Daria Burke On Recovering Perfectionism, Being a Beginner Again, & The Lies of Imposter Syndromehuman2human

Daria Burke On Recovering Perfectionism, Being a Beginner Again, & The Lies of Imposter Syndrome

When we enter new opportunities or environments, it is assumed that we should know everything. But when did we decide that we have to know everything all the time? And why does not knowing everything make us an imposter?
If you have ever bought into the lie that we must be perfect in every space we inhabit, this episode is for you. Tune in as award-winning business leader, board director, investor, advisor, and writer, Daria Burke, gets human to human about overcompensating as a young Black woman growing up in an unstable environment, why growth takes practice, and her goal to love everything about her life every day.
A conversation that feels like a weekly support group meeting, get ready to feel encouraged and inspired with Stacy and Daria Burke.

What is perfectionism trying to protect you from?
The importance of acknowledging ALL your emotions
Why we need to re-define boundaries in real-time
Do you hold on to burdens as part of your perfectionism?
How to objectively analyze fear
Why true success is about quality of life
Does Daria believe in imposter syndrome?

“Where's the humanity in perfectionism?” - Daria Burke
“It's okay to master things. And it's more important in a lot of ways to have a beginner's mind. And I think, you know, so much of our willingness to begin does start with fear.” - Daria Burke
“I don't believe in impostor syndrome. I just flat-out don't believe in it. I believe that you have mastered something or you're starting something.” - Daria Burke

Daria Burke


IG | instagram.com/dariaburke

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Human2Human  is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)

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I always learn something new. Super enlightening conversations I’m able to take beyond the podcast and discuss further with friends!

Yaz Felice

Stacy is ICONIC and a true pro. I feel soooooo lucky to call her a friend and this podcast is EVERYTHING I needed and more. These guests are BOMB wow. Subscribe NOW.

Alle Pierce

A great podcast that facilitates vulnerable conversations. Topics are real and so relatable! Love the guest Stacy has on the show. Definitely a must listen!


A lovely range of topics that anyone can relate to. Love the range of guests as well! So good!

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