The Don't Ask, Don't Tell Perspective With Stevon TaylorGay Like Me

The Don't Ask, Don't Tell Perspective With Stevon Taylor

This week, Derek is joined by his cousin Stevon Taylor who is a forensic microbiologist. He describes himself as humble, introvert and goofy. He first knew he was different around 3rd grade but didn't mention his sexuality publicly until the age of 21, when his mother approached him about his sexuality and she was very accepting.

Stevon invites us to consider a very different perspective as he has never felt it to be necessary to tell his siblings about his sexuality because it won’t change anything about their relationship. He also hasn't told friends, co-workers, or people around him, always living by a "don't ask, don't tell" standard.

Stevon opens up about sheltering himself growing up but how he really never felt lonely. He feels at times It’s been more difficult for him being black than being gay. Being black and gay and a scientist has had its barriers but Stevon feels the most difficult of them all is dating in Atlanta. . He thinks that there are just too many people in Atlanta, making it far more difficult for love and too many people looking for hook-ups.

Now that Stevon is an adult he’s been suffering through depression just like most people. If he could tell his younger self anything, it would be to be more accepting and open. The longer you are alone the more difficult it is to accept someone in your space.

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