Welcome to the first-ever episode of the Manifesting Money Podcast!
In this episode, we kick this rebranded podcast off with special guest Morgan May to talk about all things healing through the relationships with ourselves and with others. Tune in as Anita and Morgan explore parental relationships and how they affect us, as well as share ways to understand and embrace our masculine and feminine energies.
So pay close attention and uncover some hidden gems about healing your relationship with yourself with Morgan May today!
“If you want to connect to your truth and to the answer, change your body.”
Morgan May
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The War of Art by Steven Pressfield - stevenpressfield.com/books/the-war-of-art/
FREE Masterclass: Feminine Dating Strategy 101: The Ultimate Guide to Finding your Edge and Using it | Sign up at https://tmm-finishing-school.thinkific.com/courses/feminine-dating-strategy-101
Available: Unfuck Your Heart & Manifest the Love of Your Life (Even if it's Just You) | Sign up at https://tmm-finishing-school.thinkific.com/courses/available-unfuck-your-heart
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0:00[Music]0:08hmm [Music]0:22hi friends welcome back to the manifesting money podcast i'm so happy and grateful to have every single person0:29here including my beautiful guest today thank you guys so much for tuning in on youtube so my first question for you0:36morgan is how are you hi anita i'm so well thank you so much for having me this is like0:41really exciting i know right it's like we're finally here like there's everybody doesn't see the behind the0:47scenes stuff so it's like you know but it's like the true manifestation is what's0:53happening right now and that's kind of what my intention was coming in and you had an intention which we'll get into but uh1:00i actually have some rapid fire questions for you okay let's go just so that we can kind of warm up a little bit i want to get to1:06know you a little bit more um so first question for you is where are you originally from i was born in michigan1:13okay grand rapids michigan and now you are in now i'm in tulum mexico okay1:20hello let's go hey yeah we're actually going there next week weekend for a birthday so i'm super excited yeah1:25that's gonna be so fun okay my second rapid fire question for you is what is your favorite book1:31ooh my favorite book um [Music]1:36right now i'm reading the the magdalene mysteries it's like really incredible um a book actually i could read probably1:43every year and i do is um the the war of art by steven pressfield that1:48book changed my life and what's it about um so stephen pressfield is an author he's a prolific author he's written so1:55many books and he finally decided to write a book about how to get through creative resistance wow so i feel like a2:01lot of artists um have this like resistance to creating and we have our these stories that we2:07tell ourselves like i don't have time or it's not good or no one's going to read it or excuses come up or you know we get2:13distracted by the external world and so it's basically an entire book um characterizing this quality of2:20resistance and like all of the different ways that it'll show up in your life so that you can combat it and you can2:26battle it and how it's quite spiritual actually like at its core so2:32my best friend in the world tried to get me to read this book like three times i gave my first copy away before i read it2:38i was it was like resistance like deeply manifesting and then i finally read it and started writing and that's when i2:44really started my brand and what 2018. yeah cool yeah yeah i'm gonna put that2:49i'm gonna put that book in the show notes for you guys watching right now because i'm so huge and you guys having resources you know for people2:56who are listening to us right now that you know everyone is listening right now for a reason so it's like one of the things3:01that we recommend it's like this is the time yeah and that book i'll just say like you can read it in a day3:07not that i recommend it i recommend to like take your time with it but like it's not you know we're sometimes daunted i was daunted by reading this3:13book even you know getting into it but it's easy and like this it speaks to your soul and it like empowers you to3:19really um do what you came here to do so yeah oh yeah love it uh my third question for you is3:26what is your favorite podcast besides the manifesting money podcast my favorite podcast um3:35oh my gosh i'm gonna get uh flamed for this on the internet i listened to joe rogan a lot he has an amazing guest like3:41kelly brogan that episode the jordan peterson episode like i listened to him a lot um i listened to manifestation babe yeah3:48that's one i've been listening to a lot recently jordan peterson's podcast obviously i listen to a lot okay that's3:54the one that you just put me that you just talked about you were telling me about him the other day uh jordan pearson probably okay i think so yeah4:01okay i'm always adding to my list so i need to know uh last rapid fire question is4:06when is the first time that you invested into yourself and how much was it oh these are good questions anita i like4:15oh i'm so all about shifting when you invest in yourself so it's so good um when i first and oh oh my gosh i have an4:22answer for this um the first time i invested in myself and it changed my life was a course um feminine4:29uh embodied feminine leadership by amanda young and she is she's like a mentor of mine she's a4:36hugely powerful woman there's a lot of like divine femininity talk right now um4:42in the ether on the internet a lot of you know women coming up and building platforms around divine femininity which4:48is amazing but this woman is like the og she's been doing it for like 10 years her course changed the course of my life4:55really and i didn't have the money for at the time yeah like talking about having like a payment plan and but and5:02it was just like i'm getting chills talking about it actually it just it was in this random email that i was like i5:08was subscribed to this this list this random list and i saw her and i just i knew i had to like be a5:14part of her world and so i put myself on her mailing list just from her website and then she started her launch for this5:21course and i tuned into the webinar and i was just like i was so drawn to this material and i'm like it's getting so5:28many tools yeah me too yeah i love it it changed my life i had this like massive awakening and5:35um re-learning of like who i was as a woman and just different ways of5:41understanding spirituality and my energy and it was just it was hugely transformative5:47and there's a clear delineation between my life like before that like that class and after it and5:53i started working with her again recently actually wow mistress mind yeah that i was in with other really powerful5:59women and so it was a continuation of that work but in like a business context and6:05yeah always recommend investing in yourself how many if you don't have it i'm sorry i didn't have it at the time that's what i tell people to like we6:11were talking about how manifestation babe was the first person that was that person for me same thing my whole life shifted i wouldn't be teaching money6:17mindset right now if it wasn't for me working on my own yeah and i didn't have the money and that's why i6:23invested yes you know or else you're always going to be in a position where like you don't have nothing no yeah yeah6:28that's so true except morgan may that's funny6:35and it's so true just like all the numbers that have been popping up with us lately yeah i know it's so good all right so i mentioned this in the intro6:41but we met on tick tock yes right but obviously there's so much i want to know more about you okay and you're doing6:46amazing things right now okay but i really really want to dive deeper into6:53where you started because a lot of times where especially we're on this spiritual trip or not even spiritual you know just7:00journey of life and we learn so much and a lot of people think that that we're we've always had this intention to7:06be this this whatever it is we're doing now but it never started like that so i7:12guess my question for you is where did it all start what was your original plan oh my gosh my original plan was i was7:18going to write a memoir oh so i was like that's what i was doing i thought like7:23when i read that after i read the war of art um i thought i was going to write a memoir but then i kept feeling so called7:29to go on social but i thought that like me going on social and writing you know blogs and stuff that that was part of my7:35resistance because i wasn't writing this like memoir and i do believe i have like several books in me yeah but i think my7:41spirit or like you know i was being drawn to put my ideas and my experiences like out there7:47and so um so yeah with the tick tock thing frankly i was just in like tick-tock k-holes all7:54of quarantine and consuming the content and so fascinated by it like i i do8:01marketing it's like my previous life i'm like in the transformation that's what i want to know about the previous life the8:06marketing stuff so i mean yeah i think like many people i i8:12went to school for economics um and this is in michigan this is no i've moved8:17several times so this was in new york okay um so i went to school for economics i was going to be like my dad8:22and work in finance oh wow and then i was working in finance and i hated it so much like i hated it um but i liked the8:30you know um analysis part so i was like okay i tried a different a couple different things8:36went back for psychology then you know made my way into advertising into strategy and8:41advertising and just like having you know a traditional career path like wanting jobs like different um companies8:49different positions i ended up moving to denver to work in cannabis um at a8:54startup and you know getting started with like formal marketing there and i've been just doing marketing9:00um really for like 10 years cumulatively and wow yeah i think it's good because like it9:08has given me a lot of uh background to really build my own brand but9:13you know i basically reached a point where i was like i i have all this like skill and talent9:19and i'm like building other brands which is great but like it's not building an asset for myself or like financial9:25freedom and it's not talking about what i want to talk about i think when you have like original thought and like you know life experiences other9:32people can learn from it's really important to share them and like i felt like that was a big part of my9:37purpose in life so so yeah i've been transitioning slowly but like yeah9:43recently it's been like more of a quantum leap but um yes we're gonna define these words for you9:50guys you know that's my biggest thing it's like when people learn more about the science behind manifestation you9:57know but yeah my question for you is when you were going to school how old were you when10:03you were going to school in new york um i think i graduated when i was 21. i was like 18 19 yeah 18 to 21. like did your10:10parents like want you really bad to go to do financing or what what was it like10:16hardcore you need to go to college have a job it was like not even a question and this is something10:22that like recently i've been like identifying because i didn't even realize that like i had this belief that10:28the only acceptable way to make money was to have a job and have a six-figure salary and work for a good company with10:34good benefits that's like secure and stable and like granted you know this belief came from my father my parents10:40who wanted the best for me i would hope and this is their orientation this is what my dad has always done he's you10:46know really built himself up in the corporate finance world but he's always10:52had a boss really and like you know never went off on his own i i say10:57seriously the past two months have been trippy like wild but i realized that my dad is like an entrepreneur that never11:04started a business and my mom is an author that never published a book and so i'm kind of this amalgamation of both11:09of them and like trying to yeah blow through a lot of things that that i've learned much like you know i think all11:15of us on this journey until yeah becoming our greatest version yeah11:20yeah so when you made the decision that you were going to go a different path other than finance were your parents11:26upset about that or um my dad11:32thought i really have a relationship with my dad um and he11:37yeah i think he he was really resistant at first and he's still seriously like a month ago he tried to like pitch me to11:44like do uh wholesale wholesale [ __ ] for a financial fund company and i'm11:50just like like like really just projecting a lot but but so i'm sure11:56like it would be his dream that i was to follow exactly in his footsteps but um but yeah we gotta break away from that i12:02think i know it's like the biggest thing that it's like you know i think especially when you're12:07coming from a smaller town is that we don't see anybody else doing that or breaking away away from what their12:13parents told them that was you know yeah my biggest thing was the military yeah yeah12:18like that's why i joined the military is because you know my dad just wanted me to see the options and everything like he wasn't like you need to join but yeah12:25he'd like it in our eyes it was like this is the safest option this is like the best12:31route for you to go if you do go to college and yeah i was saying how my12:37parents were so proud of me for going for being in the military yeah and i was going once a month and here i am having12:42my own business and like just you know and you really have to like i noticed for myself is that i had to12:48really detach from there yes it's so critical not only approve it approval but validation you know whether i did or12:54didn't have it sounds like so true and like to anyone listening to like i didn't13:00think that i had that so much like i was like okay i'm growing whatever like but i totally totally13:06even i'm 32 now like had this thing that i needed this validation from my dad or this blessing and it's funny like you13:13said like i would have all these wins like i'm on a pr list now and yeah i've have been a podcast like you know just13:18like things are happening you know and it's like definitely like a purpose-driven thing and a soul-calling13:24thing but i feel like when people have you know their own contexts it doesn't always register13:30you know and so detaching yeah from that need for parental validation i think13:35like i've i've detoxed myself of needing public validation like i trigger a lot of13:41people on the internet yeah okay doing it yeah but like my dad like it was really a thing like a parental13:48you know archetypal thing especially yeah yeah i think when you're raised in an13:53environment that it was really rigid growing up like we we had to play an instrument but it could only be like a string of13:59percussion you know we there's like so many things that were acceptable and like not acceptable and so14:06just identifying them first of all because you can't get rid of a belief if you don't know that it's there but like14:11identifying it doing that work oh and then releasing14:19because that's the work right getting super clear on what the belief is like a lot of people know that they're scared and they're worried or whatever it is14:25but they don't know why yes right and i feel like that's a belief so i know that you said that and i've actually heard14:30you talk about this on tick tock before but that you have a really good relationship with your dad and he set a14:36really really good example and for the listeners what does that look like i mean what like can you give14:42us some examples of what your relationship with your dad is like yeah so14:48it wasn't always good um growing up he worked a ton and was just like more hands-off with the family um14:56and then you know as i grew into adulthood i confronted that with him because i wanted like an authentic relationship15:02with him and we did a lot of work and grew really close and um15:08you know i think it's funny growing growing up is really funny right15:13like i think i had a very different perspective of like the value that he brought to the family when i was15:18younger because like i wanted him around but he was always working and so i had this like and my mom was resentful and15:24you know i was resentful now i know what he really like provided for us for example and so like my perspective it's15:30all perspective nothing changed in my family's history except now i'm looking at it a different way i'm like oh like15:37he made a ton of sacrifice for the family all the time like to give us a really privileged life which by the way15:44both my parents grew up just like on welfare like poverty and my dad like15:49built his way up like clawed his way out of this situation because he's so smart and like driven and ambitious15:56um and so like and like now as an adult and like seeing the world and dating too you know you16:02see that there's this different quality in individuals and it just like yeah i grew a much deeper respect for it16:10um i also think he's like now that i'm an adult you know we can have a different deeper16:15kind of relationship and not regard so but yeah all perspective stuff like16:21which is wild like when you think about like right now this quantum leap like nothing changed in my life except for my16:26mind you're right okay so yeah so right now it's it's really good16:33our relationship and um yeah with that new perspective i think comes that like deeper16:39relationship and appreciation yeah and you said you had a conversation with your dad16:44about like was that before or after you took that program that course or was this like so this was like16:50so yeah my family history my parents got divorced when i was a senior in high16:56school and my dad uh cheated actually wow and i found out and i just tell my mom it's like awful17:02so the family was just in chaos and it was painful and um and i think losing his kids my dad17:09like changed a lot too and his like approach to to the family and so17:14i came to him i think it was like my senior year of college like after the family kind of like started settling17:20into our new you know like how we were gonna be you know in the future um and17:26my dad kind of coming around and wanting you know deeper relationship with him so that conversation started then and then17:33um yeah it grew from there it's been really good since then but like getting better and better and also doing my part too17:40like like i think with myself after moving to mexico17:46or even after moving to denver i finally had this kind of separation you know i was living in new york city i17:52lived there i think seven years after college and my sister's there my brother like it's17:57just like we're all there my dad and his you know wife and and so moving to denver like kind of18:03created that separation but kind of a space for us to really like get get closer i guess and like um18:11yeah and have him like fulfill a fatherly role in my life but like from i don't know i can't explain it but like18:18being supportive and being a provider but not necessarily like financially more with like advice and just18:24like an adult father-daughter relationship yeah which is nice yeah if somebody were to have that conversation18:30like maybe they're in that space right now where they want to talk to their father like that yeah what would you18:36suggest them saying i guess like yeah the way i approached it was just18:42like being really honest and i was just like dad like i want a relationship with you i don't18:48feel like i have a real relationship with you and like i don't feel like you're18:53necessarily available for that like he really wasn't emotionally available or like physically even because he was working a18:59lot um but just i just felt like a block from him and he like he has everyone has their own stuff19:06like it's i think it's rare for parents to have done the work i think if everyone's parents had done the work19:11before having kids the world would look a lot different so he definitely had it and you know19:17so i kind of brought that up and i was like i just feel this like block so that triggered actually him going on his own19:23self-discovery journey which was nice yeah and then it's been like just19:30even recently like i feel like relationships especially with parents i i wrote something about this like19:35parents are it's parents are weird because they symbolize these like demi-god immortal like positions19:43archetypal fundamental positions in our lives right like um mother father like19:49these two these archetypes define all of our relationships for the rest of our life right but they're held by these19:55imperfect humans humans are imperfect in nature right so it's like there's no parent that could ever feel20:01like the full you know need of this these archetypal imprints20:07and so my relationship with him has been continual like it was very recent that i i had a conversation with him where20:13after i realized that i had this belief that i was only allowed to make money in certain ways i went to him like dad i know that you20:19want this life for me i know that this is like where you've been at and that's fine and you've done amazing for the family but like i just want you to know20:26that like i want to pursue a different path and like i just need your support like i just need you to like not tell me20:32to be like a wholesale you know investment whatever or like i just i know that this is not common but like20:39this is who i am i'm creative and this and that and like i would just love your support in this20:44way so just really communicating like what you need and like not i would i20:49don't think i ever accused him of anything or like you know it was it was always on like my side of the street but20:55i you know i was just really vulnerable with what was on my heart and what i needed and he really has been receptive21:01to i've like noticed our conversations are different he like offers to help in different ways with like planning and21:08you know making sure yeah i'm kind of set in different ways but like yeah21:13with what i need so that's been good like i love how you21:18were able to consciously bring up the fact that you knew that you needed support yeah right because i21:24think most people don't even know what they need yes right and i think in my family it was21:29this huge attachment because of money because you know when we talked to dad oh we need money21:35dad and we're going out yeah there's a bunch of kids running around and so and that every time that i would21:41go to my dad it would be like i need something and he would like assume that it's money right21:48and i think it's beautiful that you did the work and you asked for what you needed and how that set him on his own21:54yeah oh my gosh that made me want to cry that's so beautiful and you know how you also talked about22:01parents doing the work because there's parents on here listening right now yeah right and i think i can tell people all day long22:07it's like you know the hustle and the grind you know people want to provide the houses and i want to make sure my22:13kids have trust funds and all that stuff and i'm like but if you really just listen to your story that you just had22:18you believe that you had to work really hard because that's what you saw your parents were gone your dad22:24was gone right and i think that's the biggest like that we try to like22:31at least have people acknowledge and be conscious of you know so that's so beautiful22:37absolutely and i think like what i really did which like anyone listening could do22:43like you have to think about like okay if there was no bars what do you want your life to look22:49like right and whenever i would do this exercise it was like i was working for myself i was sharing my story i was22:54creating art i was making my life art and i cannot do that if i'm working for22:59a corporation that's paying me six figures i can't do that and so i had to be like okay like if this is where i23:05want to go everyone in my reality and the most important like weight in my reality like23:11my father the one i would always go to for career stuff money stuff like whatever is not there23:17like that's not where he is or where he's ever going to be necessarily like he23:22he's always had a ball like even he's like a ceo now but like he has a board and you know they brought up it's like23:28it's so i you have to to be really careful with who you23:34like go to for that support and if you can't i cause i realize i can no longer really go to my father for that which is23:40why i reached out to you because i was curious about maybe like looking into coaching or some some thing that would23:46get me to that goal and like it could be sad sometimes i've always gone to him but23:51you know if there's that disconnect then you have to be like okay well what then what are the boundaries right like23:57what can i go to him for like maybe it's financial planning of some sort or like debt stuff or you know like stuff that24:04he is good at or can help with or maybe it's just emotional or maybe you know you have to kind of like see24:10and it's been like a um trial and error thing too like i i24:15thought i needed something from him that i voiced and then he provided that and that didn't feel good you know so it's24:21it's you know you you try things out as you're growing because like you know if you're on this path24:28you're not gonna be the same person you are today as you are three months ago yeah totally different now than i was24:33like three six months ago and so you always have to be checking in with like what do you need now like what is this24:39looking like feeling like is this getting you to your goals is this like you know how you want to be feeling and24:45in your relationships with these really you know crucial people like parents so um so yeah and just being open and and24:52like yeah my dad like loves me like you know i know that and i know that like i feel24:59safe or like heard if i go to him and like communicate something like that25:04it could be an ongoing he's just been great with yeah adjusting us25:10me too like you know it's been a two-way street so yeah25:15so one of the um big things that i talk about my coaching and mentor when it comes to money mindset is25:20masculine and feminine energy okay the first effect we talked about this on your podcast yeah the fact that25:26everybody has it doesn't matter if you're male or female yeah like that's a huge thing but what is masculine and25:32feminine energy to you how would you explain it okay masculine feminine energy i25:38really where did i relate to the feminine we're like the infinite potentiality25:45we're like the void we're just the the black the dark right everything25:50shattered in darkness the like chaos that the all of the stuff like25:56think about a womb right it has all the stem cells everything all the potential of making whatever you want and like26:02that that to me and sitting in that and just you know working with that that to me is very feminine energy so it's like the26:08potential but then masculine energy is the light right it's like taking all that potential and making something up26:14yeah it's that creative kind of uh component it's the order it's bringing order to the chaos so that we26:20can grow and evolve and learn um [Music] yeah26:27yes i love this topic it's like my favorite so yeah masculine feminine energy the26:34dark i love how you explained it like that yeah i feel like um we live in a very masculinized world a26:42lot of qualities that are traditionally or spiritually masculine like being very assertive and dominant and like going26:49after what you want being really clear about exactly you know what it is and you know planning like all this is26:56rewarded in the culture especially with women too i mean women we're in the workforce now and like i know that when27:01i was you know in my corporate positions like i was very much in my masculine i was like telling people what to do you27:08know making decisions which is is great and i'm not knocking that certainly um27:13but it's it's interesting because this that femininity that course the feminine27:18the feminine embodied leadership course was such an awakening about this like27:24other part of myself and like the another way of like working with my energy that felt27:30so much more aligned and authentic and i was just like it was like a homecoming you know and so27:35yeah to your point there's totally a space for both but i think um it's an important conversation to27:41have because people and women especially are much more more used to operating in27:46their masculine it's more validated in the culture and more validated in places like work environments which most of us27:52do um so yeah understanding at least the difference between the two27:58and i think coming back to yourself as a woman and like like i really didn't28:04my feminine energy i think before this awakening was more like toxic feminine right like i was really into makeup and28:10looking a certain way wow yeah which is like this toxic version it's like this objectification almost28:16and like um there's a place where like i ended up coming back to makeup but now it's more28:21like enhancing my natural beauty and less like you know using it to feel secure like it's it's a different28:28relationship that i have with it but um but yeah like when women really come28:33back to themselves or like learn about this work and this energy could be like radical and now that i know right now28:40that i have this contrast i've been living in my masculine and had this toxic version of femininity28:45i had this contrast now of like true feminine spirituality and like what that28:50feels like in my body being like in my body you know i'm able to go back and forth28:56right because like i think we need both certainly working in the world like or operating in the world like if you're29:02we're in our feminine all the time it could be very vulnerable um so so yeah going between the two and it's29:08funny with manifestation yeah because you i think you and i we're kind of touching on it but um29:15in human design apparently which i i have studied astrology with a mentor for like years really into astrology29:21human design is like the new kid on the block basically and i knew that i was like a manifesting generator like i knew29:28the overarching things but apparently there's like um there's those two arrows like the bottom two arrows on your chart29:35and whether they point left or right indicates what kind of manifester you29:40are and if they're mine are both pointing right and it means that i'm a more quote-unquote passive manifester29:45but that's a feminine component it's a feminine energy of manifesting so versus29:51and i've known this about myself but but like this was just it confirmed a lot like i know that i i feel so stressed29:57out when i'm writing exactly every detail like it stresses me out because i'm just like i don't know if this is30:03really the best thing for me like i just whatever so me keeping it general keeping it like30:09overarching like it was a manifestation for me to be on more podcasts right and get out there30:14versus like okay knowing what that is and then go you know doing all these things to work with the universe the30:20masculine quality of the universe brings it to me kind of and i'm able to like discern or react to30:27what i want and what i don't want um so it's like that's the feminine quality right like feminine energy is30:33like discerning and like selective versus masculine is like you know really specific and going after kind of what30:40you want yeah that was really interesting and like really resonates for me yeah yeah oh i love that same30:45episode we're talking about the manifestation babe podcast we it was so funny because we30:51had just listened to it but like on totally different terms you listened it to on your end and then you were talking30:56to me about it and i was like i literally just listened to that two days ago and something that i talk about is that31:02when you start to release people places and things that are no longer serving you is that you attract the bright31:07people who are either on the same path as you right like yeah for you guys watching right now we have never31:12actually met each other before until today and it's just like it's like that deep31:18like that deep sense of connection that you really crave from people who yeah we were kind of talking about this last night it was like you don't really need31:25like sometimes it's advice but sometimes it's just you need somebody who just knows what you're going through and the31:31shift and the process and you know you don't really need someone to say oh it's okay well don't you know everything will be fine and just like31:37i know exactly what you get no it really is this like deep like31:43yeah i completely agree and it's funny like once i release because i okay i was in new york for so long wanted to move31:50to denver working cannabis like i needed a break from the city it was too crazy then i missed home wants to settle down31:55closer to family and friends moved back and i had this like dream that i was like gonna be back by my family by my32:02home and then the pandemic happens wow and so i was just in new york living in isolation for like nine months losing my32:09mind but like i didn't want to move because that was my dream that's what i wanted right32:15and then i ended up visiting a friend in mexico because i was literally losing my freaking mind and i was like that's it i32:21have to move the second that i made that decision to like release that that like desire or like you know thing that i had32:28that place of new york and home that's when everything that's when i started getting big on tick tock like that's32:33when everything really started happening i made that decision yeah so it's so true like that the philosophy yeah as far as some32:40people like if you're listening to us right now and you got somewhere you want to like you're getting called to go the same thing when i moved here to san32:46diego it was like everything i've been wanting yeah just in the same week oh my god quantum leap32:51yes yeah oh i love it it's just you know we get called to those places for a reason32:58and i always give the example like if you want a new car you got to get rid of the old one first make space you can't33:04put it in the same garage so you know so true and when you look back like i a lot33:09of the stuff a lot of my journey i am conscious of a lot of it but some of it i'm totally unconscious of like i had no33:14idea that that decision was like gonna help me really grow into my greatest version and like when i look33:21back to my my community in new york which is all my friends and family i mean i mentioned i was born in michigan33:26we moved to new jersey like i was there from second to eighth grade all my closest friends are from jersey33:32everyone's on the east coast right yeah but like they're all in a certain kind of lifestyle which is33:37totally fine it works for them but like i'm just it's not the what i want right and so i33:43think releasing that and releasing i mean i still talk to you know so close i love them deeply but it's like33:50changing your contacts and and connecting with people who get it is like life-changing yeah literally33:57yeah changing one of the things that i do like i talk about releasing people and sometimes it's not cutting people34:02off you know like i mean i'm really big when i have to i know34:08i'm not gonna but did you just give me attitude to a text stuff like that but sometimes it's just34:14like distance you know yeah and it's like people support you but it's just that their fears project so much on you34:20especially when you're doing things that are like this is bigger than me and i have to remember that you know when we34:26go out there and we do the things that scare us it scares other people yeah and so that's what like it's that distance34:32like you still love them yeah right that's a really good example so so he got called to go to mexico talking34:38about this shift though i'm very curious of what happened like after you got there okay so34:45i'm really big on personal development and i've always always been on this journey of bettering myself like34:52since really since like 2016 when i started tapering off of medication um i've been34:59on this like personal development journey um and but mexico offered me like the i35:06call it like the mother of all personal development tools i i i'm gonna speak about it35:13but it's definitely serious it's like a more serious approach um but it's just a tool so35:18all tools are great many tools helped me and i think if i didn't like use other things in conjunction with this i wouldn't have35:24had such amazing results but uh ayahuasca exists in mexico35:29and i have yeah it's so funny too because i had my girlfriend jamie i met from mexico35:35and we we were both going to this anarchy conference together in our capuco which is awesome um if anyone's35:41listening and they had ayahuasca there and it's something that i had introduced35:47her to like conceptually like a few months prior because i just heard that it was so good for trauma stuff and35:53really like releasing blockages and it's basically a plant that's found in the amazon that has a lot of dmt in it and36:00dmt is called like the god molecule the spirit molecule our brains and bodies naturally produce36:05it i believe it produces in women's bodies when they're giving natural childbirth like it's produced before we36:10die like it's very it's said to really connect you with like god and like yourself and just36:16crazy people will see the same things like in my experience it's very it's not just like a trip where like you see36:22orange popsicles and stuff like yeah it's real like you're kind of tuning into different dimensions but36:30yeah so i started using plant medicine basically and when i when i first decided to go to36:35mexico to visit my friend jamie um there who had really been in it and doing this work36:41um oh so yeah i i told her about it back in like 2018 but then i36:47decided not to do it i was pursuing like a different path and like but she kind of stayed with it and i think you and i36:54were talking about this before like um my friends will sometimes repeat back to me advice that i've given them but like36:59you know yeah in something and i can't see it because we have the subject of reality like keeping close friends in37:05your life to kind of reflect that back too it's so important so that's what i kind of feel like was happening with this relationship so37:12so yeah i uh i basically have been doing ayahuasca37:17about once a month um i took a few months break but um also during this time just a lot of37:24scripting manifestation work meditations getting really clear on like who i am and like releasing37:31old beliefs um and things like that and recently i did a back-to-back ceremony so friday37:38night and saturday night which is like the first time that i've done a double like that but it said that when you do37:43doubles like that you can go just so much deeper the second night and37:48um yeah my intention for that ceremony was to quantum leap into the most loved37:54prosperous fit version of myself and like oh my god like just be careful what you wish for because this stuff38:01really happens and like and granted this wasn't the first time i was pursuing this quantum leap like i said like i've38:08been doing manifestations and scripting and getting clear and having those conversations with my father and38:13identifying the exact beliefs that were holding me back from growing into this version of myself so38:18like so much prep work and you know embodiment practice and it's like all of38:24these things kind of came to a head in like these two ceremonies and since those it just i feel like all this like fear it was38:31really fear fear i think is just the crux of what keeps people in the same position and and i had just38:37been sick for so you know granted i've done immense growth since i you know started my journey like i mentioned in38:442016 and like i'm in a just i'm so grateful i've always been really grateful for where i am but like you get38:50sick of it right you get sick of like that level and so i just been sick of being at this level as this virgin and38:56so i i've been like working to blow past it yeah and this ceremony this39:02plant really helped me i guess with that last like push and you even said it too39:08you're like oh you know the the photo with um the guys digging and digging where they're digging yeah39:14that's exactly what i felt like after after especially friday so i was just like oh my god like it's happening yeah39:21it's kind of yeah it's like one of those things like you were talking about before that it's like it's crazy that this has happened but at39:27the same time it's not it's not because we're not working for nothing [ __ ] really changed39:33it's wild that's like the biggest thing with quantum leaping is so like how would you explain what a quantum leap is39:39so so and by the way the your podcast episode39:45and another like tick tock and a meditation like all some quantum leap just popped up in my reality like the39:51same week at like three different points so i was like okay i'm like everybody yes and so okay i would describe it like39:58um just like massive massive change in a very short period of time like there are40:03you know we live in a multiverse and there are so many different versions i really when i think about i think of like neo in the matrix walking into that40:11room and there's like all these different screens of all the different versions of his you know the choices40:16that he could make and his reactions to to something and so it's kind of like that there's just like40:21a multitude of like different versions that you can be and tune into and live40:27as and um when you like leap it's like just massive change into like a very higher40:35hopefully actualized version of yourself yeah and it's just super trippy oh my gosh that's40:42like really this is fast you know yeah that's the difference between you know most people think when you're working40:48towards a goal it's like slow and study and you build and that's great too but like quantum leaving is basically just like40:54jumping you know exponential growth in a short period of time yeah like there's a timeline like everything like i always41:01tell people especially when they're like interested in working with me and all these things and i'm like they're excited they're motivated but they don't41:07make the decision yeah and it doesn't matter like i'm just a mirror right because they're doing that in other41:13parts of their lives and i'm just here to show them i'm like yes this program is awesome i'll teach you things you need to learn but really it's the same41:19thing that happened when you took that course right the first time that you've ever done that it's a quantum leap because you're breaking cycles41:26yeah and you're breaking generational curses right that's not something your parents or whatever generations before41:33and you know we think that it's us investing into a program or maybe it's a new team member whatever it is right but41:40it's really stepping into that version if i already had the money or if i already had the41:45lifestyle i've already had the relationship would i do this if the answer is yes find a way if it's41:50not then let it go yeah it's so simple oh my gosh that's such a good way of putting it yeah i love that41:57yeah so one of my other questions for you um obviously about tic tick-tock yeah can42:02we talk about the story of like how you blew up i guess yeah sure so um42:08like i said i was in quarantine in like several tick-tock k-holes just like fascinated with this app because like my42:13marketing background you know i obviously started social media started growing businesses from a42:19marketing lens and this was like the first app that was developed that had such an insane reach potential like an42:25insane amount of people that you could talk to per piece of content like no other app42:31had been designed like that like with instagram you only really saw the content of people that you subscribed to42:36so it was a big hashtag game and it's also really hard to compete 100 000 the minimum 100 000 get any traction42:43so i was really compelled by it just kind of like my strategy marketing brain um and i just started messing around on42:49it i made like a like a [ __ ] boy tick tock like two [ __ ] boy tick tocks like um not really taking it seriously but42:56like you know i'm a creative person yeah using it to whatever then i went to mexico okay and i did my first ayahuasca43:02ceremony that um well i think blew through a lot of fear stuff and43:08uh my life just changed after i made the decision to move to mexico and then when i came back to new york to sell all my43:14belongings yeah i opened my app one day and i saw this girl asking a question if you could give43:20advice to your younger self basically what would it be and i was like i hadn't showered in like two days three years my43:26hair was like messy i was like literally packing up all of my stuff to sell like um43:32in like a turtleneck and i just responded i was like because i think um the rhetoric of the culture is very43:39backwards for women if you are interested in like family life or um43:45it's just the culture very much encourages just one path like the career path and women you know spending their43:52peak fertility years basically like focusing on on work which i'm not shading that but it's like one side of a43:57story and oftentimes like we i think if we're really empowering people to choose44:03the best lives for them especially young impressionable women like hearing the other side is valuable or like and necessary so i was just offering another44:10perspective of like like talking about dating as like a 30 year old which is just way different44:16than dating when you're in your early 20s and i had never heard that when i was in my early 20s i was like you know44:22after college i moved into manhattan which is a very masculine city like hustle culture is huge and um you know44:29you're rewarded for it like i was saying before it was like this was never the only time this ever crossed my mind was when i visited my family in michigan and44:36they were like basically why aren't you married yet when i was 26 and i was like i just think literally i know44:42and so it was so funny it was so funny so just basically offering that perspective and letting women know hey like if this44:49is what you want one day if you want a relationship in children and a partnership like thinking about it now44:55is good and making that effort and not and dating intentionally really what's the message and so anyways i made that45:01video and unfortunately it got on redfield wow and so i got all these crazy comments45:08but like some good comments too um but that was the video that did it and so i would respond to them i think i made45:14like 12 different video responses and i just kept going with that content with45:20ex-feminist content started talking about uh pharma my experience with pharma and just offering like45:26the other side of it you know i think like i said the culture pushes one narrative45:31and you know we you need two sides and you need to to hear two things if you want to make45:37an authentic decision otherwise you're not really choosing you're just kind of going with the status quo and and being45:42validated for doing it by the status quo and other people who do the same thing but um yeah to be really sovereign and45:48like autonomous and like live the life that you want like you need45:54to always like discern and hear all all the different sides i will always do that always explore the other side of45:59everything especially now after all my experiences i'm like okay like before diving into any one thing just46:06being very curious and exploring and yeah that's what i built my platform on questioning everything and46:13just exploring different perspectives on common cultural like trends and narratives yeah and it's46:20funny because like in my eyes especially with like this topic you're breaking cycles right46:27it's like it's like we see everything one way until one person says nope this is different right there's46:33another option you can actually do it you know and totally again it's that kind of that connection of like oh46:39somebody else says this is okay right even if you don't know them yeah yeah it's like permission almost totally and46:45i get that a lot too like a lot of women will come up like oh my gosh like i've thought this and i like talked to you46:51know one person about it but like it gives them permission to question that out loud or to think about it out loud46:57or to break you know like you said generational things like that where we sometimes are made to feel47:03guilty or shameful for breaking like i can't tell you so many times and it's hard to like um especially with feminism47:10right like i everything in my life has always been for women like i'm so pro-women in fact47:16that's why i consider myself ex-feminist because i don't really believe that the movement today in modern day is47:22pro-feminist but it's so hard because a lot of women still in that paradigm will hear47:28my message or will see my branding as ex-feminists and they'll be the oh you hate women or oh you you want us not to47:33have bank accounts or whatever it's like no no i love women and i'm here to offer47:40another perspective that i believe will help women more in the long run so47:45so yeah it could be tough when you challenge things like that or break family curses or you know paradigms or beliefs because i47:52mean you have a group of people that believe one way and when you're thinking differently that's really scary and it's47:58kids you feel guilty for turning your back to your family or the culture or for thinking differently than your48:04friends and you'll like i said like the culture validates people who fall in line with the status quo it48:09it does the opposite when you kind of um challenge it right so it's scary you48:16need to be very brave and fearless but like you know if you're i've always been48:21in the pursuit of truth like that has been my like guiding um48:26light i guess or just like why i've i've taken the path that i have it's always like i've been on this journey to spine48:32my authentic self like whatever that means whether it's like super inconvenient which it has been on so many different occasions like but when48:38you do that when you pursue truth and your own authenticity even if everyone else disagrees even if you feel crazy48:45and like it's like you're i feel like sometimes i'm living in a perpetual gaslight yeah i'm sure you feel like that too especially with this money48:51stuff and making money it's like oh my god you mean like 99.9 of the people in my reality that if48:56i go to about any of the stuff they're gonna like just think differently it like feels like crazy sometimes but49:04um you have to just stay true to yourself and like connected to that truth and49:10you know also see the results in your life right so like i i'm such a big proponent on49:16self-experimentation like and and yeah you and i were talking briefly about it but just like discerning always49:22discerning like okay this is another side of this belief like i wonder i wonder where this rabbit hole goes i49:27wonder how i feel when i tap into my feminine energy and when i soften a little bit and when i'm receptive like i49:33just wonder how that feels and like you know going there and and not being afraid to experiment and49:38finding out for yourself like i talk about this with veganism a lot too like i get so many vegans on my page saying49:45that i did it wrong and i hate animals and i was like a vegetarian vegan for 20 years like the majority of my life i49:52didn't eat red meat at all and so um and when i tell them is like i just49:58experimented it was like the most inconvenient truth i when i looked at me i got sick like and it took me a full50:05month to build up to eating red meat like i had like a fear reaction when i was like50:10my friend offered me part of her burger because she knew i was trying to eat red meat again and i like thought i was gonna vomit and cry at the same time50:17and um i just built myself up because i knew i owed it to myself to try it because it's50:22like the one thing i hadn't tried i was feeling so terrible and guess what i tried it and my body felt incredible wow50:29like i've just been slowly getting healthier and stronger and so it's like i just know that because i tried it and50:34if i had listened to the cultural rhetoric and to the vegan dogma and all of it i wouldn't have50:40healed my body so with all of these things and manifestation and all of it and50:45designing your life making your life art like becoming a greatest most authentic50:51version that feels the best you could possibly feel every day you need to be brave and and just um50:59fearless really and like experimenting and doing things that are maybe opposite to what you've learned or what your51:05parents want what the culture wants like all that other stuff is all noise like you know you know and and sometimes you don't so51:12you try it out and you see you know what you feel best doing so yeah i always tell everybody that your body gives you51:19the answers that is so trippy because like i've heard this too but um51:25i think i think a lot of people too where uh i live lived in my head my whole life and so when it came to like51:31embodiment i even took that femininity embodiment class and i there was glimmers of me being really connected to51:36my body but it wasn't until this like recent mistress mind that i like dropped in you know and i was like i had this51:43revelation like our bodies are the only real things yeah we live in this world51:48of just like ideas and distraction and social and this and that and like and it's all outside of us and like judgment51:54and ego and this and that it's like if you want to connect to your truth and to the answers like52:00tune into your body it's like the only organic thing everything else is like it's52:05machines and you know constructs and and uh institution and all of it it's like your body knows it's52:12like the only real real thing we have yeah yeah it's really powerful and that's that's such a powerful tool it's52:18like distinguishing what your body's telling you opposed to what your brain is telling you right because well your52:24body's just reacting to what your brain is thinking and i think just knowing what your ego opposed to your intuition is so true and52:31i just love this topic and i i want to commend you for really stepping up and breaking that cycle52:36because again this i'm someone who comes from the masculine energy go go go to do it's like also what i've seen as a52:42child and you know it's like you know you're going to be a millionaire and you know these things but it's like nothing52:48really clicks yeah and it wasn't until i tapped into my feminine energy and the same thing with like males too52:55right like i just see them in that that rat race it's true where they feel like they need to provide and they need to53:00work harder and i'm like if you could just believe in yourself if you could just forgive someone who53:06hurt you you know forever ago you have no idea how much business takes off oh my god you know53:12random checks in the middle like stuff like that happens because we release all of the stuff that's holding us back53:18and that's it's so true i feel like that is a conversation like i would love to53:23hear more of too in the culture like releasing and forgiving and like i mean i think i've known the spiritual world53:30that like okay certain emotions hold vibration and like guilt and shame and fear is like the densest53:35yeah and so it makes sense that like releasing that will automatically raise your frequency but like yeah i there's53:43so much like oh green juices and like health detoxes whatever what about spiritual detoxes like what about like53:49getting rid of that stuff and like that's the real up level and that's i mean i talked to ayahuasca like that's53:54what ayahuasca does it like irrigates your blockages and like you purge like you drive into the middle54:00of the jungle like sit on a yoga mat in the dark and just like sign me up54:05i'm so ready six hours yeah it's like intense really intense but like that's that's like the logic of it is it gets54:12stuff out of you so that you can come into your power um so yeah54:17that's so exciting okay so we're getting towards the in here so i want to make sure that everybody54:24is kind of just finding places where they can really connect with you so i guess i know that you have some really54:29big things in store which we're celebrating oh this is so huge but54:34um i guess my biggest question for you right now is who would you say that this new shift is for right who do you54:41specifically want to serve um i mean in my community and like let's54:47say helping coaching mentoring oh yeah so my biggest54:53shift recently happened in ceremony in regards to my heart and my love life55:00and um literally like it revealed to me who my soulmate was55:06and uh who's someone who's been in my life for like 10 years longer really um55:13and yeah we have this like beautiful like connection and partnership he's moving to mexico it's like wonderful but55:19i realized that i've been very unavailable to love i've had a lot of fear in my heart55:24and now [Music] i've released that and i there's a lot of work that i've done to kind of get55:31there so um really speaking to women who consider maybe consider themselves uh55:36emotionally unavailable or who date emotionally unavailable men because that's the biggest one yeah like like55:42plot twists guys if you're dating [ __ ] boys if you're dating unavailable man if you're dating men that need healing if55:48you're dating men that are broke and can't really provide for a family just yet or like if you're dating men who55:55maybe they have addictions or whatever you're finding yourself like in these dead-end relationships just using you for sex like the problem isn't met the56:03problem is you it's true you're the one that like are choosing these specific men and like i was i know56:10i was choosing unavailable men in various capacities because i it was like there was no56:15chance that i was ever going to be loved in these relationships it wasn't like love real love and like i had been really56:22terrified of love for a long time it's very vulnerable um when you're betrayed sometimes by by56:29people in your formative years or my previous relationships our hearts can get very56:34blocked and calloused to love so you know we're talking about removing blockages and56:40everything like you can do all the manifestation work you want if you're not addressing those core56:46issues and those core wounds and that stuff in your heart that fear that's there it's really fear at the end of the56:52day it's a fear of love it's a fear of intimacy it's like wow yeah but we don't56:57see it like that and then we get in i fell into this trap too of getting locked into strategy land of like okay57:03well let me have all of these things that i'm looking for and that will keep me safe right from the trail or at least57:08i'll have like my needs met like there's a way like he's financially stable he's57:13you know has a good job whatever it is yeah or like he's you know yeah i have this whole like idea of what57:19i wanted but like that is like it was like a distraction almost it's57:24ego it's like it's like something to focus on to to keep you miserable because like love and joy is actually57:31scary because it's like a surrender and it's a vulnerability so um57:36so yeah i mean it's wild when you think about it and it's wild because i personally haven't heard a lot of57:42people talk about like having a fear of love or having being terrified of like just joy and being happy like in this57:49experience especially it was like just showing me like morgan you could just choose to have like a really happy57:54deeply loved life like it's here for you like he's already coming to mexico like it's just like here you go and just you58:00choose that and and the way that you do that i mean there's some work that you do beforehand58:06i'll teach you teach you how to do it but um but yeah a lot of it's like releasing these this egoic versions of58:13like what we have in our heads and like almost objectification too like i had this like58:19idea of like a husband but like it was not emotional because i was scared of it58:24there was like a hardness around there um so58:29i was always going for the unavailable the bad bad boys like because it was feeding my ego it was like a challenge58:35right and it's not it's not authentic love though it's like it's it's uh it's like a drug almost it's like we58:42go for these guys who repeat these family cycles or the cycles that you've had previously in your relationship and58:47it's like then you look back at your dating history and it's like every it's all the same cycle just manifesting in58:54different ways and so yeah you can get out of it though like i learned to get out of it and to really open my heart59:01and let love in like fearlessly and um yeah i feel like life is just so much59:06better when you're loved yeah when you allow yourself to be loved yeah and happy one of them like i want to recap59:13on some things yeah okay first things first the first thing that you said is that we're the problem59:18i love that and honestly a lot of people aren't willing to hear that yeah you know yeah and that's the that's the59:24reason for this like episode you know what you mean i think it's again that awareness that consciousness like59:30it's kind of one of those things of like like attracts like you know like right and then you attract something59:35that you don't want you're like am i being this to somebody yeah am i doing this to somebody yeah and it just it you59:41start to see how you're a mirror and how there's always a lesson to be learned yeah you really are just looking within59:48oh my gosh but that seriously once i which was before i moved to my school in59:53quarantine i really radically freaking accepted that like i was the common denominator1:00:00in all of these experiences i was a common denominator and so i could have this notion about men this like idea1:00:07about them but i was attracting this very specific pool wow because i couldn't also help but notice that like1:00:13in my reality i i had amazing men in my life like you know i have examples of good men but1:00:19like i just wasn't dating that i wasn't picking them and so i was like oh like i think it's me and that could be hard1:00:25like you said but like i can't tell you the liberation that comes with that1:00:30knowledge and like deep acceptance because you know what you can't change other people but you can change yourself1:00:36if you're out here like you know i i i'm reminded of this like trend on tick tock like oh is the bar so low for1:00:42men that it's like you're putting the bar there yeah like that's you especially as women like we're the ones1:00:49that like set the logic and like you know who comes in and who doesn't and so like1:00:54once you radically accept that like you are in control of everything in your life basically1:00:59and like you're able to change things and do the inner work and even like1:01:04right before this experience with iowa's or my heart was open and now i have this like kind of beautiful partnership um1:01:12i oh my god i just had it1:01:17well one thing i was going to say i wanted to go back to is that your it's a fear of love remember wait so i1:01:23was like doing all this dating and in the external world and i just paused i was like you know what i need to go1:01:29inward right i need to do the internal work first and like not just focus on the dates and this and that and like the1:01:35strategy of it of it all like really doing that inner work and the minute that i committed to that and like going1:01:42inward and just working on myself and like what i needed to and like my own heart stuff like that's when that1:01:47quantum leap happened and so yeah i hero too in the dating world1:01:52which there's it's so valuable too and that this is definitely not knocking it but like you know the boundaries to set1:01:58with men and how to be on a date that's all really good but if you have that and no inner work like that's not going to1:02:03be balanced and you're still going to be attracting the same kind of guy which is what i was experiencing in the summer i1:02:09stopped and like did that inner work then i had that right like what's the use of setting the boundaries of this1:02:14yeah yeah exactly it was i would say this is not efficient let me close1:02:24yeah and the last thing that i want to touch on is that you said a lot of people have a fear of love yes and i1:02:29think that's like i specifically coach a mentor on money right and everybody thinks that my programs is like this is1:02:36how you hustle gun get money whatever yeah or there's a specific manifestation hack that's going to do it yeah no no no1:02:43and it's all about building a relationship and i always say build your relationship with money yeah like somebody you have a really healthy1:02:48relationship in your life and then they don't have anybody to look at right they don't have those healthy1:02:54relationships either with themselves but their family and it's like so me i specifically1:03:00worked on my money relationship first yeah and then i started to realize oh my my family my the people around me and1:03:06it's just like wow yes so i think unconditional love yeah it's like1:03:12something that you know you just kind of have to have for yourself1:03:17first and then other people i think it's like one of those things that's not really touched on the surface you know oh for1:03:23sure yeah self-love i mean yeah but i think it's the same thing like if you have a fear of love1:03:31not loving yourself like i've been on all these i've read the books on the affirmations i did all the self-love1:03:37stuff yeah until i addressed this fear and this block i wasn't1:03:42truly loving myself but actually it's so i'm just thinking really and like uh1:03:48crystallizing this this journey in the past three months like once i talked to my dad actually and i was like this is1:03:54who i am like i wanna own my own business and i want to help women and like put my story out there and write and whatever and like detach from that1:04:02that that was a huge act of self-love and really like seeing who i was and like not denying it1:04:08anymore or trying oh maybe i'll take this job temporarily or like you know like all this stuff or maybe i'll just1:04:14pursue this path and like my dad will be happy or like you know it'll be more normal because like all my other friends1:04:20have good jobs like you know once i kind of like released all of that and i was just like no morgan this is who you are1:04:26and this is what you must like work towards that is like self-love right that's like really honoring and1:04:31accepting yourself because you're matching it with actions wow just the affirmations right once i did that then1:04:37i i think i blew through the fear of stuff and then i really manifested like love1:04:44yeah the work that people need to do so true okay well our team is so so so huge on1:04:50intuitive action so this is actually again i mentioned in the intro but this is our first live interview on our1:04:57rebrand podcast right even though we still have the same audience we just changed the name we changed the colors1:05:02we changed the pictures but i'm like this is a whole new birth yeah a whole new audience and i really really want to1:05:08connect with people who are ready to take that leap and i think if this is somebody's first time investing in1:05:13themselves like one that is already a quantum leap because you're breaking those generational cycles1:05:19but i just really love to get people to take action before their ego talks them out of it1:05:26so we have a specific promo for our listeners here for your program that's coming up so i think what is the day1:05:31that is coming out so this will be out on the 5th or 13th of september yes1:05:38i believe it's the 21st we said okay so it'll come out on the 21st right is1:05:43when you actually start yes class starts the 21st okay yeah and so anybody who joins now1:05:50the 13th all the way up until the 20th uh-huh so we wanted to have some sort of code so that they can just really take1:05:57action on hearing this story first because a lot of times people are like looking at the outskirts you know maybe they're1:06:02looking at the emails and they're looking at all the stuff and they're overthinking things yeah and they're not really taking action out of their1:06:08intuition they're taking action out of ego yeah right and so like not making the decision is making a decision and so1:06:14we just love to give bonuses so anybody who joins your program and from the 13th1:06:19all the way up until the the 21st i'll give them my 31 days of abundance for free oh my god1:06:26yeah that's amazing so that's like my like thank you guys for tuning into the1:06:31podcast obviously there are a rebrand episode but also just investing in yourself and taking this time and energy1:06:37and really up leveling oh my gosh and then what's better than love and money yeah it's just like this beautiful like1:06:44circle you know and i just love being able to really give people to give that intuitive nudge you know yes oh my god1:06:51two for the first one and with my program you'll get like a one-on-one coaching with me too so1:06:56it's like there's like so much value and way more too if you guys check out the landing page yeah you check out the link1:07:01you guys can give us all the information guys but i'm telling you the shift starts here when you actually you know if this feels right for you your body1:07:08has goose bumps chills and you just really resonate and you know that this is what you're going through then take action before your ego talks you out of1:07:14it but um where can everybody find you i got one last question but let's go to1:07:19your social media and where are you most present okay um so most present on tech1:07:25talk at the morgan may also on instagram at the morgan may um go to1:07:30themorganmay.com uh for my blogs and my podcast which is morgan may i1:07:35um and we have an episode on that too yes oh yeah go check it out uh it was launched last week and1:07:42yeah my newsletter too you can find me in your inbox like once a week or like once every two weeks1:07:48yes okay last question okay wrapping it up yes this is my signature question i1:07:54asked everybody which pretty sure invested before but okay so the question is1:08:00let's see what time is it it's like 2 2 3 18. yeah you're still in san diego1:08:06okay you know um we're still recording we're still filming can do whatever it is we gotta do out of here yeah the only1:08:11difference is that you have one million dollars dropped into your bank account oh my1:08:17gosh what would be the first thing that you do today today1:08:22uh i probably would fly to like italy or1:08:28france lately um and i would also book like a full spa1:08:35day and probably like every week for the next year just facials and massages and1:08:41many putties um yeah that would be the major thing and maybe buy an investment property in1:08:47tulum oh there it is right there well thank you guys so much for tuning1:08:52in to the manifesting money podcast almost would make a mentor but we've had such a pleasure having you as a guest1:08:59and i'm just so happy and grateful for this new ship a brand new audience oh my gosh so happy and grateful for you anita1:09:04thank you bye where do we when let's see yes1:09:11[Music]English (auto-generated)
I am so grateful for Anita ! She came into my life when the universe knew I needed it the most . I did the 3 day workshop and manifested 15k within a month. This podcast will continue to help you realign your frequency and energy when you feel like no one will understand how you feel etc. Please do yourself a favor and invest in the workshop and 31 Days of abundance.
Hiii! I’m new here and so far I love this podcast, I love the energy, I love the topics ❤️
Soooo grateful I found this podcast because I definitely needed it lol thank you for being so amazing 🤩🥰
I’m a believer of manifestation. But when I came to money I didn’t understand why it just wasn’t happening for me. Then I took Anitas Money manifestations workshop and by the end of the third day I had $1994 in my bank account that only had $5 in it. Yes I cried because I had to pay my car and insurance. I began to listen to Anitas podcast and kept breaking down beliefs I had about money! Being aware of them and changing how I think and talk about money has made a hug change in my life! Thank you Anita! ❤️
I am currently on the 31 days of abundance and this podcast is beautiful!!! Can’t wait for more! ❤️❤️❤️
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