Outwitting Success With Jess And Chris Bruce (car-ride edition)Rich In Real Life

Outwitting Success With Jess And Chris Bruce (car-ride edition)

Everybody wants success in 2020 but very few are talking about the dark side? While we don't want to turn you away, everything most people desire has a dark side.

You can chase all the things but we are here to tell you now that if you are doing the mental work, practicing gratitude, and being present in the moments that matter, this is probably the happiest youll ever be. Everything else is just a bonus!

With the heightened awareness so many wealthy entertainers taking their life, this is a conversation people need to start having and prioritize some of this self-care while they're journeying towards success, not after they get there.

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I don’t even listen to podcasts, but this here is the bomb .com, blue ray CD Ram, for your girl and you Mom, kwanza Ramadan, lakemsalam, lotion in your palm, and some lip balm.Basically, it’s really good!

Thoughtful George Reviews
Rich In Real Life

It is so amazing to hear the growth that you had over the years and are now using this platform to help encourage others! These are topics that everyone can learn from. So excited to hear more and keep up the amazing work!

Dreia J
Rich In Real Life

BEST podcast ever! My Tuesday go-to! Her 15 min fridays are all the motivation you need!!

Rich In Real Life

I appreciate Jessica and her guests’ candor throughout this series. I really enjoyed the Fifteen Minute Friday and episode with Women in Radio founder, Meagan. Thank you for sharing each week! If you’re stepping out on faith to do anything biz, personal or otherwise, I highly recommend you listen!

Rich In Real Life
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