Many of us stay in a situation because it makes us feel safe. We procrastinate and avoid fear, blocking our own growth and abundance because what we don't realize is that the universe and its power lies directly within us. We just need to take the opportunity and show up!
Tune in as Anita shares day two of her manifesting money workshop, welcoming Shaman Axél Antojai to help us tap into our fear of money. A self-made millionaire, Axél’s mission is to guide others to master their gifts, ascension, and manifestation, modifying centuries-old healing practices for the modern age.
Listen in as Shaman Axél Antojai shows you why fear is simply a lack of clarity and gives you the tools and resources to help reprogram your subconscious mind and attract abundance.
“Your money flow is dependent on your perspective.”
“You need to force yourself to buy things you know you can afford regularly, even if you're afraid of where the money will come from, to support your actions. You're playing small. And this is why you cannot grow.”
“There's opportunity to continuously change because money is flow. Flow is change. You have to become the flow, you have to be your persistent change. And that's what's going to open up the doors for you in terms of abundance.”
If you like what you’re hearing, download Axél’s Clarity Worksheet for more:
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0:00[Music]0:08hmm [Music]0:22today we're going to be talking all about releasing the fear we kind of touched on the subject yesterday but i'm0:28going to give you a step-by-step process to really tap into this fear and again release it and then what i want you guys0:36to do is go back in the workbooks and actually answer these questions on your own so again we'll be touching base with0:41it but before we start i would just like to track all of the abundance that's0:47actually flown in in the past few days and when i say every cent0:53i truly mean it so if you worked with me before you know how big i am on counting every single penny and these are things1:00i get questions about all the time does this count does money manifested and so uh in the comments you guys can go ahead1:07and share any stories i have manifested thus far and what i would um like to remind you that things are included is1:14money that you would have spent this is huge honestly when i first started learning about law of attraction1:20manifestation how it applies to money these things would happen all of the time so money1:26uh that you would have spent crazy discounts giveaways um someone said man i manifested a lower car note yep yep1:34yeah so good my my aunt is visiting me if my aunt is visiting and gate randomly gave me a1:40hundred dollars oh i forgot to add that one in here but when people pay you back too that's also1:47something that happens a lot when people do this work because once you realize that we're all connected um1:53it's again how money circulates so money that you knew that was coming to you so like i1:59said if someone owed you money and they just so happen to pay you back yesterday2:05within the next few days i'm telling you guys that it's not a coincidence they had the download to2:11pay you back and follow through with their commitments because that's what you've been uh attracting so my someone2:17said my mom paid for texas roadhouse and she found ten dollars and gave it to me so good2:23um i am uh i manifested 250 dollars2:28from a party table and they that they were only there for two hours so good2:34i manifested getting paid for for my sick days beautiful2:39um another thing that i like to point out is again every single cent something that happens a lot when you're conscious2:45of this is that you start to find money literally everywhere um if you guys see me post this on my social media lot but2:52i find pennies and dimes and nickels on the ground if you tune in today's podcast episode i talked about when i2:57went to go see the apartment that i just manifested i found a dime on the ground and the realtor literally looked at me3:04and said look at you money finding you everywhere you go and i said what had3:09he had absolutely no idea what i did and i just thought that was so funny but that is a sign that there's a lot of3:15abundance that's coming your way and if you are not respecting that penny on the ground then you are not respecting a3:22hundred dollars a million dollars whatever it is so last thing i want you to make sure that3:28you include is credit advancements loans grants getting approved for those things3:33again that's something that also happens a lot with my clients and they're like is this couch and i'm like um is it3:39available to you so the answer is yes so make sure we're counting these things3:44if you want to just take this time take your pen and paper write it down and just really give acknowledgement to3:50okay joanna's on my team and she's over here saying she manifested 300 someone paid me back on money out of a3:57thousand and they said that they would do the rest and payments for the next coming weeks after months of not hearing4:03from them see [Music] yes this is the sign so big of you guys being in the live energy because there's4:10something in the air when we're doing this i got a gift card for 50 yesterday my landlord kept us at the same rate for4:18my shop's rent oh that's really cool um and i found three dollars on the4:23floor this morning i randomly got a hundred dollars off my rent before the workshop i manifested three thousand4:29dollars and received an early retirement check for three thousand nine hundred sixty eight and seventy two cents three4:36weeks early yep see that's what happens guys even though you knew that money was coming to you um4:42it just happens a lot faster because again you're a magnet so what we went over yesterday is uh4:48what is manifestation we really debunked a lot of questions and beliefs that we have about manifestation and really4:53identified that it's always happening second thing that we talked about is a law of attraction again this is one of4:59one of many universal laws but a lot of people um my mission my goal is for everybody to at least be conscious of5:06this to be aware that whatever it is that you're focusing on the most you're creating more of5:12third thing we talked about is unconsciously manifesting aka i'm scared to think5:18something negative because if i do then i'm gonna manifest it and we touched on it again yesterday but5:24really tuning into that and being aware of what that fear actually is5:30and acknowledging that it's the most dominant thought and not every single thought in your brain is going to5:35manifest in the physical form so last thing that we went over is complete5:40clarity and i've seen so many posts of everybody doing their homework and i'm so excited that you guys are doing this5:46work um but we just got super clear in the things that were no longer serving us the things that we're releasing and5:52anytime that we're releasing things that we've been holding on to we're holding on to them for a reason most likely5:58because we're scared to let them go and so today's work is to get super clear on what that fear actually is so any time6:04that again we're staying in this place we're procrastinating it's because um6:10we feel safe there's something about that situation where how we're staying right now makes us feel safe and helps6:16us avoid this fear so what we're going to do is really tap into the sphere and again we'll go over this super quick6:22because i want to make sure that we have a lot of time for our guest speaker because i know you guys will have a lot of questions but i also have a lot of6:28questions so i'm so excited um but my first step of this five step process of tuning into the fear is again6:36to become conscious so if you guys have your pen and paper right now you're taking notes6:41leah asked if we missed yesterday can we watch it somewhere yep so if you're not already in the facebook group um you6:46wanna if you wanna drop the link or marielle um just for the facebook group we'll have the replay there we also have6:53a workbook for each day just uh just in case you weren't able to come on and do the questions6:58so the first step is to be conscious of the belief so like aka the story what is7:04the thing that you've been telling yourself over and over and over again7:09that is unconsciously manifesting into your reality so again7:15a lot of times we can't fix the problem and we can't fix the fear if we don't even know why we're scared so7:21i gave an example here but i can't i can't quit my job because if i do i7:27won't have enough money for friend and so in the comments right now you're7:32hearing me talk about this example this specific topic what is something that we wrote down yesterday something that7:38you're releasing you're letting go of why does that scare you or what is the fear that comes to the surface when you7:45think about this so i'll read the comments as i go but i'm going to go ahead and7:51read the next step because again this is all going to be in your workbooks7:58current struggle i use that example because that's the number one thing that i get in my gm so it's like i can't quit my job and i said8:05oh my gosh this is like my favorite topic ever so the second step is to identify where8:12the fear actually stemmed from because right now like payola just said i want8:17to start in my own business but i'm scared of failure because i don't know where to start8:22i get so excited when i hear these stories because you know it's awesome when people manifest money but i'm8:29telling you until you get to the real real root of what it is that you're scared of and you're no longer8:35sabotaging that money that is coming to you that's where the real shift starts8:40so i'm fear of i'm scared of success i won't be able to handle success um a8:45successful team in business i'm scared of failing and square i'm scared to quit my job and pursue creating content8:51because i haven't started making money so again the second step is to get super clear where did this fear actually come8:58from where or who said what that made you unconsciously believe this story so again we teach this in our9:06programs but your subconscious beliefs have most likely developed from the age of zero up until you're seven years old9:13and what happens is that you actually create the same patterns and stories and cycles over and over and over again9:20that's why when you release the job and you go to another job it seems like the same situation over and over again it's9:26because there's a cycle that needs to be broken and um some people even have these9:31limiting beliefs develop in the womb that's why i'm really big on hypnosis9:37and past lives and getting super clear again where these stories started because they're most likely not even yours9:43so um the fear of failing right like that is something that9:49where you've seen it stemmed from something again as you were a child or9:54maybe even prior to that so for example you can't get that anita because we9:59don't have enough money so again my mom didn't say this because she wanted me to leave that i didn't have enough money or10:06whatever it is right that was just the paradigm at the time but what happened is that when we went to the store and i10:13didn't have enough money for something right it made me believe that this is the10:19truth right so this leads to step three identifying what the proof was10:25so this has been the story again over and over and over again and now when i10:31go to the store and i go to go buy some makeup for myself and i see the price of that10:38makeup and then i see the price or the number that's in my account and i10:43physically see that i don't have enough money for it it gives proof to that belief10:51and so this belief has been validated multiple times that is why it's so deep10:59rooted into our subconscious mind and so when i say we get a lot of work to do i11:05really really mean it so so um where i said the fear of letting my mom down and not being able11:11to talk to her because she passed away the fear of not getting out getting a affirmation from her oh my heart11:19i always put things in the cart and then put them back right before i check out yep see that might have been something11:25that you maybe even seen when you were little right maybe when you were in the store your mom did that well let's just11:33leave it at the checkout line right maybe she didn't say anything but there's something that happened11:39that made you believe that you don't have enough so good11:45the fear of moving away from my hometown oh girl i am so excited about that11:50because i truly believe that once you release once you at least just kind of experience other places that helps your11:57subconscious mind break a lot of habits because your habits are deep rooted especially that's why every single time12:03that i go to my hometown i get triggered because that's where all of those habits and stories actually12:09stemmed from so okay step number four is12:14what are you choosing to believe instead aka you're writing the story so this is12:19why i get so excited when people are again going out to the store and they're12:24buying something without looking at the price tag or maybe they're making a purchase on a home that they didn't12:30believe that they were capable of having or maybe they're just literally going to12:36starbucks and getting themselves a coffee because they're breaking the stories in12:42the cycle that's telling them you can't do that you don't have enough you won't be safe12:48and so a lot of times when people again start doing this work abundance just starts to12:53manifest through multiple ways you know random checks people paying for stuff you know12:58people giving you money is because you're breaking that cycle and you're releasing the resistance13:04and so an example of rewriting the story is that i believe that money is an unlimited resource that13:12i can tap into at any given point or time13:17and so now that i'm changing the story aka i'm consciously maybe i'm affirming13:23this maybe i'm writing it maybe i'm uh recording myself and listening back to13:29it that's step four right you can use these tools and these resources and those13:35audios that you hear on tick tock this is why they work because you're again13:40reprogramming that belief and so step five is where the masculine13:47energy comes and again like i said we have a lot of work to do it's just not the kind of work that we're used to13:53um is to really identify the proof that this is the new story13:59so again the work is to rebuild the belief and prove to the subconscious mind that this is true right so if i go14:07to a store or actually i like giving this example if i'm breaking the story of the cycle14:13that's saying well you know i can't get a coffee because you know i only have x amount of money in my bank account well14:20you know i'll be late for work well you know you know i'll have to get some for everybody else and all these liberty14:26beliefs and then i say you know what i deserve a coffee today you know you know what i know i have coffee at home but i14:32want to go to starbucks and get my favorite drink and then you go to starbucks14:38and then the person in front of you pays for your drink and that's the perfect example of how14:44money works and how money circulates because the person in front of you was14:49just breaking the cycle that they can't give money away because i either work with people who don't have enough where14:56i work with people who have money they're just not being abundant and they're holding on to it and they're15:01scared of releasing it and so again that's my perfect example of how money works15:07um and again those are things you're consciously you're writing that down remembering that and a lot of times when15:14i do my reflections at night we i write down these little stories because you actually go through the same cycles over15:21and over again and once you get back to those other those other points in the cycle you realize that there's still15:28proof that you've broken that cycle before yes i treated myself to a coffee the15:33other day and the opportunity had the opportunity to pay it forward these make me so happy if you guys are15:39in the facebook group you know why i get so excited about that um i have two dollars in my account and15:44we are as we are speaking and i'm not worried and i just see the light yes go get a coffee with those two dollars i15:50swear or give it away so now i'm gonna um bring on my guest speaker again i'm so happy and grateful15:57for not only tik tok but for excel being able to be on here and being a speaker today because this is just16:06something that i've seen him on tick-tock just sharing worldwide and again i love to16:12exact alder algorithm because it connects you with people who are operating at the same frequency as you16:17but when i find people who are so passionate about teaching this material so passionate about showing up and16:24answering these questions it truly makes my heart so happy and so the fact that you're able to be on here today i'm so16:30happy again and grateful i wanted to give you guys just a little background of excel and what he does so he's16:36actually a shaman which is so interesting i know we had somebody in the comments yesterday and i had to message me um who was also a shaman16:44but um so he helps other people master their gifts their ascension and manifestation so i know you're also16:50really big on quantum leaping which also makes me so excited and i know we also have a lot16:57of people who are reiki practitioners here so if you guys want to put it in the comments if you do reiki um one of17:04the things that i've noticed from an interview that you did excel was that17:10uh you develop a reverend revolutionary method to modify almost 100 years of old17:16100 year old healing practice for the modern age so pretty much just modernizing everything that we have17:23learned about uh healing and quantum leaping reiki and i just love17:29how you explain it so with that being said i'm going to give you the floor again we'll go we'll go back over your17:35guys's homework at the end of this i have to there you are i was like where are we at17:40okay sorry just fine yes okay cool hey i'm so excited17:48cool thank you for having me i'm really really excited to just like be sharing all the wisdom that i've gained um with17:54money in general so i know this is gonna be super helpful for you guys i'm an old18:00school uh like teacher so i teach the same way my gurus taught me which i don't really use a lot of like slides or18:06anything like that but i am going to give you a workshop uh sorry a worksheet at the end of this that you guys can definitely download to help you really18:13get clear as to how to unlock more money for yourself okay so18:19right before we get into it i just i'm going to give you a little bit of my backstory i know i need to give you some18:24of it but it kind of just helps people really understand like why what i'm about to share with you is so18:30important because it's changed my life personally i come from a long line of shamans i've18:35been doing shamanism since i was the age of six so uh in my reality i've i've18:40just learned how to do all these different psychic things right um i'm a self-made millionaire okay so i i went18:47through my ups and downs and i was homeless at one point in my life and i had to kind of like answer to18:53myself how did i get here why is this happening to me and then i basically opened myself up to the cosmos and i19:00unlocked a lot of information when it comes to money over the course of my adventure really19:06trying to understand abundance i've spent like about half a million dollars trying19:12to unlock these different kinds of informations with a ton of different millionaire gurus and this workshop19:18today i've hyper concentrated it so you don't have to go ahead and spend all that money that i've spent to get these19:24same answers and like one of the things that really kind of like was shocking to me was after doing all that research and19:30all that training it boiled down to this like these very simple rules of your own19:36consciousness and how you're supposed to be behaving with yourself in general right so uh one of the things that i do during19:42these workshops is i directly talk to your soul your spirit and your subconscious mind so this whole entire19:48experience is going to be an energy healing of sorts for you and a subconscious shifting so when i'm done19:55with this really re-listen to this audio at least two or three more times in the week especially when you first wake up20:01in the morning or when you're about to go back to sleep and that's going to really ingrain everything that i'm giving you right now via energy we're20:09beings that communicate beyond just the physical we have body language we have like spiritual language we talk from20:16soul to soul to heart to heart so a lot of the vibrations that you're going to be carrying with you today from this20:21workshop is going to be at a level that you can't fully comprehend yet and that's why you want to revisit this20:26audio several times okay so we're talking about the the how to release the fear of money so20:33a lot of it has to do with understanding that fear is an addiction response i20:39have a phd in metaphysical sciences and neuroscience and quantum mechanics so20:45what i do is like i study people i study how they think i study how they communicate i study how they behave and20:51then that creates a reality around them that supplies their belief systems okay so one of the things that you need to20:56understand is that your body has been trained because your body literally if you if you were to go right now and do a21:03little bit of scientific research a gram of dna is worth three terabytes of a21:08hard drive which is a ton of information right like today we pay a lot of money to get a21:13computer that's got a terabyte right so you got to imagine that that's just only a little bit just one gram of the many21:19grams that you're carrying already your grant your whole entire body is a reflection of seven generations prior to21:26who you are today and then all the experiences that you've been able to gather across your lifetime now so21:33everything that you've done is a an addiction response and addictions can sometimes be good and21:39sometimes can be bad a lot of times we hear the word addiction and we're like oh my god you know like alcoholism or something but really you can be addicted21:46to fear you can be addicted to feeling unworthy you can be feel addicted to not being good enough or not being able to21:53have more abundance in your reality so the first thing you got to really learn is that21:59a lot of the times when you're dealing with the fear of money it's not always rational it's not always coming from22:04your mind and not always can you say hey like i'm just gonna like ah you know just chug right through it you gotta22:09actually give your body a little bit of care that's why working out maybe get getting into a routine where you can22:16actually like get yourself feeling like you're good right and a lot of law of attraction tells you like you got to22:21feel the feeling so you can attract it a lot of times you're feeling the feeling to detox22:26the old addiction programming so that you can open up space for more newness in your reality okay so22:34we all have an addictive tension okay so the way reality is22:39created if you think about that loop in infinity right it's kind of like a ribbon that goes back and forth like a figure eight there's one side of that is22:47tension pulling you to the back to the past and another side of that is tension pulling you to the future and then the22:54center that's where you are currently okay so when you're creating this tension between you getting to the next23:00level which you which is you having more money or more abundance so the dream life that you're looking for there's23:06always a narrative in the past that is saying like man could you really do it maybe maybe i don't know you gotta prove23:12it to me right and you have to be in this position of recognizing that that's not just coming from your body but it's23:18also coming from a habit that you have okay so often times when i study people and i work with people one of the first23:24things i i really try to pinpoint is their addiction response to fear23:29this was something that one of my gurus really taught me and like changed my life every time i felt anxiety to spend23:35money the first thing i would want to do is buy myself a krispy kreme donut or i want to go into my fridge and eat a ton23:42of oreos or ice cream or whatever it was that was my addiction response to my23:49fear that was training my body that hey you know what i'm afraid i'm just gonna eat this sugar i'm gonna numb those23:54feelings away and i don't really have to think about it anymore so right now what i want you to do is i want you to24:00stop take this deep breath and close your eyes okay i'm gonna help you figure24:05out what that addiction response is okay and as you close your eyes24:11i want you to take a deep breath in and out that one's to like clear your mind we're24:17going to do it again distance to clear your body24:22and on the third one you're going to breathe in and we're just going to temporarily quantum jump into a new reality you just24:29realize that you have a ten thousand dollar bill right now that just came out of nowhere you don't know where this24:34bill is from how are you going to pay it what's your first response what do you feel where is that feeling in your body is it24:41in your heart is it in your shoulders are you did you automatically think you know what i want to watch netflix24:49that response is your self-sabotaging belief it is the fear addiction response so you want to24:56pay attention to that because you're going to notice that the next time you feel some sort of anxiety when it comes to money that's gonna be one of the25:03things that you have now many people are our programs have at least five of them minimum some people have more some25:10people have less but this basic practice right here is just to identify one and you're going to try to do this as much25:16as possible throughout the next coming weeks as you practice with yourself and get deeper into it this fear response25:22you don't want to give in to it when you feel that way because then you're just only re-solidifying the tension to the past which is keeping you glued in that25:30old reality that you have now this is body language okay one of the25:36things that i really like to teach people is that the way you respond with your body to anything is basically you25:42communicating with the law of attraction a lot of times people are like oh i gotta tell the law of attraction what i want but really is how you carry25:48yourself everything's energy right your body talks when you when you see somebody fidgeting with their hands it's25:54subconsciously your subconscious is like oh that person might actually like me if you see a person who's constantly26:00looking all over the place when they're talking to you that's a body language that tells your subconscious i don't26:05really know this person's telling me the truth right so you have to pay attention that the way you carry yourself when26:11you're about to spend money that body language is very important to training26:16the subconscious mind to step into a new sense of self okay so i want you to really also be paying attention hey when26:23you're about to spend money or you're like oh man you have to shrug shoulders and you're like oh no like i gotta do it26:29right you don't want to do that straighten out put yourself in his power position and you're like hey i'm about26:36to buy this i'm gonna spend it that's it it's whatever the money's gonna come back to me somehow and if you carry that level of confidence you're retraining26:42your body to have a new sense of self you're literally switching out your body26:48every seven days to seven years okay like you literally have a new body every26:54seven days to seven years there's a different part of you that's switched out so we're never the same person twice27:00you just train yourself to be the same person every time all right so in about seven i believe it's about seven years27:06time like your whole entire body has switched itself out completely okay so27:12one of the things you need to do is not only force yourself to know these subtle subconscious body programs that you're27:18carrying but you need to force yourself to buy things you know you can afford regularly27:24even if you're afraid of where the money will come from to support your actions27:30you are playing small and this is why you cannot grow now this is one of the27:35things that i also had to learn which is like is i'm not telling you go out today and you know buy a bugatti you know i27:40mean that's that's not realistic but what i'm telling you is like if today you go out and you see something tiny27:48right like you're at the checkout and you're like oh you know that chocolate looks really real good it's 1.99 i don't27:54really know you know i don't really know i should spend that money buy it buy it because why that's gonna28:00say you're worthy a lot of times we're like i'm not worthy until i have the money in my bank account i'm not worthy28:06until i can start seeing myself being able to afford these things but guess what just like in entrepreneurship and i28:12saw like somebody when anita was going through uh some of those comments somebody said i want to start my business but i'm i'm afraid of failure28:19well you're not going to be able to reach success if failure is the thing that's in front of you like you have to28:26be willing to actually trip and fall many entrepreneurs like the best entrepreneurs on the planet have had28:32moments of like having a ton of money and then all of a sudden losing it all and then they had to rebuild themselves28:37in some way shape or form your money flow is dependent on your perspective28:42one of my gurus is named chris duncan and he's really really famous for being a multi-millionaire and28:49then losing it and then becoming multimillionaire again and then losing it and he's done this about like 10 times already and one day he finally sat28:56down he's like what what's my problem you know like how how am i doing this to myself and it's because he had an old29:01detention program that was holding him back so you really have to start understanding that when you start29:07investing in yourself whether it's through a course rather it's just being out and about and saying hey you know29:13what like i s at the end of the year one of my one of my particular rituals is29:18that if i've had a really good year with my business or helping other people or something i'll buy myself a crystal okay29:25and the crystal doesn't have to be super fancy but it can be something that you're like oh this is like my trophy29:30right this is an identification of like i can have things that i want i'm going after my dreams and this is a tangible29:37thing right like this is something that allows you to anchor yourself in that reality and say you know what i'm doing29:42this i am abundant i'm making it happen okay so you really have to start forcing yourself to support your actions and29:49stop spit playing small another thing that i've had to learn a lot through like overcoming fear when it comes to29:55abundance is that sometimes the the shift to get to the next level is not going to be comfortable and i30:01remember i remember the first time this happened to me i was like okay i'm ready to step into the next level of my life30:08but the the only way i could get there was spending 25 000 out of nowhere i did30:13not have the money at that moment and i was like i don't know i don't know i think i don't think i can do this you know i don't think i can do this i had30:19the money credit on my like credit card and i actually ended up splitting it across like two or three different30:24credit cards but i had to be able to say okay you know what if i want the dream bad enough i don't have the money i have30:31the resources this is an opportunity let me jump into this opportunity30:37because this is the only way i'm going to manifest myself it's not going to come to me out of nowhere i have to invest in myself and take a chance on30:43myself a lot of times we're like i'm taking a chance and shooting into the dark what you're doing is you're taking a chance30:49to prove to yourself that you are capable a lot of times our abundance is completely tied to our own willingness30:58to invest in ourselves and to be capable and trusting ourselves when we trust ourselves the universe gives us through31:03the law of attraction a reason to trust it because the universe is us so it's one of those really really wild things31:10to really look at in general and when you do this what you're doing is you are facing your fears one step at31:19a time some steps are going to be bigger some are going to be smaller but if you're constantly doing the work and31:25you're shifting because abundance is a lifestyle it's a flow it's an energy31:31frequency that you have to constantly be in to really pull out the highest vibrations possible so that's why you do31:38small things first and you start going there and one of the things that i did too that really like changed the game31:44for me was like i had i had a planet fitness and i still do i have a platinum planet fitness um31:50membership and it's 22 dollars a month right every day i didn't go to the gym i spent31:5620 22 in my mind i spent 22 dollars that went down to drain and i'm like i can't do that to myself so i kept myself some32:03way accountable when i go to the gym you know what i just spent 20 dollars for myself and didn't matter if i was paying32:1020 a month i was paying 20 every time in my mind to be at that gym right and that32:16was something that allowed me to then feel like okay i'm at this i'm at this gym i'm getting sexy i'm feeling the32:22vibes and spending that money i'm abundant i'm abundant i'm abundant right you got to create a hack that makes you32:28feel that way that makes you feel really good that makes you feel like you are constantly spending money without32:33actually always spending money your brain cannot tell the difference between physical reality and what you imagine in32:39your mind we've proven this with neuroscience which is wild you can take a person you can take two groups of32:45people right one set of of of people can watch just videos about playing32:51a piano and they never actually practice and then the other set of people can actually spend two weeks straight32:57playing the piano playing the piano playing the piano and at the end of the two-week cycle when you have both the33:02people in front of a piano set they both can play the piano because your brain33:07just watched so many videos i was like oh yeah i got this i got this i just gotta sit down and take a quick little33:13play and i'll get into the groove of it so this is one of the high high-end tricks that you can do to33:19reprogram your brain okay this is gonna be different for each person because obviously you're the you're the master33:24of your own universe so you have to allow yourself to kind of like take a meditative state to look at what your33:30position is how you can adopt these different prints about uh these different principles into your reality33:37in general now another thing that we've learned as well through neuroscience is that the direct33:43opposition to fear is love okay so a lot of times people hear this and i'm like oh yeah i was like right but really it33:51like when you really start taking the time to feel gratitude the university of berkeley has proven that when you feel33:56gratitude what you end up doing is you rewrite your brain your brain literally lets go of old connections and it puts34:03new connections together and whatever it is that you're feeling grateful for becomes a new version of your reality34:09this is where synchronicity really kicks in if you've ever been one of those people that's like oh man i see one with34:14one everywhere 140s three two threes all this other stuff is because your brain has been trained to now recognize34:21opportunities through synchronicity when you put your mind on something you're like i want a new car and that car is a34:28toyota whatever right you all of a sudden will start seeing that toyota whatever show up everywhere around you34:34you're like that's really weird right it's because you told your neurons to let go of the old car and to restitch34:40themselves for the toyota that's literally what you're doing okay and it's that easy to tap into your body and34:46guess what your body is the computer you have multiple terabytes in your body that are34:52then recording all that information and be like you know what we're going to be in that toyota we're going to be driving that right so you have to allow yourself34:59to recognize that when you spend money on yourself even if it's tiny and it can be like you35:04know a dollar here a dollar there 50 cents whatever going to the gym like i used to right you're basically telling35:11yourself that i choose love instead of fear and you're basically saying i love myself enough to invest in myself rather35:17big or small you also i'll also have to understand that the only reason why you feel unworthy is not because you're not35:25unworthy because you're not treating yourself a lot of times we seek outside of ourselves that like oh yeah you know like when35:32somebody treats me then i feel worthy or when somebody tells me i'm sexy then i feel worthy you know like any any35:37narrative on that is is usually something that we seek outside of ourselves but you have to recognize that35:42the power lies within you you are the universe you are a source you are a deity incarnate and if that's not a vibe35:49that the deity concept is still really far out for you just recognize that you're stardust and you can touch all35:55other stardust in the universe whenever you feel like it so when you start treating yourself even if you're like36:01hey you know what i i love painting and i never have time to paint but you know what every week i'm gonna make a little36:08bit of a slaughter time just like an hour hour and a half to paint because i am worth it i'm gonna treat myself that36:15alone without you even spending money you actually turned your time into money because you invested that into yourself36:21subconsciously you start becoming abundant out of nowhere you start seeing how reality synchronizes with you giving36:28you synchronicities and telling you hey listen here's more here's more opportunity for you to become more36:35abundant because you care about yourself it's very often that capitalistic36:40culture teaches us that we are not abundant until we're fully in a space36:46where we can free ourselves right now you have freedom it's not when you have the money or whatever you have the36:53freedom now you just have to reorient your perspective to understand that your freedom is your power it is your37:00abundance that's why a lot of millionaires they don't trade directly anymore their time for money right37:06they've learned that freedom is the highest currency possible they find a way to hack time basically and then37:13that's how they become even more abundant over the course of their lifetime right so that that's another37:18really great tip for you you and this is one of the things too that like my one of my gurus had said to37:24me and when he had said this to me like mine was like it took me a couple days to like really foul them this you can't take that money37:31with you to the grave when you die so why are you living like that money is your lifeline37:37and now when he was like i was like oh yeah you know what like that one's not really it's not really fueling my my life37:43essence it's not like i'm putting more like time of life into my reality why am i becoming a slave with my life energy37:51to the money it should be the opposite way right so you have to also recognize that today the stresses that you're37:57carrying in terms of fear like i can't pay my bill what's going to happen tomorrow what happens if you die today38:03all the bills and all the debt collectors tomorrow ain't got nothing on you they can't they can't come to the grave or the afterlife and collect you38:10know what i mean like and sometimes people are like oh well what about my family even if that's the case you wouldn't38:16have any control over that so in a way one of the things that shamans really teach first off when you're like a kid38:24is that death is an illusion right that is also a superpower it's a transformative rebirthing phase when38:31last year you're a different person and you are this year right last year maybe you were going through very specific38:37issues and you were like oh you know what like i don't know how i'm gonna make it and this year you're living a totally different life you died that old38:44version of you somewhat died it got transformed and that's why you're here right now you rebirth yourself and this38:49is what shamans teach like all their kids at the end of the day and anybody who steps into shamanism is that death38:56is a tool that you can use in any way shape or form of course you have to be39:01obviously responsible with that knowledge you don't want to like put yourself at risk but you have to understand that that's one of the things39:08that you need to do you need to not let money be the driving force for your life more so that it's a tool that's helping39:14you become more aware of the choices that you can make in your life and39:19that's where you have to understand that fear is usually a lack of clarity okay so39:26oftentimes people are like i want money i want money i want it i want it i want it but what are you gonna do when you39:32get that money like and that was something that would like was really crazy for me like i had run for such a39:37long time and i was like yo i i got to be a millionaire i want to be a millionaire i want to be a millionaire and it would i it was always like out of39:43reach until one day i said you know what when i become a millionaire i'm going to teach other people how to do what i just39:49did i'm going to also help the world heal itself okay and when i said that39:55all the money just came on over because i actually had an intention for the money like you can't just be like i want40:00it so i can collect it now when we look at alchemy alchemy is the science of consciousness it's like the chemistry of40:07consciousness that's one of the things that i'm really well known for like when you think about money all the words that40:13are associated to money are water words liquidations you know assets like uh the40:19flow of money like you're there's always a water aspect behind40:24that or that concept of money oftentimes people see wealth as like this thing that you accumulate but what happens40:31when you have a ton of water that's not moving that's not in flow it becomes stagnant and then it becomes a trap this40:36is why there's rich people who have a ton of money and they're still unhappy because they haven't learned how to put40:42that money into flow it's not working for them anymore they collected it and now they're becoming stagnant they're40:47getting moldy all right so you have to understand that you have to constantly be in some way shape or form inflow not40:54only in your minds but also in your actions with money and that's how it40:59ends up working with you okay so another thing about fear that i've done41:04noticed working with a lot of people is that people usually are like well money makes you evil right and like41:10when you really sit down and you think about that that's not true that's not absolutely not true because there are41:15people who don't have money and they are the worst people on the planet and then there's also people who41:21have a lot of money and they're really dope people you know i mean one of the things that i was talking to41:26one of my friends with the other day was jeff bezos when jeff bezos was broke and his idea of amazon was still stuck in41:33his head nobody had a problem with him except you know he's a crazy dude like the internet is not going to pop off41:38like nobody's going to buy stuff from their couch like you crazy right and then all of a sudden41:43fast forward you know 10 20 years he's got amazon and now everyone's looking at his success stories and then being like41:51oh this guy's the worst he's evil why because he manifested himself because he41:56went after his dream because he created something that provides a service to the world and maybe the person who's judging42:04him doesn't really get the full scope of of his journey right every person has a42:09journey not every person that is rich got there because42:14it was spoon fed to them and you have to really understand that like your automatic judgments of what another42:20person's wealth story is without you being in their shoes or taking the time to talk to them is a self-sabotaging42:27trap is that narrative that most likely your parents gave you to some degree i grew up in a society of shamanism that42:34basically said money's evil like we don't need money that's an illusion right and42:40at the end of the day i always ended up hearing my parents say you know like oh my god what's the point of going to42:45college what's the point of doing this what's the point of doing that when like it's all fake that's not very helpful42:51when you're looking at the end of the day well okay how do you make an impact in the world unfortunately a lot of42:57times if you want to make a huge impact in the world you have to have some level of revenue behind you to do the43:04marketing to do you know like the ability to travel to do like a podcast or something like you have to recognize43:10that money is a flow of energy that allows you to make more choices that's where one of my my gurus also came in43:17later and was like money doesn't necessarily it it's not necessarily a power it's a43:24form of measurement that gives you more options it gives you the ability to step43:29deeper into more choices that you're making and when you stop looking at money as like this thing of like when i43:35get it i'm gonna have power instead when you get it you're gonna make more choices that are going to help you be43:41more of who you really want to be the narrative of money changes the flow and the energy of of money the resistance43:48that you've had changes and it's something that is absolutely really really amazing when you look at43:53it so evil ultimately when it comes to money comes in all shapes and sizes just like43:59uh good does right like you have to be able to always look at that duality of that concept44:05money is not always paper and i i heard anita kind of like share this earlier um44:10it's also opportunity okay so this is one of those things where like i told you earlier i had to spend that 25k to44:16get to the next step it was an opportunity i didn't have to do it but when i did do it i saw the results on my44:23investment i had to follow my intuition which is basically telling me this is the44:29opportunity a lot of times too the opportunity to make more money or to become more abundant is not so obvious44:36to you sometimes you just feel like you came into contact with a person and you felt like really connecting with44:43them and talking to them and they had a dream and you you've been with them helping them and then when they make it44:49big they give you a payout right of some sort right and i'll give you another example of of one of these stories that44:55i have to give you a great example as to how it works five years ago i was like super broke i45:02did i was living on food stamps i had i was literally living off of like45:08social security i wasn't really being able to do anything and i took us a course from a very famous content45:15creator and it was about abundance and i when i took her course i was like i don't know one day45:22i'm going to meet her in person and i'm going to be her friend and i'm going to like we're going to kick it i didn't45:27have any proof of it or anything i listened to the things that she gave me in that course and fast forward five45:33years last year later um last year there's this huge debate on tick tock about how chakras you know are45:41are being culturally appropriated yaya it was this huge argument about chakras on the internet and i left tick tock for45:48a hot minute i left for like two months straight i was like i don't even want to be a part of this negativity one morning i woke up and i heard listen you've been45:54you've dedicated your entire life to chakras like what do you mean like you're not going to go on tick tock and talk about this you crazy like what are46:00you doing and i said okay fine like you know i'm just i know i'm gonna make this video and i'm gonna get a bunch of hate46:07but i gotta i feel like i gotta make this video just to set the record straight i made this video that content46:13creator that i took her course five years ago ended up seeing that video and she liked it and i lost my mind i was46:20like no way this this is not happening no way and then she's like hey you46:26should text me i really want to get to know you and i was like no way46:31and i did it and i now she's one of my best friends the only way that that came46:36to be was because i decided to show up as me and take the opportunity that was46:42very like it was really intense you know the internet could be rough you guys know that you know so like being in that46:49position getting the hate i got a huge blessing out of it and now i'm in that circle of friends of the people that46:55have been trying to manifest for like ever you have that same opportunity when you start taking opportunities that47:01present themselves they're not always going to make sense to you but when you start taking them you're going to start47:07seeing results you miss a hundred percent of the shots you do not take another one of those great uh mantras47:14that i've learned from albert einstein is that the best form of knowledge is experience no one else is going to give47:20you that experience other than you when you start walking your full sole purpose okay47:27so if you really had to make money and this is where i'm gonna leave it and this is gonna probably trigger47:32somebody or something but i'm just gonna be real okay money is not always paper right it's sometimes opportunity if you47:39really had to make money you really think about it right now okay you could find a side job that brought you a47:46little bit of extra cash you can go ahead and start cooking for somebody that you really care about you could47:51also go to your neighbor and be like listen do you need your cat your grass cut uh you could open up a etsy shop and47:57start selling your tarot readings or candles or something very specific that you create for yourself and this is48:04where the trigger might come in for some people in today's modern day and age you might48:09even start an only fans the opportunity to make money is there it's just whether48:15or not you're gonna go for it and of course not all of us are gonna take one route over the other because it doesn't resonate with us right but you have to48:22be able to see the opportunity available to you and the more opportunity you can see towards making money the easier it48:29is to make money you know that there's always going to be that that level that no matter what happens to you there's48:34always an answer okay and that's what happened to me when i went homeless when i went absolutely homeless i'm like how48:39am i gonna get out of this horrible situation i literally had a dollar to my name and i didn't have anywhere to go i was like in debt i'm48:46like how do i get out of here and i said well the first thing that i know i'm really good at is shamanism i know how48:52to heal people i know i do massage i'm like you know what everybody's got back pain like let me just go on craigslist48:58real quick when craigslist was still doing that i said listen i'm a masseuse i'll go to your house 50 bucks 100 bucks49:05and i'll just hook you up with a massage from there i elevated and i was like you know what when my hands started hurting i was like i can't do massage anymore49:11like oh my god i just can't do this anymore i said you know what let me go into reiki just specifically reiki and i49:16said you're making with people for a hot minute then when i got bored of reiki i said you know what let me be a counselor49:22when i got bored with that i was like let me do tarot for people when i got bored with that let me be your psychic49:27you know there's opportunity to continuously change because money is flow flow is changed you have to become49:34the flow you have to be your persistent change and that's what's going to open up the doors for you in terms of49:39abundance yesterday as well i was talking to one of my really good friends and i was telling her for all of you49:45guys that are that are reiki practitioners um a lot of times reiki is one of those things that people will come at you when49:53you charge a specific price right you're like oh yeah i'm going to charge 500 for my course or about a thousand dollars49:58for my course and some people are like ah spirituality is supposed to be free you put in the work to learn reiki50:04didn't you right you put in the work to understand the nuances of it what do you mean it's gonna be free right nobody50:09like really looks at that vibration well if you look at the original creator of50:15reiki makawu-sui makawu-sui charged ten thousand dollars a person to learn50:22reiki in today's in today's society ten thousand dollars in 1922 equates to 16550:28000 okay in today's economy that's crazy and today reiki is all over the place and50:35it's helping people what a blessing that we have to be able to share that energy but you have to look at even what the50:41original creator of reiki ended up doing and somebody's showing up and trying to tell you you can't be charging the prices that you're charging you go back50:47to the source and you're like you know what we still charge 10 grand i'm definitely worthy of charging whatever i got to charge right you gotta50:54always use these narratives to allow yourself to be more powerful with your own beliefs okay so51:00now that we know that we know all these different things right ultimately opportunity is always there the last51:06thing that you need to do is show up if you're not showing up you can't take that opportunity right so51:11it's the same thing when you're doing dating oftentimes people are like i want to be i want to find my booskies right i51:16want to find my soul flame i want to be with that person that's going to like just change it and turn me out but51:22if you don't show up you know if you don't show up to the dates that are showing up how are you going to end up finding somebody that's good you want51:29that person to like show up out of nowhere knock on your door while you're watching netflix 24 7. so you can have51:34the delight for your dreams like no like you can't do that right so you have to actually what hop on tinder real quick51:39do a little couple swipes here have a little conversation make an appointment be like let's go get a coffee right you51:45have to show up and take the shot and if it works out it works out you might be blessed if it doesn't hey you know what51:50you go right back to that pool and you're like hey let's keep swiping until we find it right so you have to allow51:56yourself to see that it's very we have a lot of different opportunities in our reality that give us examples as to how52:03the laws of attraction work if dating's not super scary scary for you making money shouldn't be that scary for you52:09either right like you just have to be able to see how that works for you if you're not making choices to change52:15you're not going to be making money and this is where the dilemma for a lot of people comes from right a lot of people52:21are like well i've taken all these abundance courses and i've done all this work but it's still not happening you52:26have to understand that the knowledge that you gain has to become a part of your life has become integrated with who52:32you are and you have to architect a new personality that takes all the things that you bless yourself with and you52:38roll with it right you can't be the same person and create new results the the52:44literally the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again expecting a different result52:50in general and a lot of times people are like well i'm not doing the same thing but you're the same person you're carrying the same beliefs you're scaring52:58the same narrative so you have to change those okay so53:03that's my first little mental reel right there okay that's all for you that's that's that's all the subconscious53:09programming so now we're gonna do the subconscious shifting and the energy work for you right53:14as i said previously fear is a lack of clarity so with the worksheet that i'm53:21going to be giving to you you're going to have step-by-step instructions to do something called the star of lakshmi and53:28it'll pretty much break it down in the worksheet but in hindu alchemy or like um like hindu53:33mysticism shamanism um the star of lakshmi uh lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and abundance and she53:40says that if you have these eight centers of wealth in any way shape or form you shouldn't be seeing yourself as53:46somebody who's lacking the first one is if you have the access to create money however it is that you create money53:52you're not broke right if you have the ability to develop some sort of level of patience you have some53:59sort of abundance if you can travel rather it's through your car or you can go to the other side of the state or54:06whatever you have abundance because there's a lot of people that can't travel if you have the ability to acquire knowledge which54:12all of us do right you can sit on google and pretty much find anything you want without having to spend time these days54:18that you got you have abundance right if you have the ability to recognize that you've been able to manifest a blessing54:25at any moment in your life endless prosperity right then you do have54:30abundance if you've had wins in your life at any moment that you you know you54:35bought a two dollar lotto ticket and you got 14 back that victory is a sign of54:41your abundance if you have love or health in your reality any form54:46of health and nourishment the fact that you can eat today whenever you feel like it or the fact that you know what for54:51the last 10 years of your life you haven't had a cold that is a form of abundance imagine all54:57the money that goes into people who have poor health right like they have to spend a lot of money to kind of regain55:03that health if you're not spending that bill look at you you're like you're already ahead of the curve and finally55:09the vibration of family if you have family whether it's your really close friends or your actual biological family55:15you have a support system that is part of your abundance center right like you have the opportunity to say like is55:22really hit the fan am i really alone you know i mean you have somebody to to like lean on right55:28to some degree those are centers of abundance that the goddess lakshmi shows us that open up your soul wealth at the55:35end of the day so what i want you to do is i'm going to show you two mudras mudras are hand positions that unlock55:42energy in your body okay and i'm gonna explain what they are the first one is you're basically going55:47to put your hands like that right sideways and they're like you know i got them like that okay so you're just going to leave your55:53middle fingers right there where they're at and all the other ones are just going to go down so it's almost like like that you know i mean okay56:00very simple this is a power mudrun you're gonna tuck your your uh56:05thumbs a little bit inward okay so you're gonna just hold that in front of you and just like be chill this is56:12gonna open up your root chakra your root chakra is where you hold fear is where56:18your foundations of safety are and when you start using this every day okay like56:23just all you have to do do it first thing in the morning do it in the middle of the day hold it for like 10 15 minutes even longer if you feel like if56:28you're used to meditation you're going to open up and detox all those issues of fear that you carry now the second one56:36as well that i want to show you just before we get into the meditation is you grab your hands right you know your your56:41ring finger on each hand you're just going to press them down like that with your thumb that's it now this finger56:47right here your ring finger is associated to the sun okay the sun is associated to your spirit the spirit is associated to56:55energy so when you hold this what you're doing is you're bringing more energy into your reality you're bringing in more energy into reality that turns into57:02consciousness that turns into flow okay so then when you're doing this you're fueling that root chakra to be like you57:09know what i'm about to create all them opportunities okay so you have to allow yourself to just do those two one57:16and two whenever you're ready okay so whenever i say the first mudra this is what we're gonna57:22be practicing and this is we're gonna start and when i say two we're gonna switch over to the ring finger doing the position okay so we're gonna start with57:29mantra one okay mudra one57:34take a deep breath and i just want you to allow yourself to tell yourself internally that i accept57:41the energy healing that we're going to be doing today i accept the energy healing57:47from on to high and antohi is the cosmic energy that i teach everyone is the 12 laws of reality57:54it's super powerful okay energy work is easy if you've never done it before don't worry the fact that58:00we're all together right now is going to really open up a lot of that energy okay so i want you to take a deep breath in58:07doing that first mudra holding it and you're just gonna58:13relax your mind and every time something negative comes58:18up doesn't matter if it's mental emotional physical or spiritual you're just gonna use your breath to let it go58:25okay some people take a deeper inhale or a deeper exhale some people even make a58:30sound when they exhale so it's up to you i don't really want you58:35to try to fight uh the intrusions that come in i just want you58:41to be observing okay so we're going to start the energy work in three two58:47one i don't want you to look for i just want you to feel it and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna allow ourselves to connect to the58:54power of life i want you to say life three times in your mind or out loud59:00life life life59:06and as you do that let your mind roam you're completely protected during this time onto high energy protects you59:12when you're doing any form of meditation or energy work and pay attention to what59:19sensations you're feeling in your body are you feeling a little bit of pressure in your shoulders and your legs and your59:26head did your mind automatically go to the last vacation you had59:33all this is you talking with your body this is the language of your body it's telling you directly59:39what you need to be paying attention to when it comes to abundance if it's something positive those are the59:44feelings that you need to chase more often if you thought about the last vacation you were in oh great okay well you gotta59:52think about all the the things you did there did you go out and eat did you you know just spend more time in nature59:59did you stop freaking out about how the money was going to come through did you stay in a hotel that had a ton1:00:05of colors in it that's all information that's going to help you unlock more abundance in your1:00:11life if something negative comes up then you're recognizing okay well these1:00:18are the most immediate things that are making me not abundant so if you1:00:23started doing this energy and called in that life energy and you thought about i don't know how you have to pay for1:00:29your college tuition like at the end of the month that's a stressor okay so you're we're just1:00:35taking a mental registry of like okay well that's one of the things that's in the subconscious mind this causes me stress1:00:42and you can do something that's so easy okay like putting an automatic payment you got to simplify your mind right1:00:49if you're like oh my god on the 20th i gotta make sure i don't miss that bill otherwise i'm gonna hit with i'm getting hit with like uh you know overdraft fee1:00:56how about you put on automatic payment that's one less stressor that you gotta focus on1:01:03take a deep breath and breathe in the life into your lungs1:01:11breathing the life into your body and then breathing the life1:01:18into the flow of your abundance1:01:24and as you keep doing this you're just going to keep breathing in the life into your abundance we're going to switch1:01:29over to mudra 2 okay1:01:36and now we're going to create attention resistance we're going to shift you from one reality into the other and this is1:01:42going to be super easy for you okay as we shift i want you to right now1:01:48feel where you're at get in tune with your body get in tune with your story get in1:01:54tune with your room just feel all that for just a second and as you're feeling that i want you to1:02:01go ahead and start visualizing a tv screen that's showing1:02:06up in front of you if you cannot visualize just hold for a second and i'll tell you1:02:12in the next step what to do for those of you that can visualize and1:02:17you can see that tv screen i want you to start seeing the version of you1:02:24that has the thing that you want right if you're if you're becoming more1:02:30abundant how are you spending that money you spending that at the beach are you spending that by decorating your1:02:37house how are you spending that money remember that money's got to be in flow it's not that you have the money it's1:02:43how you're using that money the choices you're making with that money1:02:49and as you visualize that i want you to allow yourself to get1:02:56closer and closer and closer to that picture if you can't visualize i want you1:03:02to start categorizing in your mind how you're going to spend the money that1:03:07comes to you how are you going to use that money to make more money how are you going to use1:03:13that money to make yourself happier how are you going to use that money to make other people happy how are you going to make choices1:03:21with the money that comes to you for those of you visualizing i want you1:03:26to take a deep breath and i want you to see a button right1:03:32next to you a red button and when you press that red button you're going to go right into1:03:38that screen that tv screen and you're going to embody that person person even watch it because that1:03:44person's you that person exists right now whenever you're ready you'll press that1:03:50button and you're going to step into that version of you1:03:55and as you step into that version of you you are now talking to her or them or him however you identify1:04:04you're going to ask them what do you believe in what did you learn1:04:12how did we get here and just listen1:04:18if you can't visualize and you're doing the feeling technique1:04:24try to get as close as possible to the feelings of relaxation1:04:31that money doesn't have holds of you anymore because you're able to make all the choices that are necessary to make your1:04:38life easy your life is getting easier feel the vibration of ease1:04:46and if you're doing the feeling technique when you feel like you can't get any closer to ease that's where you go ahead1:04:52and you ask how do i stay here1:04:58how can i make this more my new normal1:05:06breathe out anything negative1:05:14you have the ability to make a ton of choices1:05:19that means you're super abundant taking a deep breath in1:05:24start feeling the gratitude and the appreciation of being in that position1:05:33and i'm gonna increase the energy and three two one deep breath in1:05:46keep focusing on that gratitude keep focusing on the abundance on all your choices1:05:53on your resourcefulness on the fact that you have so many opportunities1:06:05feel the energy of all the people around you that are embodying their full potential1:06:12as well because all of us together being at our multiple massive peak of abundance is just1:06:18something that we all can feed off of it boosts all of us you are not alone1:06:23creating this reality we are all creating this together1:06:31and as you're doing this anything that comes up that tries to1:06:36bring you into a limited position you're gonna remind it that's your ego1:06:41the old programs you're gonna tell it you know what i choose something different1:06:48i want you to feel grateful for yourself this is a really high technique that i1:06:54use i usually tell myself axel thank you thank you for making the right choices1:07:00to going after your dream take that second for yourself1:07:06thank yourself thank your ego make your ego your best friend1:07:16and as you open up that energy take a second to thank the universe that is you1:07:23your ego creates the universe that you exist in via the law of attraction1:07:29so your universe is your name thank you excel for1:07:35showing up and creating the life of my dreams and thank you excel universe1:07:42for showing me the law of attraction my own creation1:07:52finally we're going to take one step deeper we are going to feel gratitude for the1:07:58unknown take a deep breath1:08:06oftentimes the unknown scares us that's probably like the worst thing of1:08:12creating your abundance right this is like you don't know how it's gonna happen where it's gonna come from1:08:17well the in terms of shamanism and advanced alchemy energy medicine1:08:23the unknown is the divine feminine the divine feminine does not like to be told what to do she likes to dance she likes1:08:29to party it's divine masculine that's like no you gotta have a linear structure you gotta1:08:34do what i say we live in a divine feminine universe with the help of the divine masculine1:08:43when you feel gratitude for the unknown [Music] the unknown can only transform itself1:08:50into reasons why you feel more gratitude for your abundance1:08:56deep breath going back to mudra one1:09:08and you're gonna tell yourself i release1:09:14you're gonna release all the negative tension that's there1:09:21focusing your gratitude on the unknown focusing your gratitude1:09:27on yourself on your universe and reminding yourself of how powerful1:09:33you are because you are resourceful you have choices1:09:38you are already the person that you've always wanted to be you've learned the secrets to rewiring1:09:44your subconscious and when i say the following words i1:09:50want you to just let your subconscious mind tell you1:09:56whatever it is that automatically comes up i'm going to say a word and something's automatically1:10:02gonna come through for instance you'll notice i'll say dog and you might1:10:09hear fluffy or beautiful that immediate answer1:10:15is your unconscious mind so here we go in three1:10:21two one monetary1:10:31patience1:10:36travel1:10:44knowledge as you feel the energy amplifying you're getting deeper into your space this is your energy of flow1:10:54when i say endless prosperity1:11:04when i say victory1:11:14when i say health1:11:20when i say family1:11:26and when i say happiness each one of these words1:11:35are your sacred tools are your sacred gifts1:11:40to create your reality and if right now you can see a color in1:11:46your mind whatever color that is that is tied1:11:51to a chakra an energy organ that is your center your power center for creating1:11:57money and more abundance whatever that color is you're gonna write that down whenever you get a tense1:12:07and then you're gonna look up that color chakra when we're done with this workshop online1:12:15we're gonna come back in 10 take a deep breath1:12:22nine your soul is thankful and open1:12:28eight you're transforming and rebirthing and transcending all the time1:12:34you're heavenly seven your reality is in harmony your life is1:12:39always manifesting its highest potential six you're open with your intuition1:12:50five you only live in your truth for all of your fear is always going to1:12:58be transformed into love and you're always going to bounce it back into love1:13:06three your mind is always progressing open to seeing opportunity1:13:12your mind is in flow with the creations of abundance and prosperity1:13:19to your emotions release anything that are not in alignment with this and1:13:24you only accept the blessings that you create for yourself and that are truly in alignment with who1:13:30you are at your highest level one your existence is here it's locked1:13:38it is real zero the universe abides i want you to take three deep breaths1:13:46whenever you feel like you've come back you can open your mind your eyes you can1:13:58relax i'm saying this was insane the color blue came to my mind yes your throat chakra that means1:14:06you got to talk a little bit more your truth you gotta live that truth someone saw purple purple as your third eye1:14:13pink that's your heart chakra green heart chakra yellow solar plexus1:14:18chakra red and green that's also your root end heart chakra read about these chakras that color that1:14:25was your own body telling you focus on the lessons of these chakras and watch all the money come through1:14:32okay orange yeah orange is a really good num a good one too that one's for uh that's1:14:39actually the actual abundance center for a lot of people as well white yeah if you saw white that's also1:14:45tied to life your crown chakra perfect perfect so this meditation here was designed to1:14:52open up your crown and your halo have you ever seen a halo in those religious pictures above an angel or the buddha or1:14:58whatever that's an actual chakra and that chakra allows you to transform your1:15:03crown chakra is tied to the force of life that comes into your reality and the abundance that you have1:15:10so in two seconds i'm gonna give you the worksheet the clarity worksheet1:15:19and i'll probably put it in a couple more times here this is the worksheet that i told you1:15:25about the star of lakshmi so when you download it1:15:30and i'll just go ahead and put it in there again just in case if you guys need to reference it easily1:15:39and the recap okay awesome so you're going to take your time with this worksheet and this worksheet is1:15:45going to be super easy it's got a playlist to it as well okay which is1:15:50basically a youtube series that i created to help you on top of watching the actual1:15:55uh lecture inside of the the worksheet but it's going to help you really pinpoint1:16:01the centers of abundance for you and i'll give you a great example for me monetary means exaltation excitation is1:16:08is extreme joy when i'm feeling extreme joy i make more money i've seen it happen1:16:13when i am in my patient center which i'm being vulnerable and i'm just putting myself1:16:19out there i see a lot of abundance come through when i am traveling and i'm feeling free i feel1:16:26more abundant when i'm in my knowledge center and i'm just expressing my truth more abundance comes in you're gonna1:16:32notice that each one of these centers in that worksheet are going to really help you tune into the main vibrations that1:16:38are going to unlock not only your sole purpose but your soul's wealth we all1:16:44have a cheat sheet like when we used to play nintendo if you ever used to play nintendo i'm old school like that uh you1:16:49know you used to plug in that game shark and you had all those secret codes unlock infinite pokeballs or whatever1:16:55that's what this workshop's designed for you so if you have any questions1:17:00or if anita wants to take over i'm here for you uh just let me know oh so good i'm still vibing1:17:09i'm completely present right now oh my microphone's over here1:17:15but seriously that was so amazing honestly i started to release the sun as soon as i close my eyes and this is just1:17:22such a beautiful exercise and i just feel like there was so much information in such a short amount of time that i1:17:29would love to put this on the podcast if that's okay yeah go ahead yes1:17:35yeah just so you guys know um excel is also gonna be on the1:17:41uh podcast here in february yeah we're so excited and i know we've done1:17:48things like a plan yeah so i know we're manifesting something hopefully live1:17:55and this is so powerful so i want to thank you so much um i we can probably have or how good are1:18:02you on time honestly i think 11 30 was like the cutoff time but okay yeah i'm i'm good i'm good on1:18:10whatever works for you yeah let's answer one question if you guys want to go to the reactions and just put your little1:18:17hand up it should look like this and i can1:18:24okay victoria it has her hand up so we'll ask1:18:31go ahead love whenever you're ready just unmute yourself and ask your question1:18:38hello can you hear me yes yes hey hey1:18:43uh first off my my primary language is not english so1:18:50if i say something wrong you just know but uh1:18:55well i'm a bit nervous now but i was uh i was thinking about that1:19:02because you you were saying something about when you're seven years during those years if until you're1:19:09you're seven years old you're the most receptive and you're manifest i don't i1:19:15don't know what you you said exactly but it was something along with that but i was thinking more1:19:21if imagine if you're going through something very traumatic1:19:26agree for something and that becomes like a block1:19:31like how how do you like is is that something that you need to go1:19:38back to like to heal is it does it have the same impact as1:19:43as a block when you were seven years old or is it like a minor block1:19:49do you understand what you mean what i mean1:19:56yes so when it comes to like the blockages that you have um internally from that age gap what you1:20:03need to understand is that a lot of it is just um like a it's a perceptional gap so1:20:10the best way to describe it is give me 20 seconds because like i'm trying to i'm trying to condense it1:20:16in the quickest way possible um the beliefs that we carry as a child as1:20:22a child is it doesn't always make sense so it's not always like rational it's more so like we observed1:20:29it and we believed it for whatever reason because of the energy that we feel behind it one of the things that1:20:35neuroscience has taught us is that when you revisit a memory in the past it's1:20:41actually never the exact same as you remembered it because it always changes1:20:46ever so slightly so one of the things that you can do when you want to rewrite like a particular memory from that age1:20:52range is put yourself in that emotion go back to the memory where like maybe your mom told you she couldn't afford1:20:58something right and change the narrative maybe you felt the energy that your mom was afraid to spend the money because1:21:04she didn't know where the money was going to come from how about you just change it ever so slightly and you say okay well she did have the money she1:21:11just didn't feel like spending the money in that moment that changes the power in your memory and then it allows you to1:21:16say okay it's not that we didn't have money it's just like it wasn't the opportune moment to like really buy it did we really need that at that moment1:21:23you know i mean and then you can do that over and over and over again when you're in your own meditations and you'll1:21:29notice that that memory eventually fades away and you'll remember something completely brand new does that help you1:21:36yeah kind of yeah i i understand but could hypnosis help1:21:41with that or yeah like if it's just meditation um hypnosis can help you meditation1:21:48energy work um one of the things too that i like to do is like i'll just remember the memory and i'll try to just1:21:56make it funny you know a lot of times like a bad memory yeah and i'll see dolphin1:22:01people walking around or something and i'll make it super funny and then you desensitize the emotion to the feeling1:22:07that you originally recorded with that memory okay so you're kind of parallel shifting like you're using some1:22:14kind of quantum shifting okay yeah and i understand1:22:20yes thank you so much greetings from sweden hey thank you1:22:25my slap from detroit1:22:30so beautiful what a great question and i'm very curious what time is it there1:22:39so beautiful one quick one quick addressing i see that someone said they can't access the1:22:45worksheet when you plug in um the sign up for the worksheet it's going to be emailed to you so you can skip the1:22:52second page if you if i saw that it's locked for some reason um if not then1:22:57anita will send you another copy of it just in case but you should you should get an email immediately after you sign in1:23:04yay yes we're gonna put that in the recap to everybody um also put your social media1:23:10links the last thing i just wanted to everybody to do right now is just please1:23:16take your phone your device and just stop and1:23:22speak here today i want you to make a post right now whether it's on facebook instagram um where are you most present at1:23:30uh me i'm most present on tick-tock or i'm also1:23:38present on instagram really if you want content on the regular it's stick top sure1:23:44yes if you guys don't even want to make a tick tock video um and tag him in it it'd be awesome1:23:51just tell us what you got out of today and like i said there's so much information you mess up i'm taking so1:23:56many notes because i just love being in this energy and i'm so happy and grateful that everybody tuned in1:24:02today so like we said there'll be replays send out to everybody we're gonna wrap things up here um and then1:24:08tomorrow we'll be back on same time for day three1:24:13thank you so much again for coming on and speaking i cannot wait so you're here in san diego yeah likewise thank you for having me1:24:20thank you everyone for being a part of this and i hope that you manifest the most amazing year that you've ever had1:24:26in your life so send you all the love yay1:24:32[Music]
So happy I found your podcast a few weeks ago. Or should I say, your podcast found me! 😉 I have already started to notice so many synchronicities! So far I’ve manifested $15 here $13 there, then $400 then $1000 and I can feel so much more coming! You’ve also helped me release a career that was no longer serving me. And I can already see little signs that the universe is aligning me with my true life path as a light worker/energy healer! “Sooo good!” Thank you Anita!
I’m a believer of manifestation. But when I came to money I didn’t understand why it just wasn’t happening for me. Then I took Anitas Money manifestations workshop and by the end of the third day I had $1994 in my bank account that only had $5 in it. Yes I cried because I had to pay my car and insurance. I began to listen to Anitas podcast and kept breaking down beliefs I had about money! Being aware of them and changing how I think and talk about money has made a hug change in my life! Thank you Anita! ❤️
Loving the podcast! Found Anita on Tik Tok and have loved her content. Can’t wait to manifest so much money with her tips!
This episode was amazing so raw & real. The energy was on fire!
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