How Soul Journeys Can Clear Your Abundance Blocks with Khat StaplesOld Soul Social Club

How Soul Journeys Can Clear Your Abundance Blocks with Khat Staples

Khat Staples was no stranger to overcoming extenuating life circumstances - both in past lives and in present - but always knew she was destined for limitless abundance.

Tune in as she recounts her soul journeys with your host Moyra Michelle, and shares the biggest lessons learned from them. Find out how her discoveries have helped her clear her abundance blocks and given her a newfound perspective on life. Moyra and Khat also chat about her book, The Secret Confessions of a Bathroom Attendant.


  • About The Secret Confessions of a Bathroom Attendant
  • What kickstarted Khat’s soul journey
  • Lessons learned from Khat’s past lives
  • Uncovering life’s purpose through soul journeys


“You can have all the money in the world but if you don't have anyone to share it with, you can end up just like that, alone by yourself.”


Khat Staples

The Secret Confessions of a Bathroom Attendant |


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