Marketing Done Wrong with Yainis BurgosRich In Real Life

Marketing Done Wrong with Yainis Burgos

In this episode, Jess welcomes her close friend and marketing guru, Yainis Burgos. Sharing her journey from equating her worth with how hard and humble she could work to healing generational curses and believing she could make more, tune in as Yainis tells her story of going all in and hitting six figures.

And as a marketing strategist, she also leaves fellow entrepreneurs a few marketing gems to optimize resources, increase sales, and get that competitive edge. From identifying gaps in your marketing to understanding that every platform serves a specific messaging purpose, don’t miss her incredible tips and how she changed the narrative.


  • Yainis Burgos journey breaking through her own limiting barriers
  • Going all-in on her zone of genius and hitting six figures
  • What are the different legs of marketing?
  • How Yainis identifies marketing gaps and finds their best solutions
  • Know where your audience is, and meet them where they are
  • Why your business is too important to rely on one app


“My spiritual journey and my career journey really kind of married in this one streamline approach. And over the next three years, as I went to a therapist, as I went to church, as I went to hypnosis, and started working on those things, I also increased my salary by almost 200%.”

“You have to meet your audience, wherever they are. And I think that's also where people make a mistake. And the frustration comes because you are so set on thinking that your audience is on Instagram and they're actually on YouTube.”


Learn more about Yainis Burgos and book a free 10 minute consultation via social media!

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I have literally listened to several of Jessica’s podcasts over and over again, specifically “I Have Changed”. I literally felt like I was in a church of truth 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 Hands down one of my favorite Podcasters EVER!!!!!!

Randi @kasandklostyle
Rich In Real Life

After listening to Jessica's most recent episode I had to subscribe. I love her authenticity and her straight to the point energy but with real life examples and actionable steps! Absolutely enjoyed it💞

Alicia S Jackson
Rich In Real Life

SERIOUSLY!! the perfect word and definition to describe this podcast; it is so eye opening, inspiring, motivating how could you not admire these women and their journeys? To inspire with just your voice is a talent in itself it’s something that is not taught but gifted to certain people who can change your mindset with just speaking at least in my opinion. One of my favorite quotes is ....You can have anything you want if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.” - Abraham LincolnThat’s all I could think of listening to this. 💜🙏🏻 thank you for sharing your stories. 🙏🏻

Rich In Real Life

I love how after listening to these episodes it gets me to reflect on myself more and more. I love how raw Jessica is and what I’m feeling others have experienced. It makes me feel that I’m not alone. I absolutely loved this Episode 4 Reasons Why You Might Be Blocking Your Blessings. It’s funny because I was conversing with my BF and telling him how stuck I feel and than I seen that she posted this Episode. Talk about Devine timing :). I know what my goals are and my dreams but I’m stuck in this “How” phase and I keep harping on it. Harping on it isn’t going to help me any I just have to move and it’ll all come together eventually. I really felt this Episode was for me and gave me clarity. Now it’s time for me to take Action. ❤️

Rich In Real Life
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