Making History and The Importance of Trusting Your Gut With Rontel BatieRich In Real Life

Making History and The Importance of Trusting Your Gut With Rontel Batie

In this first episode of the Stranded podcast we have a special guest. Raised by a single mother after losing his father to violence, Rontel Batie, at 29 is making history. Rontel is currently the youngest black male to run for U.S. Congress, Florida's 5th District, since 1871.

Join us while we discuss his uphill battle overcoming adversity, why working since he was 12 is the reason for his drive and how he knew from an early age he would be in an important role.

You will also hear why he believes educated millennials will be the poorest person in the country soon and the importance of listening to your gut even when it doesn't make sense.

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The Stranded Podcast was recommended to me by a friend & I’m so glad! Jessica is so candid and her podcast inspires me to be better.

Rich In Real Life

This was great!

I’ve personally been in this same space before after 8 years and choosing to walk away from it all for many of the same reasons. One of the hardest things to do but I knew it was ultimately best for me and for him as well. ❤️ Your soul knows best when you listen to it outside of your heart & mind.

Rich In Real Life

I loved this last episode!! I’m sure there are many people listening who struggled with having a relationship with God, or don’t know where to start or think they have to be perfect to come to him.. but really God wants us in all our mess! Trust! I’ve been there growing up in church it’s a struggle! but having God in my life is better then going without him I’ve tried it my way and it never works! God always give us what we want so we can truly see it wasn’t what we REALLY wanted! As I’m listening I’m like where is my Hillary! Or am I her? Lol Having a sister in Christ to go to things with or discuss is probably the most encouraging thing to have! But at times God will have us in seasons as he did David in the Bible where he encouraged himself to get through! Keep going up J! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

Rich In Real Life

Great podcasts!I encourage you to listen to her podcasts from the beginning and enjoy the journey with her.From voicing her own doubts, fears and insecurities to her journey to overcome them.She compels her audience to feel every emotion.Her podcasts are full of interesting topics and insightful guests and never disappoints.Listen to just one episode and you’ll be hooked.Enjoy!

Rich In Real Life
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