Billy Carson On The Power of Positive Affirmations, and Detoxing Plus Activating Your Third Eyehuman2human

Billy Carson On The Power of Positive Affirmations, and Detoxing Plus Activating Your Third Eye

Two-time best-selling author and founder of Forbidden Knowledge Incorporated, Billy Carson is changing the world by awakening consciousness and bringing the truth forward. And in this episode, Billy and Stacy got Human 2 Human about his journey to becoming a serial entrepreneur at 16 years old, how trauma can be passed down from your ancestors, tips to rewriting your DNA, and the beauty of tapping into your third eye.

So tune in and be sure not to miss this incredible story of turning trauma into purpose with Billy Carson!


  • When Billy first realized the “power of the head”
  • Why are we afraid of the power of our thoughts?
  • How to rewire our brain from automatic negative thoughts
  • The pineal gland and your third eye- Ways to detox your third eye
  • Loving and forgiving yourself FIRST


“That's when I had the real epiphany - if there's nobody coming to save me, I'm gonna save myself. I just knew it in my heart. If I come up with ideas and take action, I know I can change my surroundings.”

“Being born again has nothing to do with getting doused in a water or lake or a pot of water. It has to do with realizing that you've achieved a higher level of consciousness. That's when you've been born again. And you'll be born again many times in one lifetime.”


Billy Carson

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Such great insight. I love conversations like this. Great heart opener. ❤️✨


Love this podcast! Such a range of topics to expand your heart and mind. Got my notifications turned on for the newest episodes!

laure fitz

What can I say? Real conversations, real vulnerability, real transparency. If you’re searching, learning and growing, this podcast and show is a great guide and companion. And hearing my faves on this show share more of themselves has been a real treat. Love that this is in podcast form.


Stacy’s ability to connect with her guests and creating a safe space for them to tell their stories is so special. Her passion and purpose are clear as day in the work she does. This isn’t your ordinary podcast by any means.

Khaila Ariel
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