten if you are going to a store42:31and you are purchasing something for yourself and you feel resistance42:36you feel guilty after you purchase oh my gosh why did i spend that hundred dollars on my massage i should have paid42:44x y and z instead i should have paid my cable bill i should have put it on my credit card i should have should show42:51the sugar should is shame any42:56time that you're using the word should you were actually telling yourself that you feel shameful about that43:04and so again it has nothing to do with the massage that you just purchased it has nothing to do with the makeup that43:09you got at sephora it has nothing to do with anything external it has everything to do about how we feel about ourselves43:17and the reason why we want to do this on a consistent basis and why i've really incorporated it into the 31 days of43:23abundance is because you're breaking a cycle like you think that when you have a lot43:30of money you're gonna give it to your parents and your parents are gonna stop working43:36and they're gonna go on vacations and they're gonna have this most abundant life43:41where do you think you got those beliefs from right those beliefs of not spending43:47money on yourself not really celebrating not buying a chocolate bar at the43:53checkout you know just because it looks good have been handed down43:59so if you really really want to help somebody set the example that they can spend money on themselves44:06and it will come right back into their bank account so a lot of times when we are spending44:13money on ourselves and we feel guilty and shame as one we're usually telling ourselves the story44:18oh my gosh i just spent this money the money's gone and it's not coming back i wasted that44:23money okay first things first let's flip that belief right now this is what we do in the 31 days of abundance is like44:30i believe every single time that i spend money on myself it comes back intentful and again because you're saying this44:37affirmation you're bringing it up to your conscious mind you are speaking it into existence your brain is44:43automatically going to look for proof that this is true so if you are again um44:52telling yourself that this money comes back to me and tenfold every single time that i invest in it none of them like44:58that will be your new truth again like and you say that and let's say you just bought a45:05shirt for yourself for 30 dollars and then boom you got a 30 gift card in45:11the mail the same day right that was already gonna happen either way45:16but now this is proof that when you bought something for yourself45:22that this was true right and it's because you see this as your reality and45:27this is your assumption the law of assumption that this becomes45:34the new truth so um45:39now to go to the second part of this question was about saving money so if you are saving money45:45they have trouble saving money right somebody said i can't save money because i don't have any money to save from the beginning45:50that's not true do you have a penny and you're in your couch or something do45:56you have 50 cents in your bank account that you can transfer to your savings like that's just a story right even if46:04you don't physically have any money at all you can find a dollar you can find46:11ten dollars you can find a hundred dollars to put in your savings and it doesn't46:16matter about the amount of money that you have in there it's all about that that46:22breaking that belief right like you said that you didn't have money to save but you just saved ten dollars46:29so now this is the new proof this is the new story oh i can't save money oh i can46:34do x y and z so this is why i always tell my clients to start small quote unquote small right whatever small46:41it is for you again i'm literally talking pennies and ankles and dimes here and then build your belief46:47again because if you're not constantly saving money on a consistent basis you're like and then you just get 50046:55and you put it in your savings account and then boom you get an unexpected bill47:00for 500 and you're like oh my gosh now i got to use the money that i just saved so first47:06things first now you don't if you said you're going to save that money and you pull that money from your47:11savings one because it's easy access to because you feel like you need to47:17is that you're actually breaking that trust that you just said with yourself right so put that money somewhere where47:24you can't touch it so if you have that problem again this is literally me speaking from experience47:30and this is why i don't like just having my money easy access places because i will spend it47:36right and i'm not necessarily being so hard on myself for you know oh my gosh i'm so mad at47:43myself for not you know saving money no i'm just being a lot more conscious and47:50smarter about this because i'm like oh okay well if that's what i keep doing why do i make it harder for myself47:57to get the money and guess what then i forget about the money48:02and so um really setting up strategies and structures and relationships and48:07boundaries with your money is what's going to help you build this relationship48:13so i could go on and on about this and the last things i want to say about saving that i'm going to hop off here48:19and again submit the podcast last thing i want to say about saving48:24is that saving can be a form of scarcity too48:30like i see this all the time like i work with people who majority are struggling to make money they're like i need money48:36i need money i need money but then i work with people who obtain the money48:42and then they're so scared of spending it they're so scared of releasing it and48:48letting it go and i've seen this tick tock the other day with shot what are the shawn mendes not shawn mendes big48:54sean i love big sean oh he always talks about law of attraction in this song anyway but he was talking about like you49:00can't be scared of letting money go you can't be scared of releasing it like if you trust that it's coming back you49:05gotta let it go right so again abundance is not having all the money in the world49:11it is knowing that it's always always coming back to you so the first time49:17that i hit my 20k month like people think that i just had 20 thousand dollars sitting in my bank account no49:24that money had places to go it had people to pay it had investments that i made it had things that i was paying off49:31it had nicer things that i wanted to buy for myself like the money was being circulated whether a49:37certain percentage was getting sent to my savings whether a certain percentage was getting paid off for credit cards whether certain percentage was for my49:43team like the money had places to go and the more that you can put every single dollar in49:49a specific place the more that it's going to manifest and i like to think of it as a way that49:56you're circulating money right you're not getting scared of releasing it because if you are50:02you're going to keep attracting people who are the same way right and that's why a lot of people get stuck in the cycle like if you have a50:08business right now and you're like everybody's excited about working with me but nobody's investing50:14okay well then who are you being and how are you attracting that so with that i'm dropping the mic50:23yeah those are pretty much the main question that i wanted to answer today so if you're listening to this right now50:30um again these are all things that we teach in the 31 days of abundance and my specific goal that i'm putting out there50:36i think i put it on tick tock as well is to educate people on this information so our goal is to hit over 100 00050:43people this year teaching about money mindset whether you're in the three-day workshop the 3150:49days of abundance and manifesting money academy like our goal is to hit 100 00050:54people so first things first if you have a community an email list a social media following51:01and you would like for me to speak for your your community for free please please please dm me um51:08and i was gonna say you can email events and i can put in the show notes um but yeah we're just trying to get booked up where we're speaking whether51:20it's engagements whether it's at zoom schools like whatever that we can do whatever we can do to get this message51:26out there and last uh thing i want to say before i get off of here51:32someone said i don't know why every time i watch your lives i get so emotional and to get happy it's because one you manifested me being alive because i51:39wasn't gonna get live today or record this a podcast today but i had intuitive action so here we are51:45um the last thing is about 31 days of abundance if you're not already in this51:51program again you doing this work is what's going to help us get this message out to as many people as possible51:58so again if you're listening to this and you're not already in the program this is your sign to take intuitive action so52:05we actually have a promo code for you all52:12yep so we have promo codes available so please please please message me and i will tell you what that message is or52:18what that code is and how much percentage it is off but yeah this is our thank you for doing this work and52:25just like investing into your money mindset like i can't explain how much your testimony is gonna help build a52:32belief for so many other people like i can stay here all day long and say manifesting money is easy but like if52:39somebody who has three children who is a stay-at-home mother who52:44manifests x y and z like someone else is gonna resonate with your story more than mine right and you're gonna build that52:52belief for someone else so i can't wait to share your testimonies just like the way that i did in the beginning of this52:57podcast and yeah so i hope you all have a blessed blessed blessed rest your day53:02we're gonna be hopping on here more frequently and i'm just so excited that you were all in this energy53:09all right love have a blessed day53:16you
Love this !
I love having access to all this amazing information so I can grow in many areas, especially financially! Thank you Anita! This is great 🥺✨
I love this podcast so SO much !! It is helpful and so is Anita’s social media so if you don’t follow her yet … please do! When I feel like my vibration is off I refer to this show and I refer to her social media as well. She is amazing and so is this show !
I was inspired by the law of attraction around 10 years ago. I feel strongly that I manifested my daughter, jobs, homes & money by practicing what I’ve learned. That said, I have Never done any tests to see if it worked or if it was all coincidence. Until a few months ago, when I was becoming unsettled in my job @ bringing that disconcerted unhappiness home. Long story, but I decided to manifest a pink car. I just wanted to see it, not own it. It took around 2 months. I had forgotten about it, had a really emotional day at work (the kind where you sneak out crying). On my drive home, I saw it. The exact shade of pink I had described and pictured. I felt a calm come over me.
I then decided to manifest a $100 bill. Not a check or an item worth that much, but the actual bill. Just a side note that I see one of those once every 2 years (besides on TV or online) so this seemed like another solid test.
Again, after meditating and doing the things I was taught in the secret, in addition to listening to this podcast to keep my energy vibrating high, my grandfather’s wife came to Colorado to visit myself & my sister & cousin. She brought with her a card for me. I opened it after we met for dinner and there was a crisp $100 bill. I told my daughter about what i was doing and we decided I’d increase the test to include manifesting $5,000 in check form. I did the work for a couple weeks and then let it go a little, lightly coming back to it here or there when I felt more or less connected to a higher power (for example, when I took a solo hike here in CO).
I’m writing this review because I was in a car accident on the 4th of July. I had been in a very grateful state all weekend because we were camping, but that accident threw me off. We weren’t seriously hurt, but my car is going to need some work. I did get a stiff neck & the whole thing was a bit inconvenient. I haven’t had a car for a week, but I’m so grateful my dog & daughter aren’t hurt. The entire payout for pain & suffering was $4200. I thought about what I’ve learned and struggled with asking for more because I wasn’t trying to be greedy or commit insurance fraud by saying things are worse than they are. But I decided to be honest and simply ask. They agreed to give me another $1k. My check will be for $5200. Next manifestation test is $15K.
I’ll follow up once I’ve manifested, but my point is that this works and it’s not about the money. It’s about the habits, attitude and freedom. I want to add so much more, but this is so long! Thank you Anita! I did the work but your guests/podcast have really inspired me. I’m still shocked, but I swear on the life of my family that this is all 100% true! It’s crazy, amazing & beautiful. What a gift. Ahhhh! So grateful. 🙏🧡🤯👏💵
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