Building Your Circle Of Influence For 2020Rich In Real Life

Building Your Circle Of Influence For 2020

While the finger always points back to you, there is some serious reasons to consider who you surround yourself with when thinking about your success.

"You are the result of the 5 people you surround yourself with" is real. In this episode we chat about the importance of auditing your existing friends, why you may need to transition some of them out, and why it's so important to start building that circle now as we get ready for a bomb 2020!

If you're looking to join me at the Nobb Mobb Gala Friday night you can grab some of the last tickets here:

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Inspiring is an understatement!! Jessica you’re doing such an amazing job! I am so excited to continue feeding from the knowledge you give and how amazing these stories are. It truly demonstrates how we can do anything we set our minds to. Thank you for this! You are helping more lives than you can possibly imagine! Keep going the sky is not even your limit! ♥️

Lovely me🐻
Rich In Real Life

Jessica has great content in her podcast. I’d recommend this to not only women but men as well.

Rich In Real Life

This podcast gets me through my work days!!! I found her by listening to an interview on another podcast and have been hooked ever since. Jessica is real and speaks transparently about real topics while giving EFFECTIVE advise!Keep it up!

LaDonna Shawnell
Rich In Real Life

After listening to Jessica's most recent episode I had to subscribe. I love her authenticity and her straight to the point energy but with real life examples and actionable steps! Absolutely enjoyed it💞

Alicia S Jackson
Rich In Real Life
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