Best Of The Reality Of Things Getting Tough In Business And In LifeRich In Real Life

Best Of The Reality Of Things Getting Tough In Business And In Life

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I needed this podcast! I wish I could have had it to help with the numerous obstacles growing up; however, I am extremely grateful to have it now. This podcast is helping me mend my brokenness and push for a better future! Thank you Jessica!

Mercedes Chante
Rich In Real Life

I was recommended to listen to this podcast by a friend and I was very pleased I sure will be listening again!!!

Rich In Real Life

I loved this last episode!! I’m sure there are many people listening who struggled with having a relationship with God, or don’t know where to start or think they have to be perfect to come to him.. but really God wants us in all our mess! Trust! I’ve been there growing up in church it’s a struggle! but having God in my life is better then going without him I’ve tried it my way and it never works! God always give us what we want so we can truly see it wasn’t what we REALLY wanted! As I’m listening I’m like where is my Hillary! Or am I her? Lol Having a sister in Christ to go to things with or discuss is probably the most encouraging thing to have! But at times God will have us in seasons as he did David in the Bible where he encouraged himself to get through! Keep going up J! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

Rich In Real Life

This podcast is always real and honest. It’s nice to have someone approachable talk about life and all that comes with it!! But focusing on how to be the best you!! Keep it up!!!

Rich In Real Life

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