How This Former Pro-Athlete Pulled Himself Out of His Own Stranded Phase With Marcus Watts.Rich In Real Life

How This Former Pro-Athlete Pulled Himself Out of His Own Stranded Phase With Marcus Watts.

Join Jessica today as she gets deep with former pro-athlete, Marcus Watts about a situation that could of ended him physically and mentally from the inside out. Instead of laying down and allowing his life and drastic health change to rule his life, he took matters into his own hands and led himself and his health into a new way of living.

Marcus is also the host of The Vegan Transition podcast, my former fitness coach, and a leader in the "vegan industry." His story about suffering from a surprise pulminary embolism and doing everything after that doctors said he couldn't and wouldn't will truly have you thinking twice about your excuses!

Go follow him and his journey: @thewattsguy

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One of the highlights of my week is to hear from Jessica’s transparent insights into personal development! She keeps it fun and drops so many gems in terms of shifting your mindset and unlocking your greatest potential!! I’ve learned so much and I’m so grateful for The Stranded Podcast! ❤️

Christine Frego
Rich In Real Life

I absolutely love this podcast. I’ve only been listening for about 2 weeks but I’m hooked. The messages are always engaging. Jessica doesn’t fill up her talk time with a bunch of fluff and the content is always relatable. It’s amazing how authentic she is. The Stranded is definitely a MUST listen.

Rich In Real Life

Great podcast highly recommended!!! Jessica will change your whole life!!!

Meek cruz
Rich In Real Life

I was recommended to listen to this podcast by a friend and I was very pleased I sure will be listening again!!!

Rich In Real Life
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