Meet Jon Hillstead - a time technique pressure practitioner, hypnotherapist, life and success coach, and TikTok star. In this episode, Anita sits down with this jack-of-all-manifestation-trades to discuss how to shift our mindset and reprogram our subconscious.
Tune in as Jon shares his journey and awakening moment. From suicidal intentions to ayahuasca to tips for making the shift, be sure not to miss this exciting conversation on finding your purpose and living your most authentic and abundant life!
“I went from this place of being the victim, to finally realizing, wait a second, I have the power, the freedom, and the ability to shift my focus and manifest from nothing.”
“Teaching people to just trust and surrender, and let go, and realize you're fully supported. You're guided. You're not alone. Like you are literally never alone. You have guides. You got angels. You got the universe. You have so much support out there.”
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0:00[Music]0:08hmm [Music]0:22hi friends welcome back to the manifesting money podcast i am super happy and grateful to be live and today0:28so if you're tuning in to youtube hello welcome we're so happy and grateful to have you um so today um i just gave you0:35a proper introduction before this but i again just want to re-edify how amazing you are so i am with john hilstead he is0:42a manifestation and mindset coach he is a certified master nlp practitioner a0:47time technique practitioner hypnotherapist a life and success coach and an eft practitioner practitioner0:54that we're just looking for medicine so john's purpose is is to teach and uplift and inspire us to live our most1:00authentic high vibe and abundant life possible i can literally feel his energy before i1:06even got here so it's like it's like so fun so what i like to do is start with some1:12rapid fire okay so i'm gonna just shoot him at you and you tell me yeah first thing that comes to your head okay so1:19what is your favorite book and why favorite book uh i would have to say1:25asking it is given by abraham hicks the power of now1:31yeah uh yeah those two are probably my faves just because those were really influential books at the start of my1:37journey like the power of now was probably the first book that i read that opened me up to like the spiritual1:44realm and just the power of the present moment how did you get the book did someone give it to you you just found it i got it i downloaded it on my kindle i1:51don't even know where i found it it just came to me you know divinely guided and1:56yeah so i that was one of the very first books i read and then um asking it is given came to me2:03i had been listening to a lot of like youtubers spiritual youtubers and they mentioned esther and jerry2:09hicks abraham hicks and so i just bought it on amazon and2:14it changed the game for me it was amazing yeah you know when you go down like places like in2:20and they have people have like their own little books shelves and stuff like that yeah i the book the law of attraction2:27was esther and um i can't remember the other one oh my god that was the first time i read2:33that book before but then i put it back in there and i wrote a no and i said you were meant to see this oh man and i just2:40i just find like the books find us that's why it's so exciting they really do yeah okay good good question so who is your2:47very first mentor very first mentor okay so2:52i don't know if you know them like i started my journey just diving down the youtube rabbit hole2:59and absorbing all the information from youtubers so there's this youtuber it's called actualize.org3:05and all of this stuff all of his content just like resonated with me on a deep level especially when i was going through a challenging time3:11so his name is leo he was like one of the first people i resonated with and then aaron dowdy on youtube i don't know3:19if you know him oh aaron oh my gosh okay yeah yeah love him he was very3:24influential at the beginning of my journey uh jake ducey is another youtuber um abraham picks of course yeah eckhart3:31tolle all those teachings uh so yeah yeah that's kind of where it got started see i want to point this out that you3:37started with youtube because one so many people like want to start a youtube and they just never do it and i'm like3:42imagine if those people never saw their youtube oh my god imagine if they weren't living their purpose like i3:48would have never discovered them and just like it's so that's why it's so important for us to just show up and like speak our truth and be living our3:54most authentic truth because like there's so many people that need to hear what we have to4:00say the way that we say it right like you're going to say something to someone it's going to resonate with them and maybe they can hear it from you4:06better than they can hear from me right yes you're uniquely you yeah you have this4:11like unique journey that only you can tell [Music] we'll have to come back then because4:17that's such a deep topic yeah everybody needs to know but um so my third rapid fire question for you is uh where are4:24you originally from so i was born here in southern california okay um but we moved to4:30washington when i was really young so i grew up in like the seattle tacoma area washington state the pacific northwest4:37yeah shout out to 253. yeah4:55rapid fire question is when was the first time that you invested in yourself and how much was it5:01oh wow um so after my awakening or you can tell5:07whatever comes up for you yeah i guess the first like thing i invested in was uh retreat5:13an ayahuasca retreat oh my gosh it was big yeah and it was um it was at5:19the very beginning of my journey and then after that i guess there was a course that i took that was about there's like three hundred dollars so5:25the retreat i think was around 1800 which was a ton of money for me yeah yeah5:30a lot and then even the course the 300 course was like oh wow this is a lot of money to shovel in to invest in myself but5:38i would say those two things were the first like yeah i like can i have more on live because5:44it's like i literally get so many children it's creepy too the truth chills right5:50the 1800 did you have the money or did you no i was like literally living paycheck to paycheck um i had to pick up5:57like doordash driving doordash just to make ends meet to figure out how it was gonna happen yeah i can't even remember6:03how it all happened like i don't even know how i came up with the money it just all was like it just happened6:09yeah this is so beautiful one of the things that i tell my clients the most is that money likes to be told6:16where to go yeah and especially with like the high reason why demand right paying off debt6:21is one thing but it's like going on retreat yeah that's like high frequency yeah it needs a purpose right yes6:28so good that's amazing okay so i definitely want to get into um6:33a little bit back into your story before you were conscious of all this stuff i really6:39want to know what was the original plan were you always going to be a6:44manifestation coach or how did it really start yeah so i didn't really become6:50consciously aware until 2019. like the first time i heard about manifestation and the law of attraction was way back6:56in 2007 when the secret came out so i saw that movie and i was like hell7:02yeah like this is exciting like i can create my reality like i'm gonna manifest a hundred thousand dollars this7:07year wow did that happen no yeah that didn't happen because i didn't have all the information all the tools like the7:13subconscious beliefs right there were beliefs below the surface that were like not in alignment with manifesting that7:19money so i kind of was like i passed it off as like super woo-woo7:24and like oh this is a bunch of [ __ ] like this is not real and then flash forward to like the year7:30that i was becoming more conscious and aware and awakening and discovering7:35all of these tools and modalities and so it was just really exciting for me7:41because i went from this place of like being the victim to finally realizing wait a second i7:47have the power the freedom and the ability to shift my focus and manifest from nothing you know like it7:54was it was so exciting and powerful for me um and so that's where it kind of started8:00again was on youtube just learning from people on youtube yes i feel like that's a really good way that people just find their purpose is8:07that they're like like one of the things that you just watch and you're interested in that just like nobody else8:12really you know is on that path that you specifically are and i think it's just a beautiful way to connect with people8:17like from all over yeah so i'm very curious that what your parents what like8:22was there any influence of like what they wanted you to do with your life go to college or yeah they were very like8:28oh yeah go to college you know get your degree but i was somebody i had no idea what i wanted to do like i8:34left high school like no clue and i you know it took me years to finish a four-year degree it took me probably8:40like seven to eight years to finish a four-year degree just because i didn't really have a purpose or direction i was8:45just kind of like moving with life and very lost and confused8:52no purpose or direction and so that was actually like one of the root causes of my depression was not having8:58[Music] like a purpose right something i was passionate about9:04so they were very you know they were very supportive of me i grew up in a very religious family so we were going9:10to church twice a week and as soon as i left the home and was in college like the religion just it didn't res it never9:17resonated with me wow but i was still lost like in those in my9:23my whole 20s i was completely lost like i didn't believe in god i didn't believe in the universe i didn't really have like a spiritual connection to anything9:30i was just a very lost and confused person during that period of my life so it wasn't until like9:37my saturn returned like 30 31 where i started to like awaken yeah so was there like a specific9:45incident or anything that happened that made you have that shifter yeah i remember being in my tiny tiny studio9:52apartment in seattle um very depressed high social anxiety9:58um no purpose or direction and i was sitting in my bathroom and i was like contemplating like how can i end this10:05like how you know i was having suicidal ideations and in that moment i just like it was10:11this weird crazy awakening moment where i became like the awareness and realized10:16whoa i'm not these thoughts like i'm the awareness under consciousness observing these thoughts this is crazy10:21and so from that moment i was like there's got to be a way to feel better there's got to be a way for me to heal10:27and so from then i did talk therapy for a few months and that helped me to become more comfortable with talking10:32about my feelings and my emotions but i wanted to like i felt like a call to expedite the10:38process so like i dove into youtube it was just like absorbing information10:44like crazy and then that led to me discovering plant medicine10:49oh so good okay we got to get into the plant mask but i want to back up a little bit so especially with suicide10:55awareness and just really talking about it i think is one of the most one of the best things that we can do11:01and you know i think it so many people have so much shame of even just having the thought yeah and so one i want to11:07commend you thank you for sharing that part of the story because people don't realize of like how11:12how long you were in that process right where you were just not living your purpose or you were just maybe11:18conditioned from other things that were happening to you and thinking that this is what i need to do and i can't do what11:23i want because just beliefs that we've been programmed to believe11:28but yeah i think it's really beautiful that you were able to to see that rock11:34bot bottom and use it to your advantage and i earlier you talked about victim mode and11:39i think a lot of people unconsciously fall into that yeah and i'm just excited to hear how everything started to show11:45oh my gosh yeah definitely rock bottom like that was like the bottom of the pit and so11:51but still looking back to say i'm like so grateful for all of those moments for all the experiences i had because it11:58led me to who i am today right yeah so after you discover all this12:04stuff right and now you're into plant medicine um so wait i want to know about ayahuasca that's12:10just like i want to know about this podcast i haven't done it yet but i'm like ah this must be the signs with12:16synchronicities it's happening pretty experienced i know you're being called she's calling12:22you so tell me a little bit more about it um yeah it was something i had heard12:28about um way back before like i had heard about it when i was traveling in ecuador and12:34peru and at the time i was just like this sounds crazy like you're going to go into the jungle sit down with some12:40random shaman take this like potion and [ __ ] your brains and put your guts out and like what that is what12:46you're crazy yeah um but then flash forward to 2019 it was just like it was12:52just an intuitive knowing and like it was like a call to like to go and work with the medicine just because it does i12:59had heard it helped with you know people who were suicidal depression ptsd13:05drug and alcohol abuse like it i had read that it you know helps to heal that13:10so it was just like a no-brainer for me and i had i spoke spanish and i had done a lot of travels13:16at thousands in south america so i was just like oh it's that part isn't uncomfortable for me13:22so yeah it was i mean we could do a whole podcast on this13:27intense experience um but it was just a game changer like eye-opening um opened13:34me up to like the spiritual realm like holy [ __ ] we're living in this matrix like what the hell is going on like that13:40it was almost dramatic because i had no prior knowledge and understanding of13:46spirituality before that wow so it was kind of like diving into the deep end13:51um yeah i don't know what you want to know what is one of the main things that you13:57you maybe seen that was like really helped shift with things when you came back yeah uh every ceremony was14:04different so it was there were six ceremonies total wow so six nights yeah okay so six nights back to back back so14:11it was a 12-day retreat and then six ceremonies over the course of the 12 days yeah um so not back to back but14:18some breaks in between um what it really taught me was how to surrender and trust wow because you have14:25to surrender to the medicine in order for things to work because if you're fighting against it it's like your ego14:30fighting you know to lose control essentially you want to keep staying control so that was really14:36challenging at the beginning um and i had abused marijuana like that was14:42how i dealt with my depression and anxiety was like just abusing marijuana like i would come home from work and just get stoned out of my mind just to14:49cover up the pain right and i'm not against marijuana i think it's a beautiful healing plant but for14:55me in that moment i wasn't using it with the right intention i was abusing it so the very first night was insane15:02because marijuana and ayahuasca according to this shaman they're they don't they got beat like they don't15:07get along these two feminine plant spirits wow so he wanted to like purge the marijuana for my system15:13so this might sound kind of crazy but the very first night he was singing a traditional ikaro which are the songs15:19they sing to connect with the medicine and there was literally like smoke coming out of my body15:25there was it was insane like there was i could see smoking in my body i could smell marijuana and i'm like am i15:30hallucinating because it's a hallucinogenic right so i thought it was hallucinating this but the next day somebody who was in15:37ceremony with me was like did it smell like wheat in there was that just me and i was like oh my god you smelled that15:43that was coming out of my physical body so he literally purged it out of my body so and that like brought me clarity15:50because it was kind of like foggy wow i was living in fog i didn't have clarity because i was15:56it was kind of like energetically blocking me [Music]16:01i felt hearing that you were using this tool right the marijuana as uh not addictive but with16:09something to cover up the pain towards the pain right i love talking about this topic because a lot of times people are16:15really hard on themselves for having those addictions or the things that they're like doing on a consistent basis they're like i don't know why i keep16:20doing this it really has nothing to do with the actual substance and it has something to do with a lot deeper yeah16:27and i think the same thing with like money and credit cards and stuff like that people blame credit cards and all these different things like oh they're16:32so bad or money is so bad it's like it's not the money it's not the tool that's bad it's the underlying belief in what16:39we're actually using it for and so i think this is so beautiful huh this is a whole other relationship it's16:45a whole deeper thing right okay so let's let's fast forward you go through this process16:51you're spiritually luck now what what happened next16:56um it's just i mean it brought up a lot of subconscious memories too right like17:01repressed childhood traumas like the reason why my parents got divorced which i never knew why like just all i was17:06pulling all of these things from my subconscious mind and bring them to the surface bring them to my awareness to heal them17:12um but more than anything it taught me like i'm pure unconditional love wow like the17:19first time i ever felt unconditional love was during that ceremony and it gave me this17:25knowing of like i need to go out and help people somehow i my purpose is to help people at that moment i didn't know17:30how and in which way but i knew that was my purpose and calling was to be of service17:37so the awakening continued right like it just continued to like everyone goes17:43through the dark night of the soul and has like you know these moments of like17:48realization of who we are what we are and so i was just kind of continuing down that path of like seeking and17:55learning and discovering um and that continued into 2020 2020 i feel18:02like 2019 prepared me for 2020. 2019 was my big awakening because i18:07needed to be here of service in 2020 to help others through the process i just got full of bodies it's18:16always my legs oh my gosh that makes so much it's crazy that all that stuff happened to you18:21before the pandemic yeah and it was just like expedited i was like why is this all happening to me so18:27quickly is because i had to like live my purpose in 2020 which was showing up and being seen and18:33being of service in that way and so you started making videos on tic tac so yeah so the beginning of the18:39first half of 2020 was you know more diving into like like just living my truth18:45and speaking my truth and mid 2020 was when i started showing up online in that way i started allowing18:52myself to be seen allow myself to be heard speak by truth teach what i knew what i had come to18:58discover and it just continued to like unfold from there like especially tick19:04tock tick tock was such a beautiful outlet for me to express myself my creativity but also it was a safe space19:10for me to speak my truth because nobody knew me there right it was like a blank slate it was like i was starting19:16fresh i didn't have the you know the people who knew me before sitting there judging me i could just be19:22free in that space so that was like a gift because i was able to like just go for it 100 percent and then that19:29gave me the confidence encouraged to transition to like instagram where the people who didn't know me before were there that was a challenge in itself but19:36wow tick tock is has been such a blessing oh my god not only to like show up as a19:42creator but to learn from other creators and connect with other people like oh my god like this is crazy that you're like19:47i'm here i know it's like i'm like literally sitting here listening to him like wait what it's like what is even happening19:54it's so funny because it's like it's kind of one of those things you know it's gonna happen and then when it actually happens you're like oh my gosh20:01yeah i created this i'm just like we are literally just the most powerful beings and i think it's the more that you can20:07connect with people like that who also believe the same yeah because yes there's some people who don't believe it which is one thing but i20:14think it's more of the people who just haven't seen them seen it for themselves is why i continue20:19to show up as like you like you have no idea what's in there for you guys like everyone listening watching like20:25they've manifested this too you know what i mean and we're no different from anybody else oh my gosh we're all master manifesters right yeah20:34so you started showing up online you started showing up on social media and like20:39while everybody was at probably at their lowest points and this is funny because actually in synchrony with my story too i realized i joined a mastermind it was20:46like my first quantum leap and it was again it was my first time getting around people who were operating at the same frequency like one and more20:53i realized that i was no different from anybody else i just had everybody else on a pedestal because they had more money than me was this crazy thing21:00and then the day i got back from this mastermind in la is when everything got shut down21:06and i was like oh my gosh how can i help everybody there's so many ways that there's loans out there there's grants21:11like i was like same thing so i'm curious like what what were some of the things that are ways that you were21:18helping and serving people like on social media and i know that you're an expert on hypnosis and all these different things but yeah so21:25my the first videos i was creating was specifically about manifesting because that was like so exciting for me and it21:32was a huge part of my journey in going from victim to victor right going from that like living out of fact21:39to finally being the cause and like the creator of my life so i knew that other people could benefit from that21:45and i just knew intuitively i was like i'm a light worker like i'm here to help21:51other people feel good and like to be of support and service in this dark challenging time21:57so just to let them know let people know that they're not alone and that you know i22:02see you i hear you i feel you like you're not alone in this like keep going like just to be that22:07you know motivating support for folks um and you know i would i didn't know22:13what was gonna happen like i i had no idea was gonna happen but then there was a need for more to go beyond just creating content22:20people were needing coaching yeah so i just started coaching people like22:25last year in november and then i you know22:30i wanted to like dive deeper and learn more so i got certified in a bunch of different things yeah i'm22:36like one of those people i'm like i'll try that i'll enjoy that like let me try that that's fun like i'm literally that person that's always like22:43doing the most um so i needed some structure some organization i wanted to make sure that22:49i was you know providing people with the right tools and information so i got certified in all these different things22:55um which just gave me even more confidence to like show up and be of service for people what do you23:01think was the number one um maybe struggle that everybody was going through that they were needing help with23:07at that time it was just like i think it was just like the unknowns23:14like there was a lot of fear of like the unknown wow um and so i think that23:20what most people struggle with in the manifestation process is that factor is like being able to trust23:26and let go of how it's all gonna happen and the outcome i feel like a lot of23:31people are afraid well i don't know how it's gonna happen i don't know when it's going to happen i don't even know if it's possible that's going to happen and23:38so just like teaching people to just trust and surrender and let go and realize you're23:44fully supported you're guided you're not alone like you are literally never alone you have guys you got angels you have23:50the universe you have fellows there's so much support out there so i think that's scary for people to23:56like feel that fear of being alone in fear of the unknown and so i think that was the biggest24:02block for a lot of people wow oh it's so good i know this is resonating with so many people and24:08they're like hello that's me yeah yeah that's that's so big and i i was24:13actually i made a podcast episode about this the other day about how faith is the number one way to match the24:19frequency like you're never going to know how it's going to happen and one thing i was going to ask you24:25about one is um like growing up in a religious household and how it really shifted or what what24:32things shifted and what things did you release to really step into this highest vibrational state of yours24:37um specifically related to money um releasing the beliefs that money is evil24:44money is the root of all evil people who have money are evil right that was huge for me that was one of my biggest24:49limiting beliefs around money wow and just realizing it's just a tool it's not money itself that's evil i mean there24:55are some people that use money and not the high most vibrational ways there are people using low vibrational waste but25:01it's not the fault of money itself and just that was big for me because that was a25:06big deeply ingrained subconscious belief that it was money's evil and it's25:12you know you shouldn't want money because it means you're greedy if you want money but that came from religion that came25:18from you know those religious beliefs that i grew up with yeah and i feel like just down the line it just got totally25:24like uh what's that game telephone you know because25:30somebody else had to explain this to me too because i was like why would they say that in church then if like you know if that's not the story but really it's25:38just the lust for money and like i think a lot of people are not open and receptive to like you know25:44we get so shut off to be nope it's this way it's the same so and i just love how you're able to25:50release that and really step into it and um i was again talking about this on the podcast the other day i was like i was25:56so scared to teach about manifestation because i was like am i gonna get punished by god if i say i'm a creator26:02you know i was so scared about that i was curious if you had that fear too i didn't have26:08that specific fear but that's interesting you hear that did you grow up in a religious yeah and i think it was i realized it wasn't26:16it wasn't like the fear of me talking about manifestation because i was a the makeup mentor podcast for so long26:22and then when somebody said oh you're a manifestation guard i was like no no no no i was i think the fear was not being26:29accepted because my parents were um grew up in a certain household had certain beliefs and i was like well if they26:35don't support what i'm doing that means that i'm not worthy and i'm not loved it goes back to what you were saying the26:41unconditional love and i was like oh so these are just beliefs that i'm bringing up in my head for the reason26:47so that's why wow good for you to be able to shift that it's powerful yeah i had fear26:53around like telling family what i was doing what i'm doing and i still have like some resistance there i don't know26:58how to explain it because yeah maybe they don't understand it fully um but there was definitely some fear27:04there the first time bringing it up like oh what are you doing now um i'm teaching people how to manifest their dream life they're like what the hell27:10does that mean yeah well yeah one of the things that i explained my clients is that money comes27:16to us through other people so like people get inspired action to write27:21this check and like or like the best way that i can explain money27:26manifested because everybody's like where does the money come from and i'm like bro i literally can't even tell you27:32it's just so crazy it's like people don't understand how money literally just like falls in your lap when you're27:38you're living your most abundant life that was like that was insane it was27:43literally flying everywhere all over the place people are getting out of the cars27:50it's about being abundant as [ __ ] it's just so funny but uh yeah like other examples is like27:57the checks that are coming to you already coming to you like but what happens is that the mailman just so28:03happens to get an extra load oh i can take that extra piece of mail and then it gets in your mailbox like the day28:08after you do the writing exercise you know like it's just so funny of all the different ways that money just circulates them and28:14there's so many ways to it's all around us all the time so that's what's super fun i always like to have people do exercise or like28:22expand beyond what you think is possible for you and try to figure out different ways that money can come to you like28:27what other streams can you create for yourself yeah right it's like we're still conditioned to believe that28:32oh it's just this nine-to-five job that i can make money from but it's like okay if you have a lake28:38and there's only one stream what if that stream dries out the link's gonna dry out but if you have multiple streams coming in like that lake is going to28:44always be full right yes so expand beyond the old paradigm of just working28:50the nine to five and thinking that's the only way it can come and just be open to receiving money in28:55other ways yes i'm very curious because i know we have a lot of listeners who are going through that shift where they're29:01releasing a nine to five they're releasing a job that's no longer serving them a fun statistic here i think29:07there's four million people that have less left their jobs in the past like couple years i can't remember when it29:12started but four million people what the hell it's crazy to me but what would you29:19suggest to that person who's going through that shift i don't want to work here anymore i want to work on x y and z but i'm29:26scared yeah what would you say i would say if you are scared and you29:31don't feel like you can dive in 100 percent like leave your job 100 and go all in yeah if you can't do that if you29:38feel like you can't do that um yeah i mean you got to start somewhere so starting to create something on the side29:43even if that means working more coming home and working and working on your business whatever it might be29:49but also if you're in a place if you're in a job that you don't like i know it can be hard to find things that you do like about it29:55but do your best to feel gratitude for having that job in that moment right i30:00have thank god i have this job that lends me the ability to pay rent at this moment in time and just finding30:06everything you can to be appreciative and grateful for while you're still there is just gonna help the transition30:12feel better right as you move into something different but also like30:17step into your gifts yeah you know share your gifts don't be afraid to share your gifts because when you share your gifts and30:24your talents with the world you're you know abundantly blessed financially in return30:30like it's i know it's scary and challenging but that's part of the journey too is like feeling that fear30:35and doing it anyway yeah like it's not really about like the thing you manifest but like who you become on the way to30:40the manifestation right it's like you facing all those fears you all those beliefs coming to the surface and you re30:46reprogramming the reprogramming them releasing them like it's the journey that's the fun30:52part right so good yes i feel like a lot of people30:57forget that part too yeah you know and then they beat themselves up for going backwards and i'm like bro like you literally have no idea how much31:04you've just like shifted like it's that's why i like looking back at like journals and stuff like that i'm like oh31:10this is who i was a year ago that's my favorite thing to do yeah like especially if i'm like31:17in a space where i'm feeling doubt about myself or what i'm doing going back in my journal a year ago and31:23looking at where i was and how far i've come is so empowering to help me to continue to move forward31:29so everybody should journal keep track what's going on how are you feeling how you're thinking right yeah um31:36what else was i going to say about that transition period about really for releasing the nine to31:42five yeah yeah i think the biggest fear for people is how am i gonna make money31:47how am i gonna do x y and z and everyone's like i don't know what's gonna happen and i'm like honey you create it31:53you know and i think i what i tell people the most is that31:58yes it's all going to work out but the more that you can be conscious and aware that it's not going to work out the way that you think it is32:05the matter yes let go of that attachment to the how it's going to32:11happen but yeah investing in yourself too i think is huge32:16like that's going to give you the confidence that's going to give you the tools to really go for it when you're learning32:23these new things like getting a coach signing up for a course like doing your three-day manifestation channels right32:28right investing yourself and getting all these new ideas and tools in your tool belt is only going to help you to make that32:35transition yeah and be like that's when people get the most downloads and whatever and then i'm32:40like and then they're like done with the three-day workshop and then they're like well now what do i do and i'm like look how much has manifested in three days32:46what were you doing journaling doing the work like really it's not anything that you can't get from the courses and stuff32:52but there's such an energy exchange what happens when they when they invest in32:57themselves just that them purchasing that's huge that's a big sign right yeah33:03like what you said with the 1800 in the beginning like not knowing how the money's gonna show33:09up i just know that i'm gonna follow through with this decision and then it just happened33:15this is so good the return on investment is like mind-blowing you know i'm very curious what's your routine33:21like morning routine night routine yeah i do a lot of my stuff in the evening actually oh wow i'm not33:27typically like your your morning person to be honest like i love to sleep in i'm more of a night owl33:33like i operate and function best like you know between 12 and 3 a.m wow that's33:40like when i get my greatest ideas and i work the best because i think it's the time when most people are asleep so33:46it's peaceful for me like when it's chaos and there's a lot going on i feel very like overwhelmed so when it's quiet33:53and peaceful i can like hear things and receive information and messages33:58um so typically what i like to do is meditate34:08ancient chinese moving meditation wow so it's a moving meditation um it's it's really great for people who feel like34:15they can't sit still and quiet their mind because qigong incorporates movement so um34:22yeah it's a beautiful way to move the energy yeah i do a lot of qigong um what else do i do breath work34:29you tried breathwork i have it's like i feel like it's coming back to the surface for me because i i started it at34:34first when i was in the manifestation baby academy yeah but now that my old routine isn't really like it's not in34:41alignment with me anymore i'm like okay i gotta switch things up and breathing is like definitely one of the one things that comes out yeah that's also another34:48great tool and tip for people who have had trouble meditating is try breath work because you drop into that similar34:54meditative state through the breath um super powerful can you do an example35:01yeah so i do a three-part breath it's actually i learned this breath work called neural breath work by gina skye35:06she created it so it combines subconscious reprogramming and the breath wow at the same time yeah35:11so i i lead people through the visualizations and the35:16process while they're breathing so it's a three-part breath so it's all open mouth it's um belly chest around me so35:28belly chest release all open now i'm going to do it when i'm scared35:34okay35:41i don't know if i'm doing35:49uh when i was doing it i know you're supposed to breathe with your belly yeah right i stick it on like35:56breathe out through your belly yeah i'll have people lay down and it's it's36:02it's crazy what people release in that moment crying laughing screaming it's really powerful so i incorporate36:08that into my programs because it's huge and while they're going through it i'm leading them through36:13these visualizations that through programming their subconscious mind36:18yeah it's so good thank you gina skye she created36:23so good yeah so it's a breath work meditation36:30uh just being out in nature that's huge for me i love nature connect with nature if i ever am stressed out or36:37feeling overwhelmed just like taking a walk out in nature and being present out there is what helps me to ground36:45what else do i do cacao i work with cacao every once in a while36:50and also [Music] movement dance girl i dance every day36:57like my spiritual practice is like turning on some music and just strutting down the hallway yeah like pretending37:02like the victoria's secret fashion show like that is the best way to raise my37:08vibration and get the energy moving and flowing for me um hypnosis eft tapping have you done37:14tapping same thing with my manifestation uh babe i've started it and then i just didn't37:20come back to it but now again it's coming back to the surface again yeah so one of the points right here here above37:25your eyebrow yeah side of the eye below the eye37:31below the nose right here on your chin and then right below your collarbone37:37that little fatty part right below the collarbone under your armpit37:42and then at the crown of your head oh wow that's a new one i did not know that one so where that little bonus37:51okay see it's just an easy way to like once you memorize all the points37:57i use it a lot for anxiety so if i'm feeling anxiety i'll just like tap on those points and release the anxiety i i38:03like to explain it like you you have a clogged toilet okay38:08the clogged toilet is the negative emotion that's stuck in your body and the plunger is you tapping and38:14flushing it and allowing it to flow through so you're bringing up the emotion you're feeling and then allowing it to release38:21through tapping okay i want to get into we're coming oh38:27my gosh i just seen four before and then so so many angel numbers on my way here38:33i'm like this conversation is divinely guided like and supported it's so cool and i'm so happy that you're able to38:39come you know what's so funny is that i've been like watching you forever and i'm yeah i feel like we've been like38:44each other's like height person in the comments and stuff and i knew i wanted to reach out to you but i was just i was38:49so scared i know it's gonna be weird and i'm so glad you did right and inspired action38:56you manifested this i manifested you like so cool and so everybody watching this39:02right now this is inspired by inspired accents you are walking the39:07walk that's amazing and you you know you practice what you preach yeah39:12so great so i'm curious what are some uh like39:18maybe exercises i know we talk about tapping hypnosis like what else do you do with your clients39:23um one of the biggest techniques i use is called time techniques okay yeah oh39:29yeah okay no but i remember you talking about this on our first call and i was like oh yeah i can't wait it's so good so basically39:36what it does is it takes you along your timeline and uh you go to the root cause of an event39:44maybe the first time so we have limiting beliefs right but um we also have limiting decisions39:50there was a moment where you decided to believe that to be true right there was one instance where you took on that39:56belief that um money is evil right so with time techniques we take you back40:02to that very first root incident where you decided that and40:07you understand what can i learn from this event what is there to learn from this event and often people realize like40:14this isn't even my belief like this isn't even mine i just it's my grandparents or my moms or my40:20dads and they get these amazing learnings from that root cause which allows them to release the event and all the times40:27they decided that all the way up into the moment of now and realize it's kind of silly like the beliefs that we hold40:33on to right um so time techniques has been really40:38really helpful for clients to release limiting beliefs negative emotions40:44um and it's really simple and easy to do and you don't even necessarily have to reassociate to that event or even have a40:50visual representation of that specific event you just trust whatever you're unconscious whatever your subconscious mind is telling you40:56so it also teaches people to like trust their yeah that's the first thing that comes up yeah which is so hard for many people to41:03do because we get stuck in our logical conscious mind often right yes and is that very similar with like41:09hypnosis here like when people do the sessions they're like well maybe not that one but yeah yeah well they go i bring them into41:15a trance so that they're more relaxed and they're in a slower brainwave state but they still have the ability to accept or reject whatever i'm telling41:22them but it's powerful because you're like you're removing that barrier that layer41:27between the conscious and the subconscious so that we have direct access to the subconscious so whatever you want to plant implants your41:33subconscious mind girl like let's go we can drop them in there yes yeah like i'd love for you to explain41:38hypnosis a little bit more to people who are not conscious of it because i'm i talk about it in all my programs and i'm41:44like hypnosis so good oh my gosh so powerful um so most people think hypnosis is41:52a loss of self-control right we're conditioned to believe like in the media in tv that it's like mind control but41:59really it's self-control and um it's basically the same brainwave state you42:04go into similar state you go into when you're in meditation just with hypnosis you have a specific42:10intention maybe to build confidence maybe to increase your motivation maybe to42:16um you know release your finger of being on stage whatever it might be um so basically we have our conscious42:24mind which is the logical analytical computational part of our mind very small percentage right of our42:30mind is conscious five percent i learned this the other day yeah and 95 or more percent is subconscious42:37it's crazy wild right so all of the stuff that like our reality is basically created42:44from our subconscious mind our beliefs our habits our emotions our identity our values all42:50exist within the subconscious so with hypnosis we're taking that conscious mind and we're distracting it42:56by taking it in a beautiful forest and we're you know removing that barrier between the two so that we have direct43:03access to the subconscious mind and then give the subconscious mind those direct suggestions like empowering beliefs you43:10know or metaphors the subconscious mind loves metaphors images wow pictures symbols43:17um so that's why vision boards are super powerful because your subconscious mind resonates more with those images the43:24feeling right um so hypnosis is really powerful and ever all hypnosis43:31is self-hypnosis um so you can even go onto youtube and like listen to those hypnosis recordings43:36and those are really helpful i used to listen to one every single night before went to bed yeah because as your mind43:42shifts into that slower brainwave theta state you're open to suggestions more and43:48you know your subconscious mind is always working it's always running never stopped 24 7. so even while you're43:53asleep it's it's still going that's why that's the beauty of hypnosis43:58too because with guys meditations you know you fall asleep and not that it's not effective but it's not with hypnosis44:05you can still fall asleep and still reprograms your subconscious mind okay yeah yeah okay ah44:10these are like my favorite topics in the world all right we have just a few minutes left and so i know that you are44:17serving right now on a massive scale shout out tick tock we would not be here44:22because that's how this happened yeah but um i'm curious what's the latest thing that you've been working on44:29yeah so i just finished up my six week program so it's the fun it's done i just finished thursday44:35but i launch it three times a year so um it's a six-week course where you we44:41repro we release the old paradigm the old program and we anchor and program a new um paradigm so that you can manifest44:48whatever it is you're wanting to create um so that ended that's coming out next year again in february but44:54the one thing i'm working on right now related to abundance it's a 21 day45:00i am abundant as [ __ ] hypnosis challenge so 21 days 2145:05hypnosis related to manifesting money and abundance with a tip every day a manifesting money hack every day45:12um so it's going to help reprogram your subconscious mind so that you become abundant as spot girl yeah45:19oh i love this this is like one of my favorite things because 21 days is like45:24the recommended amount to reprogram a subconscious uh belief yeah well if someone skips an a what do you tell them45:31i just say don't sweat it it's have go into it with the energy of having fun try your best to stay committed to it but it's all about you know coming into45:38it with that energy of fun and play um so if you skip a day just i don't know do it yeah45:53i think that's like so powerful and so i'm so excited about this program and honestly what i like to do for anybody45:59listening because the biggest thing is that when they take action out of what feels good it was that high vibration before their ego talks them out of it46:05yeah so i'd like to give them rewards so anybody who signs up for your 21 day46:10challenge will get a free audio book from me yeah that's amazing that's my thank you so46:17it'll be what was the book that you talked about um now yeah that's the book that we'll do46:22wow yeah thank you yeah you're amazing yeah why you're46:28doing amazing work out here like i just want to say thank you for the work that you do because it's huge it's so46:33powerful like how many people struggle with money and finances like we never taught this46:39and you're out here shifting that paradigm for people and it's really powerful so thank you for everything that you're46:45doing thank you thank you i received it i received it and i used to say stuff like that i hear stuff like that and it46:51really would go over my shoulder like my shoulder go over my head and now i'm like oh46:57this really is what i'm doing yeah but i will say the number one reason i'm so motivated to teach it is because when47:04i'm inspired by people like you i'm like oh he's like so amazing i just love your tic tacs and47:10when you see somebody out there who's also doing what you're doing and like serving it just makes you inspired and motivated and it also comes from a place47:18of there's a lot of people who are just one not conscious of it that's one thing my biggest goal is to just everybody in47:24the world should be conscious of their thoughts create their reality and that money is energy that's like two different things or two things that47:30that's my goal yeah but um there's people who don't believe in this47:35stuff they think it's woo-woo like i'm woowoo but i'm also like guys there's so much science to this and i really like47:41to explain people why all this stuff works and um so i like to pour into the people who47:48are learning and who are going to apply to blacks because they're gonna tell somebody else about it and then their47:54manifestation story is gonna ripple effect and that's how the world really gets changed47:59you're doing it on a massive scale like you're packing so many lives is so cool thank you love and when i listen to you48:05i'm just like you are you stay with conviction you know what you're talking about and it's just like48:10it's so so cool to see so props to you and everything you do48:16thank you i feel like a massive level of perceiving right now48:23um so yeah technical wise guys if you when you guys sign up please just um screenshot your receipt and then just48:30send it to my team so that way we know so it's manifesting for info manifestingmoney.com48:35our info that's the email so screenshot it's fun to send it to us and then we'll give you your gift48:42um and i think they can only join until the end of the until the end of the month right yeah you have till48:48november 30th because we start day one on december first the first day of the 21 days so note that you have to sign up48:55before the 30th year your um coupon doesn't apply your audiobook49:02doesn't apply so uh my last question for you oh wait49:07actually let's find out where people can find you where's like the best place that you're most present uh tick tock49:12and instagram john hillstead j-o-n and49:17yeah i'm most present on those platforms also the website john hilster.com49:22find more of my services and what i offer yay yeah okay so my last wrapping49:28up question for you is when i ask all my coaching clients well again just helps us think from this abundant mindset49:35so if you had an extra one million dollars i just49:40you know gave me the check what would you do today today like physically today the49:47time hasn't changed the weather hasn't changed you're still in san diego what would you do what would i do i would49:53help pay off my family's debt oh yeah if that was enough49:59no i'm sure it's enough um and then i would50:05take the trip somewhere i'd probably go to i don't know like the maldives or50:10something and then i probably just like start giving money out sign like to people50:16just start handing it out to people i think that would be super like if you imagine someone walking up to you here's 100 bucks50:21like that would be so fun right we should do that after this oh my gosh okay come on oh it's so50:28beautiful so yeah that's my last question thank you so much for being on podcast thank you for coming down here50:34and being in this live energy and obviously just signing right as you do and just being an example for so many of50:39google thank you for having me this has been so much fun i'm so glad i got to meet you in the50:44flesh and the physical yeah so thank you for having me50:51[Music] youEnglish (auto-generated)
woke up this morning and decided to start my day off with affirmations/manifestations. i ended up writing a whole page of mainly money manifestations. literally 10 min later i came across the “how to manifest money without working” episode. i had never heard of this podcast prior to listening to the episode but as an aspiring life coach and someone who is always looking for opportunities to expand, im super grateful to have this placed in my path 🙏🏼 the podcast is organized in a very digestible manner, the hosts energy is so enthusiastic and bubbly, and the content was relatable. chefs kisses 😚 🤌🏼
Love the ease and flow that Anita projects! Love listening to this podcast for a raise in my vibration!
I swear I mostly listen to you for your beautiful, bright, and uplifting energy. I am leaning more into action towards your insights but you are my go-to for when I want a feel-good podcast. Thank you for your service and contribution to us all! 🙏💜 Blessing upon blessings to you!!!
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