Tristan Mack Wilds On Trading The Grind in for Grace, Facing the Monsters in Our Mind, and The Thing No One Tells You About Fatherhoodhuman2human

Tristan Mack Wilds On Trading The Grind in for Grace, Facing the Monsters in Our Mind, and The Thing No One Tells You About Fatherhood

Grammy nominated artist, actor, husband, and father Tristan Mack Wilds gets human to human in this episode about grind culture and why both he and Stacy decided to unsubscribe.

Tune in as Tristen speaks to leaning into his own divinity, how he is reparenting himself through being a father, and the importance of facing the monsters in our mind in order to create a healthier relationship with our inner voice. A truly inspirational conversation with one of today’s most multi-hyphenated talents, this dialogue is not to be missed.


  • Finding a safe space to be emotional as a Black man
  • What Tristan learned about himself through the lens of his marriage
  • The thing no one tells you about fatherhood
  • Re-parenting himself through being a parent
  • Why Tristan does not subscribe to the grind
  • Learning to balance the wins and the losses


“You got to really start to understand yourself. And to understand yourself, you have to look under the bed of your mind and see where those monsters live, see where those things are that don't feel right and that you shy away from.” - Tristan Mack Wilds

“I don't want to grind. I want to work. I want to create. I want to build.” - Tristan Mack Wilds


Tristan Mack Wilds

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I find myself pausing for a second to answer these questions and I’ve grown through this podcast.


Stacy has a way of bringing out each guest’s vulnerable side. I find myself responding to the convo as if I’m there with them. If there’s an episode with a guest I’m unfamiliar with I usually end up wondering why am I just hearing about this person? Looking forward to more inspiration.


Amazing! Human 2 Human is one of the best podcast out


Stacy has real conversations with some pretty incredible people & you need to check out this podcast immediately!

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