After 4 years of embracing our stuck through The Stranded Phase podcast, it's time we shift and decide to change our own narrative. For those who've followed along on this journey, this doesn't mean we won't be met with pain, we won't get hurt, or we won't go through transitional periods, it means its time we invite wealth into our life in all forms.
A long and unsolicited healing journey led Jessica to realize that being RICH has nothing to do with money. Money is the by product. This long and necessary invitation sent her searching inwards and eventually brought her to finding happiness in being RICH in connection, RICH in community, RICH in soul, RICH in love, RICH in spirit, RICH in family, and so much more.
From EMDR therapists, relationship coaches, neurologists, 7 figure earners, Shamans, and soul thrilling conversations her goal is to help you put words to feelings you've felt but may not understand. This podcast includes but is not limited to everyone she is connected with that helped change her life. From dear friends in business to people she trusts you will be invited into HONEST conversations around growing, evolving, and dealing with personal and professional journeys at the same damn time.
I’m an avid listener of Jessica’s podcast & I love it more & more every time I listen! I enjoy her transparency, go getter attitude & her words of encouragement! Thanks for giving us this to help navigate or “stranded phases”!
Jessica podcast is a MUST listen to for sure !!!! Its very inspiring and very motivating!! My favorite episode was the one about supporting your spouse( which I listened to with my husband) but it really helped me and my husband understand each other goals and how important it is to always support each other no matter . Being that I was so inspired by this last episode I will be sure to not miss another one !!!! Thank you so much for the motivation Jessica!
First I want to start by saying thank you Jessica for speaking in a way that is so relatable, you put words to thoughts and feelings like no one I’ve ever heard speak. It truly is your gift! There are soooo many gems in every single one of your podcasts (yes I’m almost positive I’ve listened to them alllll). You don’t hold back and that’s what I absolutely loveeee about the podcasts. I think everyone needs a YOU in their life, super thankful for everything your share on this platform 🙏🏼
The Best podcast ever! So inspiring! Thank you Jessica you rock !
I want to say your podcast is SO AMAZING. Today’s episode (1/10/2020) is so me because I’m so scared to fail that I’m not doing anything in my business because Im paralyze on the HOW. I really wish I could attend your event but I’ll be out of town. Hopefully there will be another event this year. Just want to say thank you.
Oh Jess.........what can I say about this girl I feel like I’ve known her for years lol ....she inspires me almost daily, she is a mirror of strength, perseverance, determination, I could go on and on. She is transparent in her podcasts giving us all inspiration and motivation to be the best versions of ourselves. I LOVE listening to her and look forward to her posts and podcasts. Thanks jess for giving so much of yourself!!!!! XO
This is my MUST every Tuesday! Jessica is so honest and motivational. She’s going to question things that will help you understand exactly why your settling or stuck.This is the podcast you need to get out your “stuff” and move on!
Jessica has great content in her podcast. I’d recommend this to not only women but men as well.
I’m a big podcast fan but this one is my essential. So much great content, relatable, and I learn SO much every episode!
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this podcast. Exactly what I needed. I found it in the exact moment I should have. Believe me when I say , there is something in this podcast for everyone. You’ll wanna keep riding just to keep listening without a pause. Thank you for this.
Tune in. You will leave inspired to keep pushing through whatever situation you are in. Valuable information!!
I look forward to a new episode every week! Jessica is so inspiring and relatable!The best is yet to come for The Stranded Podcast!!
I am so thankful for these podcasts. Weather I am driving, in the gym, ending my day, or getting my day started these podcasts motivate me. They tell stories of real people with real stories. It is not only inspiring but hopeful. I am 21 and currently a college/ working student. The last year for me has been very rough in making decisions I thought I never would have. But, even with life’s obstacles I know there is a light at the end of this tunnel. And thanks to Jessica Hurley’s podcasts I can see I am not alone and my light will come.
I love the Stranded podcast!! It’s so authentic, the host and the guests are wonderful. It adds some much needed positivity to my day.
This is everything. I can’t say I didn’t cry hearing this because I did.Ive never heard something this accurate in my life ! To think that any women or even sometimes men feel like they are legit going nuts from thinking “ this is it ?! It can’t be “. Wanting more for yourself doesn’t mean your ungrateful and that is exactly what I needed to hear ! This is simply golden, thank you so much for pouring to us. Looking forward to continuing hearing more of your podcasts.XoxoJessica C.
Best podcast ever !!! Jessica you rock!!!
Great podcasts! This makes me excited for Tuesday’s knowing Jessica puts a lot of energy into helping others get out of their stuck phase!I love this podcasts!
I’ve personally been in this same space before after 8 years and choosing to walk away from it all for many of the same reasons. One of the hardest things to do but I knew it was ultimately best for me and for him as well. ❤️ Your soul knows best when you listen to it outside of your heart & mind.
This was great!
I’ve personally been in this same space before after 8 years and choosing to walk away from it all for many of the same reasons. One of the hardest things to do but I knew it was ultimately best for me and for him as well. ❤️ Your soul knows best when you listen to it outside of your heart & mind.
I enjoyed it, and loved the part where you spoke about envisioning yourself reaching that goal, how you want to feel, and what it will look like! Def a must! Not to mention putting out what you want to receive this universe is for you once you understand you are in control! Keep it up you’ve got a forever listener !
I hated when I want to celebrate a win and there was no applause but more like, “oh nice” rather than I’m so happy for you. Ugh
This podcast gets me through my work days!!! I found her by listening to an interview on another podcast and have been hooked ever since. Jessica is real and speaks transparently about real topics while giving EFFECTIVE advise!Keep it up!
This podcast has been life changing. So many of us have the exact same questions & want more from life & these podcasts make you feel like Jessica is speaking to you directly and speaking life into you. So thankful for her and for this podcast!
I don’t even listen to podcasts, but this here is the bomb .com, blue ray CD Ram, for your girl and you Mom, kwanza Ramadan, lakemsalam, lotion in your palm, and some lip balm.Basically, it’s really good!
These have been some really good episodes so far. Wow I feel inspired to go out there and be great. Thank you for this podcast.
Declaration of No's!
This episode was a TOTAL reality check for myself, very real and very eye opening! Keep doing your thing Jessica, I love your podcast!
This podcast is full of golden nuggets. First of all, she’s a woman after my own heart. Her desire to help people through their stick phase comes from a genuine place. Each episode, whether solo or with a guest, is jam packed with transformational information that you can apply to your personal and professional life. Sit back and enjoy the ride!
Came across the Rich in Real Life podcast and am loving it! Especially appreciated the episode with Dr. Phillipe Douyon. This conversation about trauma and our brain was just so amazing! So many great takeaways! Can’t wait to listen to more episodes! Thank you!
It is so amazing to hear the growth that you had over the years and are now using this platform to help encourage others! These are topics that everyone can learn from. So excited to hear more and keep up the amazing work!
Listening to you Jessica has been effortless, yet so inspiring and motivating! Keep going.. Your voice and message is empowering so many lives! Thank you :)
All I can say is WHOA!!! This podcast has me literally blown away! Jess is your no holds barred, tell it straight, sister from another mother🙌🏽I haven’t come across an episode that I haven’t absolutely loved! This podcast has me digging deep on a level I didn’t even know exist. Listen, save, and repeat!
Listening to this episode made me view a lot of things different. As humans we sometime need the motivation form others or just this inspiring words. Or sometimes we just need to hear someone else story. Listening to both Jessica and Chris story gave me the motivation I needed to get back in my grind and do what I feel so patiently about. I would suggest if you have listened to her podcast that you start doing so! Keep up the good work girl! 😘😘
Followed Jessica on Insta for probably years and everyday I would think, one day I’m gonna just listen, she’s so inspiring, relatable and down to earth. Literally never knew what I was missing! 15 min Friday’s have been far my favorite! Keep pouring that positivity girl! Plus she’s raising a handsome young man 😘💕
This podcast has all the tools to help you figure it out. Highly recommend!
This is my necessity each week! Jessica is so real and raw, weather it’s a guest or her 15 min fridays each episode has something for everyone! She covers everything, especially women looking for hope and motivation when taking a leap of faith in business or their career. Don’t miss the one!!
I have literally listened to several of Jessica’s podcasts over and over again, specifically “I Have Changed”. I literally felt like I was in a church of truth 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 Hands down one of my favorite Podcasters EVER!!!!!!
This podcast is always real and honest. It’s nice to have someone approachable talk about life and all that comes with it!! But focusing on how to be the best you!! Keep it up!!!
Your a very inspiring person with a heart of gold! Your podcasts are phenomenal.
Inspiring is an understatement!! Jessica you’re doing such an amazing job! I am so excited to continue feeding from the knowledge you give and how amazing these stories are. It truly demonstrates how we can do anything we set our minds to. Thank you for this! You are helping more lives than you can possibly imagine! Keep going the sky is not even your limit! ♥️
Jessica is SO inspiring! Her and her guests honesty are so encouraging. I listen on my way to work and I always feel ready to take on my day despite the topic that is discussed. The conversation is stimulating, encouraging and most definitely motivating! My favorite podcast hands down!!!
This episode with Reign was on point. Her honest story about moving forward on her dreams after so many tries was super inspiring. Jessica always does a great job pulling out the best stories from people.
One of the highlights of my week is to hear from Jessica’s transparent insights into personal development! She keeps it fun and drops so many gems in terms of shifting your mindset and unlocking your greatest potential!! I’ve learned so much and I’m so grateful for The Stranded Podcast! ❤️
Jessica is amazing at her craft and brings on some amazing guests that truly pour into you! Every episode is packed with the absolute best content to get you out of your own way. Thank you for this amazing labor of love Jessica, can’t wait to see what other greatness you create!
Every episode Jessica is like....You, yeah you, you can’t hide anymore get your internal life together! These are honest, tough love type episodes. But definitely beneficial for your growth emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Thank you Jessica for caring enough to share the truth of your own journey so that we can move from stranded to thriving!
I appreciate Jessica’s authenticity. I just started listening to her podcast and follow her on IG. I don’t have friends that are like minded that I feel I can talk to or seek advice, so listening is so refreshing. I like how she shares her own experiences and the advice that she’s learning along the way. I’m excited to where your journey takes her. I will definitely going back to listen to her previous podcasts.
I absolutely love this podcast. I’ve only been listening for about 2 weeks but I’m hooked. The messages are always engaging. Jessica doesn’t fill up her talk time with a bunch of fluff and the content is always relatable. It’s amazing how authentic she is. The Stranded is definitely a MUST listen.
Impactful x Useful x Powerful!! This podcast is a blessings & guide to goal setting & eliminating every distraction in between your ideas and turning them into reality.Episode 50 may be my new morning inspiration! You can click on it during any part of your day & be reminded to stay on course!
I was recommended to listen to this podcast by a friend and I was very pleased I sure will be listening again!!!
I loved this last episode!! I’m sure there are many people listening who struggled with having a relationship with God, or don’t know where to start or think they have to be perfect to come to him.. but really God wants us in all our mess! Trust! I’ve been there growing up in church it’s a struggle! but having God in my life is better then going without him I’ve tried it my way and it never works! God always give us what we want so we can truly see it wasn’t what we REALLY wanted! As I’m listening I’m like where is my Hillary! Or am I her? Lol Having a sister in Christ to go to things with or discuss is probably the most encouraging thing to have! But at times God will have us in seasons as he did David in the Bible where he encouraged himself to get through! Keep going up J! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
This podcasts deserves way more than 5 stars!!!!!!
First I want to start by saying thank you Jessica for speaking in a way that is so relatable, you put words to thoughts and feelings like no one I’ve ever heard speak. It truly is your gift! There are soooo many gems in every single one of your podcasts (yes I’m almost positive I’ve listened to them alllll). You don’t hold back and that’s what I absolutely loveeee about the podcasts. I think everyone needs a YOU in their life, super thankful for everything your share on this platform.
I LOVE listening to every episode and getting emails from jessica. Her messages are always real, heartfelt and inspiring. After every episode I feel like I’m ready to go out there and get it !!!
I needed this podcast! I wish I could have had it to help with the numerous obstacles growing up; however, I am extremely grateful to have it now. This podcast is helping me mend my brokenness and push for a better future! Thank you Jessica!
This podcast a must listen for sure! Everything I’ve heard so far is inspiring and so satisfying. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! Keep it up! 🙏🏻
I’m new to listening to podcasts, I actually got to meet Jessica this year, I started following her on IG and loved her content there- everything is insightful and motivational. I came to listen to her podcast and love it! It’s like therapy for me! Give her a listen, I’m sure you’ll love it too!
All the episodes have been very inspiring. Always excited for the next one to come out. Keep up the great work. Be purposeful!
The title alone is what got me! Jessica is very much honest and isn’t afraid to tell it like it is, And her guest speakers are truly an inspiration. Her podcast goes to show that self motivation is key to making it in life but also it influences the people around you.
I am soooo amazed that her content keeps getting better and better! Jessica brings her heart and soul to each interview and uses her mistakes and truths to help you learn and grow!I listen to her every week!
I’ve followed from episode one and the content was amazing then. It’s only continued to improve and expose me to a ton of information I really need. Thanks for such a great show Jess.
SERIOUSLY!! the perfect word and definition to describe this podcast; it is so eye opening, inspiring, motivating how could you not admire these women and their journeys? To inspire with just your voice is a talent in itself it’s something that is not taught but gifted to certain people who can change your mindset with just speaking at least in my opinion. One of my favorite quotes is ....You can have anything you want if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.” - Abraham LincolnThat’s all I could think of listening to this. 💜🙏🏻 thank you for sharing your stories. 🙏🏻
I recently discovered Jessica’s podcast after she interviewed someone I follow on IG. Loved her vibe and style of interviewing so after that episode I decided to listen to her others and she’s awesome! If you are in a state of I don’t know what I want and need some inspo or just some good personal development or even some tough love that will get you right. Listen to her ! ❤️
It’s clear to see that Jessica really puts her all into every episode. She genuinely wants to help others, and make sure that they don’t feel alone during their struggles. This podcast is a must listen for anyone currently going through a tough situation and for those that need a little extra motivation to keep going!
Great podcasts!I encourage you to listen to her podcasts from the beginning and enjoy the journey with her.From voicing her own doubts, fears and insecurities to her journey to overcome them.She compels her audience to feel every emotion.Her podcasts are full of interesting topics and insightful guests and never disappoints.Listen to just one episode and you’ll be hooked.Enjoy!
Jess is the epitome of women’s empowerment! She truly cares about uplifting women and actually walks her talk 🙌🏾 I love tuning in each week to hear her inspiring interviews or personal insights and lessons she shares. And if that isn’t enough to listen her super smooth voice was made for podcasting!
15 min fridays are my FAVORITE! Favorite way to end the work week. Jess’s honest using her own experience is what makes this podcast so reliable and applicable to others life!Friday’s are a must listen!
I found her through the GirlCEO podcast w/ Ronne Brown and immediately subscribed. Her format, topics, and episode length make it perfect for the boost you need through out the day. I connect with her because she speaks to the producers of the world full of artists. Every piece of art needs a producer, curator, or facilitator to get a message out. There are stories we carry that just need an outlet. She does that in her business and through her podcast. So glad I found this because it gives me the motivation to go after the life I want to live. A life of purpose and meaning.
This is my must listen every Tuesday & friday!!! This girl gives away so much info about business and life! This podcast motivates me daily!
Great podcast highly recommended!!! Jessica will change your whole life!!!
The Stranded Podcast was recommended to me by a friend & I’m so glad! Jessica is so candid and her podcast inspires me to be better.
Amazing content! Absolutely motivational and relatable on so many levels!
Mannnnnnnnn was today’s episode something I needed to hear in my soul!!! Jessica’s podcast makes you feel as though you are not alone. You aren’t crazy and you just have to move past and get over the hurdle!I’ve listened to a few of the episodes and each time it’s been a message I needed to hear!!!Ensure you’re subscribe and listening because if not you’re missing out for sure. Such an amazing human!
This podcast never disappoints me! I listen to it every time Jessica comes out with a new episode. I’ve learn so much self development with this. Thank you!
I love listening to this podcast. Jessica always keeps it 10000%
I love listening to Jessica! I think I ran across her podcast from someone on my Instagram, best thing I could have done! I can’t wait until January so I can attend the seminar! You have a forever listener from Baton Rouge, LA! Keep going, you are an inspiration ❤️
I discovered the stranded podcast as I was in my stranded phase. It was like God knew I was depressed, and he lead me here. No lie, Jessica has changed my whole outlook of life... Not only does she preach, but she practices what she preaches. She's so real and vulnerable with her content that it just makes you get motivated and snap out whatever is holding you back from becoming great! I highly recommend this podcast to any and everyone needing a little pick me up and ready to make life-changing moves.
I started listening to this podcast from episode one. Five stars is an understatement!As you are aware there are endless options of shows and information, so choosing a podcast that will truly instill value is just the beginning of whatever you are trying to achieve by listening.Jessica truly hits home with all of her content, from personal experience or from her very intriguing guests, she simply never misses a beat! I would recommend her show time and time again, can’t wait to see what’s next!
I have to thank you for what you are doing. You have opened my eyes and reminded me of things I have lost along the way. You have inspired me and moved me to get back on track and become a better person not just for myself but for my kids. Thanks again. I can’t wait until next week.
What a great podcast! Unique perspectives, well thought out viewpoints and a fantastic cast of people. I am a huge fan! 5 Stars!
Jessica is awesome and I love all the knowledge, kindness, love, and grace she brings. I love her guests and their hearts to help others. I’m so inspired by her and grateful for this podcast and for her help in getting mine started. She’s absolutely amazing!
Jessica’s personal stories inspire and motivate me to push through my stranded phase. She always secures the most interesting guests and does a fantastic job sharing their stories. Look forward to listening every week!
I love this podcast and the value it provides. Jessica truly takes the time to share so many incredible stories with her audience and I look forward to every single episode! Thanks for helping us all get through our stranded phase(s) 💕
BEST podcast ever! My Tuesday go-to! Her 15 min fridays are all the motivation you need!!
There is so much value on this podcast! Jessica shows up and brings it on every episode. You can literally learn from this podcast and if you ever have the opportunity to go to one of her events you should totally show up because it is the best thing you will ever do for yourself!
I love how after listening to these episodes it gets me to reflect on myself more and more. I love how raw Jessica is and what I’m feeling others have experienced. It makes me feel that I’m not alone. I absolutely loved this Episode 4 Reasons Why You Might Be Blocking Your Blessings. It’s funny because I was conversing with my BF and telling him how stuck I feel and than I seen that she posted this Episode. Talk about Devine timing :). I know what my goals are and my dreams but I’m stuck in this “How” phase and I keep harping on it. Harping on it isn’t going to help me any I just have to move and it’ll all come together eventually. I really felt this Episode was for me and gave me clarity. Now it’s time for me to take Action. ❤️
I love how you are so real and authentic. Keep up the great work!
The Stranded Podcast has great content I highly recommend to everyone. I can tell the hard work and effort Jessica puts in to provide us with these inspiring episodes. I have learn so much self development as women and would love for everyone to listen to gain all the knowledge I did with all these empowering episodes. Great Podcast! Keeping shining Jess.
Jessica podcast is one the best ones I heard so far I highly recommend this podcast!!!
Personally, I enjoy gaining wisdom from various perspectives. I have listened to a handful of Jessica’s podcast and I can genuinely say I learn something new to apply to my day to day life. It’s her honest and genuine approach that keeps you waiting to hear more of what she has to say. Her podcasts are super engaging and you feel like “I can def do that”. I would strongly recommend checking her podcast out. You won’t regret it at all!
Loved the energy and story of struggle/triumph!
I love listening to The Stranded Podcast! Jessica is so transparent and her guests are always so inspirational.
Do yourself a favor and listen. Periodt. It speaks for itself.
I enjoyed listening especially when enduring a long road trip ahead it makes you put thing in prospective.
I’ve been listening to this podcast for a while but this last episode with Felicia from Hemingway’s just blew me away! Talk about rising above her own stranded phase and blossoming into more than she could have ever imagined. Such an inspiring episode about that no matter what valleys we go through, something as simple as a phone call can change our life. Thank you Jessica for this podcast! 💕
After listening to Jessica's most recent episode I had to subscribe. I love her authenticity and her straight to the point energy but with real life examples and actionable steps! Absolutely enjoyed it💞
Jessica is an excellent host and I highly recommend anyone who finds themselves stuck in life to listen to The Stranded Phase podcast!
So grateful to God that Jess used the gift that God gave her and chose to share it with the world! Every episode is so impactful, for anyone with a dream, anyone who struggles with hesitation or procrastination about everyday issues. Medicine for the ears, for the soul☺️♥️. It gives me hope!!! Thank you Jess for not hiding your light. Thank you for being AUTHENTIC and showing us that real people with relatable issues still exist!!! This podcast makes me feel like i can overcome and have victory in every area of my life!!!!
I appreciate Jessica and her guests’ candor throughout this series. I really enjoyed the Fifteen Minute Friday and episode with Women in Radio founder, Meagan. Thank you for sharing each week! If you’re stepping out on faith to do anything biz, personal or otherwise, I highly recommend you listen!
The best podcast Ever ! Very inspiring!! Thank you Jessica
This episode was a TOTAL reality check for myself, very real and very eye opening! Keep doing your thing Jessica, I love your podcast!
I love listening to you! Thanks for the insight!
I just subscribed to this podcast & it’s exactly what I needed to hear for my daily motivation.
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