Is Your Family Blocking Your Financial Blessings?Manifesting Money

Is Your Family Blocking Your Financial Blessings?

In this episode, Manifesting Money reveals how your beliefs about money most likely have been passed down from generation to generation and often are the blocks to your financial blessings.

Listen in as Anita shares her three tips to recognizing the limiting beliefs ingrained in your subconscious by your family, friends, and environment.

Since often their fears are projected onto us, especially when we receive comments like, “Remember me when you’re famous” or “You think you’re too good for us now?” But don’t worry! Anita also provides her three techniques to strengthen your mindset, create your own path, and identify with your own beliefs.

Tune in and connect with Manifesting Money! We want to know your favorite tip and how you will start today!


- What is the lack mentality?

- Feeling guilty for living your most abundant life

- Does more money equal more problems?

- Why setting boundaries is key

- Where do your family’s beliefs come from?


“This is the number one reason why so many people do not believe on a subconscious level that they can make money. It's because of the language.”

“Anytime that you're feeling lack of money, or you feel like money's not flowing to you, it's simply because you're not circulating it.”


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I’ve been listening to this podcast almost all day everyday this week (just found it) and i’m already seeing such a huge change in my life! I’ve been making more money, and i even feel so much better physically and mentally. I have so much energy and motivation for myself and my OWN life! Thank you thank you thank you!

brjixke buch e
Manifesting Money

For real, it is. I have notice positive shifts in my life and is thanks to this podcast. Also she gives you prompts to work on your money mindset, find the bottom of where the block is and more. Since listening to it I am more aware of the patterns that used to affect my belief of money. Thank you Anita!

Manifesting Money

So happy I found your podcast a few weeks ago. Or should I say, your podcast found me! 😉 I have already started to notice so many synchronicities! So far I’ve manifested $15 here $13 there, then $400 then $1000 and I can feel so much more coming! You’ve also helped me release a career that was no longer serving me. And I can already see little signs that the universe is aligning me with my true life path as a light worker/energy healer! “Sooo good!” Thank you Anita!

Manifesting Money

woke up this morning and decided to start my day off with affirmations/manifestations. i ended up writing a whole page of mainly money manifestations. literally 10 min later i came across the “how to manifest money without working” episode. i had never heard of this podcast prior to listening to the episode but as an aspiring life coach and someone who is always looking for opportunities to expand, im super grateful to have this placed in my path 🙏🏼 the podcast is organized in a very digestible manner, the hosts energy is so enthusiastic and bubbly, and the content was relatable. chefs kisses 😚 🤌🏼

viva marquez
Manifesting Money
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