There are so many books, videos, podcasts, and all these things that talk about romantic relationships, how to find a partner, how to make it last…but what about all our other relationships? Our sisters, girlfriends, and non-romantic relationships that have played such a large part in our lives?
In this episode, licensed psychologist, author, and creator/host of Therapy for Black Girls, Dr. Joy Harden Bradford gets human to human about giving language to Black sisterhood, the healing power of friendship, and continuously pursuing well-being in the midst of achieving.
So don’t miss this episode for every “girl’s girl” and sister trying to find her tribe, and start writing your new story with Dr. Joy Harden Bradford.
This episode is empowered by All Ways Black and Penguin Random House. Check out @allwaysblack on Instagram for your next amazing read!
How Harden confronted perfectionism while writing her first book
The importance of intentional communication in friendships
When is it time to listen versus problem- solve?
Asking the therapist: How are YOU doing?
The power of community and group therapy
Shifting away from romantic partners being our everything
Tips to finding the right therapist for you
“We have shifted our romantic partner to being everything for us. They don't need to be our best friend and work-out partner and all of these things. No one person can fill all of those roles. So we really need to be making sure that we are spreading all of that out and being intentional about building multiple different relationships in our lives.”
Dr. Joy Harden Bradford
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Book: Sisterhood Heals
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Very excited about the guests chosen for these conversations. Can’t wait to dive in every week!
A great podcast that facilitates vulnerable conversations. Topics are real and so relatable! Love the guest Stacy has on the show. Definitely a must listen!
Stacy has a way of bringing out each guest’s vulnerable side. I find myself responding to the convo as if I’m there with them. If there’s an episode with a guest I’m unfamiliar with I usually end up wondering why am I just hearing about this person? Looking forward to more inspiration.
What can I say? Real conversations, real vulnerability, real transparency. If you’re searching, learning and growing, this podcast and show is a great guide and companion. And hearing my faves on this show share more of themselves has been a real treat. Love that this is in podcast form.
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