Dear White America with Tim WiseIn The Margins

Dear White America with Tim Wise

In the third installment of our series on white fragility and nationalism in higher education, Ralph Newell welcomes writer and activist Tim Wise. As one of the nation’s most prominent anti-racist essayists, educators, philanthropists, and philosophers, tune in as this “vanilla brother” discusses what created the perfect storm for white anxiety; its long-term ramifications; how white privilege manifests in higher education; and what we, as allies, can do better.



  • What drove Tim Wise to activism?
  • Where does white American anxiety come from?
  • The toxicity of white privilege to white people
  • White privilege and nationalism in higher education
  • The state of race education in the classroom today



“When you're used to hegemony, pluralism feels like oppression.”

“Privilege keeps us unsafe, lets us down, gives us an advantage at first psychologically and maybe even materially. But in the long run, it comes back to haunt us.”

“If you're feeling guilty about being white, it is because you are learning about the wrong white people.”



Learn more about Tim Wise:



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In The Margins is produced by Diverse: Issues In Higher Education and edited by Instapodcasts (visit at

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Such a great approach on the different perspectives surrounding diversity and how it affects all communities! Enjoying each episode!

In The Margins

This is an amazing podcast. I am glad you are stepping up and talking about a sensitive topic that is not talked about enough. Thank you for sharing this information. It effects students in higher education and the effects carry over into the workforce when the students graduate. Some students are tainted because there was not enough taught on diversity and the students perspective are skewed.

Precious Rutlin
In The Margins

I like that the episodes aren’t too long but are still very informative

GMU 2009
In The Margins

Such an amazing platform. So many milestones have been made and so many more to come.

Abigail Santiago
In The Margins
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