In this episode, actor and author Marchánt Davis gets human to human about self forgiveness, learning to balance the uncertainties that come with our careers, and his first children's book - The Boy and His Mirror. A tribute to all the women who loved him into being, tune in as Marchánt shares more about the inspiration behind his first book, how he is consistently negotiating what forgiveness looks like for himself, and why he always likes to stay curious.
Has Marchánt Davis “made it”?
Marchánt’s evolving negotiation with forgiveness
Learning to say no and honoring your boundaries
We are infinite beings in an infinite universe
What inspired The Boy and His Mirror?
Navigating the fear of not knowing what’s next
“I guess I'm just constantly forgiving myself in knowing that I am an imperfect being.” - Marchánt Davis
Marchánt Davis
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Stacy’s ability to connect with her guests and creating a safe space for them to tell their stories is so special. Her passion and purpose are clear as day in the work she does. This isn’t your ordinary podcast by any means.
Stacy is ICONIC and a true pro. I feel soooooo lucky to call her a friend and this podcast is EVERYTHING I needed and more. These guests are BOMB wow. Subscribe NOW.
Every episode is so amazing. You always hit it on the nail. I always look forward to your episodes ! Great job !
Love hearing conversations with Stacy. It’s like I’m in the room with her and her every guest. Community. Curiosity. Connection.
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