Becoming An Ally: The Road To Making BLACK LIVES MATTER because enough is enough.Rich In Real Life

Becoming An Ally: The Road To Making BLACK LIVES MATTER because enough is enough.

Now that we can all acknowledge how crazy this is, it's time to talk about next steps and solutions. But as a non-black or white person, what do you do?

I get it, I asked myself this for days. This is only what I've researched and found. I do not discredit black opinions because we will have several black guests this week also asking them the same question. I also would like to encourage you to do the same, call your black friends and check on them and ask them how you can help.

Everyone I wanted to chat with does not have a voice left from protesting. But this is one of MANY episodes this week regarding things I've pulled from to help answer your questions about what we can do NOW to use our #whiteprivilege to make sure our black friends and family are seen, heard, and most importantly protected during this time.

Lets not sit silent, but stand loud because we refuse to be neutral any longer. Listen in because here are some ways.

In this episode, we discussed donating to bond funds and I promised to list them, here are some non-profit bond funds:


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I loved this last episode!! I’m sure there are many people listening who struggled with having a relationship with God, or don’t know where to start or think they have to be perfect to come to him.. but really God wants us in all our mess! Trust! I’ve been there growing up in church it’s a struggle! but having God in my life is better then going without him I’ve tried it my way and it never works! God always give us what we want so we can truly see it wasn’t what we REALLY wanted! As I’m listening I’m like where is my Hillary! Or am I her? Lol Having a sister in Christ to go to things with or discuss is probably the most encouraging thing to have! But at times God will have us in seasons as he did David in the Bible where he encouraged himself to get through! Keep going up J! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

Rich In Real Life

I hated when I want to celebrate a win and there was no applause but more like, “oh nice” rather than I’m so happy for you. Ugh

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Rich In Real Life

Whew! I can’t say enough about how blessed I am to have found this podcast and this WOMAN last year. It was LITERALLY the catapult into success, self empowerment, self awareness, and self belief that I needed. She covers the real stuff, the relevant stuff, she digs deep, she makes you dig deep and she spares NOTHING. She lays it all on the table and really wakes you up and forces you to look deep within and learn how to live your life unapologetically! Listening to, meeting, and now working with her has lit a fire in me I never knew I had and has introduced me to a world of like minded women, professionals, and empowerment! This community has become my lifeline and it is ALL thanks to this Angel of a woman. If you don’t know, now you know! ❤️

Rich In Real Life

This podcast is full of golden nuggets. First of all, she’s a woman after my own heart. Her desire to help people through their stick phase comes from a genuine place. Each episode, whether solo or with a guest, is jam packed with transformational information that you can apply to your personal and professional life. Sit back and enjoy the ride!

Rich In Real Life
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