Taking the Leap of Faith and Making your Passion Project Your Cash Machine with Erin PorterRich In Real Life

Taking the Leap of Faith and Making your Passion Project Your Cash Machine with Erin Porter

Before you consider getting yet another certification or paying thousands for that Masters degree you've been considering, check out this episode with Health and Fitness guru and online business coach, Erin Porter.

We have a tough conversation about both of us obtaining Masters Degrees thinking that's what we need to be respected and successful but eventually wanting more and starting our own online businesses.

Erin brings truth to the journey of quitting a cushy job with a great salary and benefits to taking the leap of faith to start her own online business. She even brings up a great point that the, "rip the bandaid off" method if the only way to dive in. In this interview Erin makes explains to us that as long as you have a passion and a drive for something and a few people that love your work, you too can create something significant online.

As a fitness coach Erin also gives us tips on how stress levels and self care are key ingredients to a healthy lifestyle. For people like myself with a busy lifestyle, she also breaks down "Intermittent fasting" and how it could help busy women on the go.

So if your looking for ways to stay healthy on the go or have been heavily considering making that leap into your own business, this is a great episode for you!

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There is so much value on this podcast! Jessica shows up and brings it on every episode. You can literally learn from this podcast and if you ever have the opportunity to go to one of her events you should totally show up because it is the best thing you will ever do for yourself!

Emily Powerlifting
Rich In Real Life

I absolutely love this podcast. I’ve only been listening for about 2 weeks but I’m hooked. The messages are always engaging. Jessica doesn’t fill up her talk time with a bunch of fluff and the content is always relatable. It’s amazing how authentic she is. The Stranded is definitely a MUST listen.

Rich In Real Life

There is so much value on this podcast! Jessica shows up and brings it on every episode. You can literally learn from this podcast and if you ever have the opportunity to go to one of her events you should totally show up because it is the best thing you will ever do for yourself!

Emily Powerlifting
Rich In Real Life

I want to say your podcast is SO AMAZING. Today’s episode (1/10/2020) is so me because I’m so scared to fail that I’m not doing anything in my business because Im paralyze on the HOW. I really wish I could attend your event but I’ll be out of town. Hopefully there will be another event this year. Just want to say thank you.

Lisa Tampa
Rich In Real Life
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