Did you know that the key to unlocking your biggest potential has been inside of you all along?
In this episode, we invite manifestation expert Michael Romano to show us how simply shifting our thoughts and beliefs will ultimately transform our reality! But just because it’s simple, doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Tune in as Michael shows you how to reprogram your mind and remold your negative thoughts. Anita and Michael also chat about the Energy Movement program and the biggest challenges and rewards of teaching the powerful tool of manifestation.
So, join in on the conversation and uncover the secrets to shifting your thoughts, beliefs, and reality with Michael Romano today!
“The narrative that is going on in your head 100% is coming true.”
Michael Romano
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0:00[Music]0:08hmm [Music]0:22hi friends welcome to the manifesting money podcast i am super happy and grateful for my guest today and i'm very0:29grateful that we are now talking all things abundance and mindset like i just gave you a really good intro but my0:36first real question for you is what are you celebrating today today i am celebrating life we're0:43celebrating life baby i'm super excited to be uh to be on this podcast with you uh been seeing your tick tock0:51just been yelling at me uh you actually got me very very inspired to actually take action on my first uh my first0:58e-course coming out and i cannot thank you enough for it so it's it's a blessing to be here right now1:05um yeah we were talking about that earlier too i feel like this is going to be such a conversation because there's just so many things that i want to tell1:11you is that we were talking about that earlier of like when i made that video1:17it was like i just had so much resistance about making it and then i was like okay eagle get out of the way i1:23need to post this and then i had so many people like yourself like just tell me the same thing i'm like oh my gosh i had1:28no idea that i could just do that and i've been you know thinking so much yeah and1:33so it makes me happy that i fixed it yeah i was just like looking at it and you know for months me and my partner1:39were trying to like figure out the best way to do this and like how we were going to film and how we're going to do all this and then you know like in the1:45video you literally just made it so simple you were just like hey here just do these things and i went and just did1:52those things and now it's like hey it's it's all here so it's it's so crazy and you know like that platform's awesome it1:58really is it's it's absolutely amazing right i get so excited about it like2:03everybody calls me like the tick tock girl and i'm like guys there's just so many people on tick tock that it's like2:09i don't know it's just fun but i wanted to start with off some rapid fire questions so these are2:15questions so i can get to know you a little bit an audience gets to know you a little bit um the first question is super super2:21easy where are you from uh so originally from york pennsylvania2:26i grew up in red lion pa small farm town i went to college2:32in indiana university of pennsylvania right outside of pittsburgh uh moved to san diego in 2017 to pursue2:40modeling and acting got into all that out there um and you know that really2:45really led me into um you know personal development spirituality which inevitably got me to here in scottsdale2:52arizona yeah yeah it was so funny because this is literally hilarious this has2:59been happening so much to me but like i remember when i first seen your videos uh i've seen that you're in san diego3:05and i freaked out i was so excited i don't think i ever reached out to you though you should have you showed up i3:10know when i was when i was like really really going through like my spiritual awakening awakening and i was going3:17through all of like these things like oh my god like my life is like falling apart i was like i need to find some3:23type of community and that's honestly why i went to tic toc even before i started posting on tic tac i was3:30watching people on tech talk i'm like oh my gosh these same people are doing the like they're going through the same3:36exact thing that i am like i'm not crazy i'm like where are all these people in san diego i need to find them3:43oh my gosh you're so right you know that's one of the things that i tell my clients most is that you have to find3:49people who are doing whatever it is that you want to do and a lot of times we think we're local crazy or whatever you3:54know i think just california in general people are like i'd like to say they're woke here yeah4:00no they are like even even going back to like my hometown like the like the type of4:07things that kind of come out of my mouth people are like you're absolutely crazy like you're so like like that western4:13side like the the you know i guess like more progressive type side but there's also like a very big4:19spiritual community woke community um in california yeah4:25i feel like people are just so much more open-minded on the west coast you know what i mean but i mean whatever east4:30coast is very very like traditional and stuff and it has its place but we can be the woke kids4:37yeah but i like how you said that you didn't have the people in your your actual immediate like energy so that you4:43found them on tick tock so guys take mental note of that because that is yeah seriously4:48i'm listening to this yeah yeah like the honestly like so many people are like oh4:55social media is you know like it it rots your brain it's all negative it's all this stuff but like if you position and5:00you like focus into the right content and like the right content and interact with the right5:06content your you know your feed is going to bring up spiritual tick tock and5:12be like personal development tick tock and like all of these things that will actually you know help you and advance5:18your career your overall health your mental health everything it's just staying away from5:23that you know negative pretty much on on on social media yeah and i also don't feed into5:31the negative comments like when i first seen it i used to like kind of be like5:36it's i used to try to say stuff like you know or people who didn't believe in it or5:41stuff like that you know those type of people and you're like yeah well this is why you should believe in it but it takes so much more energy trying to5:48convince people and i'm like i'm so done with that yeah i've learned like the biggest thing5:54for me is to like feed the people that are want to be fed type thing like those people will help lift up your you know6:02like your belief in it and they're going to you know feel something from it you can't you know you don't want to just be6:09throwing stuff at a wall if that makes sense yeah you know that's a very popular phrase6:17does that make sense and i'm like yeah we're literally speaking the same language yeah um okay my second rapid-fire question oh6:24if you guys are watching on youtube look at right here it's 2-2-2 let's go6:29[Music] but okay my second rapid fire question is6:34what is your favorite book my favorite book oh this is awesome i love it uh the power of awareness by6:40neville goddard uh it is what took my um my manifestation practices to to the6:47next level it took every it took my life to the next level honestly like even when even in the beginning when i was6:53learning about law of attraction and manifestation and spirituality and stuff like that like in the beginning parts of6:58my spiritual journey i wasn't really getting like a ton of you know results from it because i just genuinely didn't7:04really understand it that well um but once i read that and he he talks about7:09assuming the wish fulfilled and at this time i was you know like i was trying to build this modeling career and i was7:15like this is not working like whatsoever and he was like you can't think from7:20your goal you have to think in your goal you have to embody the person that would have that life like you have7:28to feel as if you are that person you have to think as if you are that person you have to walk as if like it's a7:34practice every day and that's what completely changes your energy and that's what manifests into reality7:40and the book completely just shifted my life and i started like the practices and that's you know like when i got7:46signed to the agencies it's when i you know things started you know moving like getting the bookings and all that stuff7:52and i can't say more better things about that book like the power of awareness7:58neville guided 100 yeah oh you know captain always talks about that book too she's the one that put me on it oh my8:04gosh yeah yeah kathleen's work is awesome too like she's she's amazing so my third rapid fire question is for you8:12is what's the the first time you invested into yourself what what was it and how much8:18was it uh the first time i invested in myself was a grant cardone uh real estate8:26course and i didn't use it one bit but it was a thousand dollars yeah i know but it was8:32a thousand dollars and i'm i wasn't a very big um um8:38shiny object syndrome type guy so i was i was always like i want to do this and i want to do this and i want to do this but i was never you know taking action8:45um but 100 like i feel there needs to be an investment8:52in yourself in whatever you're trying to do like you need to have that investment in yourself8:57100 otherwise like you're not going to be fooled to to do it you know what i mean like that holds such a weight for9:04when you know you're trying to get yourself to do something so 100 like you're9:09the first money you should ever be spending is you know on yourself investing in you know your knowledge on9:16you know how to make your life better type deal yeah i love asking that question i you9:22know notice how i didn't ask if you've invested into yourself i said when did you because yeah i know everybody who's9:27on this this path this chip there's like an invisible line that's like people who've invested into9:33themselves and people who have it you know you can i mean you can tell it like in with communication skills with um9:40being able to network with you know in in business in relationship just how people are talking you can tell like9:47hey that that person is you know he's he's growing he's still continuing to9:52grow and i mean yeah you will have friends that don't necessarily do that but i mean you know as you progress in9:59your life as you get healthier smarter lead the path that you want to lead you10:04know there is going to be people that kind of like fall off and that's unfortunately what happens but i mean you know the10:10the greatest path i think that anybody can ever take is just like progressing and10:16you know doing what they want to do and investing in themselves whether it is you know going to the gym or10:22buying a book or buying a course or whatever buying a coach like whatever it may be like just10:28progress and invest in yourself at all times yes uh it's just like that's why i tell10:35my clients to i'm like it's so like it's so much easier when you start your money mindset now10:41because it never stops like you're only investing in just like you know yourself and then there's buying a house and then10:48there's getting a studio and then there's just all these little things that just like one thing after another like it literally never stops yeah10:55exactly yeah it's it is really especially like going through like these younger not like11:01younger but like 20s where you're trying to figure it out because i mean school doesn't really teach you that much about11:06money so you're just like all right who do i listen to what do i do how do i figure out money and it's like all right11:12i can focus in on on making it and being good with it or i can completely ignore it and i mean there's a lot of people11:18that want to ignore it but being able to figure it out and stuff oh my gosh like it's it's huge especially in in those11:25middle 20 years you know hopefully earlier but right yes11:31there's such a huge shift so all the people who are in their early 20s right now or you're like teens and11:37you're listening to this you're quantum leaping yeah so you're doing some really really cool11:42things now right you're obviously trending on tick tock and you're teaching your manifestation you're really embodying this new version of11:49yourself but i'm very curious wait what was your original plan was it11:54always to i mean coach maybe in general yeah so i12:00i was not a very liked human being in in not so much high school but more of12:05college i was like i went to college i wanted to completely you know like reinvent myself because12:11like i was the fat kid in high school i was like i was just like a bigger dude i wasn't comfortable my body i was like12:17really insecure and i went to college and i just tried getting all of this like recognition i12:23guess you would say like i i was just trying to fulfill something that i didn't have12:28um and i would that turned into you know me you know acting out and just doing dumb stuff and12:36getting into trouble you know and then there came like the drinking and the drugs and you know like i was like a12:41frat dude so it was like it was it was the lifestyle there um i12:47didn't know if i was gonna graduate college whatsoever i you know my girlfriend when i12:52when i officially started dating my girlfriend or i guess a couple months before um i was like okay this girl's way out12:59of my league so i need to get my act together or and make her believe like i'm like this other dude otherwise i'm13:05not gonna be able to date this girl and i was just like i was there was just like an infatuation almost because it was13:12like the hottest girl i ever talked to so i was like i was like okay so i'm gonna this is my goal this is my goal13:18i'm gonna i'm gonna press this chick and that's kind of when i started getting my act together but i was still you know13:23going into like the party phase and or still in the party phase and drugs and all that stuff and13:29um once i got out of college i was going to be a13:35personal trainer and and i was just like dude i'm miserable doing this like i love helping people and i love like13:41working with people um but i don't want to be in a gym for 12 hours a day and13:46you know just like eating out of a lunchbox and just like this this whole thing i'm like i'm just not invested in13:52this um and so we moved to san diego and in13:59in 2017 and i started modeling and i was like i'm going to do this i'm going to be a model i'm going to be an actor14:05and i that's kind of you know when i started the personal development stuff because i went through like the deepest14:12depression because my identity was being taken from me like i wasn't successful in what i was trying to do and i'm like14:19i keep talking you know all of this nonsense to people that i'm doing this i'm doing that but i'm not doing it and14:24my my ego was being tarnished and it was like that dark night of the soul like okay14:30you can go this way and and just continue down this path of like just mediocrity that that you wanted or that14:37that you uh that you're going down right now or you can shift and and build yourself and go a different14:44direction and actually do the that you want to get done um that's when i got into personal development uh that's when i learned14:50that your whatever you're telling yourself is coming true pretty much um and that's when i started meditating a14:57ton like a ton just because i was like i need to clear these thoughts out of my head and then15:03once i realize like oh who's the person thinking these thoughts that's kind of when like the whole the whole circle of15:10like consciousness and stuff started you know unraveling for me um and15:16then that's kind of when i started talking i was like oh my gosh like this spiritual stuff it changed my life and15:21that's when all of the successes started coming so i'm like okay i can only blame it on spirituality on consciousness on15:29learning and developing like your inner self and that's that's really when15:34everything kind of came to fruition i guess long story short15:39oh no i love that it's like not long enough for me i love hearing these stories this is my favorite part of the15:44process because you know everybody goes through the same shift and it's fun to see how it happens15:50for other people but i think the most interesting part about what you said is that it destroyed you because15:57it should your identity your ego was telling you that you're a failure you know you didn't complete the things that16:02you said that you're gonna do and you know a lot of people are in that right now16:08so what would you tell the person who's like in that position where they're like right where all the gold is but they're16:14just like i i always talk about that meme where they're like the16:20they're digging and it's like right there but they just need to go a little bit further but what would you tell that person yeah16:26so the biggest thing that i tell absolutely anybody is wherever your focus is going your energy is flowing16:32where focus goes energy flows the reason why most people are so stuck is because they keep telling themselves that they16:38are stuck they they are telling themselves this narrative about their life like oh i can't do this oh i'm lazy16:45oh i'm i any type of self-doubt issue that doesn't get them off the couch to go16:50into action but the second you start telling yourself hey i i am taking action i am working hard i16:57am persistent i am focusing into where i want to focus into instead of focusing17:02into those negative self-talk habits or those negative self-talk thoughts that is when you're going to start17:09moving um there's been so many times where i have um i've been telling myself in my head17:15you're not working hard enough you're not working hard enough you're not working hard enough i know there's a lot of people that have those thoughts in17:21their mind as well like there's these people who you know want to create a lot or want to build a business or want to17:27build courses or want to do whatever they're like i'm not working hard enough i'm not working hard enough and that's where that burnout comes comes from17:33because you're telling yourself i'm not working hard what what is that narrative feeding you negative energy it's it's17:39like you're you're not getting anywhere but when you you know focus into how you do want to feel how you do want to think17:45about yourself like oh my gosh i'm doing a great job today hey i may not have gotten you know everything i got done17:51um yesterday today but you know what i'm still cruising i'm still working hard i'm still getting at it i'm still17:56practicing my craft i'm still you know moving with intention and that's the thing like18:02so much about like the action part isn't even necessary it's so it's a thousand times more about how you're thinking18:09about yourself and how you're thinking about what about your life you know what i mean like the narrative that18:16is going on in your head a hundred percent is coming true like that is the biggest thing in the world for me18:23oh and that really ties into self-image yeah yeah it is it it really really is18:31uh i love how you talk about this because you know i either work with one person the person who's either struggling to18:36get started or there's a person who makes a lot of money and they just get stuck18:43in this vicious cycle where they're like i can't stop working or else i'll i won't make the money anymore and it's18:48because they seen that for so long that that becomes the truth and so18:54i know that you're talking about working out of scarcity yeah it is like it it really really is i18:59mean that's something that i really had to um to19:04learn as well like how to separate like the okay like i can make19:10money but when i'm working versus hey i'm able to make money just passively i'm able to just like have abundance19:17everywhere and bring it in whenever you know instead of you know trying to be like okay i need to do this i need to do19:23this i need to do this i need to do this and just for me to feel worthy or me to feel fulfilled you know what i mean um19:28it's a very very hard thing i feel like for most people so because we've been taught we've been19:33taught we've been taught forever about like that that's how it works you know what i mean but it's19:39it's further from the truth especially nowadays yeah it's like it's settling consciously19:44too like your parents are all all work working all day and so even though they're not saying19:50you have to work super hard it's what your subconscious mind is believing because it's what you see19:56so but i'm very curious okay because i know that i have my manifestation stories where i was like holy this20:02stuff works my thought creates my reality but what i want to know what that moment was for you20:08okay so this is the craziest story and i love telling this story because especially the girls because it's like20:15it it blows their mind so i was one of the20:20awesome jobs i got to be a part of um in december last year was don't worry20:26darling um with harry styles chris pine um it's it's a movie that's actually coming out on the 22nd 222 actually uh20:34yeah oh my god it's nine two two two two or 2022.20:39um but during it i was like i was like okay i'm gonna script out what i want like20:46certain things i want to feel before this like during this movie because i was when i first got books where i was like i am terrified i've never that was20:53like my first like acting type thing it was just background stuff but it was still like acting and like being on set20:59and stuff like that and that was probably the biggest thing that i was doing at that at that point um and i was21:04super nervous once i realized like harry's stuck like harry styles like that that's so21:11that's what i'm saying like so sick um and one of the things that i put was i21:17want to have a conversation with one of like the like the main people somehow i21:23want to like bump into them and then like spark a conversation or do do21:28something um and i21:33ended up somehow like on the third day ended up in a circle with harry styles and like21:40two other people and like we just we i manifested a conversation and i'm like i'm not i cannot believe what's21:47happening right in front of my face right now like this is the craziest moment i'm like this is so real this is21:52how it works this is how life works and i was like this is the craziest thing i've ever experienced it was it was so21:59nuts i i remember it so vividly to this day i'm like how is this happening right now in front22:06of my face i wrote this down like it was so crazy it was so nuts oh this is so22:13cool so great it's so great i can't believe that this is happening right now i feel like every time that22:18i've manifested something like that but it's like is this really life right now yeah it is22:26it's so weird you're just like you look at it and you're just like no like no way no way so crazy it's it you22:34feel like almost goofy because you're just like maybe i shouldn't be getting super super excited about this because this is like22:40normal for other people but like this i just i i thought this first like it's so22:46crazy like it blows your own mind really it's funny oh i love it yes okay so that was your22:53initial my thoughts create my reality yeah that was my so you're going through the shift right you're starting here and22:59yeah what happened after that um man so that's really when i started like23:05getting on tick tock and talking about it because i was i was still in that maze of like one i don't like talking on23:11camera because i feel like i was i felt like i was like really goofy and i also felt like i didn't know what i was talking about yet but23:18i know i know like that was a huge like um limiting belief i had which is so crazy23:25because this all manifested like you know that saying like on the other side of your fears is like the coolest23:30in the world well like this me talking to the camera turned into23:36like tick tock and like what i what i'm doing on tick tock and i'm like this really did turn into the craziest thing23:42on the other side of one of my biggest fears of like talking to people talking in front of people because i'm like i'm23:48a super big like introvert like i i stay i stay to myself a lot but like i23:54absolutely love being able to share with you know the world this type of stuff23:59and it was like a really really uh tough thing for me to get into24:04but the thoughts create the reality thing once i really solidified that i was like okay well if this is real then i can24:11just reprogram absolutely everything that i think about myself and i'm gonna start just repeating it i was put24:18putting stuff on note cards i was like i was just repeating it day after day to myself and it started to manifest and it24:24started just to like move and i'm like oh my gosh like this is crazy yes okay i love how you're24:30talking about reprogramming your mind because that was my next question i wanted to get into so one of the24:36i guess one of the most or what were the most effective ways for24:41you when you're going through this shift to reprogram your subconscious mind and can you also give your version of what24:47reprogramming your subconscious mind even means because i know people hear me say that a lot but i really want them to hear other people's perspectives yeah so24:54pretty much as far as reprogramming a belief so anything we believe to be true25:01um is just a thought repeated affirmed repeated affirmed repeated it's just you25:07solidifying whatever thoughts that you want in your life so if you put your focus into any thought and keep focusing25:15into it it will become your reality that's just how the eternal consciousness works like whatever you're25:20putting your focus into is going to expand now once you see that in your reality you25:26see that as a belief like that is your belief so reprogramming is putting new25:31thoughts and new things in front of your face new content in front of your face that you25:37begin to affirm as true how do you affirm it as true you look at it every single day you believe25:44what is being said like and obviously this is very easy like when you like are reading a book from someone25:51who's a multi-millionaire and they're giving you advice you're like okay i'm gonna listen to this guy like it's it's25:57super super simple just follow the footsteps of the people that are successful the people that have you know26:03the things you want the people that have the relationship you want the people that have whatever putting their beliefs and reprogramming26:09your mind with the beliefs of the people that are doing what you're doing is just going to put you in that exact26:16same spot you know what i mean all our entire reality is just solely based26:21on our belief systems and how we believe the world to be true if you think the world26:26is you know out to get you and money's hard and things are scarce and there's a lot of fear in in your life you're going26:34to see that in your external reality if you you know focus on the abundance if you're grateful you know all the time26:41if you're you know appreciative of the people around you and the experiences in your life in just your life in general26:46more things are going to flow to you because that's the vibration that you're giving off you know what i mean and that26:52gets into vibration but the programming it's like i i would literally have like five or six note cards and just be like27:00i am successful i am a top model i am assigned to whatever i have this many27:05followers on tick tock i have a coaching like and as i was molding myself into27:12that is my belief system that is who i am that is when the inspired action27:17comes and i feel like a lot of people take action before they believe anything to be true and that's why they get27:22defeated that's why they're like oh this isn't for me well no you just didn't believe it27:27for you to be you before you took that action you know what i mean you kind of set yourself up for failure so having that belief27:35prior to taking any actions is like the most essential you know part of it you27:41know what i mean um but it is it's really a lot of repetition27:46keeping the content in front of you keeping you know your focus in on what you do want rather than the end of the27:52other end of the stick which is you know all of the things that um you know are are27:58killing you internally you know with yourself down with the negative and stuff like that like it's two ends of the sticks it's the having of it and the28:05lack thereof do you want to focus on the having of it or do you want to focus on not having and it's it's really as28:10simple as that oh i love it this is my favorite conversation ever you know one of the28:16most amazing things that you're talking about is um is the28:22vibration i wanted to get into the vibration of it because i know that you talk about this on your tic tac a lot28:28too and so again the law of attraction we know is like what we focus on we create more of but vibration28:35could you break that down for us what does that mean for sure okay so at like everything is sorry everything's28:42made up of energy okay absolutely everything we don't necessarily attract just what we think about yes28:50that does come into play we attract who we are we attract what we are okay so28:55for me like and like i'm not trying to like do the the me me me thing but like it's29:01just the easiest way to explain it because i i try to explain it through my experience because i can only teach29:06through what i'm experiencing um for me when i felt as if29:13i was a model that's when the jobs came when i felt as if i was a good boyfriend29:19that's when me and my girlfriend's relationship went29:2410x you know when i feel that i am doing good and talking well with people and29:30coaching people well that is when the feedback comes of hey you were really present in our meeting i really29:36appreciate that it's those things of you have to feel as if you are you know29:42the person that you want to become you know what i mean like the the main reason why any of us want absolutely anything29:50is to feel good why do you want a new part to to feel the feeling of that new car why do you want new clothes new29:56house new new anything new relationships not not even just material like relationships why do you want confidence30:01you want to feel that feeling that that that thing gives you30:06so if you practice that vibration and emotion emotion and vibration are the exact same30:12thing it is how your body is vibrating it's how your body is talking if that makes sense okay so your thoughts are30:19the language of your brain your vibration your emotions are the language30:24of your body however you are vibrating on a consistent basis is what you are getting out of life so again that's why30:31everyone's like hey be grateful love what you're doing love yourself love other people it's because30:37those are higher vibrational frequencies those higher vibrational frequencies those30:43make you into a magnet of good for good lower vibrational frequencies focusing30:49in on the hate on the negative on the self-doubt on the loathing on the depression30:54that is you are building that negative ball of energy around you you are you are in31:01those lower vibrational you know areas if that makes sense um so it really is31:07such an internal job to focus on how are you feeling and the the biggest thing is31:13your thoughts are what is creating that vibration so it all starts with your thoughts okay so31:19when you when you are thinking good thoughts when you're thinking positive thoughts your emotion your vibration is31:25going to be more uplifted because your emotion and vibration is going to be uplifted that is going to attract31:31more thoughts that may be to attract or it might attract you know a thought of31:36hey i gotta go call this person which will lead to this which will lead to this which will lead to some money which will lead to like it's31:42there's you know things that come up when you're staying up here that come into your head31:49and they're completely different than when you're in a low vibration you know what i mean so it's that you just have31:54different impulses you have different actions so staying in that higher vibration it's31:59it's like the greatest thing you could do for yourself really like i i feel like everybody32:04is solely responsible for their emotion and that's it like if32:09you can handle your emotion then you'll be a vibrational match to all that is good32:15i love it like okay i remember when i was gonna play clear just mentioned it again but um32:21one of the things that really stuck out to me what you said is to to be it before you take on it to really32:30believe that it's that you are that person that is a model that is whatever it is that you're manifesting the coach32:36being it before you actually take action so i talk a lot about masculine and feminine energy and32:42i think that's like the perfect example of like believing before you take action because everything just falls out of32:49alignment because if you're just taking action over and over again and you don't right and that's what people do with the32:54right marketing strategy structure and nothing happens because they don't physically believe that it's possible33:00yeah exactly and i think like obviously like in the beginning of stuff like for example like i'm i'm getting into solar33:07sails as well right now like i'm selling like solar panels and renewable energy and stuff like that and i never did like cold calling or33:14anything and it was terrifying to me and you know there wasn't it33:19it was one of those things that if i kept thinking of oh i can't do this i can't i've never done this this is going33:25to be hard i would have never taken the action but you know because i have33:30learned like hey those negative self talks like that's i'm not about that anymore like i need to focus on hey i'm33:36trying to do this i'm trying to get to here i'm trying to be this type of person and that's how i know i move um33:43it's you know like you have to focus into the good stuff even if it is you know super scary and sometimes like33:49there's a lot of stuff that's really scary when when you first start like new careers again new relationships new33:55anything and you just have to be on your side type deal34:01yeah so you're talking about how your emotions is equal to your vibration right so if you're feeling low vibration34:08you're because you're thinking negative thoughts so what would you say to the person who is34:13constantly thinking these negative things thinking of the things that they don't want to happen right and they're like i can't get out of this funk i34:19can't stop thinking negative what would you say to that person well number one stop saying i can't do34:26it i can't get out of it because that's the biggest thing um i am a huge fan of abraham hicks34:32her teachings have changed my life completely and she is like you know when34:37it's exactly like pushing a car down a hill and then you're at the hill expecting to stop the car like you've34:43already you know like you've been going in these negative thoughts for so so long that it's going to take time to you34:50know completely halt them there's no there's no completely eradicating negative thoughts i still get negative34:56thoughts it's a matter of like knowing when they pop up responding35:01when they pop up or seeing them as like a trigger if that makes sense not like35:06oh i'm like you know sensitive and like triggered but see it in yourself take note and be like hey that's35:12that thought hasn't got me anywhere i don't want to focus on that there's there's you know there's nothing in that thought it just makes me feel worse and35:19worse what is the opposite of that thought she also talks about where contrast is there's clarity contrast35:24negative thought bad things happening rough parts of your life where contrast comes there's clarity you could either35:30focus on the contrast or you could be like okay um at this situation what is a35:35solution what is the solution based thought of this contrast but yeah that35:41so she talks a lot about just refocusing refocusing refocusing and and35:46we can do that like we are able to put our focus wherever we want to it's just35:52a matter of hey am i going to dwell on the negative am i going to dwell on these things that are killing me inside35:57and not making me move or am i going to lift myself up am i going to talk good to myself even if it's not real right36:03now even if it's not true am i going to just talk to myself good because i want to36:08feel happy i deserve to feel happy even if nothing's going right in my life i deserve to feel happy because i'm alive36:14we're alive like we deserve to feel that good feeling so why not talk good to36:20yourself why not hype yourself up why not be confident in whatever you can be confident in you36:26know what i mean it's really just a matter of focusing realigning with that energy that you do36:31want to feel on a consistent basis because i know nobody wants to sit and dwell in36:37in that type of energy it sucks it's really not fun so it's like hey i i36:43care more about how i feel than any truth in the entire world right now and that's what i need to care about i need36:49to care about how i'm feeling because i know what i'm feeling is attracting more of this exact same feeling36:56oh i love it this is beautiful okay my favorite part about what you said about the negative beliefs is the one37:03first stop the story that you can't stop and then two was to be just be conscious37:08and aware of the thoughts and just like i just love how we all talk about how we still have negative thoughts like37:14all the time no matter how positive you are and a lot of people think that there's like this certain switch that37:20happens like where you don't have negative thoughts anymore it's like not true yeah it's exactly like it's exactly like37:27a friend that hasn't ever brought any value to your life and you're just like this person brings out the worst side of37:32me you just learn hey i'm not going to entertain this anymore i'm not going to entertain these thoughts of like oh i suck i'm the37:39worst i'm miserable i'm just sitting on the couch being lazy like thoughts that like to this day i still battle37:45sometimes and i'm like hey if you're putting focus into them if you're battling these thoughts and you're like no no no i'm trying to hype myself up if37:52you keep focusing into those you're gonna stay on the couch you're not gonna get stuff done but if you37:58refocus and be like hey you're crushing it you're doing good you're you're you're working on it38:04you're working on your habits you're figuring it out you're you're doing your best like you're keep on cruising and38:10obviously you got to push you know pick yourself up kick yourself in the ass a little bit to be like hey do you38:16actually want to get this done or are you just saying it you know that there's a lot of self-awareness that comes with38:23it but ultimately ultimately it's it's where are you putting your focus where are you putting your energy38:28are you telling yourself you can do it or are you beating up on yourself38:34i love it okay so i want to get back again to the things that you're doing now right38:41i know that you've been blowing up on tick tock with just teaching about these things which is completely manifested you know i really feel like tick tock is38:47the best platform to really attract the bright people throughout the world like38:53yeah instagram is one thing but tick tock is like world yeah exactly i feel like there's a lot38:58of people that can just get their message out and you know get it out in a way that's39:03not you know built on i guess there is like an algorithm for tick tock but it the39:09organic reach is so much bigger and you know people are getting their voices heard um and it's a really really cool39:15thing to actually listen to people from all walks of life you know talk about these same concepts39:22learn about manifestation like there's people from tick tock that i know like when i first started39:28watching them progressively move even in these past like six to 12 months i'm like i'm right there with you we're39:34homies and i don't even know you like it's so crazy oh i love it right it feels like a family it feels like your39:40little community and i think that's the best part you know because we get us at the example that everything and anything39:46is possible if you i say when you program your subconscious mind to believe39:52and i think that's like one of the biggest things that i personally realize with this with teaching other people39:57this is that um if you really really want to teach it you have to be it and be the example and40:04lead by example so i guess my question is for you when it comes to teaching other people this material what do you40:10think is the hardest like the hardest part about relaying it to other people40:16and teaching them well you're telling we as manifestation coaches self-image40:22coaches law of attraction coaches spirituality anything that has to do with like the internal job of the human40:27being we are telling everybody point blank period that it's your fault for for your life and that's a very very40:34hard thing for a lot of people to to hear but like the best part is once you40:39take you know that like accountability and once you get them to take that accountability and to believe you know40:46hey i i i do control my life my thoughts do control what i'm getting out of life like how i'm showing up as myself as40:54is you know what i'm getting out of life once you get them to like actually40:59understand it and and really grasp that concept and you know believe that then you know they they41:07learn to manifest at a rapid pace they learn to you know clear up all of the bad things41:13that have happened in their life how because they took complete accountability they they started you41:18know believing in themself more than blaming everything on the external so that's the biggest thing is like telling41:24people like hey you're doing it all to yourself pal no matter what you what what happened in your life no matter like what crazy41:32thing that may have you know unfortunately transpired in your life i'm sorry it's what you attracted it's an energetic universe you are attracting41:39it you are in vibration with it but you can move forward you can you can go41:45this way instead of focusing on that thing from five years ago that you've been harping on for the past ten years41:51yes uh this is my favorite part that is so true because i guess i've never41:56realized of how much unconsciously we're saying that you know yeah i'm i mean it's true42:02though like we like we really are the creators of our own reality whatever42:08we whatever has been in our life we have manifested we have42:14we have been in vibration with and it's really unfortunate and like there's a lot of dumb stuff that has happened in42:20my life and it took me a lot of time to take ownership of like hey that's that was on you that was your thing that you42:27you know were a match to and as unfortunate as it was you know you could either42:33continue to think like that or you can move forward and and not be that guy anymore not be that person anymore and42:40and that's really what you got to do you got to be like that person isn't me that human being that was in that avatar is42:48not me anymore and this is the way i'm moving about my life and you'll watch your life literally unfold right before42:54your eyes it's oh my crazy i love this it's my favorite43:00yay well i know you have a lot of fun stuff coming up but i wanted to talk about it obviously we're talking about43:05making people conscious of that they are the creator of their own realities right and we're just here to give them the43:11tools but i know that you've been working on something super special so i guess what is the name for it and43:17how does it serve people so we have the energy movement it is um it is a company that me and my partner43:24have found it it is all about going inward and finding fulfillment inward rather than reaching for it externally43:30and the best part about it is is once you do reach for internal fulfillment all of your external world is going to43:37be fulfilling like all of the things in your life is going to come to fruition43:42for for however you want it to um this specific course is self-image mastery it43:47goes over um programming how we were programmed how to reprogram your life um43:53it goes through habits and you know how to implement different habits in your life it talks43:58about the narrative that you're telling yourself we're going to be having like three or four projects that are going to completely reshape how you are thinking44:05about yourself um gets you in alignment with how you actually want to be in life what you actually want to44:12feel what you actually want to have what you actually want to do and you know44:17implement the emotional feeling with that so so we're combining the thoughts44:22with the feelings um to to get you where you want to go it's it's really really exciting it's44:28it's pretty much the missing piece to personal development at least it was for me um i knew all the44:34know-hows i knew the strategies and the mindsets and stuff and i'm like what's not going on like what's what's not44:40working why am i not you know seeing results um and it's so much of the emotional standpoint of where you're at44:47like just on a day to day what your primary vibration is and you know we'll go over all of the vibration stuff all44:53the law of attraction stuff all that good stuff in the course but i'm really excited for it who would you say that this program is45:00for this is for honestly 25 to 35 year old people45:05getting out of college that are like i have no idea what i'm trying to do i have no idea where i'm trying to go i45:12have this job that i hate i have this relationship that i don't like whatever it may be somebody you know who is45:18um you know just trying to make their life better trying to you know again you know45:24they're stuck in that personal development rut they're they're trying to get their life in order but they haven't really figured out why it's not45:30going right it's it's really for you know people just trying to45:35to progress in life oh i love it okay so i'm really big on45:42intuitive action guys and you know that every single person listening to this episode especially because we just did a45:47rebrand i know they said this on previous episodes but like i really really mean this like you're listening45:54to this at the exact moment in your life that you're supposed to and the more you can be really in tune46:00with that and really understand it's called the law of oneness are you familiar with the love oneness once you realize that we're all46:06connected every single thing in your reality is manifested at the perfect46:12timing so again i'm really big on intuitive action and the reason why i'm big out of intuitive action because if people are listening to this they're46:18inspired they're motivated and they want to do it and then they either see the price point46:24or maybe they're like now it's not the right time oh i got so much other stuff going on46:30this out in the beginning especially uh on the podcast because a lot of times we don't know how to distinguish our46:35intuition opposed to our ego so for the people who are listening to this the first week that a strap so we drop on a46:42tuesday i think the 20s oh it's october 5th i think oh october 5th46:49let's go some people so people are listening on october 5th all the way up until the that last46:56friday let me see what the last friday would be um47:02on the 8th if you're listening between from that time if you guys enroll in mike's program please please please47:09message me and my team on instagram and we're going to send you the power of awareness book47:17thank you so much i really really appreciate it that book is going to change lives like as i said it's it's47:22changed my life it's changed thousands of people's lives like i i know a lot of even like the speakers like the47:28spiritual speakers the personal development speakers they ran and rave about that book you it really you know47:35solidifies what people mean about you know embodying the feeling of who you want to47:41become like embodying the feeling of how you want your life to unfold um it's changed my girlfriend's life and she47:48wasn't even like super spiritual and then i got into it and i threw her the book and she was just like this is crazy47:55um it's it's it's an awesome awesome book so i do appreciate it yay awesome we love it okay so that mike48:03i want to thank you so much for investing your time and energy we're obviously going to put this all over our platform it's going to be on youtube for48:09you guys too but the one thing i wanted to or one last question i wanted to ask you this is something that i ask i need to do more48:16religiously now that we have the rebrand but the question is48:21if you had an extra one million dollars48:27in your bank account right now it just dropped it's like 306 where you're at still48:33thursday you still gotta do whatever it is you gotta do today the only difference is is48:38that you have a million dollars in your bank account what would you do48:43i would 100 invest it all into the energy movement i am such a believer in48:50this cause um and the thing is like the greatest thing is is that million dollars is going to impact everybody's48:59life it's going to impact everybody who who gets to you know take part of that49:04course you know what i mean like i i'm a firm believer that what we're teaching this law of attraction based content the49:11the manifestation the um you know this energy type work is49:17going to change the future of self-education it's going to change the future of education as a whole um it's49:24it's going to change people's lives period and if people can get this content um then they will literally49:30watch their their life manifest right before their eyes i mean like you did like i did like all of these people on49:37on tick tock have seen this energy work impact their lives at such a great scale and it's not just49:43about money it's about you know feeling good about yourself it's a few it's it's walking you know49:49in comfortability in your own body like having that self-image and having those belief systems that are working with you49:56you know what i mean it's it's feeling good about yourself ultimately and being able to to50:01represent that day-to-day which inspires other people to feel good about themselves you know so that's that's a50:08hundred percent a million bucks on me i love it you know it's so funny i would50:13do the same thing i would just i mean i'd simply do my studio and everything but it's like the programs that we're doing it just50:19change they're changing lives you know that's the thing it's like it's it's so awesome to you know be able to take50:25somebody from hey like i do not feel great about myself i am really struggling in this and seeing you know50:32the progression of you know like doing certain like gratitude practices doing certain affirmation practices doing the50:38scripting and all this stuff and taking people through these different you know these different parts and seeing you50:45know amazing amazing people on the other side and that was them the whole time they50:50just needed to pull it out of themselves you know what they like they needed to become that person for themselves so50:56it's amazing to see you know that the changes that that we're seeing in in your in your courses on your tick tock51:03like i see in the comments people love your stuff like it's amazing um and51:08you know it it's such a it's such a great great thing to see um in this community51:14we're changing lives i love it all right you guys thank you guys so much for tuning tuning into the51:19podcast and like i said make sure like subscribe check out the links in the bio51:24or check us up on oh wait i didn't even get your instagram and where can they find you51:30my instagram and my tick tock is at mike mind body um it you my instagram used to51:36be the micromono so if you guys follow me follow that mind body but that one got51:42um hacked so at my mind body on tick tock instagram51:48it got hacked so that way you would change to this new embodiment exactly exactly that's that's what i've been51:53saying i'm like it's it's a new it's a new start it's a new beginning so yay awesome i love it52:00bye friends [Music]52:06youEnglish (auto-generated)
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