Executive presence isn’t something we can graph or count or quantify, but when it comes to moving up the career ladder, it is essential. So what is executive presence? What is it comprised of, and how can we practice it?
From gravitas to communication to appearance, tune in as Kimberly breaks down 3 key components to help you understand, practice, and embody executive presence. Because “in the workplace, you are always on a stage.”
“Executive presence isn't necessarily something that you may be able to clearly articulate or see. It's something that many people say that you embody. We all know it when we see it. And it's really the key to strengthening your brand as a leader in the workplace.”
Have career and leadership development questions? Email Kimberly at podcast@manifestyourself.com
Learn more about Kimberly Brown and download a free career strategy template at kimberlybonline.com
Read the book “Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning Into a Career You’ll Love” at nextmovebestmovebook.com
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0:00foreign0:07[Music]0:17to the your next Move podcast today we0:20are talking about executive presence0:22this has been a topic I've wanted to0:25create content around for a little while0:26now because when I'm working with a0:28mid-career professionals and my0:30mid-career generally I'm talking about0:31folks who they are in a more senior0:34level role no longer entry level maybe0:37they're managing one two people or0:39they're on track two very soon and0:41they're looking to move into higher0:43level true more senior level stakeholder0:46roles executive presence is a part of0:48the feedback they receive they're0:49lacking executive presence but0:52what is executive presence how do you0:54cultivate it what is it comprised of0:56that is what we're going to talk about0:57today an executive presence isn't1:00necessarily something that you may be1:02able to clearly articulate or see it's1:05something that many people say that you1:07embody we all know it when we see it and1:10it's really the key to strengthening1:12your brand as a leader in the workplace1:13as Sylvia Ann Hewlett says in her book1:16Fast Track career how you act speak and1:19look count for a lot when you're1:21determining your leadership presence so1:24even though it may seem elusive today1:26I'm going to break down the three1:27components to help you understand and1:30with a little bit of practice hopefully1:31embody this so1:33part one is gravitas now this is how you1:37act gravitas is defined as dignity and1:41seriousness that is outwardly expressed1:43and demonstrated through action so note1:46here again when we say something's1:47demonstrated through action you1:50literally have to show it you can't1:51speak about it it's just how you walk1:53into a room the building blocks of this1:56are confidence Integrity emotional1:59intelligence reputation decisiveness2:01having a vision and these are all tested2:04Under Fire2:06how you respond to pressure how much2:09resilience you can demonstrate will2:10reflect how much gravitas you hold in2:13any situation and if we pivot for a2:15second I think it's important to talk2:17about resilience there are three2:19categories to mention here because when2:21we talk about resilience as emotional2:23it's mental and it's physical so2:26emotional resilience is when you're2:28faced with the challenge are you anxious2:30or are you calm are you frustrated are2:33you panicking or are you decisive when2:35you're positioning yourself as a leader2:37in an organization that means that2:39others are coming to you for the advice2:41coming to you for a decision coming to2:44buy into your vision when you're faced2:46with pressure2:47you can't be the one who's like oh my2:49gosh I don't know what to do this is2:50crazy I'm so anxious you have to have a2:53bit I don't even want to say stoicism2:55but you have to have2:57a bit of finesse with how you're3:00processing information and that's how3:02you're showing your emotional EQ through3:05your resilience mental resilience is are3:08you able to continue to be rational when3:11faced with great challenges and pressure3:13are you able to take a step back and3:15assess the situation before making an3:18informed decision versus just quickly3:21jumping to something that may or may not3:23be the best move for you in that moment3:26and last but not least is physical3:28resilience so are your thoughts our3:31thoughts can often translate into our3:34body language so how are you carrying3:36yourself during times of distress what3:39is your posture like your breathing do3:41you have nervous tics in the moment this3:44morning when I was getting my makeup3:45done I was talking about how with my3:47makeup artist I get my makeup done when3:49I have big engagements so generally I'm3:52under a lot of pressure so I generally3:54like to bring someone in to do my makeup3:56who has a very calm being and present I4:00can't have anyone who's too much all4:01over the place because I'm preparing for4:03a busy day4:05and but she noticed one time she's like4:07you know what one time I was doing an4:08event she said my leg was shaking the4:10entire time she was doing my makeup4:12because I was so nervous4:14at that time I don't want to say that I4:15was lacking resilience so I was still4:17doing it but I was showing my heart on4:20my sleeve and it made her nervous4:22because I was nervous as a leader many4:24times we have to decide where we are4:27going to show those parts of ourselves4:29if I was walking into a big stakeholder4:32presentation I would not want someone to4:33see me shaking in my boots I need them4:36to see me when I am calm what I am4:38defined when I am ready when I go into4:41interview situations I generally take a4:43moment in the bathroom and get myself4:45together even as I'm recording this4:47podcast today between each episode when4:49I change my outfits I have a moment in4:51my room where I'm like okay4:53we are ready and then I come back out4:55and deliver whatever content that we're4:57doing so when you're thinking about4:59resilience and you're talking about your5:00gravitas which is how people feel when5:03you're walking into any situation think5:05about how you can prepare yourself what5:07do you need to show up best sometimes5:10that can mean that if you get really bad5:12news and someone is looking for you to5:14give an informed decision right away5:16it's asking do you mind if I take a5:18minute and get back to you at the end of5:19the day5:20do you mind scheduling a meeting5:21tomorrow morning we can talk about this5:23so you can take the night you can5:25collect your thoughts collect your ideas5:27collect yourself before coming back in5:30so you're showing the best version of5:32yourself at all times5:34other elements here before we move on to5:36communication are about sharing your5:39vision that is a really big piece when5:41we're talking about executive presence5:44is what is your vision how are you able5:46to share an an achievable future and5:50someone with gravitas has a deep belief5:52in these things deep belief in their5:54vision and what it stands for5:57so quick ways to also practice your5:59gravitas would be to be decisive6:01increase your self-awareness6:03share your vision6:05move with integrity6:07seek support when you need it and6:09demonstrate resilience when you're6:10tested6:12so next let's go to communication this6:16is how you speak as James Holmes would6:19say the art of communication is the6:22language of leadership6:24the art of communication is the language6:27of leadership how we communicate6:31does so much especially in the workplace6:34and honestly in any relationship knowing6:37how to communicate no means that you6:40know how to communicate with confidence6:41and Authority you want your team to6:44understand and respect what you are6:46saying it also means you're earning the6:49trust of your Audience by speaking with6:51Integrity when you stick to your words6:53your team will stick to you as a leader6:56what's important here is that you are6:59when they say walk in the walk talk in7:00the talk that's really what we're7:02talking about here connecting with your7:04audience that you have their attention7:05by being rational you're presenting hard7:08facts compelling data that support your7:10narrative you're evoking Emotion by7:12telling stories sharing your values so7:14your audience can relate with you and7:16identify with you one of the pieces of7:19feedback that I give Professionals in7:20the workplace is when we're talking7:22about communication we can't just come7:24from the perspective of you know what7:26just give me the chance and I'll be able7:27to execute really really well I promise7:29I'll be able to do it in the early7:32stages of your career or when you're7:34embarking upon anything new it is7:36crucial that you are able to communicate7:38what you are able to do when you're able7:41to communicate what you're able to do7:43then you're able to build trust once7:46trust is given you're able to execute7:49without having to explain yourself we7:51just had this conversation the other day7:53with someone from my team he is a7:55amazing videographer currently recording7:58this right now and we know his work8:01quality nobody asked him for anything I8:03just say how much how much do I pay you8:05how much send an invoice there's no8:07description on anything but it's because8:09he's built so much trust so much8:13Excellence has so many receipts of what8:16his work looks like8:18I don't need him to communicate it8:20because I can see it but that takes8:22years of building and many times as8:24professionals we don't want to take the8:26time to build the receipts we want to8:29get the opportunity to get the first8:31receipt but what you have to do is be8:33able to communicate what you want to do8:36communicate your vision communicate your8:38level of Excellence so then you can have8:41the opportunity to act so last but not8:43least is appearance when we're talking8:46about executive presence you see I got8:47my feathers on today if you're watching8:49on YouTube I love this this Blazer8:52appearance we all say you know you8:54shouldn't judge a book by its cover8:57however at the same exact time first9:02impressions count they always have9:06always will and it's always harder to9:10re-navigate a situation and try and9:13change your first impression with9:15subsequent interactions with someone and9:18when you're building in a leadership9:20role building your own brand as a leader9:22you need to walk the walk talk the talk9:24and dress like it you need to embody9:26your brand with how you act speak and9:30look so how do you do that9:32and this means making sure you're9:34dressing for the venue that you are in9:36and the people that you're going to meet9:38people say that everything is in the9:41details and you have to pay attention9:42notice the unstated dress codes leaders9:46know how to use dress to help build9:48connections because we all know that a9:51parents can help you find common ground9:53so example for me as a speaker I've9:56worked in several different work9:58environments I worked in higher10:00education that was very casual I worked10:02in higher education that had a corporate10:04Flair I've also worked in corporate10:06Financial Services every place you go10:09even if we look at corporate Financial10:11Services there are so many institutions10:13and every place has its own Pizzazz its10:17own way of doing things and when I'm a10:19speaker I think about well what do the10:21people dress like who work in this10:22organization so what I would wear at a10:25large Fortune 100 company in Financial10:28Service would probably be different than10:30what I'd wear if I was speaking at a10:31tech company that may maybe more laid10:33back10:34and you want to make sure that you are10:37taking care of yourself in terms of10:39appearance and now not of course we want10:41to dress and look and feel our best we10:43have episodes this season where we talk10:44a lot about authenticity so if you're10:46not someone who wears six inch heels to10:48work I know I don't then I'm gonna rock10:50some flats or I may have a really fun10:52pair of sneakers on so be authentic to10:55yourself while also understanding the10:57cultural norms but I also want to say10:59when we think about appearance also11:02think about how you're taking care of11:04yourself do you have the energy to11:06successfully take on the challenges that11:09you are going to be up against every11:10single day what is it that you need to11:13feed yourself so that also means looking11:16alive alert awake enthusiastic sometimes11:18I'm not saying you got to walk in and be11:20bright-eyed and bushy-tailed every11:21single day but you also don't want11:23people looking up to you saying like11:24dang you tired when's the last time you11:27got a good night's rest11:28that's also a part of the leadership11:30look and feel11:33and helps people buy into the entire11:35Vision remember in the workplace you are11:40always on a stage people are always11:42watching trying to see how you dress how11:45you act how you're taking in different11:47situations what did your resilience like11:49so be aware of your body language be11:51aware of the brand that you're11:53presenting is the brand that you are11:55presenting out to the world congruent11:58with who and where you are and most12:00importantly where you want to be when I12:03talk about making moves in the workplace12:04I always teach people what is the gap12:06between where you are and where you are12:09not so if you want to be over here12:11what is the difference are you showing12:14up as someone who wants to be here or12:17are you showing up as Where You Are12:19keep that in mind as you're thinking12:21about your indicative presence so12:23remember the intention behind all three12:26components is to ultimately connect with12:29the people you are leading12:31remember that you're practicing and you12:33have to hone in on your gravitas your12:36communication and your appearance this12:37is not something that you are going to12:39get overnight honestly it's something I12:41still work on all the time when I think12:43about my own gravitas how I'm connecting12:45with people how I'm perceived is it the12:47brand that I'd like to build you'll see12:49I experiment with dress all the time12:51every season of this podcast I'm12:53experimenting with my appearance to see12:55what feels good am I connecting with my12:57audience in a certain way do things like12:59that matter is how I communicate and13:02teach you how is that working is it13:04working no then we need to change it and13:06shift how I connect and how I13:08communicate whatever it is that I'm13:10working on Executive presence is not13:12something you're born with but something13:14that you cultivate you must continually13:17develop it in order to fully step into13:20your leadership role in the workplace13:22so with that thank you so much for13:25listening to this episode on Executive13:26presence I know it's something that I13:28probably should have done in season two13:29of the podcast but we're here now if you13:32have more questions please let me know13:34may your next move be your very best13:36move in the workplace13:38[Music]
This is not a podcast you can listen to while cruising or running errands. Kimberly drops so many FREE gems in each episode, you’ll regret not having something to jot them down. If you’ve been feeling complacent in your career or lacking in vision, her tools are guaranteed to reignite purpose and acceleration to your drive. Your Next Move is the empowerment and advising I didn’t know I needed until now. I can’t wait until the book comes out. Thank you, Kimberly!!lol
I just listened to Episode 22, Being an Ambitious Woman with Tiffany Aliche and was so impressed. The time just flew by as I enjoyed the solid career advice Kimberly and Tiffany shared. Documenting your accomplishments was one of the ideas that I thought was especially good -- because if YOU don't know what you accomplished and what your big wins are, you cannot possibly expect others to remember. I look forward to tuning in again.
So, so good! Kimberly just has IT!
I really enjoy this podcast! I love how encouraging the message is but also REAL advice even if it may be unsettling to hear!This podcast gets me excited and empowered to take actionable steps in my career!
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