Career vs Calling with Kadeja JewellManifesting Money

Career vs Calling with Kadeja Jewell

How do you know that the path you’re on is your career or your calling?

What is the key to tapping into your divine source and manifesting the life you’re meant to live

In this episode, we invite makeup content creator Kadeja Jewell to share how she overcame her limiting beliefs and started pursuing a makeup career online. Kadeja also shares her testimonials and accounts that not only affirmed but catapulted her to her manifestation goals.

So join Anita and Kadeja this episode to uncover the tools to tuning out your scarcity mindset and finding your divine calling!


Kadeja’s makeup career and manifestation journey.

Tools used to overcome limiting beliefs.

Tapping into your masculine and feminine energies

.How Kadeja manifested her first brand deal.

The relationship between your Peace, Purpose, and People.


“The changing of your life starts with you. It starts with your mental, it starts with your spiritual, and what you choose to believe when you wake up, when you go to sleep.”

“You can be consistent through the pain, through the trauma. But think about it if you was consistent in the peace, in the happiness, in joy. Imagine what that would look like for you, for your life.”


Kadeja Jewell IG | @kadejajewell

Sign up for the 31 Days of Abundance workshop:

Sign up for the 3-day Manifesting Money Workshop here:

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For real, it is. I have notice positive shifts in my life and is thanks to this podcast. Also she gives you prompts to work on your money mindset, find the bottom of where the block is and more. Since listening to it I am more aware of the patterns that used to affect my belief of money. Thank you Anita!

Manifesting Money

I’m a believer of manifestation. But when I came to money I didn’t understand why it just wasn’t happening for me. Then I took Anitas Money manifestations workshop and by the end of the third day I had $1994 in my bank account that only had $5 in it. Yes I cried because I had to pay my car and insurance. I began to listen to Anitas podcast and kept breaking down beliefs I had about money! Being aware of them and changing how I think and talk about money has made a hug change in my life! Thank you Anita! ❤️

Manifesting Money

Amazing podcast, your giving great value. I want to be just like you when I grow up lol @manifestinpeace

Manifesting Money

So happy I found your podcast a few weeks ago. Or should I say, your podcast found me! 😉 I have already started to notice so many synchronicities! So far I’ve manifested $15 here $13 there, then $400 then $1000 and I can feel so much more coming! You’ve also helped me release a career that was no longer serving me. And I can already see little signs that the universe is aligning me with my true life path as a light worker/energy healer! “Sooo good!” Thank you Anita!

Manifesting Money
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