Turning Pain Into Purpose with Stacey BrownManifesting Money

Turning Pain Into Purpose with Stacey Brown

Ever felt like you’ve hit rock bottom and there is just no way of getting back up? Stacey Brown was no stranger to that feeling, and she’s here to tell you that there will always be a way out of it. Follow her as she takes you through the events that turned her life upside down, but also how she not only survived but thrived from her pain. Stacey shares how she tapped into the power of mindset and manifested everything that she wanted in both her business and personal lives. Tune in now to uncover the key to manifestation and turning your pain into purpose.


  • Stacey’s makeup journey.
  • How makeup saved her life.
  • The power of listening to your intuition.
  • How to manifest a successful business.
  • What is the key to manifestation?


“I just want to encourage anyone who is listening, it is never too late. If you want to be in this incredible industry, there is room for you.”

“I believe that our world gets really hung up on the language that we use, instead of the message that we're conveying.”

“There's such power as human beings when we can be who we authentically and genuinely were created to be and showing up in that way in the universe. There is no greater superpower.”


Follow Stacey on Instagram @styleofstacey - https://www.instagram.com/styleofstacey/?hl=en

Follow The Makeup Mentor on Instagram @makeupmentorpodcast - https://www.instagram.com/makeupmentorpodcast

Access her other resources here: https://linktr.ee/anitamaemua

Use code ‘IAMREADY’ to get your FREE Manifesting Workshop!

Sign up here: https://makeup-mentor-podcast.constantcontactsites.com/work-with-anita

Makeup Mentor is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at www.instapodcasts.com)

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Niece 1
Manifesting Money

woke up this morning and decided to start my day off with affirmations/manifestations. i ended up writing a whole page of mainly money manifestations. literally 10 min later i came across the “how to manifest money without working” episode. i had never heard of this podcast prior to listening to the episode but as an aspiring life coach and someone who is always looking for opportunities to expand, im super grateful to have this placed in my path 🙏🏼 the podcast is organized in a very digestible manner, the hosts energy is so enthusiastic and bubbly, and the content was relatable. chefs kisses 😚 🤌🏼

viva marquez
Manifesting Money

Loving the podcast! Found Anita on Tik Tok and have loved her content. Can’t wait to manifest so much money with her tips!

B haley
Manifesting Money

This podcast was my life-changing click. And I am ready to continue to shift my energy and be who I want to be. Gratitude Anita ✨

Manifesting Money
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