Dealing With COMPARISON And How To Check Ourselves.Rich In Real Life

Dealing With COMPARISON And How To Check Ourselves.

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This is my MUST every Tuesday! Jessica is so honest and motivational. She’s going to question things that will help you understand exactly why your settling or stuck.This is the podcast you need to get out your “stuff” and move on!

HOT sauce SC
Rich In Real Life

I love listening to Jessica! I think I ran across her podcast from someone on my Instagram, best thing I could have done! I can’t wait until January so I can attend the seminar! You have a forever listener from Baton Rouge, LA! Keep going, you are an inspiration ❤️

Jadea D.
Rich In Real Life

I’m a big podcast fan but this one is my essential. So much great content, relatable, and I learn SO much every episode!

Rich In Real Life

Jessica is awesome and I love all the knowledge, kindness, love, and grace she brings. I love her guests and their hearts to help others. I’m so inspired by her and grateful for this podcast and for her help in getting mine started. She’s absolutely amazing!

Rich In Real Life
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