Kier Gains On Letting Go of Expectations in Relationships and Falling in Love With the Gray Areahuman2human

Kier Gains On Letting Go of Expectations in Relationships and Falling in Love With the Gray Area

On this episode of human2human with Stacy Ike, Stacy talks with licensed therapist, father, husband and thought leader, Kier Gaines! Take a deep dive with them into how relationships of all kinds can heal and grow within a society that often encourages expectations over reality, the importance of listening between Black men and women, and the fear that surrounds cancel culture.

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Such great insight. I love conversations like this. Great heart opener. ❤️✨


Love hearing conversations with Stacy. It’s like I’m in the room with her and her every guest. Community. Curiosity. Connection.


What can I say? Real conversations, real vulnerability, real transparency. If you’re searching, learning and growing, this podcast and show is a great guide and companion. And hearing my faves on this show share more of themselves has been a real treat. Love that this is in podcast form.


A beautiful podcast with deep insights. Had me listening in the car and questioning everything! A must listen.

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