Feeling Stuck? It’s Time to Break Out of Your Workplace BoxYour Next Move

Feeling Stuck? It’s Time to Break Out of Your Workplace Box

When it comes to the workplace, have you ever felt underappreciated, unmotivated, or even found yourself asking “Why am I here”? In this episode, Your Next Move answers your number one career question: I feel stuck, what should I do?

Listen in as your host instructs you to blow up the box that is your job description, department, or role that you or the company has created for you. Whether you have outgrown a job or it no longer serves your passion or skillset, start taking inspired action and get clear on what brings you joy in your career.

Tune in as Kimberly asks you the right questions to get you to the right box!


  • What box are you in?
  • Blow the lid off the box!
  • Thinking outside the box - reimagine your role
  • Why it’s so important to know your core values
  • Design the next box you’d like to operate in


“In order to design that new place, you have to blow up. Blow it all up, start fresh, and determine what will serve you in your next role.”

“You have to create a plan to take you from that sunken place, to take you from that stuckness, to make sure that you have the opportunity to make your next move really and truly your best move.”

Have career and leadership development questions? Email Kimberly at podcast@manifestyourself.com

Learn more about Kimberly Brown and download a free career strategy template at kimberlybonline.com

Read the book “Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning Into a Career You’ll Love” at nextmovebestmovebook.com

Follow Kimberly on social media:

IG | @kimberlybonline - instagram.com/kimberlybonline

FB | facebook.com/kimberlybonline

Twitter | twitter.com/kimberlybonline

LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/kimberlybonline

Your Next Move is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)

View Transcript

So, so good! Kimberly just has IT!

Your Next Move

I just listened to Episode 22, Being an Ambitious Woman with Tiffany Aliche and was so impressed. The time just flew by as I enjoyed the solid career advice Kimberly and Tiffany shared. Documenting your accomplishments was one of the ideas that I thought was especially good -- because if YOU don't know what you accomplished and what your big wins are, you cannot possibly expect others to remember. I look forward to tuning in again.

Your Next Move

Short and easily ingestible coaching and informational knowledge. Kimberly tells relatable stories and gives great career advice!

Your Next Move

This podcast came right on time! My fiancé attended a conference & met Kimberly. He immediately told me about her book and her story & I was hooked. I really feel like listening to this podcast and reading her book will truly propel me and many into the next career move. Often times I find podcast that speak solely to quitting your job, but what about us that really enjoy what we do and just want to elevate? Kimberly did THAT! & I’m appreciative.This isn’t a podcast that you listen to in the background, GRAB YOUR PEN & PAPER! 🙌🏾

Your Next Move
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