Don Miguel Ruiz Jr On Learning To Communicate and Honoring Personal Commitmentshuman2human

Don Miguel Ruiz Jr On Learning To Communicate and Honoring Personal Commitments

This week’s episode of human2human with Stacy Ike features spiritual teacher and co-author of the Seven Secrets to Healthy, Happy Relationships - Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. Don and Stacy discuss communication in romantic relationships, things to consider before placing blame on our partners, and the importance of honoring personal commitments so our relationships with others can thrive in honesty, love, and freedom.


00:00 - Intro

01:27 - Song of the week

01:34 - Book of the week

01:40 - Reflection Question - Where do you need to build your self-commitment in order to honor the commitments of others?

03:10 - Don explains The Seven Secrets to Healthy, Happy Relationships

05:38 - Don dives into the difference between guilt and remorse

12:10 - Don shares tangible tools on how to genuinely let go

15:58 - Don tells us when we should use the past to make better decisions and when we should just leave it alone

24:44 - Don talks about accepting yourself and not comparing yourself to your illusion

25:25 - Don breaks down the fine line between unconditional love of ourselves and acceptance of ourselves

33:04 - Don shares how you’re able to bring in compromise, unconditional love, and self-commitment all in the same space

38:05 - Don dives into how couples in relationships can start to control each other’s will

46:44 - Don shares the most recent compromise between him and his wife

52:35 - Stacy and Don talk about parenting and their relationships with their parents

55:55 - Don speaks on updating your partner on who you are now

1:02:00 - Honest Gems Segment

What don't they tell us about unconditional love?

What don't they tell us about the one life that all humans share?

What don't they tell us about freedom in relationships?

1:10:40 - Season Question - What's the last thing you forgave yourself for, for the first time?

1:14:32 - ​​Don shares what he has newly learned about himself from his romantic relationship

1:17:00 - Don tells us tools on how we can investigate the stories we tell ourselves before bringing them to our partners

1:20:53 -  Don shares tools about how we can start the journey of rekindling self-commitment

“It’s no longer about understanding women or men, it’s understanding the person that’s in front of you.” [09:30]

“A teacher shared with me ‘Forgiveness is the moment you no longer wish the past was any different.” [12:30]

“Heartbreak is the moment that we realized that the illusion we believed in wasn't the truth.”  [22:54]

“The very first thing that comes when you are debating or arguing with someone, you put your fingers in your ears, metaphorically which simply means ‘I’m no longer listening’ because if I listen, the chance of losing the argument comes up.” [44:45]

“We’ve learned how to not disrespect each other in an argument.” [51:25]

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Executive Producer: Stacy Ike

Producer: Paris McCoy

Associate Producer: Emma Jackson

Theme Music: Pieces by “After The Fall"

Music released by: Chill Out Records

Post Production Audio: The Revolt Podcast Network

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Amazing! Human 2 Human is one of the best podcast out


Stacy Ike is such a wonderful host and always brings the most interesting guests. I love listening to all of the knowledge and free game they share!


What can I say? Real conversations, real vulnerability, real transparency. If you’re searching, learning and growing, this podcast and show is a great guide and companion. And hearing my faves on this show share more of themselves has been a real treat. Love that this is in podcast form.


It’s the black woman hosting these hearing conversations for me 🙌🏽

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