Healing Your Relationship with Yourself with Morgan MayManifesting Money

Healing Your Relationship with Yourself with Morgan May

Welcome to the first-ever episode of the Manifesting Money Podcast!

In this episode, we kick this rebranded podcast off with special guest Morgan May to talk about all things healing through the relationships with ourselves and with others. Tune in as Anita and Morgan explore parental relationships and how they affect us, as well as share ways to understand and embrace our masculine and feminine energies.

So pay close attention and uncover some hidden gems about healing your relationship with yourself with Morgan May today!


  • Building a healthy father-daughter relationship
  • Understanding your masculine and feminine energies
  • Morgan’s ayahuasca experience
  • What is quantum leaping?
  • The video that started Morgan’s TikTok journey
  • Breaking societal norms and following your own truth
  • How you are the common denominator of your problems


“If you want to connect to your truth and to the answer, change your body.”


Morgan May


TikTok | tiktok.com/@themorganmay

IG | instagram.com/themorganmay/


The War of Art by Steven Pressfield - stevenpressfield.com/books/the-war-of-art/

FREE Masterclass: Feminine Dating Strategy 101: The Ultimate Guide to Finding your Edge and Using it | Sign up at https://tmm-finishing-school.thinkific.com/courses/feminine-dating-strategy-101

Available: Unfuck Your Heart & Manifest the Love of Your Life (Even if it's Just You) | Sign up at https://tmm-finishing-school.thinkific.com/courses/available-unfuck-your-heart  

Join the Millionaire Academy Waitlist: https://manifestingmoneypodcast.thinkific.com/courses/one-on-one-and-millionaire-academy

Sign up for the 31 Days of Abundance Course here: https://manifestingmoneypodcast.thinkific.com/courses/31-days-of-abundance

Follow the Manifesting Monday Podcast on social media and share the love!

TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@manifestingmoneypodcast

IG | instagram.com/manifestingmoneypodcast/

Subscribe to Manifesting Money Podcast on YouTube - youtube.com/channel/UCpXrOIdzEEYGq9XzbiW263g

Manifesting Money is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)

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I am so grateful for Anita ! She came into my life when the universe knew I needed it the most . I did the 3 day workshop and manifested 15k within a month. This podcast will continue to help you realign your frequency and energy when you feel like no one will understand how you feel etc. Please do yourself a favor and invest in the workshop and 31 Days of abundance.

Manifesting Money

Hiii! I’m new here and so far I love this podcast, I love the energy, I love the topics ❤️

Soooo grateful I found this podcast because I definitely needed it lol thank you for being so amazing 🤩🥰

abundance incarnate
Manifesting Money

I’m a believer of manifestation. But when I came to money I didn’t understand why it just wasn’t happening for me. Then I took Anitas Money manifestations workshop and by the end of the third day I had $1994 in my bank account that only had $5 in it. Yes I cried because I had to pay my car and insurance. I began to listen to Anitas podcast and kept breaking down beliefs I had about money! Being aware of them and changing how I think and talk about money has made a hug change in my life! Thank you Anita! ❤️

Manifesting Money

I am currently on the 31 days of abundance and this podcast is beautiful!!! Can’t wait for more! ❤️❤️❤️

Manifesting Money
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