A Year Of Transformation With Anissa And Bianca (an honest convo with my girls)Rich In Real Life

A Year Of Transformation With Anissa And Bianca (an honest convo with my girls)

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It is so amazing to hear the growth that you had over the years and are now using this platform to help encourage others! These are topics that everyone can learn from. So excited to hear more and keep up the amazing work!

Dreia J
Rich In Real Life

I fell in love with Jessica’s podcast. Her guest interviews are so great. My favorite episodes are her 1 year podcast anniversary, which listed all her hurdles and things she learned about her self that made it super relatable to the journey I am embarking on. Her partner interview about your significant other support you in business was so real and put into words what I wanted and how my relationship is with my significant other about is going into business together and supporting each other. Great inspiration!!

Rich In Real Life

SERIOUSLY!! the perfect word and definition to describe this podcast; it is so eye opening, inspiring, motivating how could you not admire these women and their journeys? To inspire with just your voice is a talent in itself it’s something that is not taught but gifted to certain people who can change your mindset with just speaking at least in my opinion. One of my favorite quotes is ....You can have anything you want if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.” - Abraham LincolnThat’s all I could think of listening to this. 💜🙏🏻 thank you for sharing your stories. 🙏🏻

Rich In Real Life

The Stranded Podcast has great content I highly recommend to everyone. I can tell the hard work and effort Jessica puts in to provide us with these inspiring episodes. I have learn so much self development as women and would love for everyone to listen to gain all the knowledge I did with all these empowering episodes. Great Podcast! Keeping shining Jess.

Rich In Real Life
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